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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Because they are ra peepul, and are so fucking thick they still don't get it.And if anyone doesn't like it they will send Miss Ibrox 2003 to your door

Enough is enough! Mid-day watershed for that image! :D:green

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Maybe fan power has changed the outlook at Firhill. Bit of a meltdown on our fans site yesterday with about 95% of the posters saying they were finished with Thistle if we voted to allow NEWCO back into the 2nd tier. It prompted another response from the club last night (or maybe it was my text getting put to Jackie Mac on OTB yesterday..lol) that sits a lot more easily with our fans. Still a bit to go, but at least the club are acknowledging the outrage our chairmans comments has caused amongst our support


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Total fantasy, SKY cannot dictate how the rules will be applied.

I suspect the hand of Murdoch behind this Sevco to Division one nonsense, particularly the blatant bribe about showing all Sevco away games. Current TV deal expires at end of next season so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if SKY have told SPL their re-negotiation involves getting four bigot fests back on the fixture list by then or they walk away.

AUFC and SFL have been tellt this morning that anything other than Sevco being considered on their merits along with any other interested parties for entry to SFL 3 would be unacceptable.

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Maybe fan power has changed the outlook at Firhill. Bit of a meltdown on our fans site yesterday with about 95% of the posters saying they were finished with Thistle if we voted to allow NEWCO back into the 2nd tier. It prompted another response from the club last night (or maybe it was my text getting put to Jackie Mac on OTB yesterday..lol) that sits a lot more easily with our fans. Still a bit to go, but at least the club are acknowledging the outrage our chairmans comments has caused amongst our support


That reply is buttering you up for them buttering up. Was that Last Tango in Paris?

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Stolen from OrcTalk, Richard Gough says he would walk if he was in the position of McCabe etc...


Published: 23rd June 2012

RHYS McCABE may have just opened the floodgates for Rangers.

ALLY McCOIST blasted his walkaway stars last night as he faced up to a Gers exodus from the club:

The young midfielder has now been joined by Sone Aluko and Kyle Lafferty in not wanting to have his contract transferred to the Rangers newco.

I am not surprised we have now got players breaking ranks — and I don’t blame them at all.

They were led up the garden path when they took a 75 per cent wage cut as the club staggered from administration towards liquidation.

The players thought if they took the cut they would be safe. Look how that turned out.

Now the players have no idea which division Rangers will even be playing in.

Is it going to be in the SPL, the First Division or the Third Division? We just don’t know.

One thing looks pretty clear, the SPL clubs won’t vote us in.

Many of the players won’t fancy playing in a lower league.

When I came up to Rangers from England, the attraction was playing European football every year.

How are you going to improve as a player if you are not going to be playing in Europe for three years and starting in the Third Division?

Someone like McCabe has got a bright future in the game and playing in the Third Division for a year is not going to help his game.

If PFA Scotland are saying they can leave for free because once there is a newco then the contract doesn’t automatically get transferred over, then I would imagine they are right, so now I expect a domino-effect and that players who can leave will do so!

They will get good contracts with the vultures down south in the Premiership and in the Championship waiting to swoop.

So why would guys like Allan McGregor and Steven Davis stay and play in the Scottish Third Division when they could easily go and play for a club like Wigan.

If I was there, I know where I would be playing, no matter how much affection I have for Glasgow Rangers.

I also saw Ally McCoist’s statement on the situation.

He is frustrated and puffing out his chest when he says some may be using the changeover as an excuse to leave and not to insult fans by later trying to sugar-coat their departure. He is right that the players have to come forward and be honest, but I imagine he will be expecting the worst.

It was fantastic the players took a huge wage cut and if they have the opportunity to walk out with a free transfer, then I think they will take that opportunity.

I am not sure how many of the players will leave though.

If Rangers do find themselves in the Third Division, then I am sure it will be a lot.

Ally also had a go at agents touting his players, but they come with the territory. That is football. I never had an agent but every player now has one.

Ally knows that and they are just doing their job — but it still must be a difficult thing for him to deal with.

In truth, though, the club should never have been allowed to get into this situation and, for that reason, I don’t think the fans will blame the players if they do leave.

Players need to make a living and if you can earn £20,000 a week somewhere else, then you have to look after your family.

If you are looking for a positive, it is a great chance to build a young Rangers team with a couple of veterans in it.

Lee McCulloch has said he would stay even if they were in the Third Division.

While I admire that, I just wonder that if, for argument’s sake he was offered £30,000 a week at Wigan or wherever, what he would do.

It is a short career and as a player you have got to milk that cow until it is dry.

It is a shame what is happening to my old club but they have now got to take the punishment, whatever it is.

If it is starting in the Third Division, so be it.

Rangers just need to suck up what the other clubs vote for — and it looks ever more likely they will vote no to an SPL place.

I think everyone has had enough now and we need to move on.

If clubs are going to demand we go down — and their supporters want us to go down — then we have to take it.

I think it is short sighted myself and that it will damage Scottish football.

But I’m sure Rangers would quickly shoot through the divisions and come back up to the SPL a lot stronger.

However, it is one big mess and to add to it, the fans are not buying season tickets right now.

I feel that there will be a lot more twists and turns to come before it is all settled.

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After taking a second to think about newco/1st division logically, the story is utter shite. They either need voted into the SPL and then demoted, which they won't. Or they need a change in SFL rules needing 23 out of the 30 teams to agree. Seeing as they'd be fucking over 30/30 teams I doubt it. As for SKY, bullshit! I can't remember a single proper quote from Sky throughout this.

Can people please stop posting daily record stories.

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Here's my take on the likely proposal we will be faced with in coming days:

The SFL will 're-structure' in some way in order to allow newco into the division immediately below the SPL. In addition to the automatic promotion place there will be a play-off to the SPL. As part of this agreed re-structure the SFL will have some access to TV money. There will be trickle down incentives offered to the lower leagues.*

The SPL will agree to the additional play-off spot.**

Immediately, or in time for next season, both leagues will restructure under one league system, just as the SFA have said they wanted.

All this will be done to accommodate the tax dodgers and fans will see through it for what it is.

*. This will need three-quaThomson rters of the SFL clubs to agree. Will they get it?

**. If Steven agrees to this this will be sufficient for me to ask for my ST money to be refunded as it is not the basis upon which I bought my tickets.

Thomson said he would vote NO to Newco because he could not ignore what the fans wanted. This was reported the same day that the Dundee Evening Telegraph reported that in a poll of almost 1,500 fans, the largest group of which were Arabs, 95% said newco should start in Division Three.

Posted this yesterday in the 1st Divison forum. Figures were obtained from a director at s SFL club. They have doubled the financial offer over last 3 days. It would be a one off payment. ................

This. As things stand I will not be back to a game in Scotland. Last season my firm took hospitality at a number of SPL and SFL games. Over the last few months we have advised Aberdeen, St Mirren and Motherwell that we would not take hospitality if they voted Rangers back into the SPL. We are now contacting Falkirk, Partick and Clyde and advising them the same.

This is a chance for supporters to take control of our game back. If Rangers get in the 1st Division nothing will change. 12 months from now they will be in the SPL and Scottish Football will be all the poorer as supporters turn their backs on the game. The product in Scotland has been poor for over a decade, loyalty is all that has kept most of us attending. Clubs are about to learn loyalty is a two way street.

Sadly I am 80% certain that the clubs will take the money and tell us its for the benefit of the game. The figures I have heard are £30k for 3rd Division, £45k for 2nd Division and £65k for 1st Division clubs. Yes that is how cheap our clubs are

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Leggo's gone loco today.

Who the hell does he think David, Paul, Murray, Malcolm Murray is? He's the chairman,so what? Doesn't Leggy realise that Murray is Sooty to Green's Harry Corbett who has his hand firmly stuck up Sooty's ârse? There's as much chance of Murray sacking Green as Soo giving Sweep a blow job.

PS. Shouldn't the fraud squad be doing some research into The? There are far too many Murrays hanging around for this to be kosher. :unsure:

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Stolen from OrcTalk, Richard Gough says he would walk if he was in the position of McCabe etc...

Two thoughts on that. 1. Why do the tabloids keep getting these former players to talk about things they plainly have no clue about. And 2. Anyone who wouldn't walk away in these circumstances needs their head examined.

Oh, and an extra thought. Are Wigan likely to offer Lee McCulloch thirty grand a week? And Richard Gough never had an agent, but he certainly had a solicitor. And another though, that's a bloody awful piece of ghost writing.

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Leggo's gone loco today.

Who the hell does he think David, Paul, Murray, Malcolm Murray is? He's the chairman,so what? Doesn't Leggy realise that Murray is Sooty to Green's Harry Corbett who has his hand firmly stuck up Sooty's ârse? There's as much chance of Murray sacking Green as Soo giving Sweep a blow job.

PS. Shouldn't the fraud squad be doing some research into The? There are far too many Murrays hanging around for this to be kosher. :unsure:

Yes, a fundamental misunderstanding of how business hierarchies work on the part of Leggo there. Yes, the Chairman should sack the Owner. That's exactly right, Leggo, good plan. I notice that somebody's told him that alcohol fueled diatribes do not count as Exclusives.

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Rangers in the 1st division? Fucking get to f**k!!! What a farce, a complete joke. Utter wanks that run our game. I would love to see somebody plant a brick in Dongcasters smug arsewipe of a face. The thought of the manky hoardes of orcs at Starks Park sickens me. No doubt singing from their infamous song book, the tax avoiding cheeting c***s. I really want to make them most unwelcome but I fear there is nothing I can do but vent my spleen. I am angry about this but I am seriously dissapointed. Who the f**k is this just punishment, the b*****ds should be out the game never to darken our door again. Fuckers... wankers... knobends...

Shall I put you down for a "No", then?

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Don't know if this has been mentioned as I'm struggling to keep up. If sky are willing to go without OF matches for one season and newco are put in the first to accommodate this. Does this mean sky will insist newco win the league? What if newco struggle?

As Rangers are now bust, SKY can not dictate they need 4 OF games at all... wink.gif I thought rangers went into Admin, and now are to be Liquidated. Trying to struggle with this one, so bare with me a moment....

liq·ui·dat·ed, liq·ui·dat·ing, liq·ui·dates

v.tr.1.a. To pay off (a debt, a claim, or an obligation); settle. OH here we go, HAVE RANGERS SETTLED ANY TAX? CREDITOR ???

ohmy.gif Think i missed that newsb. To settle the affairs of (a business firm, for example) by determining the liabilities and applying the assets to their discharge. Again here, have rangers settled any affairs? 2. To convert (assets) into cash. What Mr Green might just do, in the courtyard with the Pen...3. To put an end to; abolish.4. To put to death; kill. Now if Rangers are now dead, and do not exist then i am more than confused


Now if Rangers are STILL RANGERS and JUST COMMITTED THE BIGGEST TAX FRAUD EVER AND GOT AWAY WITH IT WHAT is to say anyone of us and any other company would never ever need to pay 1p towards TAX or PAYEE EVER

NOW can Aberdeen do this, just wake up and liquidate the club keep all the assests and not pay the outstanding debt ohmy.gif we have all being doing this wrong? The whole of scottish football can now do this, imagine every single club in the SFL&SPL doing a Rangers.. Then all apply for the SPL, after all Rangers need teams to play for SKY


corrupt [kəˈrʌpt]

adj1. lacking in integrity; open to or involving bribery or other dishonest practices a corrupt official corrupt practices in an election SFA????2. morally depraved SFA AGAIN3. putrid or rotten <<< WELL THERE'S RANGERS FANS RIGHT THERE4. contaminated; unclean <<< WELL THERE'S RANGERS FANS RIGHT THERE

See where i am going with this? Sorry for rant but fuvking raging again today..


For all the Aberdeen Fans, wake up to our tune ! :Dtongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

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Two thoughts on that. 1. Why do the tabloids keep getting these former players to talk about things they plainly have no clue about. And 2. Anyone who wouldn't walk away in these circumstances needs their head examined.

Oh, and an extra thought. Are Wigan likely to offer Lee McCulloch thirty grand a week? And Richard Gough never had an agent, but he certainly had a solicitor. And another though, that's a bloody awful piece of ghost writing.

Poorly written it is but the outrage it has sparked in Orcville is fanfeckintastic :D

John brown!..now it's Richard Gough.. These guys are weeding themselves out and we took it they were Rangers legends!...when they were only in it for the money!..."we are where we are".I'd have Ally or Lee or Nacho any day!

Aye, well said Richard, and thanks very much for your support NOT, your attitude stinks, and to think we respected you as one of the Rangers greats, well i don't anymore, you are just all me, me and fucking more me, big jig is a REAL RANGERS man, you're just a greedy c**t, now f**k off!!

gough can f**k off!another who bows to his papish paymaster

Gough is not a legend he is a bellend, f**k off Gough you w****r how dare you turn on us like that, we will remember ya fuckin dick

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