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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is typical actually - mfc release a letter trying to let the fans know the facts with a pretty detailed run down of projected losses from both a yes and a no vote.

These facts don't fit the facts fans want to hear so it's called nonsense and the board are accused of manipulation.

Somehow fans of other clubs have more information about the state of motherwell finances than the people who run the club.

How can one(potentially two) visit(s) from Rangers be worth £900k ?

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The whole thing is very simple.

It's our choice.

Go to matches or don't go.

If enough don't go, then the game fails and there will be no football.

What the heid yins are failing to see is that in a crap, recessionary economy, it is very easy to walk away.

If my home budget this month stays the same over the coming months I may have to walk away regardless of integrity or what ever they basTURDs get up to.

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Why in fûck's name does all the gloom and doom come from so-called Motherwell supporters? Firstly there was that total wânker T_S_A_R and now we have cvnts like madwullie and Well Well stirring up the shyte. Why don't you bastarts go back to RM or FF where you belong or are you just feeling bad because Craig Whyte is a fvcking Welly? :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Get a grip...I have never ever backed SEVCO or their fans so f**k right off ya self righteous p***k

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Pyramid system my arse! Unless the Juniors, EoS, Highland, SoS, and Amateur leagues and beyond are all joining in and combining it aint a pyramid system, it is just another rung on the ladder.

As for those touting me for a no, put it this way, it's a definite maybe.

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No, because they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. A boycott by Rangers or Celtic Fans. They wanted to keep the status quo as it meant the money wa the same and they only had one boycott by Celtic fans to worry about. However the feeling from the fans left them in a no win situation. They abdicated their responsibility because they knew a yes vote would have meant the collapse of their own safety net in the Well society. They could then turn round and blame the fans when administration occurred. I can't believe Motherwell fans can't see through this.

Motherwell fans will vote NO I have no doubts there but to say they would have voted YES themselves if they wanted is absolute pish. The groundswell from fans put a huge spanner in them making that decision, they would have had to resign en masse as the fans would have been in an uproar with massive fall in season tickets and as I said the collapse of the Well society. They have done a pontius pilate and the Well fans have fell for it.

Sorry mate but this is hysterical nonsense.

All teams are in a no win situation. All teams are going to be getting less money next season than they thought they were.

We're giving our fans a chance to decide. A lot of them won't even read the figures before firing a cross in the no box.

Our board should be lauded for this not criticised

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Fairly appalling remarks coming from Green and McCoist regarding players opting out of their contract transfers. Green's is just plain stupid, but McCoist's are a little more sinister and designed to emotionally blackmail the players and whip up fan rage against them. He would have hoped players would consult or be more open ? What right has he to make statements like that ? Particularly when any current Rangers player really only has one logical move to make and that's get out and continue their careers with clubs that can at least afford to pay them and stay in business.

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Why in fûck's name does all the gloom and doom come from so-called Motherwell supporters? Firstly there was that total wânker T_S_A_R and now we have cvnts like madwullie and Well Well stirring up the shyte. Why don't you bastarts go back to RM or FF where you belong or are you just feeling bad because Craig Whyte is a fvcking Welly? :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

"TARRIER" type post on RM when someone says something you don't like imo

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Scottish football chiefs agree on deal to take Rangers newco into First Division.

Appalling journalism from the Sunday Mail today.

My link

That's just the big boys yapping. They have to get the clubs on board.

I still say Sevco can't field a team for 2012/2013.

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Fairly appalling remarks coming from Green and McCoist regarding players opting out of their contract transfers. Green's is just plain stupid, but McCoist's are a little more sinister and designed to emotionally blackmail the players and whip up fan rage against them. He would have hoped players would consult or be more open ? What right has he to make statements like that ? Particularly when any current Rangers player really only has one logical move to make and that's get out and continue their careers with clubs that can at least afford to pay them and stay in business.

Consult with who?

Sally has been away working on increasing his belt size!

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If Sevco fifty eighty-eight are, as it kind of expected, in the 1st or equivalent next season and utter garbage I will laugh heartedly as we give them a dooing. Fat chance of me going to Snake Mountain though.... ach never going to happen. I'll just have to seeth as we get handed a lesson from those who yearn for the ideals of the 17th century.

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Point I was making is that the Conference is mainly full-time. The numbers of course vary from year to year but a few years back it was 20/24 that were full time. Unless there's been a severe shift, it's not been 50/50 since the early 1990s.

To be honest mate, I am not sure either now. I follow Gateshead a fair bit and when they got promoted into the conference a few years back they were one of 8 clubs I think who were part time. They went full time at the start of last season. I suspect with the new additions from the North and South, the mix may still be about 16 full time and 8 part time. Its a constantly changing picture, but what I will say is, that league must now be one of the most competitive in the British Isles. Loads of ex league clubs and some clubs with sugar daddy's (including Gateshead), all desperately chasing entry to the 92 through 2 slots. Its cut-throat. At least with Crawley and Fleetwood making the step up in the last two seasons it might settle down a bit.

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Fairly appalling remarks coming from Green and McCoist regarding players opting out of their contract transfers. Green's is just plain stupid, but McCoist's are a little more sinister and designed to emotionally blackmail the players and whip up fan rage against them. He would have hoped players would consult or be more open ? What right has he to make statements like that ? Particularly when any current Rangers player really only has one logical move to make and that's get out and continue their careers with clubs that can at least afford to pay them and stay in business.

I think your doing him a disservice there......its mock ignorance to keep/get the fans on board just like the mock outrage at the CVA being thrown out by the HMRC.........one look at their website tells you they don't do deals with non compliant companies. Was all about appearing to do his best to save Rangers 1873 FC in the eyes of the fans.

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That's just the big boys yapping. They have to get the clubs on board.

I still say Sevco can't field a team for 2012/2013.

Im starting to think that way too, although IF they do manage to scrape together a team AND the marx brothers(regan,longmuir and cockwomble) manage to con there way to getting rankers mk2 into the 1st,then I will be doing what fat sally wont do.....walking away from scottish professional football sad.gif

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That's just the big boys yapping. They have to get the clubs on board.

I still say Sevco can't field a team for 2012/2013.

Question........ If newcorpse don't field a team, as long as they filed a/c's it would still count as 1 of the 3 years wouldn't it?

Oh, and as my RM a/c has never been validated :angry: , can someone please start the 'Harry Kewel is coming back to UK and would play for nowt' type thread...

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I wasnt having a go at all. I am sure most Airdrie fans while being aware of the difference still look back on Airdrieonians history as their history. My point was that a football club is really something beyond the legal entity that runs it. And I am aware of the history. The irony is that you were allowed back in but not at the lowest level - something that Rangers might do and are being criticised for.

I will give you the fact we still look back on our old history,i know we would love to go back to being the old club.sadly,that will never happen,and we have just accepted that it is get behind the new team or we have nothing at all..As i said,not our proudest moment buying out another club.So looking back and actually trying to continue as Sevco want to is 2 different things entirely.

As i said previous,we WERE NOT allowed back in,we lost the vote to Gretna...which is what should happen with sevco,they should not just be allowed to stroll back in as if it's ok to do so.Another already long established club should get this place,they did it with us and Gretna,so why are Sevco any different.

If they chose to do what we did and buy another club,well that is an entirely different thing to being allowed back in.They take over that club,basically kill it's history there and then,and rename them allowing them to continue as the new team.Yes i know we did that,but it isn't right....but if this is the road that is chosen for them,we may just have to accept it.

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Sorry mate but this is hysterical nonsense.

All teams are in a no win situation. All teams are going to be getting less money next season than they thought they were.

We're giving our fans a chance to decide. A lot of them won't even read the figures before firing a cross in the no box.

Our board should be lauded for this not criticised

You knw, I hope to god you are right and I will be happy to get a good slagging for 'hysterical nonsense' when this plays out so I will not let my blood pressure get any higher. As for the figures, truly shocking and makes me wonder why we have no one on the board making inroads on the commercial side (or if we have sack them, they are doing a terrible job) as we can't survive on those figures year in year out and still put a side capable of performing in the SPL at the same time.

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but we knew from the start he was a Rangers man, I feel totally insulted and tainted to be even be linked to them....tongue.gif

How do you think I feel ?

Part time Proddy, Diet ***, *** without the bus fare........heard them all & I actually even want Hibs to beat either of the OF when they play them!

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