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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If 4,000 Rangers fans were to turn up twice a season, Kilmarnock would need to charge them £112.50 each.

If tickets are actually £40 then Rangers would need to take 11,250 fans to Kilmarnock twice.

If Tickets are actually £25 then Rangers would need to take 18,000 fans to Kilmarnock twice.

In addition, 20% of the ticket price to any football match is VAT, so for Kilmarnock to lose £900,000 they would actually need to sell £1,125,000 worth of tickets, making all the above examples even more extreme. I do not know how much Kilmarnock charge at the gate for an Old Firm game. Over to you guys?

Sounds like a plan.

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Scottish football chiefs agree on deal to take Rangers newco into First Division.

Appalling journalism from the Sunday Mail today.

My link

If you take that article at face value, they are only reporting what appears to have been agreed in principle between the three governing bodies. The 'Appalling' part is that agreement, not the journalism.

Seems having almost certainly failed with the SPL vote, the powers that be want to have another go with the SFL clubs. Lets hope that at least 8 of them have a sense of justice.

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Get a life FFS, Like most adults on here If you don't like what I write then don't read my opinions then. if your opinion is different I am happy to hear it, I might disagree with it but doesn't mean I am not entitled to mine. As for the FACTS not you or anyone on here knows the facts until they are played out.

I apologise for my earlier rant to you I should not have lowered myself to your level

Some people need to start thinking about this seriously, some are becoming as deluded as the orcs. The deal is all but done. SEVCO or The Rangers WILL play in the First Division, rules WILL be changed, arms have been twisted, sweeteners and bribes have been delivered. Be under no illusions the guys at the top of the associations and the SPL chairmen care about only one thing MONEY. They couldn't give a toss about their clubs. Most are not even supporters and its a business, nothing else. So wake up people.

Pretty strong words for it just to be an opinion and not stating facts. Isn't that right, T_S_A_R.

You can take the lad out of Ibrox but you can't take Ibrox out of the lad. :D

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According to the paper this morning Rhys McCabe has been receiving loads of death threats on twitter. This is what we are up against with this abomination. Why dont the police get involved here?

That is exactly why they need to keep anything of the former club dead.

I would welcome any non bigot,non Buckfast drinking, non orange walking Ayrshire fans of said dead entity to Rugby Park.

They could cleanse themselves of the past, enjoy excellent food and a team which tries to play open passing football.

And a manger who is the most entertaining and controversial in Scotland.

It's a great place, come on down!

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Indeed. There is fan power at work - and you've seen it in the SPL over the last week. Nobody's going to vote yes for a Newco in an open vote, it would be economic suicide. First division fans need to do the same.

I've used this line a couple of times, so apologies, but if club chairmen are prepared to put the money of Rangers fans ahead of the money of their own season ticket holders and lifelong supporters, then damn them to hell.

Rangers 2 in the first division = the end of Scottish football.

Totally agree SH!! SFL fans must contact their clubs to say NO to NEWCO in Div 1

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Anyone else think it odd that there's been absolutely no mention of what sanctions nuRangers are 'offering' to get a Yes vote ... almost as if they're not trying anymore because they know it won't go to a vote or something ...

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Pretty strong words for it just to be an opinion and not stating facts. Isn't that right, T_S_A_R.

You can take the lad out of Ibrox but you can't take Ibrox out of the lad. :D

blink.gif Does your mum know you are on a computer

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Just can't see this Div 1 for The Rangers being accepted. But why in God's name are the SFA/SPL/SFL changing the rules to suit Rangers? They cannot be allowed to get away with it. It's a national scandal.

Anyway that's just one half of the equation. There has to be a viable Rangers in there to survive as a First Division team. And they'll be a shambles of a club by the end of the week, as their players vanish and their money dries up.

BTW is Off The Ball worth listening to this week?

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The Division 1 scenario isn't within the gift of the SFL to say yay or nay though is it?

Surely it ONLY comes into play if the SPL vote YES to Newco, then relegate them as a punishment. It's actually not up to SFL in this scenario - or am I missing something?

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Pretty strong words for it just to be an opinion and not stating facts. Isn't that right, T_S_A_R.

You can take the lad out of Ibrox but you can't take Ibrox out of the lad. :D

SO why are you not having a go at those posting up re the Sunday Mail article on the 'deal' with the associations to allow Rangers back in..?? Those closet Rangers supporters as well. Also show me one post anywhere where I have shown any support for Rangers/Sevco?? Back up your argument.

Edited by Well Well
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It's all a bit fanciful, this notion that Rangers will be fine and dandy if they merely drop a division.

That would be cutting off a huge % of their revenue stream (most of which has already gone i.e. Europe, major TV deal, OF games). Add that to all the better players leaving for nothing (thus meaning there will need to be some sort of outlay to get them competitive even at a lower level - including absorbing the massive running costs of the club). And the small matter of any further sanctions imposed for prior rule breaking that could make life even tougher for them (and will, it would appear, at least see them expelled from the Cup).

And you lot think these make-a-fast-buck investors will hang around for that? It wouldn't be my cash in their shoes, I'll tell you that.

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Anyone else think it odd that there's been absolutely no mention of what sanctions nuRangers are 'offering' to get a Yes vote ... almost as if they're not trying anymore because they know it won't go to a vote or something ...

There are no sanctions. We should count ourselves lucky that Sevco even want to play in our 2 bit league.

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The Division 1 scenario isn't within the gift of the SFL to say yay or nay though is it?

Surely it ONLY comes into play if the SPL vote YES to Newco, then relegate them as a punishment. It's actually not up to SFL in this scenario - or am I missing something?

That's how I read it.........the BBC Sport Page too:

Rangers: in or out?

  • The company which had run Rangers until 14 June 2012 will shortly be liquidated
  • A new company (newco) has bought Rangers' assets, including Ibrox Stadium
  • The newco wants to replace the old company in the Scottish Premier League
  • An 8-to-4 majority of SPL member clubs, including Rangers, is required for the newco to be admitted
  • If 5 or more clubs vote no, Rangers will need to apply to be admitted to Scottish Football League Division Three

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Why in fûck's name does all the gloom and doom come from so-called Motherwell supporters? Firstly there was that total wânker T_S_A_R and now we have cvnts like madwullie and Well Well stirring up the shyte. Why don't you bastarts go back to RM or FF where you belong or are you just feeling bad because Craig Whyte is a fvcking Welly? :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

Oh Dear, Oh Dear Pal. Probably a driving force for many for a NO vote and the end to SEVCO team is to finally have a chance to step out the dark ages in Scotland and an end to the black and white that your either a Tim or ***.

I won't even defend these Well guys comments, mainly because I haven't read them, but your comment is exactly like you would read on RM. If you post a contradicting comment, its not a negative rep they get its a "f**k off ya tim" and I suppose its the same over the other side of Glasgow. I have never felt the need to visit their forums yet as they are not in meltdown. You wouldn't watch Terry and June when Morecompbe and Wise is on the other channel.

Debate, whether they should stay or go, do it with humour or seriouslness, but us diddy teams should be sticking together to destroy the Death Star. All clubs have good and bad fans, but lets get this ***/TIm shit out of Scotland!

Luckly I have escaped Scotland and consider my religion to be TIGHT John McVeigh is a titS(haha, worked it you b*****ds!) so do not have to suffer all the religion bullshit. Anyway, I think it was heat of the moment comment, just stand with the DIDDY TEAMS.

Either that, seen as I stay in THE MOST catholic country in the world, many miles from Scotland, I may well be a *** without the Airfare .

Now where the tight minges!

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I think that is a very important point.

The First Division is one of the hardest leagues to get out of (presuming they keep the promotion rules the same). Given The Rangers won't have the caliber of players they do at the moment, it is not a foregone conclusion that they will get automatically promoted in one year.

I also think they may have a hard time in the third also.

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(Just trying this to see if it works), John McVeigh is a tit.

Oh! That's what happens. John McVeigh is a tit

Seems there is no such thing as a Tight John McVeigh is a tit in Scotland. Which is shame.

At least i feel I am not the only person suffering froma lack of John McVeigh is a tit on this site. I think a vote and rule change is needed. Get John McVeigh is a tit back onto P&B

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According to the paper this morning Rhys McCabe has been receiving loads of death threats on twitter. This is what we are up against with this abomination. Why dont the police get involved here?

If this is the case, I agree that the police should get involved. The prosecuted some young idiot for encouraging riots on social network sites last summer. Are death threats less important?

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Leggo's gone loco today.

Who the hell does he think David, Paul, Murray, Malcolm Murray is? He's the chairman,so what? Doesn't Leggy realise that Murray is Sooty to Green's Harry Corbett who has his hand firmly stuck up Sooty's ârse? There's as much chance of Murray sacking Green as Soo giving Sweep a blow job.

PS. Shouldn't the fraud squad be doing some research into The? There are far too many Murrays hanging around for this to be kosher. :unsure:

Leggo must have been struggling to reach his required word-count. The amount of times he wrote "Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray" and "chief executive officer Charles Green" was cringeworthy.

Of course maybe he thinks he needs to reiterate names as most of his readers will have a short attention span. After reading that guff, I wish I had....

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