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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes they can but they won't. Things like a pyramid and trying to organise below SFL3 have been talked about for years with little movement, 1 league body is popular in many quarters but the SPL wold never agree to that without these circumstances. If clubs weren't looking out for themselves a second relegation spot would have been brought in with the expansion to 12 teams.

There are a lot of entrenched position that would remain that way. You can look at this either as the leaders as a "parcel of rogues" selling out and undermining the people or you can see it as the "New Deal" where Scottish football has been in a great depression and drastic reforms need to be made to the way the governing bodies interact to make it healthier.

Maybe so, but would they not be better mulling over these proposals for the next 12 months and then deciding if it's the best way forward, rather than looking at them for 12 hours and deciding tomorrow?

What about Sevco I hear you say? What about them? Apply for SFL3 now, or sit outside the SFL structure for 12 months and apply to join next season at whatever the lowest level when this re-construction takes place.

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Is a scenario where Rangers get 'relegated'/otherwise admitted into a lower level (and seperate organisation) going to cause FIFA to take direct action, citing corruption?

It should do considering Rangers no longer exist.So how can you relegate a team that no longer exists,sevco want into the league,and should do as the Airdrie United's and Gretna's did and apply to get into the spl3.

I dont speak alone in saying what the SFA is doing reeks of corruption,if you see it differently well i suppose that is your choice.

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Tbf, no, pay SFL for them.

And once the SFL gets its grubby paws on the £1m where are they going to distribute that to, if at all?

If the SFL clubs do get a benefit from that money will they all get an even share?

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My e mail is off....BOMBARD THEM!!!



Sent. I have included my pishy wee team as well. Hopefully Lachlan Cameron stopps sipping the Pina Coladas long enough to read an email or two.

Totally furious at this.

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I'm suitably outraged by this but have to keep reminding myself of the one major problem with this 'story' - the BBC claim that 'SPL and SFL clubs will vote on this in the coming days' - for the past few days all we have read on the BBC is the list of clubs queueing up to vote a resounding NO. On that basis alone this has absolutely zero legs.

The problem is the financial side to it. Raith have said they refuse to vote a NewCo into division one on the grounds of sporting integrity. However, we're financially crippled and trying to cut back as much as possible. The prospect of a TV deal and changes in the structure is something which many chairmen will see as something which will help them with dropping crowds. Ultimately, the clubs that pander to this will suffer in the long run. Without meaning to sound like a paranoid RFC fan, if the clubs agree to such a plan, then in 3 or 4 years when Rangers are back at the top of the SPL, or thereabouts, and we're stuck in the first division what will we do? I know I certainly will be through with Scottish football if they are installed at first division level and I won't be alone. I'll happily commit my money to other things if it does come to this.

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I think it's bull tbh, but if it's true can we try another form of protest ?...let them into div 1 & then sabotage every 'rangers' away match.

let's say they come to cappielow, after say, 20 mins morton fans walk onto the pitch for a peaceful protest & refuse to leave, game gets abandoned. if the fans of every other club do the same thing when 'rangers' visit then the whole season turns into a farce.

Time to turn diddy power up a notch.

In doing this, it would just mean that Sevco would walk the league at a canter.

I think the time has come for the NO TO NEWCO supporters to take to the streets. Do what Rangers fans did, march to Hampden in our thousands and make our feelings heard loud and clear.

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I don't see an great leap forward here for Scottish Football. Apart from the play off place which would have happened anyway, and the Pyramid thing that a lot of the clubs involved don't want, all we're seemed to be offered is a quick shift around for the blazers, one year of extra cash and then back to the usual. No mention of league expansion. No brave new world. Just an SPL takeover, with the SPL teams making all the decisions, with no SFL to stand up for the diddies. They can keep their crappy bribe and stick it up Cockwomble's arse.

I really don't think it would have. There would be no incentive to it, with Rangers out the game staying in the top division would be crucial to maintain dropping finances for clubs servicing debts. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.

The SFL aren't sure about a pyramid, this is the SFA agenda as I'm sure the SPL don't really think about division 3.

Expansion is tricky 14 needs a worse split than 12, 16 is too few games without a split. No one has put forward a credible plan that solves all the issues. With a single governing body do you think expansion is more or less likely. I personally think it is unlikely in either scenario but more likely with one body.

The deal on the table might not cure all of the games woes but you can at least acknowledge it is a step in the right direction.

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In doing this, it would just mean that Sevco would walk the league at a canter.

I think the time has come for the NO TO NEWCO supporters to take to the streets. Do what Rangers fans did, march to Hampden in our thousands and make our feelings heard loud and clear.

But would they ?...if the matches were never finshed no-one gets the points, like i said the whole season turns into a farce.

The spl/sfl/sfa want to f**k us around, then we do the same back.

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Surely any re-organisation of the league system would require all SPL and SFL teams to vote on it. In which case we still have to make it clear to our clubs that we do not want a re-structuring of our leagues, purely to benefit the newco. We can't accept this constant shifting of the rules. Any newco can only apply for SFL3 as per the existing rules.

I'm actually for a re-structuring but for the correct reasons. By all means let's have serious talks about it but no changes to take place for at least two seasons.

The argument isnt over yet.

Posted the above two days ago. Nothing's changed except that several SFL clubs have already said no to this rule bending. The BBC are reporting old news.

If I understand the SFL/SFA rules correctly, NO team will be considered for admittance to the SFL without (at least) 3 years accounts and any team can only be elected to Division 3 (not Division 1).

So, for Rangers (under whatever name) to be included in the SFL, in any division, would need to be a hasty re-writing of the existing rulebook.

Edited by Laeotaekhun
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My favourite bit is, 'Rangers newco's acceptance into the Scottish FA would only be approved if they accept responsibility for the football debts and fines incurred by the pervious club along with their waiving of rights to a legal challenge.'

Doncaster: Right, the majority of clubs have voted to put you in the First Division. However, there is still a MAJOR twist in the tale. What you have to do now, and this may be an impossible task, is to accept responsibility for your actions.

Rangers FC: What happens if we don't?

Doncaster: You will have to apply for a place in the 3rd Division.

Rangers FC: Oh right, well, yeah, it was all our fault. Sorry.

Doncaster: Wow. That is so brave of you to have owned up. Totally unexpected. Welcome back.

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I think we need to accept that the offer surely won't stand without the Rangers factor.

If Rangers are gone for 3yrs/longer, then SPL clubs face pretty substantial losses, especially if TV deals and naming rights fall... I really don't see SPL clubs offering SFL £1M in cash, promotion-relegation play-offs, increased parachute payments, and greater financial redistributions, out of the kindness of their hearts.

That's no attempt to justify the proposed comprose. It's just realistic. They'll only give something away if getting something back.

But the plans can't be that good if the SFL have to be bribed in order to accept them

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Just asked a club official if we should be outraged or calm. The reply, "I suspect SFL have leaked it to test the water. The clubs know nothing about it. SPL appears to be passing the banana skin to SFL".

So Keep Calm and Carry On Protesting.

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If this goes through, I'll walk away from the senior set up in Scotland.

What other league would cheats be rewarded in this way.

Celtic really need to come out now and make a statement.

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So after 1 season, status quo is resumed. A chance to freshen up Scottish football will have gone if this goes through and apathy along with small crowds will return.

East Fife better vote against this motion or I wont be going back to Bayview anytime soon.

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