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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Dreadful stuff. Who wrote that document? Who approved it?

It looks like something cobbled together in a hurry, the kind of thing posted on this board as a spoof.

It's full of typos and logical or grammatical errors:

1. "Rangers have no where to go". It's 'nowhere', you clots. And there is no 'Rangers' any more, because the did have somewhere to go - the grave.

2. "Takes approximately £16 million out of the game". But that £16M was mostly going to Rangers so the majority of teams aren't much worse off - especially not the SFL clubs that this missive is aimed at.

3. "Commercial partners walk away and seek compensation". Proof? Scare-mongering tactics.

4. "The settlement agreement becomes a major risk", What 'settlement agreement'? What is this?

5. "The sporting opportunity is quashed for other clubs". Not enough info in that bullet point to work out what they mean. If they mean that no Rangers means no chance to beat or be beaten by Rangers, I'd propose that honour would transfer to whichever club takes their place.

6. Section 3, "Rangers to SFL1", is crazy. For example, the first bullet says "Reduces SPL income by approximately 30%" but that applies to every option other than 'Rangers voted into SPL' so why only state it here. It's also nothing to do with the SFL clubs being addressed.

7. More of the same...

Ach, I've lost the will to go any further. The whole document is unstructured and illogical, full of non sequitors and doesn't properly address its target audience. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that it might have been written by someone who wasn't actually part of the SFL set-up. But that couldn't be the case. Could it?

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I feel the same - BUT on point 2 even if East fife get a vote and voted against Sevco FC parachute yet it still happens, I'd unfortunately decline to pay to attend Bayview - not worth it, what's the point anymore?

You might as well pay per view and watch crapola WWF - it's as fake as that when fixed.

Especially when it looks like they are going to promote sevco no matter where they finish in the league.

Would the sevco fans even go?

I would question anyones sanity that would pay money to watch that.

The fitba is fucked.

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Morning all.

Apologies if this is living in fantasyland or if it is has been shot down before, but could any of the esteemed legal minds on this forum say whether there are any options of a class-action style suit brought by the fans against the football authorities in this country?

ok, I know it is just fantasyland, but still...

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Ach, I've lost the will to go any further. The whole document is unstructured and illogical, full of non sequitors and doesn't properly address its target audience. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that it might have been written by someone who wasn't actually part of the SFL set-up. But that couldn't be the case. Could it?

To me, it reads like the contents of somebody's crappy powerpoint presentation, rather than any kind of official document. No facts and figures on display. I notice also that the words "fan backlash" don't appear anywhere as a negative point on any of the SPL's preferred options.

As I noted yesterday, SPL 2 is just the boogeyman in its football form. No club would be stupid enough to sign up to it given the potential implications (i.e., no fans). Indeed, I think it's been blown out of all proportion - we're still sitting in the same place we were two days ago, waiting to see if Green actually lodges an acceptable application to the SFL today. I've no doubt he'll submit one, but I'm pretty convinced he's hoping for a rejection so he can finish stripping the assets.

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I have stood at Somerset for more than fifty years (although I do go home occasionally!) and I have seen bad times (applying for re-election in 1965) and good times (gaun yersel Ally). During that time I have seen fans drift away on flimsy pretexts such as - "Ah stoapped gaun when they pit up the price o the pies". Throughout it I have maintained my resolve through more thin than thick, maintaining that it would take something mega mega mega to tip me over the edge. Right now I am right on the edge. If this blackmail is allowed to succeed then it'll be Troon Juniors or the Medda for me. Sorry to be selfish and personalise this but I think's it's fair to say that my devotion/obstinacy towards Ayr United is mirrored at clubs throughout Scotland. I know that Falkirk, Motherwell, Dundee, Gretna and Livingston have had problems but, as far as I am aware, none of these clubs have had the polis chappin' at their door. Even if this blackmail threat blows away it will definitely never be forgotten.

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The annual settlement is the money paid from the SPL to the SFL that was agreed in perpetuity when the SPL broke away.

Thanks, Wullie. So, if that's at risk, that just sounds like more intimidation from the SPL.

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good noises coming from falkirk , morton , hamiton , aberdeen etc.

i would expect to hear from a lot of chairman / managers refuting this division 1 nonsense TODAY


Yep, I am sure Michael Johnston will be preparing a press statement as we speak dry.gif

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Having had another look at the document I'd like to highlight a couple of things about the SPL2 Option:


Currently not supported by the SFA

•Creates a bigger divide

•Leads to some short term commercial losses

A legal challenge could paralyse the game

•The overall pot would be much less than anticipated

They don't really sell themselves on the SPL2 option very well. It almost suggests that should they vote against putting Sevco in SFL1, then the SPL's position isn't very strong at all. It more likely forces the bigwigs into a corner. It's perhaps more of an empty threat more than anything else. Yet another "We did all we could to save Rangers, but nobody would accept our solutions".

The two points I've highlighted in red especially highlight the problem that they are suggesting, whereby if the clubs vote no to Sevco in SFL1, then there is little the SPL & SFL Chairmen and Boards can do to "fix" it. Perhaps the SFA aren't as complicit in all of this as we thought, and could well still ride in to uphold the banner of sporting integrity. (Am I being to hopefull here?)

Anyway, aren't we all forgetting something here? If Sevco fails to apply (and with all conditions met) for transfer of SFA membership today, then the games a bogey anyway, is it not?

ETA: My apologies for a poorly structured post there, which was essentially literacy diarrhea, with thoughts just thrown out as they came into my head!

Edited by Spain
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I have stood at Somerset for more than fifty years (although I do go home occasionally!) and I have seen bad times (applying for re-election in 1965) and good times (gaun yersel Ally). During that time I have seen fans drift away on flimsy pretexts such as - "Ah stoapped gaun when they pit up the price o the pies". Throughout it I have maintained my resolve through more thin than thick, maintaining that it would take something mega mega mega to tip me over the edge. Right now I am right on the edge. If this blackmail is allowed to succeed then it'll be Troon Juniors or the Medda for me. Sorry to be selfish and personalise this but I think's it's fair to say that my devotion/obstinacy towards Ayr United is mirrored at clubs throughout Scotland. I know that Falkirk, Motherwell, Dundee, Gretna and Livingston have had problems but, as far as I am aware, none of these clubs have had the polis chappin' at their door. Even if this blackmail threat blows away it will definitely never be forgotten.

It's shitty innit! In my more sober feelings, I feel Sevco FC deserve a fair crack o the whip to gain admission to the 3rd so long as their application is better than Gala (a local fave from year's back)

Anything else like SPL or relegating them to Div 1 or reorganising Scottish fitba solely to fit them in to play CELfish next year just makes it a joke. I'll watch my mate's wee boy blay games in the under 14s rather than suffer SPL/SFL/SPFL

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Having had another look at the document I'd like to highlight a couple of things about the SPL2 Option:

They don't really sell themselves on the SPL2 option very well. It almost suggests that should they vote against putting Sevco in SFL1, then the SPL's position isn't very strong at all. It more likely forces the bigwigs into a corner. It's perhaps more of an empty threat more than anything else. Yet another "We did all we could to save Rangers, but nobody would accept our solutions".

The two points I've highlighted in red especially highlight the problem that they are suggesting, whereby if the clubs vote no to Sevco in SFL1, then there is little the SPL & SFL Chairmen and Boards can do to "fix" it. Perhaps the SFA aren't as complicit in all of this as we thought, and could well still ride in to uphold the banner of sporting integrity. (Am I being to hopefull here?)

Anyway, aren't we all forgetting something here? If Sevco fails to apply (and with all conditions met) for transfer of SFA membership today, then the games a bogey anyway, is it not?

ETA: My apologies for a poorly structured post there, which was essentially literacy diarrhea, with thoughts just thrown out as they came into my head!

The SFA don't give rats arse! Notice how the tribunal has been quietly forgotten about!!

I just hope if this goes through we all stick to our word and abandon scottish foodball. Those in charge don't deserve our money.

I kind of hope Sky pulls out of showing scottish football in order to put an end to this charade.

Edited by monrovianmonk
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Dear Cockwomble

Well done. I really didn't think there would ever be someone i would want to punch in the face more than Ed Balls.

Resign now.


A fan of Sporting Integrity

Dear Cockwomble

Well done. I really didn't think there would ever be someone i would want to punch in the face more than Ed Balls.

Resign now.


A fan of Sporting Integrity

You didn't get a greenie last night, you're not getting one now. In fact, you're getting a red for it instead. We are not in a collectively happy mood today.

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it seems to me that our footballing authorities have decided that Rangers (or Servco5088) are worth saving even to the destruction (note: not detriment) of the rest of Scottish football.

I can handle the fact that my team rarely wins anything but what I can't stomach is that we don't matter and are treated like some sort of fluffer to keep the OF match fit.

We really should do all we can to get both Rangers & Celtic down South because collectively they and the pandering authorities are killing our game.

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