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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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An interesting snippet from BBC radio Scotland a few minutes ago.

1. Sevco Scotland Ltd couldn't get a major bank to handle direct debits for season tickets, etc. They had to use a DD company in Manchester.

2 All 45 club Audi's must be returned tomorrow as they have lost the sponsorship.

Difficulties for Agent Green it seems. :blink:

Edited by DuntoiRab
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What's the point of promoting or non-relegating anyone to/from SPL just keep the teams that are in it now, i.e. 1 team gets a free week, that way we don't have to fcuk around with the fixtures again, and that way this season there isn't a vacancy in the SFL to fill. At end of this season promote top 2 teams in division 1 and other divisions accordingly and then there will be a vacancy in division 3 for that season, to which any team who wishes to apply can. We're too far advanced in time to change fixtures around.

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Ha ha. I actually thoght you had cut and pasted this and had to verify it.

This bit is strange. Orcs would welcome league one.

Answer: Take five points for a), but four for c) because that's true too. If you answered b), then I hope you're looking forward to League One next season, but Sheffield United do really deserve better. Is your club still recovering from his spell as chief executive 14 years ago?

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These guys just never give up. Can you not get it through your thick skull Huge that stories and columns like this, show 100% what is wrong with Scottish football!!!

FFS...eggs benedict anyone???


I VIVIDLY remember the night true blue John Brown refused to eat his pudding because it was green and white.

We were at the St Andrews Sporting Club for a night of wine-and-dine boxing and dinner had reached the dessert course.

That's normally the point in the evening by which the red wine has kicked in and conviviality is at its height, but the menu got in the way on this occasion.

The jelly served up turned out to be lime in flavour and the ice cream was of the vanilla variety.

The colour co-ordination was indigestible for Bomber and he pushed his plate to one side with the kind of authority he used to exert over opposing attackers when he was wearing a Rangers jersey.

It was a sign, of sorts, of devotion to the cause I suppose.

It also displayed the kind of Rangers man of the people credentials that drew hundreds

to hear Brown speak at Ibrox on Wednesday at the start of his proposed takeover bid for the club.


Relegate Rangers lol.

Anyway, to be fair to Brown he has progressed and is now no longer such a bigot that he will not consume anything green.

He can tan an bottle of absinthe in under a minute.

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An interesting snippet from BBC radio Scotland a few minutes ago.

1. Sevco Scotland Ltd couldn't get a major bank to handle direct debits for season tickets, etc. They had to use a DD company in Manchester.

2 All 45 club Audi's must be returned tomorrow as they have lost the sponsorship.

Difficulties for Agent Green it seems. :blink:

A DidDy company in Manchester?

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The rubbish in the papers (examples on this page) is the same as always but it gets more painful as the story goes on and THEY STILL DON'T GET IT

Latest example, expert pundit Craig Burley


I could pick it apart line by line but I suspect its obvious to most reading this thread.

(edit: just beaten to it there...)

Edited by cbhaf
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It is fine to shout about sporting integrity but what will happen when the financial reality starts to bite and other clubs find themselves struggling because the revenues have been so badly hit?

After all this time, he STILL doesn't get it. :lol:

Billy Dodds is a self-serving wee fanny. What he's really worried about is no 'Rangers' or 'Rangers' in the third division means less people willing to pay him to spout his pish in the media.

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An interesting snippet from BBC radio Scotland a few minutes ago.

1. Sevco Scotland Ltd couldn't get a major bank to handle direct debits for season tickets, etc. They had to use a DD company in Manchester.

2 All 45 club Audi's must be returned tomorrow as they have lost the sponsorship.

Difficulties for Agent Green it seems. :blink:

The SFA shouldn't give them a membership if that's the case.

They are a complete joke of an organisation.

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An interesting snippet from BBC radio Scotland a few minutes ago.

1. Sevco Scotland Ltd couldn't get a major bank to handle direct debits for season tickets, etc. They had to use a DD company in Manchester.

2 All 45 club Audi's must be returned tomorrow as they have lost the sponsorship.

Difficulties for Agent Green it seems. :blink:


The Sunday Herald can reveal that the Royal Bank of Scotland refused to underwrite the agreement between Rangers newco and FastPay, a Manchester-based direct debit company, to run the handling of payments by the club's 40,000 season ticket holders.

It is understood departments within the banks refused to sanction an overdraft facility for FastPay and advised that the bank has no dealings with the current owners of Rangers assets, Charles Green's consortium. The bank is understood to be concerned at the current uncertainty about the club's future and its backers.

As part of the deal, FastPay needed the overdraft to pay £2.6 million to Rangers newco upfront, which it would have recouped from season ticket holders' direct debit payments. Season tickets, which cost between £400 and £500 each, have raised close to £20m for the club each year in recent seasons.

Without the overdraft FastPay can't give money to Rangers newco, which is registered as Sevco. This could potentially cause cash flow problems for the company and undermine Green's efforts to find more investors for the club.

The FastPay crowd was mentioned a few days ago when they were reinstating cancelled DD's if I mind right.

Take issue with the Herald saying they have 40,000 st holders..........'had' Herald, 'had'..............

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Burley. What a shambles of an individual.

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These guys just never give up. Can you not get it through your thick skull Huge that stories and columns like this, show 100% what is wrong with Scottish football!!!

FFS...eggs benedict anyone???


I VIVIDLY remember the night true blue John Brown refused to eat his pudding because it was green and white.

We were at the St Andrews Sporting Club for a night of wine-and-dine boxing and dinner had reached the dessert course.

That's normally the point in the evening by which the red wine has kicked in and conviviality is at its height, but the menu got in the way on this occasion.

The jelly served up turned out to be lime in flavour and the ice cream was of the vanilla variety.

The colour co-ordination was indigestible for Bomber and he pushed his plate to one side with the kind of authority he used to exert over opposing attackers when he was wearing a Rangers jersey.

It was a sign, of sorts, of devotion to the cause I suppose.

It also displayed the kind of Rangers man of the people credentials that drew hundreds

to hear Brown speak at Ibrox on Wednesday at the start of his proposed takeover bid for the club.


So Mr Brown, what are your credentials for leading an £8.7 million buy-out of Sevco?

Eh winnae eat tarrier puddins so a winnae!

Edited by Granny Danger
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Excellent summary from Andrew Smith in Scotland on Sunday.

Clearly a journalist who has his finger on the pulse, and his mouse on the Pie & Bovril forum! :D

Rangers newco: After SPL fans forced rejection SFL hears same message"

Yup, he clearly gets it... with the help of Div of course. Well done to both!

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The FastPay crowd was mentioned a few days ago when they were reinstating cancelled DD's if I mind right.

Take issue with the Herald saying they have 40,000 st holders..........'had' Herald, 'had'..............

I heard that too, the news of RBS saying naw was new to me.

See, it's these troubles for the new company that have me convinced they will not make the start of the season and most likely will be liquidated themselves, then the assets are sold off and no more soccerball team in Govan.

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I am pretty much done with this farrago. We, as a footballing nation, are a complete laughing stock. The people who are supposed to administer the game on behalf of the clubs, and more importantly, the fans, have been found to be totally wanting and should be told to clear their desks. They have disgracefully abrogated their responsibilities, the very responsibilities they were employed to discharge in the first place. You know, the responsibilities that include the line about "without fear or favour". Don't make me laugh.

Shambolic, incompetent, embarrassing and I very much suspect, corrupt. That is my personal opinion.

I am pretty sure now where I shall be watching my football next season. Don't get me wrong, I am not a die hard uber-Hibby who follows his team around the country and maybe spends £3,000 a year for the privilege. Last season I attended maybe 10 games tops, which means I spent £250 - £300. I attend games when work, family and finances allow. Mr. Petrie maybe won't miss this money too much. I really hope so.

I just don't know how many guys like myself are out there, people who basically can't bear to watch this botched post-mortem any longer.

Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon. :unsure:


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So Mr Brown, what are your credentials for leading an £8.7 million buy-out of Sevco?

Eh winnae eat tarrier puddins so a winnae!

The pudding anecdote aside - pure pish.


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