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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Reading the Traynor article you notice time and again this mention of Rangers being banned from Europe for 3 seasons! Rangers don't exist!

The Newco/Sevco Version aren't eligible for Europe for a 3 year period and should they start in Division 3 it'll be a minimum of 5 seasons before they ever see a return to European competition (that's assuming they breeze through the lower leagues and finish well in their 1st season in the spl 4th season in existence)

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Nice one Ivo :rolleyes:

You can translate it into "Rangers Going into the Third Division? A Disgrace. We won't have as much Copy, Readers or Viewers then".

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Quality! Is the middle photo Bomber Brown's consortium having a meeting?


Metro Bark, surely?

Here is Traytor's article in today's Daily Ranger - I have cut and pasted it to avoid boosting their website traffic:

If SPL & SFL kick Gers out of football they will kill our game

By jim Traytor on Jul 2, 12 07:25 AM THE shape of things to come will be decided by close of play Wednesday. We should know by then if Scottish football has been big enough to edge back from the brink.

For months now there has been a savagery. The game has been ripping itself apart all in the name of fair play. Or was it sporting integrity?

Forgive me, the reasons for the crisis that threatens to destroy Scottish football have been lost somewhere in the lust to tear and shred one club. It's as though a century of hatred and probably jealousy have erupted.

And the handful of reasoned souls left in the game are fighting a losing battle to cap the flow.

The trouble is too many men with influence have been working not for the good of the game but to selfish agendas. They've done bad things in the name of morality.

They've abused their privileged positions and if there was any decency left in the sleazy, tacky football world they inhabit they would not be allowed inside Hampden this or any other week.

The dishonourable posing as protectors of the game's integrity by making up laws and punishments as they go along.

By arguing and pressing for more severe punishments and demanding that Rangers newco be stripped of titles and trophies won in the EBT years by another business entirely, they are inflaming and prolonging an agonisingly painful and damaging period. Anyone who believes that stripping the old Rangers of baubles will help solve this meltdown should be ignored, pushed aside because we are way beyond bragging rights.

We, Scottish football, are on the brink of total collapse.

Those who are consumed by petty matters and the settling of old, ancient scores have made it harder to find the solution, the compromise agreement that's badly needed.

One day the truth about the subterfuge, deception, and downright spitefulness used to prolong this saga might be told but right now those who are trying to save what is left of the game need to be given space.

And hopefully the right and sensible decisions will be made when the SFL and SPL meet tomorrow and Wednesday respectively. Everything, the game's fate and Rangers' chances of survival never mind revival, depends on these leagues of gentlemen, if of course they do meet tomorrow.

The situation is critical yet it seems we have two clubs threatening to block tomorrow's meeting. Stenhousemuir and Alloa have an objection. God help us.

Hopefully the meetings will go ahead and if honesty and common sense prevail we might just begin to emerge from the darkness and see clearly who is working for the game and who is working for themselves.

We might also notice that in our rabid rush to condemn and stone Rangers we have stumbled to the very precipice of catastrophe.

Another misguided step or irrational utterance and Scottish football will be in total free fall so tomorrow the SFL must do one of two things.

Either they decide to let Rangers newco - who already know they don't have the support of enough SPL clubs to get the share that would let them begin again at the top - kick off in the First Division or the way is cleared for them to start in the bottom tier.

But research has shown the game will lose £16million if Rangers are dumped in the Third Division and frankly that would be too great a loss to an already impoverished business.

Supporters, of course, are entitled to be heard but the question is this: Are fans - forget the ones who can't see beyond their own hatred - willing to see what they believe to be justice done no matter the cost or consequences?

What if their justice means Scottish football would be reduced to a truly moribund state that would make recovery impossible?

What if their idea of fair play meant our game would be forever locked out of the big boys' playground?

Morals and integrity are fine but we must all be sure we can cope with the fall out, which would be considerable.

Clubs will cut right back on numbers as we're already seeing with Hibernian who have just paid off Pat Fenlon's deputy Billy Brown.

Players and wages will be next, although the first real casualty is more likely to be youth development.

Mark my words, clubs are already being squeezed by their banks who have seen Lloyds get out with all of their money back from Rangers. The other lenders also want shot of their football clients and they'll be imposing tougher repayment plans on clubs, who will use these demands as excuses to make swingeing cuts on their budgets.

If they are asked to reduce spending by £300,000 a year they'll make it £600,000 and blame it all on Rangers.

But even by making savage cuts, a number of clubs will still go bust. This will be the true price of sporting integrity.

And when the doors are being padlocked let's have no wailing or tears because too many clubs saw Rangers' insolvency as an opportunity to promote their own agendas.

Yet what good has that done any of them, apart from allowing them to invade the moral high ground for a short while. Now, though, as they hobble down having broken their toes through kicking Rangers they are suddenly confronted with reality.

They have the power to deny this new club any chance of life but they'll be condemning themselves to a miserable, empty future. Without the millions a healthy Rangers and their fans help generate, Scottish football will decline rapidly. All credibility at home and abroad will be lost.

If this is what we wish then fine, deny Rangers an SPL share on Wednesday and SFA membership when the Appellate Tribunal sits again to decide a punishment acceptable in the eyes of the real law. If this is what upholding fair play means then let's go for it.

Let's take decisions tomorrow and the next day that will chime with whatever our notions of integrity are and kill the game.

After all, we can't put a price on justice, especially in football where justice is something to be kicked around without finesse or direction.

Of course justice should be about fairness and handing down punishments that reflect the nature of crimes committed. It should always be about observing the law according to the rules and principles written down. But that's the problem with applying justice in a morally bankrupt game.

Nothing seems to be written down. If it is there in black and white no one can understand it.

The SFL have called in lawyers to make sense of their own articles ahead of tomorrow's meetings and, of course, the SFA spent a couple of years revamping their own codes, leaning heavily on the finest legal minds. Yet, when a transfer ban on Rangers was imposed it was kicked out in Edinburgh's Court of Session.

It's a grotesque farce and one club chairman had to remove himself from the entire business yesterday. He had to plod along a west-coast beach in the wind and rain to try and clear his head.

The game is pulling itself apart because some want to settle old scores with Rangers while others strive only to make the most of the problems and strengthen their own positions.

Okay, but what's the point in being powerful within a game that will soon have no real significance beyond its own boundaries?

But here are a few questions those 'just' men should ask themselves as they file into their meeting rooms on Hampden's sixth floor over the next couple of days:

Is losing all credibility, standing in the game, SFA licence, SPL share and being treated with the utmost contempt not punishment enough?


Then ask yourselves this:

Is going out of business, struggling to emerge as a newco without fan support and being banned from playing in Europe for three years and being branded pariahs not punishment enough?

If the answer is still no then there is no justice.

And there is no hope. The game, and not just Rangers, will be doomed.

I think, it's fair to say, we're all going to die on the Fourth of July.

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What we are seeing is the full on panic across the sports desks of many of the printed media, more than likely this shall continue all week. I think they know in their hearts that games up and The Rangers Newco is going to be dumped in the Division 3 this season. These last minute "We're Doomed!" articles are so if even one club gets into financial trouble this season they can trot out these later and say "I told you so" in smug articles.

The last few months I have really paid no heed to the Mainstream Media, they have for one reason or another ignored, misreported and distracted their audience. Back in February I met with someone I knew who worked in the HMRC in the very department that the Tax case was being worked. Although they could not talk about the specifics of the case directly, I got a very different picture from that of what the Mainstream Media was reporting. The main thing I was told even back then though there would be no deal. The last twenty years the media have developed a hive mind when it comes to sports reporting. They have been programmed to write about The Old Firm all the time, with brief and rather dismissive articles about the rest of the teams if for some reason they had the audacity to split the old firm or beat them.

The Scottish fiitba media have for the last twenty odd years ignored the fans of the other clubs and concentrated on the Old Firm fan base and all that entails. BY the end of this week that will be officially gone. It will be no more. The poor Scottish media will be like poor old Borgs cut off from their Hive mind..not knowing what to do..what to write.

Because they have ignored the rest of the Scottish football that the sales have decreased, the fans are turning to other mediums to get their news, gossip, banter and whatever else. If they really want to regain our readership then write about Scottish football in a positive way, encourage fans to get along to games, write about our Diddy clubs, get people excited about our game again. Stop churning out "We are all doomed without the old firm" pish. We all know that things are going to be difficult for all clubs, so lets try and get people back to stadiums and stop trying to scare them off.

Well played sir.

Raith are on a high at the moment thanks to Turnbull saying 'no, no, no, noooooooo Geordie Munro' to the evil empire.

Always liked the 'lang toun'...

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by James Traynor

At the beginning of a momentous week for the national game, three ACADEMICS have predicted that Scotland as a nation will CEASE TO EXIST if Charles Green's newco is not immediately placed in the Scottish first division.

Record crime hacks are braced for an orgy of VIOLENCE across Scotland in the wake of the SFL deciding that Rangers must apply for the vacancy their own downfall has created in SFL 3.

"There really is no telling where this will go" said sociologist Norbert Strumpfmeier, of Glasgow Jim Baxter University. "If Rangers have to start at the bottom then crime figures will spike, as angry fans seek vengeance on targets of opportunity closest to hand- their wives, the pub, telephone boxes and bus shelters. The social fabric will likely be torn to pieces and the country will never be the same again".

A Strathclyde Police spokesman refused to confirm or deny that all police leave had been cancelled.


Even if the predicted SUMMER OF CARNAGE were not to happen, seismologist Gareth von Braun, predicts that FATAL SUBSIDENCE may occur across Central Scotland on the day of the vote. "Such will be the foot-stamping from Maybole to Methil" warned the boffin, "that the whole Central Belt may implode fatally owing to increased human geological activity, thus causing the whole of Scotland to fold in on itself in a seismological catastrophe."


And in a final PROPHECY OF DOOM, leading agricultural expert Professor Julia Joppa, of the Polkemmet Institute of Succulence (formerly Polkemmet Colliery) cautioned against what may be A FINAL AND TOTAL COLLAPSE of Scottish farming. "Livestock farmers depend on the bulk order of lamb every year from Ibrox. Without that, there will be such a hole in the agricultural revenue stream that all farmers will either give up or commit suicide with bankruptcy imminent. After that, we'll all have nothing to eat and will be back in the Middle Ages, if we're lucky".

These STARK WARNINGS show that the 30 SFL chairmen have only one choice to make- the very FUTURE OF THE NATION depends upon it. Sporting integrity is one thing, but it cannot be allowed to happen at such a high price.

The Big House Must Stay Open.

Copyright_Sign2.jpg All Redtops

Magnificent. :lol:

The names need their ages afterwards though.

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Nice one Ivo :rolleyes:

You can translate it into "Rangers Going into the Third Division? A Disgrace. We won't have as much Copy, Readers or Viewers then".

.... which brings me back to something I mentioned donkeys ago on this thread. IF Sevco get their shit together and can form a new functioning club - able to fulfil Div 3 fixtures at all.... why would that be a disaster for slabbering wrecks like Traynor? When dafties like him constantly gibber shit like "Rangers to move for Real Betis wonderkid, set to beat off Fulham and Aston Villa for his signature" - I simply shrug my shoulders and snigger at the person who wrote such succulent shite, and the dafties who lap it up and buy the rag that prints such bollocks.

A 'new Rangers' - rising from the disgraced ashes of the oldco, actually 'facing their dangers' and working their way up - is a genuinely interesting story! Christ, if Mileson's Llama FC were worthy of a TV documentary - a newco Rangers story would be well worthy of press column inches, TV documentary, and maybe even Sky would cut a deal to show some of their games?

'Scottish football will die' - I actually think it would be more interesting. Mind you, what do I know, I'm just a muppet fan of a diddy team with a hyper-active keyboard gland.

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I genuinely don't think Keevins's piece is that bad. The central premise is bogus (the settlement isn't going away), but at least it's a reasonably honest assessment of what that scenario would mean. Keevins appears to actually be trying to think ahead here, arguing against having no Rangers at all (unlikely even given how much has already been accomplished).

Traynor's piece could have been written by Leggatt. I assume he has an intern to copy his columns off of his wallpaper and onto a computer.

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wish i was a mongo

Serious question. Are you a daft bairn that knows no better, or a fully grown man that knows no better.

To think you're happy to put your name to a post like is cringeworthy. It's 2012 for f**k sake.

Do you talk like that in the real world?

What a fuckin beamer.

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Reading the Traynor article you notice time and again this mention of Rangers being banned from Europe for 3 seasons! Rangers don't exist!

The Newco/Sevco Version aren't eligible for Europe for a 3 year period and should they start in Division 3 it'll be a minimum of 5 seasons before they ever see a return to European competition (that's assuming they breeze through the lower leagues and finish well in their 1st season in the spl 4th season in existence)

IMO the minimum is four.

Scottish Cup.


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by James Traynor

What the hell is going on in that first photo? Is he trying to look like a moron for a reason, or is that book genuinely too confusing for him?

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Total sh1te from Keevins.

The SPL settlement is surely not dependent on the composition of the SPL. Therefore is should not reduce next season.

It will mean a reduction in money for SPL clubs, because the SPL should still fund the settlement.

Plus that £60k will come in handy for the newco. :whistle

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Re: Roly Poly Traynor.

Hi Jim,

Some words of comfort. Your one redeeming feature is that you are a big fan of Tom Waits; I use the word 'big' advisedly. However, most of my mates are Tom Waits fans, and they no more about fitba than you ever will.

Ultimately, the gravy train has hit the buffers, and we all know how much you like gravy.

Consequently, I would respectfully suggest that you hone your writng talent in a different direction in the near future.

Who knows, you could be the next Showbiz Sam.

Yours in sport,

Saint 'diddy' Jason

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What the hell is going on in that first photo? Is he trying to look like a moron for a reason, or is that book genuinely too confusing for him?

Someone just plugged him in I think.

(It's McLeish's report into the future of the game. Clearly it's burst JT's neurotransmitters)

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Re: Roly Poly Traynor.

Hi Jim,

Some words of comfort. Your one redeeming feature is that you are a big fan of Tom Waits; I use the word 'big' advisedly. However, most of my mates are Tom Waits fans, and they no more about fitba than you ever will.

Ultimately, the gravy train has hit the buffers, and we all know how much you like gravy.

Consequently, I would respectfully suggest that you hone your writng talent in a different direction in the near future.

Who knows, you could be the next Showbiz Sam.

Yours in sport,

Saint 'diddy' Jason

Since when was Jim "Voice of Reason" Traynor a fan of Tom Waits? That most certainly does not compute. However, it's a theme we could run with. Have they ever met? Are they related? I think we should be told.

Edited by Savage Henry
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Since when was Jim "Voice of Reason" Traynor a fan of Tom Waits?

It was a misprint.

It's actually Arsenal fan and former Easternders heartthrob Tom Watt that Jim is an admirer of.

Edited by H_B
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Since when what Jim "Voice of Reason" Traynor a fan of Tom Waits? That most certainly does not compute. However, it's a theme we could run with. Have they ever met? Are they related? I think we should be told.

I bumped into Traynor outside the Etihad Stadium after the recent (stunningly good) Springsteen gig there - so he can't be all bad. Also sat two rows behind Spiers at the Elvis Costello gig in Glasgow a couple of months back.

Seemingly good taste in music - pish poor when Sevco8055 are the subject though.

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