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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The next 12hrs will make such a difference to my involvement with Scottish football. I support my home town junior team but i have been to almost every senior ground over the years. If the SFA do not provide the leadership to sort this I will lose following Meadow in the senior Scottish Cup for the 3rd time in 4years and my SSC membership will not be used to get tickets for Scotland games, which i have been going to since 1979.

I was planning to go to Aberdeen v Ross Co as suppport for the nearest SPL club and their stance. Wrong vote and that is gone.

Every season I go to SFL/League cup/Scottish cup games when i cannot get to Meadow games. That is all gone.

The application by Sevco Scotland should be publicly accepted or rejected by the SFA. The SPL must stick to their statements and say No to Newco. And the SFL should have a single vote to accept Sevco to SFL3 or reject them.

Senior football could end in my eyes today if these people get it wrong

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Just occurred to me that the SFL should refuse to do anything until the SPL/SFA have actually dealt with the Oldco. It's their bloody problem, after all.

I think the SFA should be first - after all if they reject the transfer then any votes by the SPL or SFL are mute. The SPL would obviously be second.

Dear Whatever You're Now Called

Look at these figures and weep, ya glory-hunting twats. This is why you will never ever reach the level of your beloved brethren in the East End who support their club through thick and thin and quite rightly claim the title of "Best Fans Ever In The Whole World....Ever" and which we all unreservedly concur with.

Aye, and we all believe you're really a Hearts supporter - fucking clown.

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By "they" I hope you mean the whole of Scottish football who have allowed the duopoly to continue unchallenged not just over the last 4 months but for the last century.

I do indeed sir !

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By "they" I hope you mean the whole of Scottish football who have allowed the duopoly to continue unchallenged not just over the last 4 months but for the last century.

I do indeed sir !

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I think the SFA should be first - after all if they reject the transfer then any votes by the SPL or SFL are mute. The SPL would obviously be second.

Aye, and we all believe you're really a Hearts supporter - fucking clown.

Whatever happened to irony? Sigh....

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By "they" I hope you mean the whole of Scottish football who have allowed the duopoly to continue unchallenged not just over the last 4 months but for the last century.

I do indeed sir !

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I think the SFA should be first - after all if they reject the transfer then any votes by the SPL or SFL are mute. The SPL would obviously be second.

Aye, and we all believe you're really a Hearts supporter - fucking clown.

Give you one more chance Mr. St. Liedown :D

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[quote name='Slartibartfast' timestamp='1341370835' post='6398630'

Aye, and we all believe you're really a Hearts supporter - fucking clown.

I thought I'd maybe snare one of the sub-species, I didn't expect some of the more cerebral to swallow it?

Valid point - when it's not going well, they desert in fucking droves. Same'll happen again. The Big House = The Big Ghost House.

Edited by Harp Hotel
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So, some of the league sponsors said they would withdraw their sponsorship, some said they would renegotiate and some said they would continue, as is.

It really comes down to how much spin and in which direction that spin goes. It is obvious to all that Scottish football is going to be in for a hard time for the forseeable future.

I might be naive but I believe that if the clubs/leagues/overseeing bodies make the right decision (and that decision is the one that follows the existing rules) which results in a brand new football club starting life in SFL 3, then the fans will rally round their respective clubs.

If they choose to ignore the feelings of the overwhelming majority of their paying customers, and somehow believe that rewarding dishonesty will be acceptable, I fear that those Chairmen are in for a rude awakening.

It may be a bitter pill to swallow, the loss of sponsorship and income, and we may never have the same financial clout again but we may also be able to stand with our heads held high and say that we weren't bullied, blackmailed or bribed into accepting a morally bankrupt solution.

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Turnbull Hutton is the peoples hero. It would be fantastic if he went through with a move to breakaway and form a "League of Honour" as he implies here - or maybe I'm reading too much into it!

“Let’s start again and I’m sure the SFL would welcome applications from some of the teams who are currently in the SPL to join an organisation that is based on sporting integrity. I feel the same as I did when I arrived here today. It’s been a long, tiring, boring day."

It seems to me like yesterday was all about assessing the price of integrity - and that shouldn't even come into it. It should be only a matter of principal. Is it right that a team that has never played a game gets entered into the 2nd tier of Scottish Football? No. End of story.

For me it's the same argument for Scottish Independance. There are people who say Scotland will be better off, and some people say we'll be worse off. I dont have enough information to judge, and it actually doesn't matter. Scotland, as a nation, should be self-determinant - it's the principal that matters. No-one should find themeselves in a situation where there principles can be bought, or traded.

I'm just fed up with the whole thing now - and feel it's all just descended beyond farcical.

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Dear Whatever You're Now Called

Look at these figures and weep, ya glory-hunting twats. This is why you will never ever reach the level of your beloved brethren in the East End who support their club through thick and thin and quite rightly claim the title of "Best Fans Ever In The Whole World....Ever" and which we all unreservedly concur with.

Thingummy attendance figures.....Avg/Low

























Talk for yourself.

I would never call fans who glorify cowardly child killers the best fans in the world. In fact I'd call them joint worst fans in the world, but given that the other team no longer exists, they're propping up the table all by themselves.

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All the talk of putting sevco into SFL1 (or heaven forbid SPL) for financial reasons seems to assume everything will go back to the way it was for the last few years with Rangers/Celtic competing against each other and winning almost everything.

This isn't going to happen. Sevco at best will be a club with debts to control, less than full stadium, lower away gates and a team propped up by journeymen pros - that's if they make it through a season without running out of cash.

What will happen to the tv deal then? Will that be as attractive to Sky as everyone is assuming?

The SPL clubs are looking at worst case scenarios without rangers - doesn't look like they're comparing it fairly to life with sevco!

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Talk for yourself.

I would never call fans who glorify cowardly child killers the best fans in the world. In fact I'd call them joint worst fans in the world, but given that the other team no longer exists, they're propping up the table all by themselves.

Oh for goodness sake man! Not you as well. The text was supposed to be a fucking JOKE! Deary me.....the figures say it all, however.

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Oh for goodness sake man! Not you as well. The text was supposed to be a fucking JOKE! Deary me.....the figures say it all, however.

Then I apologise unreservedly.

I think I'll wait til I wake up properly in future before I read posts.

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The photos are not very good to be fair. Maybe this is more telling:

the official SPL attendances from last season:

just for information:

Attendance (Average)

Team Average Attendance and v Rangers

St Johnstone 4170 6.459, 6.577 & 6.459

Last time out against Dundee in Div 1: 7.238

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Then I apologise unreservedly.

I think I'll wait til I wake up properly in future before I read posts.

Thanks, man. You just need to read back a wee bit before firing off? I'm going to stop doing irony right now. Woefully inept personal performance.

I promise to improve.

Edited by Harp Hotel
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As I posted yesterday SPL are desperate to know SFL's hand. For that reason vote will be postponed today IMO. SFL should then say thay are postponing vote on 12th July. As other posters have pointed out, SFL should not be voting until SPL have made their decision. Call their bluff - they cannae keep postponing votes.

Away to email SFL and BRFC now to tell them vote should note go ahead on Thursday unless SPL have FINALLY made their decision.

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As I posted yesterday SPL are desperate to know SFL's hand. For that reason vote will be postponed today IMO. SFL should then say thay are postponing vote on 12th July. As other posters have pointed out, SFL should not be voting until SPL have made their decision. Call their bluff - they cannae keep postponing votes.

Away to email SFL and BRFC now to tell them vote should note go ahead on Thursday unless SPL have FINALLY made their decision.

Great what you're doing. Why are you emailing Blackburn Rovers, though?

Edited by Harp Hotel
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