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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You are the worst type of person that we meet on here - not a rangers supporter, my arse! Maybe you can't afford to go to ibrox, or maybe you think a SKY sub is as good as a ST, but you're fooling nobody except yourself. Season ticket would not be an issue over cost. Yes I have been to Ibrox to watch Rangers, but have watched probably as many Falkirk games over my football viewing career.

BILE, is it? Well, let's have a look at what this "institution" has given us all over the years. The level of bitterness IMO can only be described as Bile.

1. It was made clear to me at an early age that Catholics are second-class citizens. An actual POLICY of the club, not the "regrettable behaviour of a minority". Totally Agree there can be no place for religous intollerance and such a policy in a modern Scottish Society. This policy is rightfully a thing of the past.

2. Ambassadors in Europe? Barcelona would beg to differ - not just in 1972, but also in recent times. Plus ca change.... Manchester also had a ringside view of rangers' "ambassadors", and English cities throughout the 70's and 80's regularly got trashed by currants coming down for "friendlies" - oh, the irony... These individuals were properly and correctly dealt with by the authorities - again I agree on your view. Although I never raised this point in my post.

3. Some people on here have done convincing calculations as to how much these thieving, lying c***s have cost their fellow Scottish clubs by their cheating. If they had not gained league positions, advancement in cups, and qualification for Europe by using dishonest methods, other teams would have benefitted, and Scottish football would have been stronger and healthier for the resources being shared around. What convincing calculations do you refer. I saw no issue from any Scottish Team your own included in taking the money that was on offer to aid their own survival. Any club selling to either Rangers or Celtic rarely reinvests all the money in new players? But largely use it to survive and pay costs etc

4. The famous travelling support. Oh, I do love this one. Other than when there was a title at stake, neither rangers OR celtic can get the RP gate over 10k (once in the last five years, I believe). Is thirty miles down the M77 really too far to follow, follow? In fact, I'd bet John Brown's house (with or without title deeds) that RP is a shorter travelling distance for the majority of the orcs who do manage to drag themselves off the sofa/out of the pub to actually attend a game. Meanwhile, their vocal espousal of what it is like to be so superior beings ensure that home fans will not attend, and certainly won't bring their children. Killie have shown no adversion to selling their own fans short by allowing both Celtic and Rangers to take over the majority of the ground on ANY occassion. Why would they have to do such a thing if it was not down to the fact their own supporters fail to support their own club by buying tickets and as such Killie put finances first and grab the money on offer. For the benefit of the club and their supporters. So can't see your point on this one.

5. Oh, yes, the tax. Stealing from every man, woman and child in the country. 140+ million is a drop in the ocean for the treasury, but your club's all about principles, right? Proud to be British, proud to swear allegiance to the Queen, proud of our forces. Now how many of those servicemen and women that rangers comped into games in return for the PR value of "supporting our troops" d'ye think had to buy their own kit on eBay before going to Iraq or Afghanistan - because MoD funding is being reduced year on year, not least because of thieving b*****ds NOT PAYING THEIR TAXES? Other than the money witheld by Craig Whyte the previous indiscretions are still unfounded and will remain so.? Craig Whyte is righly under investigation for these actions. HMRC by refusing a CVA have ended any liability either way from the alleged indiscretions of the "Big Tax Case" so this accusation will never be proved. (Unless I'm mistake the case ended when HMRC refused a CVA??) But any actions rightly or wrongly were taken by Murray/Whyte and not the Fans.

Look on the bright side - rangers are dead. Now you can have a look round and decide which "big" team you're not going to support next. Oh, and pleas don't make it Killie. We've got one too many currant apologists at the club already....wink.gifYes Rangers may well be dead - but where does Scottish Football benefit from this? Increased revenue, increased sponsorship, increased support at Killie because Rangers are no longer there. Your own chairman has intimated openly the financial hardships that this may bring to your own club.

What interest does the SPL have next season when a team is starting 1/50 on to win the league.

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Someone makes a comment that goes against the party line = Rangers supporter/apologist.

Pathetic RM type banter IMO.

Is there a thread anywhere where we can talk about this shit objectively. Some people want to see what's the best for their club, other people don't think killing Rangers dead is the best thing for the game overall, others see current events as an opportunity to facilitate change that may otherwise never happen. The level of debate in here is playground level at best sometimes.

Small issue.

Rangers ARE dead, or as good as, given that they have entered the process of liquidation. A newco is exactly that - new.

I agree that it is a chance for change, but the constant attempts to shoehorn the newco in at various levels are simply ridiculous. Make them apply for the place in SFL3, if there is one. Should they be successful, fine - if they aren't, they will have to wait for a pyramid, or an available place in SFL3, whichever is available first.

The system needs change, but not solely for the benefit of a resurrected "Rangers".

In terms of what is best for my club - the opportunity to compete in a League where we don't have to compete financially with a team who have systematically cheated for the last 20 years is ideal. The fact that what is effectively an extension of that entity could be back within a year having wiped their debt (by legal but absurd means) is not.

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Quality stuff GD as per.

So what do you think realistically?

Personally I believe a functioning Rangers and Celtic are important for the well being of Scottish football. More importantly, I care more about whether or not there is a Motherwell to support than satisfying some urge inside me to see the OF wiped out.

I'm coming round to the idea now that if a compromise can be found (say 3 up.next season) with rangers in sfl1 as long as it involves more equitable voting rights and prize money distribution, with guaranteed money down the leagues, top league expansion (I'm all about 14) some kind of long term sanction then I might support it.

I've gone from wanting Rangers obliterated to wanting them in div 3 to now being OK with div 1 as long as there's more concessions on offer.

I don't believe in optimistic nonsense that killing Rangers will somehow magically improve the game, in fact I believe it will damage it. SPL clubs STILL won't accept reconstruction and the commercial value of our game drops massively, unfortunately, with no OF.

I lost my hardon for killing rangers a couple of months ago. What do you think?

I think your missing the point. Rangers cannot be "killed", they are already dead. What you are "ok with" is a new team leapfrogging two divisions and passing themselves off as a Rangers clone.

That is fundamentally wrong no matter who they are imitating. New club = third division (after a fair application process) No exceptions.

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Quality stuff GD as per.

So what do you think realistically?

Personally I believe a functioning Rangers and Celtic are important for the well being of Scottish football. More importantly, I care more about whether or not there is a Motherwell to support than satisfying some urge inside me to see the OF wiped out.

I'm coming round to the idea now that if a compromise can be found (say 3 up.next season) with rangers in sfl1 as long as it involves more equitable voting rights and prize money distribution, with guaranteed money down the leagues, top league expansion (I'm all about 14) some kind of long term sanction then I might support it.

I've gone from wanting Rangers obliterated to wanting them in div 3 to now being OK with div 1 as long as there's more concessions on offer.

I don't believe in optimistic nonsense that killing Rangers will somehow magically improve the game, in fact I believe it will damage it. SPL clubs STILL won't accept reconstruction and the commercial value of our game drops massively, unfortunately, with no OF.

I lost my hardon for killing rangers a couple of months ago. What do you think?

ETA: typical pious and emotive nonsense from WRK.

I care about my club. All other concerns are secondary

Boiling it all down, you're happy to continue relying on one or two other clubs to keep yours going - and, furthering the logic, they need to be successful for the 'Well to get some more crumbs. A piss poor business model as has been recently shown. Whether SevCo continue to exist or not, it is surely better for Motherwell to move to a less dependant position.

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Personally I believe a functioning Rangers and Celtic are important for the well being of Scottish football. More importantly, I care more about whether or not there is a Motherwell to support than satisfying some urge inside me to see the OF wiped out.

And your club went through a very similar process and were not punished at all, so it is any wonder you pander to the soft option.

Why not just buy a season ticket for Sevco if you are so concerned for them.

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Following yesterdays bout of bottle-finding by the SPL clubs, Rangers fans have now published their definitive ‘fatwa’ list of those they hold responsible for their fall from grace and, of course, who they will take appropriate vengeance upon come the day. It’s a comprehensive list:

Celtic Football Club

All other SPL Clubs

All SFL clubs * (*Decision Pending)






Lloyds Bank

Duff and Phelps

David Murray

Craig Whyte

Charles Green

Neil Doncaster

Stuart Regan

Ena ~ the tea lady at Hampden



Channel 4

The Muppets (Especially Kermit)

Blue Peter


Radio Clyde

Radio Scotland

Radio Rental

Radio GaGa

Daily Record

Daily Mail

The Scotsman

TV Quick

Hello Magazine

Young Farmers Weekly

The Peoples’ Popular Front of Judea

Judean Peoples’ Popular Front

The list of those who are NOT responsible for Rangers being in this position:

Glasgow Rangers*

(*Except the scabs within the RST, RSA and RFFF)

Have they missed anyone?8)

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So. The SPL do the right thing but the SFA want the SFL to do the wrong thing by shoe horning the buns into DIV 1 on the pretext that there will be social and finacial armageddon without them.

Financial: If the current TV and sponsorship deals are bust without them, pull up your advertising socks and find new ones, you gutless lazy morons. I am sure there are comapnies keen on being involved in a more competitive and inherently less cheaty league. Certainly for less money, maybe not as high profile but if it means fair play and less hand wringing I think we'd all watch the Bank of Toytown, Tampax league on Channel 5 (or whatever). You have whored our beautiful game out plenty in the past few years for the benefit of the ugly sisters, so get your fishnets on and hit the streets. Bitch.

Social: Despite the fact it is not the responsibility of the SFA to provide distraction for the great unwashed here are some wee ideas to keep them occupied if when their club finally disappears for good:


Pope Benedict the XVI Squeaky Chew Toy


And For Those Lonely Nights

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What's best for anyone's club is not an option anymore. All clubs are looking at how to minimise the impact of rangers' death.

As for any type of "compromise" solution - sorry, if anyone thinks that is acceptable, then they're not a football fan. This is not a Gretna or a Livingston, not a Dundee, a Leeds, or a Middlesborough. This is not a victim of financial mismanagement or "living the dream". This is a CRIMINAL organisation.This is an organisation which already had a pre-eminent position in its field, and used the resulting influence to weaken its competitors. An organisation which could not suck enough cash out of the Scottish game to play with their "rightful" peers in the European elite, so took a conscious decision to STEAL money from every person in this country. Not on one occasion, but as a sustained business practise.

Now, rangers have been caught, but contrary to their apologists, have not yet been punished. Yet idiots still maintain they must be pandered to "for the good of the game". Bollox. Any game which "needs" these lying, thieving, cheating scum is not a game, it's a conspiracy to extort money from fans on the premise of sport, while rewarding criminal behaviour. I, and the majority on here, don't believe that is right.

This should be a happy time - rangers are dead, we have an opportunity to start again (with celtic having to play nicesmile.gif) - yet we are still assailed by acolytes of the old order, trying to breathe some life into the stinking corpse of Scotland's most shameful club.

WhiteRoseKillie, I have read all of your posts.

Ffs stop dancing around the edge with your wishy washy comments and come out and say what you really mean.


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FTA, a quote from Doncaster...

"A number of people have said the decision today has enhanced the reputation of the league but it’s not for me to say."

That's a bit fucking rich considering his boss, and surprisingly quiet, Topping was happy to berate the SPL diddies for reducing the league's reputation by daring to suggest that a change in the draconian 11/1 voting regime should be changed.

Another quote after yesterday's meeting was "This is what the supporters wanted".

In other words, "It's all your fault". I half expected him to look into the camera and start shaking his fist when he said that.

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All I have read from Killie fans are apologies for the way they were represented in the vote and that is the big difference between them and Sevco. Sevco fans shout about blame, Killie fans talk about putting things right.

I saw a tweet from a Killie fan this morning asking that his/her club are not boycotted by fellow fans and I think that Killie should not be made to suffer for the way in which their chairman voted.

Thanks for the understanding Sailor, and by extension all those decent posters on here. Johnston has been a total embarrassment for some time now, and it makes us cringe when opposition fans pick up on his nonsense. As chairman, it can be said that he DOES speak for the club, but he certainly doesn't always speak for the fans - I think we've made that clear. I hope that no fans do boycott us next year - the pies are still excelllent, and good cheap beer is available in a number of fine establishments. Plus there's always a chance of three points when you visitsad.gif.

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No I understand that semantic argument well.

I did not say I was OK with it, I stated that it may be a necessary evil.

What has happened to newcos in other leagues? Have they had to start again from the bottom every time?

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The falkirk game against rangers was a bonus last season and nothing more. We'd have still posted a profit whether we'd got them or not. The simplr fact is that rules are rules and must be followed. There was two options for sevco. One was acceptance to the SPL the other was acceptance via the third division . If the situation is that bad financially for Spl clubs then they should've allowed Sevco back into the SPL. They Didnt so the only fair option left is for Sevco is to apply for access to the third division and to work their way back through the leagues. Parachuting Sevco into the first division is a ludicrous and scandalous idea and I can assure you I wont be back in another scottish professional ground if this comes off. I'd have the same feelings if it was Celtic, Aberdeen, Motherwell orany other scottish football club although we know that celtic apart we wouldnt be having this debate if it as nay other club apart from Rangers. If rules are bended so much that we start fixing leagues then what is the point of supporting a league structure as corrupt as the SFL/SPL.

Completely agree for us its a bonus. If any team runs its business model around having an Old Firm game or two then they are not financially sustainable.

It sounds harsh but if any teams experience hardship if Sevco drop out so be it. There is no point in hiding the real problem (if it exists) that teams should be running on their own means.

We have learnt over the past few days that our governing body is one big bully who only cares about keeping Rangers and Celtic in its bed.

I am happy in todays day and age we have the internet to bring together support from everyone and well done to all clubs who speak out.

To all fans of such clubs - make sure you support your team through merchandise and tickets!

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:lol: between this, Southampton, and Le Havre it's clear what the international sporting community think of the Sevco shenanigans, "Arms length... keep away... do not taint us with your footballing leprosy."

Can they even play friendlies without being registered with the SFA? When will we know if they have registered the Sevco Club and players?

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