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If you really have dreamed of winning the league than that is just delusional. St. Mirren will likely never win the league, I honestly don't give a shit.

And unlike many here I won't abandon my team because a decision is made out of their hands. Fans really are utterly ridiculous at times.

See I know what you're saying and it is now a distant dream. But you're allowed to dream, aren't you?

For all Mercer did for Hearts in turning round a football club, I think his attitude that we could only realistically confirm ourselves as the third force actually hampered us in the mid/later 80s. If that's the message from the top, how does that drag you over the line when you have an opportunity? There's only so much realism you can bear?

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Dons fans & the Huddleboard sponsoring Raith Rvs players for £200 each next season. Great idea to help those clubs putting integrity first.12:00am - 10 Jul 12

from twiter.

They need the money more...

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See I know what you're saying and it is now a distant dream. But you're allowed to dream, aren't you?

For all Mercer did for Hearts in turning round a football club, I think his attitude that we could only realistically confirm ourselves as the third force actually hampered us in the mid/later 80s. If that's the message from the top, how does that drag you over the line when you have an opportunity? There's only so much realism you can bear?

Sure you can dream, you can dream about pumping Kate Upton. But that is a million miles from "I only support St. Mirren because I think they can win the league". Of course I don't think that, I'm not fucking stupid. There is virtually no chance St. Mirren will win the league in my lifetime, and I fully accept that. It makes no difference to whether or not I support them.

I'm frankly astonished any diddy fan only supports their club because they are deluded enough to think they can win the league. Hearts are slightly different cause they have been relatively close but average diddy shite liken St. Johnstone and St. Mirren? Don't fucking kid yourself.

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Sure you can dream, you can dream about pumping Kate Upton. But that is a million miles from "I only support St. Mirren because I think they can win the league". Of course I don't think that, I'm not fucking stupid. There is virtually no chance St. Mirren will win the league in my lifetime, and I fully accept that. It makes no difference to whether or not I support them.

I'm frankly astonished any diddy fan only supports their club because they are deluded enough to think they can win the league. Hearts are slightly different cause they have been relatively close but average diddy shite liken St. Johnstone and St. Mirren? Don't fucking kid yourself.

I don't think that's what he was getting at. It's one thing to know in your heart you've got no chance. It's another to have your fucking nose rubbed in it by the authorities? Oh and of course he'll be back....:)

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At least your honest enough to admit the chairmen are hypocrites. but "sporting integrity" has bocome a meaningless buzzword for all concerned. people on every side are using it to mask what they really mean.

oh and cheers for the head doctoring, its great to know that you can tell everything about a person from the team they support, i never knew all my years of supporting rangers was because i had a sense of entitlement, must be why i also support that English giant Aston Villa (last trophy about 1994) and the Washington Redskins (surely the worst "old school" team in American football).

i did have high hopes for your post until your rather lazy WATP line, after that i could see the skag taking forever living in Hearts shaddow chip on the shoulder mentality shining through, or was it the sunshine on leith? see labelling someone is awfay easy when you resort to stereotypes...

My judgements were based purely on your post, not lazy stereotypes.

You think people not wanting the incarnation of a cheating club to start from the top are having 'their pound of flesh' and that Rangers have 'been punished enough'. You're telling me you can't smell the reek of entitlement in those words? :lol: It's an attitude I've found to be consistent from a group of supporters who's arguments mostly involve proclaiming that this is 'their league, their country and anyone questioning them is a tarrier or a bitter diddy.

Perhaps your particular arrogance and entitlement is nothing to do with a typical WATP supremacy attitude. The notion that Celtic fans should have no concern with the Great British economy is an ill advised statement is that's the case. I'm not saying all Rangers fans are contemptuous bigots. I'm just saying you seem to be.

The good point you made was about the hypocrites running our game (Hibs' chairman amongst the worst). Make no mistake, they'd have Sevco in the SPL in a flash, with not a single shit given to the notion of sporting integrity. Keep reading these boards if you want to see what us diddies think of them.

Edit: Actually scrap that, I do resort to lazy stereotypes and snap judgements. Not towards Rangers fans, but anyone who supports an EPL and an American football team is a total w**k.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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Well, so few nations have played the game for a similar length of time. In fact only England have - but we are by far better than Ireland or Wales if that's what you mean. And Scotland are above Sweden in the coefficient, even though we just dropped 8 places. We absolutely piss all over them, Bosnia and Slovenia too. And Hungary. And Norway. So why do we consistently perform above far larger nations? Last season we were ahead of giants like Poland too, not to mention the Czech Republic.

Why is Scottish football so good? And the Uruguayan league has never, and will never be, on a par with Scotland. We are a model to other nations really, years of historic and incredible over achievement. For once our current position is actually pretty damn realistic.

If you're going to make an argument with this imbecile, don't use the FIFA rankings.

I disagree we're better than Ireland and Wales.

We were just slaughtered by a country that doesn't even like the game ffs.

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If you're going to make an argument with this imbecile, don't use the FIFA rankings.

I disagree we're better than Ireland and Wales.

We were just slaughtered by a country that doesn't even like the game ffs.

Pretty sure he was using the UEFA coefficient, not FIFA rankings.

Seeing as we're talking about club football it does make sense to use the main measure of the relative strengths of leagues in Europe.

If you are gonna bring up the national team, then yeah, we are pish.. but how much of that blame goes to the muppet in charge?

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Didn't you get the memo. Rangers are deid.

But even the most backwards Sevco fan can see the SPL and SFA are doing their utmost to f**k over every club in the SFL in favour of Zombie Bears.

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My goodness! Gazza and Di Stefano (didn't he play for Real Madrid?:D) Rangers new dream team. Seems they're also trying to sign Stanley Matthews and Bobby Moore as they're not asking for signing-on fees and will play for free. And as for getting the Sheik of Araby to bankroll it? :lol::lol::lol:

Is that guy for real? I wouldn't even let him defend me against a parking ticket. Not enough fallen dictators in the world and too much time on his hands!

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The OP should submit that first post to The Daily Record. It's written like a Traynor column - ill conceived, full of shite and misses the point more often than it hits. A red top journalist career beckons.

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Probably a bit late in the day for this but Murdo Macleod reckons if there is no Rangers next season in the SPL then the league will be boring because we already know who will win it.

He must've been on the moon during the 90's then as Rangers romped to 9 in a row. In thinking about it i reckon in my 25 seasons following football i only failed maybe twice to predict a league winner.

Would he prefer Rangers in the SPL with no sanctions next season and we will give them a pile of cash to compete?

Is any ex old firm pro able to write something that isn't complete nonsense?

Despite long associations with Cellic, he was brought up a bluenose therefore his opinion counts as much as any other sevco apologist.

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If you really have dreamed of winning the league than that is just delusional. St. Mirren will likely never win the league, I honestly don't give a shit.

And unlike many here I won't abandon my team because a decision is made out of their hands. Fans really are utterly ridiculous at times.

The decision is not out of your hands, it is being influenced by threats and blackmail from your club through the SPL Board.

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Excellent post, TheLip69. I think I am a similar generation, I certainly share your views here.

Referring to the period you mention, let's say when we had the Cobra: I was mightily pished off that Sellic managed to play a whole season at Hampden, whereas every other team before and after had to meet the Taylor Report requirements and undertake general ground maintenance work in pre-season. Of course, this was essentially, other than a few academics, in pre-internet days. At risking neg rep here from the Eastenders here; fair enough, if that proposal had been made today, would fans of other clubs just bent over and taken a big one up the bomb bay shrugged their shoulders and got on with things?

I've seen OF bias all my generation; the spoof Rancid back page of "Terry Butcher Has A Cold"/"Dundee United Lose To Gothenberg- See Page 67, column 5" wasn't far from the truth at all. We are currently seeing a big backlash against Chico and Traynor; in truth this has always been the case.

I'm completely scunnered with Scottish football such that I asked to get my account (Shallow Dave) terminated on Steelmen Online. I'm here because there's a bit more of a wider and intellectual debate, however should Zombie Buttfuckers From G51 end up in the SFL1, I guarantee no Scottish Football entity or association will ever receive any of my hard-earned again.

Oh, people are free to discuss the semantics between boycotts and walk-outs. Whatever floats your boat......


If you feel so strongly about it get your chairmen to withdraw their support for the proposal and allow the SFL to make the decision free of intimidation.

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Can anyone else think of a reason why Dundee or Dunfermline weren't put into the SPL as soon as Newco were rejected other than to keep the vacancy free for Newco should the SFL reject them?

I can't.

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