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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why would you stop going? Because Scottish football is "corrupt"? Would it not matter how your club voted? How does it affect your club anyway? Does it, as previously outlined, take away your dream of East Fife winning the SPL title?

Again, this in my view, but the only appropriate time I'd damage my own club if we were directly voting for Rangers to stay in the SPL - that is not a sufficient deterrant. Would I never go again? No, I'd still go in some capacity but wouldn't buy a season ticket. If they get into the first, a division that has f**k all to do with St. Mirren, my actions regarding St. Mirren will not be remotely affected. Why should it?

You can say, I disagree with Regan/Doncaster, I don't like what they are saying/doing? So what? How out of love are you with football that you'd let two people make you abandon your club? I said before this is a convenient excuse and it is. The two chief execs of Scottish football could have been committing arson against clubs they don't like, threatening referees and shagging rent boys on Hampden Park. Would this stop me going to St. Mirren? No, why the f**k would it? It's like saying you are never going to see Penn State again because of Jerry Sandusky. My love for the club greatly transcends the actions of those at the top of the game - as it surely does for every fan. Those threatening to walk away forever are either doing so as an empty threat or no longer really care about football/their own club.

Oh and even if Gilmour votes Newco in and, to use greatly unhelpful tone, "lubes up" I'd still go and see St. Mirren cause, guess what? Gilmour is a temporary guardian of something that is far larger and far greater than himself, something that will live long after he and I are both dead. The decisions he makes are meaningless to whether or not I support the club.

Although, I've said before, Gilmour is the greatest person in St. Mirrens history. So I'm quite a fan, even if I had heard he's a complete knob in person.

Why would you continue to use this forum though? Meeting hot singles?

You have your view, I have mine - when Scottish fitba becomes so corrupt it is better watching WWE on Sky to see fairness then the game's a bogey. You can choose to call me a plastic EFFC if you wish and continue yersel. I've made the decision that NEVER go to Bayview again (it's not a money/wanting away thing).

I'm committed to go to Brazil with my bruv & mephew next World Cup Finals to support the African Teams as Scotland won't be there. I will delete this website if bad things happen and not chase hot singles. Is that a Mirren thing how you use teh interweb?

PS - I'm pretty sure East Fife will still be there with it's illustrious historee long after the mirren go bust - we know how to live within our means.

Edited by Claymores
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Let me set it out in stages. I have never cheated at any sport I've participated in and I'm not going to accept chicanery to suit some arse pieces within Scottish football.

I'm perhaps a wee bit unusual in that I've never deliberately fouled an opponent in a game of football, I even consider shirt tugging as cheating, but due to the spineless self serving fcukers running football, I've to put up with diving, fouling, and cheating fcukers kicking the ball out of play then sticking their hand up to claim the decision before getting stuck into officials.

If I choose to walk away from Scottish football I'll decide whether I'll continue posting on here, and if I continue it'll have fcuk all to do with you.

When someone starts to pay my entrance fee they might be entitled to comment on my attendance or lack of it, 'til then I'll choose what I do with my time and money.

So your criticising cheating that is endemic within every football match all over the world? And fine, maybe you don't like your club and aren't a supporter. Supporter implies you support the club through all its trials and travels. Think you more suit "tourist" will follow when it suits you but something changes? Nah, no longer an Ayr fan.

As for sticking around here this confirms what many suspect. Very few of these people will actually abandon Scottish football, they will huff and puff and try to blow the house down but a weekend at a Garden Centre followed by a weekend searching for a husband seat in M&S and they'll be dying to get back. A wee junior game here, maybe one game back at Ayr. And following season? Boom, season ticket, just anything to keep me out of M&S.

Oh and as for the "it's my money only I have to justify how I use it" - well, yeah, obviously, but this is a forum and I will continue to pass comment on you not being a real fan and being a bullshitter. Got a problem? Stop reading it.

Cause I'm still interested in the sport perhaps? As it so happens theres quite a few people on here who don't follow any specific clubs. They must be on here for the shagging as well.

Maybe they follow a whole host of clubs. Think you should refer to above.

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You have your view, I have mine - when Scottish fitba becomes so corrupt it is better watching WWE on Sky to see fairness then the game's a bogey. You can choose to call me a plastic EFFC if you wish and continue yersel. I've made the decision that NEVER go to Bayview again (it's not a money/wanting away thing).

I'm committed to go to Brazil with my bruv & mephew next World Cup Finals to support the African Teams as Scotland won't be there. I will delete this website if bad things happen and not chase hot singles. Is that a Mirren thing how you use teh interweb?

PS - I'm pretty sure East Fife will still be there with it's illustrious historee long after the mirren go bust - we know how to live within our means.

Except your games aren't any more or less corrupt than they used to be, you are still East Fife playing whoever East Fife play.

All that will have happened is that an establishment club are put in a favourable position in order to protect commercial interests - it doesn't really affect you at all to be honest. WWE level of corruption implies collusion on results, which patently isn't happening. Rangers in SFL 1 is not an ideal situation, and 1 I oppose, it's the repeated threats to abandon your club that gripes me.

St. Mirren do know how to live within their means, though. The comment about us basing our business plan on Rangers being in the SPL is incredibly stupid. It's like saying EPL teams bank on their clubs having a huge Sky deal, or Exxon Mobil bank on the world not running out of oil. It's commercial reality, of course St. Mirren budget on commercial partners maintaining their TV and sponsorship contracts. Doing anything else would be suicidal and would see us relegated on zero points.

The actions of St. Mirren here, with regards to our budget, really cannot be criticised. Losing all our sponsorship and a lot of our income will negatively affect us financially - as it would any business in any sector.

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Congratulations on being a super fan then bud. I'm sure theres a special pin badge somewhere with your name on it waiting for you.

Or just being a fan at all really.

It's hard to imagine what scenario would prompt me to abandon St. Mirren. Cause, you know, I'm a supporter and influences outwith St. Mirrens control won't change that.

There was some truth in saying some people hate Rangers more than they support their own club.

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So your criticising cheating that is endemic within every football match all over the world? And fine, maybe you don't like your club and aren't a supporter. Supporter implies you support the club through all its trials and travels. Think you more suit "tourist" will follow when it suits you but something changes? Nah, no longer an Ayr fan.

As for sticking around here this confirms what many suspect. Very few of these people will actually abandon Scottish football, they will huff and puff and try to blow the house down but a weekend at a Garden Centre followed by a weekend searching for a husband seat in M&S and they'll be dying to get back. A wee junior game here, maybe one game back at Ayr. And following season? Boom, season ticket, just anything to keep me out of M&S.

Oh and as for the "it's my money only I have to justify how I use it" - well, yeah, obviously, but this is a forum and I will continue to pass comment on you not being a real fan and being a bullshitter. Got a problem? Stop reading it.

Maybe they follow a whole host of clubs. Think you should refer to above.

Am I to assume that your beloved refs overlook this cheating, or as is right, try to punish it.

Have you been rimming Doncasters hole?

A football tourist wouldn't spend 44 seasons touring the same place.

See that wee section that states that ~30% of my posts have been in general nonsense( slowly coming to the realisation it might be 100% right enough), that shows that 30% of my time on here is spent not bothering about football.

Don't do season tickets, their for folk that accept any old shite.

When you've dragged yourself along to the dross I've been subjected to post Barr you can appreciate what real fans put up with, East Stirling get more respect from me than any other clubs as they're having to watch dross a large % of the time.

You'll be one of the arses that get to the SPL then all of a sudden your one of the self preservation brigade, not surprised that so many diddies choose that route upon promotion, my generation have brought up a generation who want something and don't care how they get it so long as they get it.

Edited by ayrmad
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Thomson has nothing to lose by Rangers disappearing, whilst the scottish journalists certainly do, without the Old Firm newspaper sales would fall even faster than they are now, and they might actually have to do some proper journalism instead of filling the rags with Old Firm tittle tattle. They are looking out for their own jobs, I suppose you can't really blame them.

It's frightening that Gordon Smith was chief executive of the SFA, the guy is thick as pig shit and an utter c**t into the bargain.

Excellent precis of the wig wearing corrupt f*ck.

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Except your games aren't any more or less corrupt than they used to be, you are still East Fife playing whoever East Fife play.

All that will have happened is that an establishment club are put in a favourable position in order to protect commercial interests - it doesn't really affect you at all to be honest. WWE level of corruption implies collusion on results, which patently isn't happening. Rangers in SFL 1 is not an ideal situation, and 1 I oppose, it's the repeated threats to abandon your club that gripes me.

St. Mirren do know how to live within their means, though. The comment about us basing our business plan on Rangers being in the SPL is incredibly stupid. It's like saying EPL teams bank on their clubs having a huge Sky deal, or Exxon Mobil bank on the world not running out of oil. It's commercial reality, of course St. Mirren budget on commercial partners maintaining their TV and sponsorship contracts. Doing anything else would be suicidal and would see us relegated on zero points.

The actions of St. Mirren here, with regards to our budget, really cannot be criticised. Losing all our sponsorship and a lot of our income will negatively affect us financially - as it would any business in any sector.

You write long coherent passages with your view.

My view is short and sweet - it's crap if Cevco get to 1st


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Am I to assume that your beloved refs overlook this cheating, or as is right, try to punish it.

Have you been rimming Doncasters hole?

A football tourist wouldn't spend 44 seasons touring the same place.

See that wee section that states that ~30% of my posts have been in general nonsense( slowly coming to the realisation it might be 100% right enough), that shows that 30% of my time on here is spent not bothering about football.

Don't do season tickets, their for folk that accept any old shite.

When you've dragged yourself along to the dross I've been subjected to post Barr you can appreciate what real fans put up with, East Stirling get more respect from me than any other clubs as they're having to watch dross a large % of the time.

You'll be one of the arses that get to the SPL then all of a sudden your one of the self preservation brigade, not surprised that so many diddies choose that route upon promotion, my generation have brought up a generation who want something and don't care how they get it so long as they get it.

Referees do what they're told. I'm sure most would quite like to caution everyone who claimed for a throw in. It'd make their jobs a lot easier in the long term.

You conveniently ignore my criticising both Doncasters proposals and questioning his competence - and at no point saying I agree with anything he has said or done. Still, anyone who doesn't agree with the view on this thread is *insert sexually aggressive language* with Regan and Doncaster as well as being the worstest person ever, right? Oh and lube and anal rape, right?

Not a tourist? Why so quick to abandon Ayr due to circumstances outwith their control?

The rest of your posts don't make that much sense, you seem to be criticising your parents for being incredibly selfish. And as for my self preservation, again, you are ignoring my repeated posts about why Rangers should be placed in the 3rd? The more interesting turnaround is clubs like Falkirk saying how dreadful and corrupt SPL is now they've been turfed out for being shite.

You write long coherent passages with your view.

My view is short and sweet - it's crap if Cevco get to 1st


Simple: you hate Rangers more than you like East Fife.

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Referees do what they're told. I'm sure most would quite like to caution everyone who claimed for a throw in. It'd make their jobs a lot easier in the long term.

So my point about diving etc is different from changing the rules to suit the cheat?

You conveniently ignore my criticising both Doncasters proposals and questioning his competence - and at no point saying I agree with anything he has said or done.

It's usually only my dogs I need to give a wee pat of reassurance.

Still, anyone who doesn't agree with the view on this thread is *insert sexually aggressive language* with Regan and Doncaster as well as being the worstest person ever, right? Oh and lube and anal rape, right?

Does everyone who disagrees do this, can't say I've noticed too many, even then I've intervened, have you intervened to ease it for someone of an opposing view?

Not a tourist? Why so quick to abandon Ayr due to circumstances outwith their control?

Because, as I've posted quite a few times during this fcuk up of a situation, I don't do cheating, that's as simple as it is, do you make a living out of football as it's only those folks that struggle to get that concept? If Newco get into the 1st then fail to get promoted what happens? Another rejig to suit them or will referees get new instructions in the latter weeks of the season if Newco appear to be struggling?

The rest of your posts don't make that much sense, you seem to be criticising your parents for being incredibly selfish.

Reread that part.

And as for my self preservation, again, you are ignoring my repeated posts about why Rangers should be placed in the 3rd?[/Quote]

What's that go to with the general "I'm alright attitude?"

The more interesting turnaround is clubs like Falkirk saying how dreadful and corrupt SPL is now they've been turfed out for being shite.

Make up your mind.

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As for sticking around here this confirms what many suspect. Very few of these people will actually abandon Scottish football, they will huff and puff and try to blow the house down but a weekend at a Garden Centre followed by a weekend searching for a husband seat in M&S and they'll be dying to get back. A wee junior game here, maybe one game back at Ayr. And following season? Boom, season ticket, just anything to keep me out of M&S.

I like shopping, it's me that knows where everything is upon entering the supermarket not the wife.

That'll not fit in with your perception of myself right enough. Fat loudmouthed arseholes are capable of shopping without coercion.

Edited by ayrmad
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And surprise surprise Richard Cough doesn't get it either ...

It should be either the full punishment or nothing.

Rangers will take their medicine, go to the Third and start again.

Surely "full punishment" would be to be made to apply for the vacancy in Div3 along with the likes of Spartans etc. NOT just getting put straight into Div3. If they get in - fair enough, if they don't - more jelly and ice cream. I like jelly and ice cream - yummy. :D

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So my point about diving etc is different from changing the rules to suit the cheat?

Because, as I've posted quite a few times during this fcuk up of a situation, I don't do cheating, that's as simple as it is, do you make a living out of football as it's only those folks that struggle to get that concept? If Newco get into the 1st then fail to get promoted what happens? Another rejig to suit them or will referees get new instructions in the latter weeks of the season if Newco appear to be struggling?

I dunno, is it? What are you trying to say? You don't do cheating but it happens every game and you attend anyway? I really have no idea.

And, according to Scotland Tonight, no rules are being changed to put Rangers in Division 1.

Simple - you talk pish...............before I even hit the keyboard Rangers are deid - they passed away in June - Cevco I'm pretty pissed aboot super fan

I see, so it's revolved full circle. Abuse - apologise for abuse - complement post content - abuse.

You, good sir, are an Orwellian Pig.

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