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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In which I look at the blatant tactics of three men to assist a party which is a member of no football organisation in Scotland, and which is not asking for the “help“ it is getting. I suggest that Clyde FC get it, again, spot on, and I wonder how the fact that we have a secret ballot today could affect the outcome.

I also point out that, logically, the SFL Board cannot be in position, standing the terms of the restructuring ideas mentioned, to have reached the agreement which the resolution needs them to have reached to admit “Rangers” to SFL1. Though that will not stop them, I am sure.

Finally, if the SFL teams stick to their guns, it would be appropriate for Messrs Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir to resign today. (But they won’t).


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Rangers will not be in the SPL. It's impossible. The SPL clubs have made that clear.

...and assumed that they'd be in SFL1 and only gone for a year.

I'd love to be proven wrong on this one - hopefully Hutton and whoever is in charge at Clyde can stick to their guns and at least get this sorry mess off our consciences.

Then it'd be over to Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel - and anything goes with them as we know.

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Starts at 11, expected to be finished by around 2.

Cheers. (ETA and to booker also)

I guess Doncaster and Regan are abducting the chairmen's wives and children as we speak.

Edited by alimci
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There is a drunken old jakey in my town.He stumbles along the high street, railing against the world and lashing out wildly at imaginary assailants. His head is cut and bruised. He thinks that someone beat him up, but actually he fell over in a drunken stupor and injured himself.

His clothes are dirty and stained, but you can see that they are actually quite good quality. In his occasional moments of lucidity he likes to tell people that in the past he was one of the 'masters of the universe', that he lived in a 'big hoose', that he drove a flash car and had a gorgeous wife and loving family. All of this is true, although you'd struggle to believe it now.

In the past he was a successful businessman and was CEO of a highly respected financial services company. The problem was that his company was actually a massive ponzi scheme and all of his friends and family deserted him when they found out that he'd invested their money in a desperate bid to keep the illusion of his success alive.He went from everything to nothing in the blink of an eye.

He had always been a gambler, but now he didn't have the cash to sustain his addiction. He kept drinking, but on his own, alone. He got thrown out of his 'big hoose' and his flash car was repossessed. He ended up living on the streets.

Homelessness is a terrible problem and homeless people should be treated with care and compassion. Someone needs to help that guy get back on his feet and rebuild his life, but like all addicts he can't really be helped until he faces up to his addictions and problems and finds the resolve to tackle them himself.

Of course, he needs to be rehoused, but he can't be trusted to look after himself yet. No one is going to just give him the keys to his old house (someone else has moved in). No one is going to give him a job as CEO of a company or the manager of a pub or working in a bookies or any other area of life where the temptation could be too great.

Rehabilitation is a long slow process. Homeless shelter, halfway house, part time work, build some self respect and slowly rebuild a life, while proving that he won't fall off the wagon. Maybe even win his family back.

We can help him rebuild his life, one step at a time. The first step is for him to face up to his problems and start the journey towards a future that is not corrupt and excessive like his past.

Great analogy - if only some other posters could do this than refer simplistically to the only Orwell they've ever read.

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I didn't think I'd wake up as excited and nervous as I have. My head tells me that there will be no vote. I keep teeling myself not to expect anything other than Doncaster/Reagan to twist again.

My heart however tells me I cannot ignore Turnbull Hutton, Clyde's magnificent deconstruction of the shameful attempts to force Servco into the 1st and the statements coming from clubs up and down the land (such as Peterhead and Alloa).

Perhaps I'd feel different if I was 100% sure how my own club will vote (if they even get to voting).

Head - No vote due to some last minutes shennanigans

Heart - Servco told to f**k right off, with at least Reagan and Cockwomble being wiped from our game.

If we vote them into Div3 at the very least then the buck will be passed straight back to the SPL clubs and fans. It will be then that the SPL fans will find out if their clubs lied to them when they voted NO to Newco. I'd imagine only Hearts fans will be 100% certain.

My biggest fear is that we sell out due to the additional 2/4 SPL places which may be on offer. The SFL clubs are in the strong bargaining position here. Let's hope they all remember that.

Edit: Also, is the extra £1m TV money really that much of an incentive? The main reason for this payment is having the rights to broadcast Sevco games. Surely that would mean they get the lions share of this cash.

Edited by lanky_ffc
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Only those voting yes get the buffet.

Not quite so straightforward. The 'rebel' SFL chairmen have a cunning plan; just as the buffet is being announced half their delegates will surround the buffet table holding off the apologists with pitchforks, the other half will bring in the alternative buffet comprising popcorn, ice cream and jelly.

Can't decide whether to finish this post with "You heard it heard first" or "I heard this from a reliable source" or "FACT". :lol:

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I work in a pretty big office and where I sit I can overhear conversations from other departments (I sit beside casual, open-plan, meeting areas) and I've just heard a Sevco fan giving his view.

"I'm looking forward to a 6 team SPL next season when you all go bust"

"All I'll say is, just watch this space. Watch this space. YOU'LL SEE!!"

My god I hope they get voted out today. It's also a dress down day in my work and the guy is wearing a pair of two-bob sannies he would have got bullied for in Primary school. They look like a poor man's Gola.

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Chairman’s Blog


Chairman’s Blog

Well, the last few weeks have been interesting. We have hadThe SPL vote in a sham of a meeting that due to “sporting integrity” they weregoing to evict Newco Rangers from the SPL. All the while, they knew fine wellthat voting to allow them to stay wasn’t going to be allowed to happen and havesince passed the buck and laid their problem at the SFL’s door.

Since that point, they have applied considerable pressurethreatening the loss of all of our income and emotional blackmail aboutfootball collapsing and it being all the SFL’s fault. To be honest, it’s notsurprising based on past dealings with the SPL, but here we are and what do wedo?

Today’s vote is monumental in the history of Scottishfootball and it’s not without a great deal of stress and debate amongst ourboard and input from shareholders, season ticket holders and supporters that wehave come up with our votes for the three agenda items placed before our onerepresentative at today’s meeting.

We will vote yes to allowing Newco Rangers into the SFL asan associate member and agree to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the league2012/13. The logic behind this is that they have the facilities and fan basethat the league is looking for. The fact that it could go against the rule bookis a question for the SFL and not us.

We will vote no on the agenda item that allows Rangers intothe 3rd division, but 1st division if the SFL board agree terms with the SPLand SFA on measures “improving” the game. Our representative has beeninstructed that if the agenda item is altered to allow Rangers into the 3rddivision full stop, that we will vote yes, but not on any agenda item thatallows Rangers into the 1st.

Finally, we will vote yes to allow either Dunfermline orDundee to resign from the SFL and be admitted to the SPL for the upcomingseason.

A lot has been said in the press etc. about what is rightand wrong, but my personal opinion is that Rangers are/were one of 42professional football clubs in Scotland and should be treated as any one of the41 other clubs would be. I did not appreciate the bullying and threats thathave come from above and part of the problem in our professional game is theunbalanced structure. By the way, I have started writing from my point of viewbecause that is exactly what it is. It is not necessarily the view of AyrUnited FC.

I don’t think anyone believes that if it were any other SPLClub besides Celtic that there would be anywhere near this level of pressureetc. and it is partly because of this that we have voted the way we have.

If Rangers do end up voted into the 3rd division, it islikely that an SPL2 will be attempted. So, just for the record (and I hope thesarcasm is clear) the body that is doing such a sterling job of running the topleague in our country is going to further try to decimate the SFL by setting upanother league and forcing the teams left behind to grovel for crumbs.

I hope that whatever decision is taken tomorrow will beallowed to stand without interference or lawsuits etc., and we will accept anydecision either way by the democratic process set up by the SFL. We may notagree with the outcome, but if it is made by the SFL by a transparent vote,then I am satisfied.

I would like to say that I think David Longmuir and the SFLboard have been stitched up here, but they have handled themselves well underthe circumstances. I sat on that board for a few years and I know for a factthat David, and all of the others who make up the board from the various clubsin Scotland are supporters of the game and believe in the integrity of the gameitself. He has been put under unbelievable public pressure and although somepress have tried to bundle him in with the other two, he will do what is theright thing by going with the wishes of the 30 clubs that make up the SFL.

Finally, and this is important. If our wishes come true andRangers do enter the SFL in the 3rd division, we will be under immediatefinancial pressure as we will automatically lose over 60k immediately. That 60kis already spent in this years playing budget.

Ayr United will not make it through the season if we don’tfind a way to make up that loss. So, we have decided to vote based on what isright, but meanwhile are aware that it has the possibility of collapsing us asa club. That is where all of you who have written, called and emailed the clubcan help by purchasing season tickets, encouraging people to attend matches andsponsoring your club in all the various ways possible.

I have appreciated all of the correspondence that we havereceived from our supporters. (I could have done without the hundreds of emailsfrom supporters of other clubs) and we have taken your views into account whenmaking our decision. It’s a huge financial risk for us, but I personally thinkthat if we are to make it through this season in tact that it is betterstanding for what is right than selling our souls and the integrity of the gameto appease those at the top who have already done their best to dismantle thegame since 1998. I’m a big Scotland supporter and I don’t think it’s acoincidence that we haven’t been to a major finals since the SPL was formed.

Hopefully tomorrow’s vote is binding and there is no monkeybusiness that further tarnishes all of us in the sport, and I like most that Ihave heard from hope it’s the right one.

Lachlan Cameron


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