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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Clyde report now online

The club chairman attended a very sobering meeting of the SFL today where the 30 clubs voted on resolutions in the manner that they felt were, on balance, for the good of the game. Nobody had arrived at decisions easily and all had been placed in intolerable positions of having to decide without the basic information that would reflect good governance and having to speculate about unresolved matters around sanctions and membership of the SFA that other bodies had so far failed to deal with.

The outcome was never going to be a good one, but it was one of significant unity amongst the clubs, and even where clubs voted differently, it was not a divisive difference of views, everyone understood the complex mix of circumstances facing each club would never deliver unanimity of voting.

We reported this morning prior to the vote of all clubs that "Sevco Scotland Ltd will not be playing in the Third Division in the coming season". Nothing heard today altered that opinion, in fact, it strengthened it.

For the good of the game we need to see the SFA accept the will of its members, who all voted today, as members of the SFL, in the clear knowledge that the SFA had it in its power to refuse to transfer SFA membership to Sevco Scotland Ltd should the vote support the entry of Sevco Scotland Ltd into SFL 3.

We were asked to respect the confidentiality of those presenting today as only that agreement would allow them to be as candid as they were, we cannot therefore share what was said, however Mr Green left the SFL member clubs in no doubt about what he had been told by the SFA.

The SFL saw a level of unity and unselfishness that owes significant credit to the first division clubs who stated their intention to seek a 42 club solution and not to take part in a divisive alternative. This kind of unity if maintained will help deliver the change that the game so badly needs and the first division clubs in particular will merit.

If the SFA now act to support any process to undermine the clear views of the SFL members, who are also members of the SFA, then this club will join others in questioning those in leadership.

Sadly for our game, this saga is not over, teams cannot plan and that includes Rangers, who may yet be denied the opportunity to play football in SFL 3 because it suits the interests of others.

Hope the fans can show as much unity as the SFL, they're all on the same side regardless of who voted what.

The good fans of all 42 clubs need to become one now.

Fcuk the knuckledraggers within our fanbases.

A football fan looking to get the best outcome for Scottish football doesn't boycott any teams after the collective have done the right thing, it would be terrible to watch Killie, Hamilton etc entering admin with our help.

A football fan looking to get the best outcome for Scottish football doesn't hammer a Newco after they've entered at the bottom, it would be terrible to watch Newco getting hogtied with sanctions, they've been publicly humiliated enough now IMHO, anything further would actually just be humiliating ourselves. Those that caused this shambles at Ibrox should be the ones sucking up the sanctions of the future.

I know this is only half time and I don't rule out Newco being in any of 5 divisions, I haven't ruled anything out for a wee while now, but the the good fans of all 42 teams need to come together as one voice to change our game for the better.

Don't let the knuckledraggers within our clubs fanbases win, that would just be silly and we know what happens when we sit back and allow silly people to decide our games future.

I see a bright new dawn for Scottish football, I want to be part of that new dawn where for my teams support, clubs like Raith, Clyde etc join Killie, Morton, Partick, Queens, Stranraer and Airdrie as teams we go the extra mile to visit.

Edited due to forgetting our wee rambles down the 77.

Edited by ayrmad
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The SPL will attempt to put "Rangers" back in to the top league on Monday. Prepare for a shitstorm like nothing else before. SPL fans and the clubs that are against this have to unite and make Doncaster's position untenable. I fear that this whole sorry saga is about to get even murkier and will turn so many fans away from the game that calls to get behind the clubs like never before will be rendered meaningless by the thousands who will walk away for good.

There are plenty of them, but you, are by far the biggest knicker wetter on this thread. Well done.

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I'm not even sure which of Regan's two faces I want to slap more now.

The one that proclaimed the end of the world if rankers 2.0 arent allowed into the sfl1, or the one that is now claiming this could be a new dawn and beneficial for scottish football, whilst as we suspect, still trying to do dodgy deals behind close doors to allow the abomination a get out of jail free card back into the spl or sfl1.

I can see them pushing through rankers on monday into sfl1 with a couple of minor punishments and then some fiddling with the league the following season if it looks like rankers 2.0 won't get promoted.

Even the stupidity of these guys is becoming legendary. They must have been fully aware that what they were saying and emailing to clubs was being put out into the press by some of the pissed of chairmen, yet they were still "secretly" blackmailing, bullying and harrassing clubs, as well as telling Green that there was no way rankers would be in sfl3 next season.

Regan was chief ex at Yorkshire Cricket Club before he took over from the waste of space that is Wiggy.

This is what he said when he took the job, "I'm not looking at history. What's gone is gone. We need to draw a line in the sand now and move forward. Scotland spends too much time looking back the way at how fantastic they were in years gone by. As a country it doesn't focus on the future and what we need to do to get better.I appreciate I'm not going to be accepted overnight.I am part of the institution and I think there are some out there who like to knock the institution, especially people who struggle to understand why Scottish football isn't more successful. But I'd like to think that over time I can try to win people over."

Well matey you have totally pissed that up.

But, and it pains me to say this, Wiggy said that one of the reasons he left was that he felt that the suits above him weren't taking any of his proposals to change the game on board and he felt that he was being stifled at every turn by guys who had been in the game far too long and didn't want to move forward as they were happy with the way things were, ie they kept their power over the game in Scotland.

Whilst we are all blaming Regan and Doncaster, at times rightly, I'm not so sure that these are the guys we should be pillaring. They are merely passing on to us decisions made by other suits in darkened rooms with the blinds drawn, and as the front men they take the flak when it goes pear shaped. Would it be any different if the SPL/SFA got someone else in to replace these men? They would still hire "yes men".

What we need is a complete clearout and to start again. It took the Spanish 20 years to get where they are and every year that we dither about doing it is another year wasted.

The guys in power don't care about the game. All they care about is their comfy seats, junkets, all expenses paid trips to big games, and loads of cash stuffed into their fat wallets.

Viva la Revolution!!!!

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Will the SFA Approve the Transfer of Rangers’ Membership to Sevco Scotland Ltd?

In which I look at what Sevco Scotland still have to do to get their team actually out onto a playing field. The main issue now is the SFA membership transfer. However, there are various issues which suggest that this might not be a formality, and indeed that it ought not to be.

I look at what the status of the existing membership, held by Rangers Football Club PLC (In administration) is, and whether, with the new “fit and proper person” rules, it can actually be transferred to Sevco at all!

Can it be transferred whilst the various disciplinary matters are still to be determined? Should it be?

And finally, why has there been such a delay by the SFA in dealing with this and the re-establishment of the Appellate Tribunal?


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I hope, I mean I really fucking hope, that when the spivco fan(s) turn up for any away game when this season finally starts, that someone from the home support goes up to them and says (adopting a deeply annoying adenoidal drone) "enjoy yer day bhoys"

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I'm not even sure which of Regan's two faces I want to slap more now.

The one that proclaimed the end of the world if rankers 2.0 arent allowed into the sfl1, or the one that is now claiming this could be a new dawn and beneficial for scottish football, whilst as we suspect, still trying to do dodgy deals behind close doors to allow the abomination a get out of jail free card back into the spl or sfl1.

I can see them pushing through rankers on monday into sfl1 with a couple of minor punishments and then some fiddling with the league the following season if it looks like rankers 2.0 won't get promoted.

Even the stupidity of these guys is becoming legendary. They must have been fully aware that what they were saying and emailing to clubs was being put out into the press by some of the pissed of chairmen, yet they were still "secretly" blackmailing, bullying and harrassing clubs, as well as telling Green that there was no way rankers would be in sfl3 next season.

Regan was chief ex at Yorkshire Cricket Club before he took over from the waste of space that is Wiggy.

This is what he said when he took the job, "I'm not looking at history. What's gone is gone. We need to draw a line in the sand now and move forward. Scotland spends too much time looking back the way at how fantastic they were in years gone by. As a country it doesn't focus on the future and what we need to do to get better.I appreciate I'm not going to be accepted overnight.I am part of the institution and I think there are some out there who like to knock the institution, especially people who struggle to understand why Scottish football isn't more successful. But I'd like to think that over time I can try to win people over."

Well matey you have totally pissed that up.

But, and it pains me to say this, Wiggy said that one of the reasons he left was that he felt that the suits above him weren't taking any of his proposals to change the game on board and he felt that he was being stifled at every turn by guys who had been in the game far too long and didn't want to move forward as they were happy with the way things were, ie they kept their power over the game in Scotland.

Whilst we are all blaming Regan and Doncaster, at times rightly, I'm not so sure that these are the guys we should be pillaring. They are merely passing on to us decisions made by other suits in darkened rooms with the blinds drawn, and as the front men they take the flak when it goes pear shaped. Would it be any different if the SPL/SFA got someone else in to replace these men? They would still hire "yes men".

What we need is a complete clearout and to start again. It took the Spanish 20 years to get where they are and every year that we dither about doing it is another year wasted.

The guys in power don't care about the game. All they care about is their comfy seats, junkets, all expenses paid trips to big games, and loads of cash stuffed into their fat wallets.

Viva la Revolution!!!!

Everything you've said here, whilst correct, could have been summed up with the words I've bolded. That just totally encapsulates what is wrong with having someone like Regan running a football association. His roots aren't in football.

People may argue that Gordon Smith's were and that got us nowhere fast, but I'd argue back that 95% of Scottish football fans already knew that Gordon Smith was a fucking moon-unit before he was appointed head of the SFA.

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Everything you've said here, whilst correct, could have been summed up with the words I've bolded. That just totally encapsulates what is wrong with having someone like Regan running a football association. His roots aren't in football.

People may argue that Gordon Smith's were and that got us nowhere fast, but I'd argue back that 95% of Scottish football fans already knew that Gordon Smith was a fucking moon-unit before he was appointed head of the SFA.

No, his point about blazers, dark rooms etc was the bit you should have bolded.

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The SPL will attempt to put "Rangers" back in to the top league on Monday. Prepare for a shitstorm like nothing else before. SPL fans and the clubs that are against this have to unite and make Doncaster's position untenable. I fear that this whole sorry saga is about to get even murkier and will turn so many fans away from the game that calls to get behind the clubs like never before will be rendered meaningless by the thousands who will walk away for good.

calm down dear...the spl has already voted against allowing newco into the spl ad Mondays meeting is to decide if Dundee or pars become club twelve.since that meeting was arranged newco have accepted the exceedingly kind offer from the sfl to join their third tier. Longmuir confirmed this in his press conference which also made it clear that spl two is dead in the water and Indeed regans statement was an admission albeit tacitly that the die has been cast with newco in division three. There is no room for manouevre for anyone who still wants to finagle newco up the leagues...the strength of fan power has killed the momentum of such machinations stone dead.

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On the tv money issue and this is what this all comes down to isn't it surely one of the broadcasters can see the potential benefits of covering The Rangers' Div3 campaign? And if they are desperate for the usual four games v Celtic then why not organise exhibition games hell make up some sort of two team tournament if you want it to be more competitive.

With Sevco in the SFL for at least three seasons, there has to be value in a TV deal that the SFL can exploit. Even just a half hour highlights package or something. It would end up being mainly about Sevco obviously, but it would give the other teams in the SFL some exposure.

There was talk of reviving the Glasgow Cup as a senior tournament on a home and away basis to give broadcasters some "old firm" action a while back, but I doubt Secvo would want it for another couple of seasons as they'd probably get their backsides whipped by Celtic just now.

Edited by qpsnapper
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The SPL will attempt to put "Rangers" back in to the top league on Monday. Prepare for a shitstorm like nothing else before. SPL fans and the clubs that are against this have to unite and make Doncaster's position untenable. I fear that this whole sorry saga is about to get even murkier and will turn so many fans away from the game that calls to get behind the clubs like never before will be rendered meaningless by the thousands who will walk away for good.

Indeed, you just need to read the Clyde statement to see that that's exactly what's going to happen. Going against the wishes of everyone to try and salvage some financial gain, and you can rest assured, sadly from my perspective, that Rod Petrie is right at the heart of all the nonsense.

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Reading your p**h about fan power etc. Don't you realise that people's livelihoods are at risk and business is at the forefront of decision making. You forget that Regan, Doncaster are notoriously incompetent and they can change their minds. They are in power so if cost benefit analysis means there are fewer crowds but more in TV money, they won't give a damn about you. The majority of people in Scotland follow Celtic and Rangers.

Fan power? Oh yes but not in your favour lad smile.gif

But it's not a straightforward financial decision. The chairmen would have to weigh up the Sky money against their own lost fans.

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Reading your p**h about fan power etc. Don't you realise that people's livelihoods are at risk and business is at the forefront of decision making. You forget that Regan, Doncaster are notoriously incompetent and they can change their minds. They are in power so if cost benefit analysis means there are fewer crowds but more in TV money, they won't give a damn about you. The majority of people in Scotland follow Celtic and Rangers.

Fan power? Oh yes but not in your favour lad smile.gif

Read my 2nd last post folks.

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. The majority of people in Scotland follow Celtic and Rangers.


3.68% of the population regularly attend football matches. I would suggest the "majority of people in Scotland" do not give a shit.

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