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Don't forget the fact obvious to just about everyone bar the two apologists: you can quite easily renounce your team for being bigoted scumbags, when you've finally left your naive little bubble.

Old Firm fans have chosen not to because they are comfortable with bigotry.

Bigotry smigotry, stop getting you knickers in a twist and man up.

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And at the age of five - unless you were homeschooled - you were separated from some of your little friends when you were all to go to school because they were Catholics. From that point onwards, anyone from lowland Scotland that says they never got an "education" in "The Culture" is a goddamn liar.

I was separated from them all, I walked past Braehead to go to Newton Park, perhaps everyone in Lochside thinks I'm a catholic.dry.gif

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You're right, I do bang on about it. I see it as part of the problem at Ibrox. But perhaps I'm the only one weary of Union flags, and what they represent?

Could you link me to a photo of the Saltire on the kit? I may have misjudged the club there.

A short while back there was a display of about 43,000 union flags at Ibrox, not Saltires. The sale went to a good cause, but this preoccupation with the monarchy, the Union, William and Kate, good grief where's that really coming from? It's not a very Scottish outlook. You don't have to be a died-in-the-wool republican to think it's absurd. Reminds me of BNP meetings. This obsession has grown over my lifetime, perhaps in parallel with the Troubles? Totally non-football and a complete turn off.

If the new club continues to be a vehicle for this inane, flag-waving political agenda, then it'll be the final nail in the coffin for me.

Flag waving political agenda? Proudly waving your own countries flag has somehow become offensive? You have mentioned the BNP repeatedly..I am not now or ever have been a supporter of those right wing loonies but fail to see what that has to do with Rangers and the flag of the United Kingdom. The KKK proudly march with the Scottish Lion Rampant at the head of their parades but i don't think any of us support them...Well apart from the odd Airdrie United fan

As for the picture of the strip away and google it yourself ... as i said if you are unaware of it you really are way out of touch.

Ask any decent supporter and they will tell you that the Blue Order and Unuion Bears have made a point of waving the Union Flag and the Saltire. In fact one of the most popular flags at Ibrox recently has been 1 which is half and half

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And at the age of five - unless you were homeschooled - you were separated from some of your little friends when you were all to go to school because they were Catholics. From that point onwards, anyone from lowland Scotland that says they never got an "education" in "The Culture" is a goddamn liar.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This - it might not have been overt, it might never have felt aggressive, but it permeates throughout west lowland society. I might not go as far to say people are lying :blink: and accept different family conditions, areas etc. may experience a different story, but to deny it doesn't exist throughout west lowland Scotland is unhelpful in the battle to address it.

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Glasgow FA to meet next week to consider restoring the Glasgow Cup to a senior competition (currently played for by U18s) according to today's BBC gossip snippets and the Herald. Not a big shock.

Hope they do. Then I hope the Jags knock Sevco out in the semis screwing up the big TV final they planning for. :lol::o:o

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Nah, sorry - this argument just doesn't stack up for me. It may have felt more innocent because we were young and immature, and didn't appreciate the full ramifications of what was going on, but where I came from in deepest, darkest Ayrshire, we did know about all of it. It was, and still is, a part of everyday life. It doesn't destroy the love you have for your home, but with hindsight it can darken it; James MacMillan being an example of a response to it. Whiterose Killie may have words to say about me mentioning it, but it seems to me his visceral response to the OF arises as a consequence of the situation that pertains, experienced over many, many years, and from an early age I suspect.

I can understand that as children we might not appreciate the 'big picture' and accept this may continue even up until we are exiting our teens. But at some point in our adult development we have to stand back and see it for what it is. It may not be a damascene moment, the picture may unblur over a period of time, but, in spite of the love of whatever football team, at some point you have to make a decision as to what is right and what is wrong.

It is wrong to support teams steeped in bigotry, even if you are not bigoted yourself. To do so in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, provides comfort to those who spread hate and intolerance and suggests you don't care. Not to care about something so vile and invidious, is tragic.

It was along time evolving, but for me it became a question of morality. The influence may never subside completely, and I don't feel like the 'reformed smoker' type, but I do feel I made the right decision.

Mind you..............despite his protestations theres no *%£$%** way my wee lad gets to paint his room red, white and blue (see what I did there?)!:P I suppose he doesn't have to now anyway 8) !!

I didn't come from deepest darkest Ayrshire.

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'team: Rangers' explains all.

I would register to explain the quite simple maths behind it;

LEGAL ROUTE: Club pay footballer £30,000 p/w in wages

Club deducts, say, £13,000 p/w in tax and N.I contributions and pays it to HMRC

Footballer has a net pay after tax and N.I of £17,000 p/w but the club is in practice giving the player £30,000 p/w of club money

ILLEGAL ROUTE: Club pay footballer £10,000 p/w in wages

Club deducts, say, £2000 p/w in tax and N.I contributions and pays it to HMRC

Footballer has a net pay after tax and N.I of £8000 p/w

Pay footballer £10,000 p/w in regular, non-discretionary payments through EBT scheme on top of declared wages

No tax or N.I deducted from this

Footballer receives £8000 basic wage after tax + £10,000 untaxed ebt p/w = £18,000 p/w net pay but the club is giving the player £20,000 p/w of club money, partly through basic wage and partly through EBT scheme

I suspect they would all start frothing at the mouth and brand me a tarrier. Especially since I'm using something with a good Catholic name like Math O' Mhathics. :rolleyes:

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This - it might not have been overt, it might never have felt aggressive, but it permeates throughout west lowland society. I might not go as far to say people are lying :blink: and accept different family conditions, areas etc. may experience a different story, but to deny it doesn't exist throughout west lowland Scotland is unhelpful in the battle to address it.

When did anyone post that it didn't/doesn't exist?

I regularly post in a very angry manner against both sides of that shit, doesn't mean I knew about it when I was growing up.

Edited by ayrmad
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Ordinarily I would agree but I don't see screening the away games having adverse affect on the crowds at those games, the curiosity value and small grounds should see full houses at most grounds.

OK, but it's making a special case for them, their fans get to watch away games without need to travel, but the fans of the teams with a bit of history behind them ;) don't get a chance to watch their away games on the telly, e.g. Peterhead, Elgin, Berwick (The Big) Rangers.

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Flag waving political agenda? Proudly waving your own countries flag has somehow become offensive? You have mentioned the BNP repeatedly..I am not now or ever have been a supporter of those right wing loonies but fail to see what that has to do with Rangers and the flag of the United Kingdom. The KKK proudly march with the Scottish Lion Rampant at the head of their parades but i don't think any of us support them...Well apart from the odd Airdrie United fan

As for the picture of the strip away and google it yourself ... as i said if you are unaware of it you really are way out of touch.

Ask any decent supporter and they will tell you that the Blue Order and Unuion Bears have made a point of waving the Union Flag and the Saltire. In fact one of the most popular flags at Ibrox recently has been 1 which is half and half

Like it or not, these days the union flag has been hijacked as a symbol for the far right in the UK

Polticians don't even want to use the term "unionist" when describing themselves being pro union

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OK, but it's making a special case for them, their fans get to watch away games without need to travel, but the fans of the teams with a bit of history behind them ;) don't get a chance to watch their away games on the telly, e.g. Peterhead, Elgin, Berwick (The Big) Rangers.

They'll always make a special case for them.

I would far rather go to games than watch them on telly, can only imagine getting used to watching them on the telly rather than attending if I watched them on the box.

I prefer getting up on a Saturday morning with no intention of heading to Peterhead, then come about 11 running about like a dafty to get up there for 3pm.

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In fact one of the most popular flags at Ibrox recently has been 1 which is half and half

???? :blink: Surely that just shows ignorance?

OK , there is nothing 'wrong' with waving your country's flag but how many teams in England

make a big show of waving union flags?

The ignorant among them think it's the English flag anyway.

Apologies for overuse of 'ignorant'

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How can the SFL tout for a contract including Sevco 5088 away games, when said club has no licnce, or is this a hint that another wee deal between the SFA/SFL hopefully who ever arranges the contract with what ever TV coy, will make sure that they cover themselves ,should Sevco 5088 fold during the season, the TV coy would have to cover other matches, or pay a large penalty charge to allow them to walk away

To me, and this is the cynic in me, it seems like the SFL are trying to force the SFA's hand in regards to the membership issue by showing that having Sevco in the 3rd division has some financial benefit to make up for the shortfall of not having them in the 1st division.

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And the profiteering begins.

If you are going to sell out and invite them in make sure you can sell the rights to 75 matches instead of 25 ;)

Good on the SFL, the SPLs offer to pay 1m for the rights was ridiculous, there is every reason to think the SFL could do extremely well out of Rangers going through the leagues, a 3 year deal before everyone realises how shite the 3rd division is to actually watch would surely see a deal of 3 or 4 million a year.

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