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Is it weird I never noticed any sectarianism until I was well into my teens as well? Maybe it's my atheist upbringing.

Nope. There's knowing the existence of Catholics and Protestants and there's Waffen's hysterical ravings about all Scotland's five-year-olds being steeped in bigotry. I was told in school what Judaism was as well, but must have been off with the flu when everyone else was being indoctrinated with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

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Patna doesn't exist: it's a mythological place on safari maps. (Unless it's in that blank circle marked "Here be dragons".)

Few people know that East Ayrshire was only actually fully explored in 1987.

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Judging by the discussions on here, I've been seriously cotton-woolled as far as Orange/Catholic village allegiances are concerned, being brought up in Renfrewshire, I don't think there are any towns/villages which have an overt profile one way or another there, the only one I was aware of was Larkhall, until I moved to Airdrie, obviously still in Lanarkshire (like Larkhall) and being made aware of the Coatbridge/Airdrie biases, and some of the surrounding mining villages. I'm getting a bit of an education re. Ayrshire. Maybe it's the coal-mining heritage which is responsible, as Renfrewshire doesn't have any and never did (as far as I'm aware)

Don't knock it, I'm delighted I spent my 1st 23 years within a stones throw of Somerset.

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Patna doesn't exist: it's a mythological place on safari maps. (Unless it's in that blank circle marked "Here be dragons".)

I remember playing amateur football in Dalmellington on the park at the left hand side as you come into the village. A couple of buses went past in quick succession. As quick as a flash the boy next to me pointed out "Even the buses come thru here in pairs."

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"Even the buses come thru here in pairs."

Not as whimsical as it may appear to outsiders, given Stagecoach was about ready for armed guards and outriders for anything going up Whitletts Road not that long ago.

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I remember playing amateur football in Dalmellington on the park at the left hand side as you come into the village. A couple of buses went past in quick succession. As quick as a flash the boy next to me pointed out "Even the buses come thru here in pairs."

I remember mistiming a tackle right on the Dalmellington touchline, the fcukers were baying for blood.

I think at least one of my 2 local amateur teams have been banned for introducing chairs onto the field of play.smile.gif

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Glad they're putting the marquee up. It'll give Sevco somewhere to sleep the night before.

Interesting chat between Fat Sally & Charlie Green

FS: Players were wondering what this meet at Murray Park the Davie Cooper Field of Dreams at 7am for a bus to Peterhead, stopping at Stracathro Services for lunch deal is. Was expecting a night at the Hilton in Aberdeen on the Friday.

CG: Shut up and make sure you get Durranty in a conducters uniform collecting fares as well. And its extra to use the toilet on the bus too. Need every pound I can get, I gave my last 2 to Whyte the Shyte.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Like it or not, these days the union flag has been hijacked as a symbol for the far right in the UK

Polticians don't even want to use the term "unionist" when describing themselves being pro union

Ahhhhh. The good old days! Such as Thatcher being booed when presenting the Scottish Cup......lying on top of a union flag.

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I remember playing amateur football in Dalmellington on the park at the left hand side as you come into the village. A couple of buses went past in quick succession. As quick as a flash the boy next to me pointed out "Even the buses come thru here in pairs."

I drove through Patna at not less than 25mph and the wee buggers still managed to nick two of my hub caps.

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Judging by the discussions on here, I've been seriously cotton-woolled as far as Orange/Catholic village allegiances are concerned, being brought up in Renfrewshire, I don't think there are any towns/villages which have an overt profile one way or another there, the only one I was aware of was Larkhall, until I moved to Airdrie, obviously still in Lanarkshire (like Larkhall) and being made aware of the Coatbridge/Airdrie biases, and some of the surrounding mining villages. I'm getting a bit of an education re. Ayrshire. Maybe it's the coal-mining heritage which is responsible, as Renfrewshire doesn't have any and never did (as far as I'm aware)

You're probably correct, where I was brought up was very rough and I still feel like I had a sheltered upbringing.

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It would be quite funny if the SFL managed to negotiate a larger TV deal than the one Doncaster managed for the SPL..

Is there not a danger of agreeing a TV deal on the basis of guaranteeing Sevco fixtures... So when they go tits up then the deal becomes void?

Where have I heard that before...... ?

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And at the age of five - unless you were homeschooled - you were separated from some of your little friends when you were all to go to school because they were Catholics. From that point onwards, anyone from lowland Scotland that says they never got an "education" in "The Culture" is a goddamn liar.

I grew up in a small former coal mining village, ther were 23 kids in the entire school, 2 kids out of the 3 didn't do our RE class (I thought they were lucky) we had to get a bus to go to the swimming pool, cinema, shopping, at the time I was jealous of the kids from the larger towns with these on their doorsteps, but if that means that it protected me from growing up in the environment you seem to have grown up in then it seems I was the lucky one,

Oh and those two kids who didn't take RE, when we moved up to high school and they went to a different one, they remained our pals,

A godamn liar I am not.

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Is there not a danger of agreeing a TV deal on the basis of guaranteeing Sevco fixtures... So when they go tits up then the deal becomes void?

Where have I heard that before...... ?

So long as the SFL don't ask Cockwomble for advice on the TV deal I'm sure they will get something that is workable and worthwhile.

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Still talking pish.

Never watched the news or read papers, i was out all day playing football, it's what we did in my day.

I was 14 when the Ricki Fulton sketches and riot took place according to google.

Look at your own reasons for being aware at an early age b4 you disbelieve others.

As for Boney M, I haven't got a clue what song you're talking about, it actually took me a wee while to realise what Sunday Bloody Sunday was about as I was so unbothered about all that stuff back then.

Both of you had different upbringings, that's how it goes. In my own situation I was aware from an early age 'cos my mum remarried a orangeman. which is ironic (i think) as her first husband was a catholic.

I used to wonder why my pals in the scheme went to a different school. Until I was telt they 'wur papes'.

That probably explains why I ended up supporting Celtic to piss off my stepdad and go the games with my pals. I was aware of the troubles partly because my uncles were posted there. Funnily enough I never heard any sectarian shite from them.

Rikki Fulton was funny but Boney M were shite and The Clash first album is still a favorite from that time. So let's get back

to Sevco or we'll end up like the Yorkshire Men sketch.smile.gif

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Stripping titles.

I know this has been discussed before but adding my view.

Initially I thought stripping titles from Rangers was enough. I didnt think the titles should then be awarded to the runners up. Being told St Mirren had now won the league cup in 2010 would be completely flat.

However, given the attitude from Rangers fans that they will continue to claim their 'victories', I've now had a change of mind. All cups should be awarded to the runners up as a 3-0 result. The re-written league tables should show Rangers with a 30 points deduction for cheating. Removing their titles isnt enough, they should be seen as having 'lost' them. Show them as losers in every competition they cheated in. Record them as losers in the history books for ever.

This would be far more embarrassing and far more humiliating for them. A far more just punishment.

Amen brother ????

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Both of you had different upbringings, that's how it goes. In my own situation I was aware from an early age 'cos my mum remarried a orangeman. which is ironic (i think) as her first husband was a catholic.

I used to wonder why my pals in the scheme went to a different school. Until I was telt they 'wur papes'.

That probably explains why I ended up supporting Celtic to piss off my stepdad and go the games with my pals. I was aware of the troubles partly because my uncles were posted there. Funnily enough I never heard any sectarian shite from them.

Rikki Fulton was funny but Boney M were shite and The Clash first album is still a favorite from that time. So let's get back

to Sevco or we'll end up like the Yorkshire Men sketch.smile.gif

I fully understand everyone has a different upbringing, that's why I'm not allowing the rocket to pigeon hole everyone into his upbringing.

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Judging by the discussions on here, I've been seriously cotton-woolled as far as Orange/Catholic village allegiances are concerned, being brought up in Renfrewshire, I don't think there are any towns/villages which have an overt profile one way or another there, the only one I was aware of was Larkhall, until I moved to Airdrie, obviously still in Lanarkshire (like Larkhall) and being made aware of the Coatbridge/Airdrie biases, and some of the surrounding mining villages. I'm getting a bit of an education re. Ayrshire. Maybe it's the coal-mining heritage which is responsible, as Renfrewshire doesn't have any and never did (as far as I'm aware)

I now live in Ayrshire and was surprised at the Rangers allegiance everywhere. Rarely come across a Celtic top but plenty of 3Div XXXL tops. A hotbed of Protestantism and extremism.

Renfrewshire towns and villages are pretty equally divided per town / village as far as I am aware. From Primary School in Paisley I was aware of the Great Divide which was accentuated in Secondary School. I could not get my head round it and when I became interested in football my local team was the logical choice for me and could not understand why Buddies would support the OF. Years later I realised it was because of their elders brainwashing them - they never worked it out for themselves.

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