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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In my absolutely most apoplectic John McEnroe voice - you can not be serious :o

You almost have to admire the sheer gall and brass necked effrontery of them, to even try and suggest that.

It's truly, truly incredible.

Their perception of the balance of the argument is totally skewed. Rangers have no right to play at the moment, but would like to have one granted. Surely it's Rangers, if anyone, that need to make concessions. Rangers are asking for something, yet only agreeing to accept it if they get something else too.

It's like asking Santa for something nice, but only wanting it on the condition that you can behave like a little shit between now and Christmas.

It's unbelievable and would be absolutely hilarious if only I had total confidence that they'd be told to piss off.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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It's truly, truly incredible.

Their perception of the balance of the argument is totally skewed. Rangers have no right to play at the moment, but would like to have one granted. Surely it's Rangers, if anyone, that need to make concessions. Rangers are asking for something, yet only agreeing to accept it if they get something else too.

It's like asking Santa for something nice, but only on the condition that you can behave like a little shit between now and Christmas.

It's unbelievable and would be absolutely hilarious if only I had total confidence that they'd be told to piss off.

I can't work out whether Green intends to give in at the last minute ("sorry, The Rangers' fans, we tried but, hey....") or whether he's still actively looking for a reason not to play football next season so that can back out gracefully.

(Edited cos I can't spell the guy's name.)

Edited by The DA
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I'm currently on a business trip to Ukraine and do you know something the sights of Ukrainian women put the whole Rangers saga into perspective nothing else matters here.

My wife is Ukrainian and your right the best looking ladies on the planet .

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Denial and deflection in your post. Par for the course really.

Almost every thread in RM has some mentalist typing "Big Jock knew" I know that RM seems to be the baseline for RFC feckwittery but they do exist.

I don't need your approval about what I type but I would like informed responses. I don't know if Big Jock knew and neither do you. Either way your last statement is a classic deflecftion and you can read what I think of those in the post you quoted.

greenie to offset the inadvertant red'un on a previous post !


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According to that BBC story, Charlie just wants this sorted so that Alistair can load his players onto a coach and go win a football match on Sunday... A coach? A fcuking coach? What, no Dunblane Hydro first? The shame... even though they liked to act like it, seems they aren't Real Madrid, Manchester United or Milan after all.

I bet it's a coach to Dunblane Hydro. Probably one of those Fri-Sun offers that the Hydro do 8)

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It is a joke, the worse cheating ever in Scottish football and they demand no consequences from it, it's laughable...here's a thought, why don't they cut all ties with the now defunct Rangers, call themselves something else other than hinting (stating) they are a continuation of the defunct Rangers, new badge etc and then demand that all the crimes died with Rangers.

They should be kicked out of Scottish football if this was about doing the right thing

Despite all the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, mibbe, just mibbe, Regan has seen an opportunity to partially redeem himself in our eyes and decided to play hardball. He might be of the opinion that as TRFC are so far off getting in to the SPL (for the first time ;)) that they really don't matter and if they get too difficult, he'll just wave them off into the sunset, with a cheery "Good luck in the Juniors, if they'll let you in."

Edited by Happy Buddie
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So Green is now playing poker publicly with the authorities ! :lol: good luck with that Charlie.Playing with just a high card hand and the authorities have a same suit royal flush hand that can't be beaten.

He is playing to the very last minute before folding over and accepting any conditions attached to the transfer of the licence,it's just a bravado show to the fans that they took to the very last minute before "they had to accept" or "they were forced to" or "there was no other choice" or other that says they had a battle to overcome these so called soon to be ILLEGAL punishments as they will be known to the fans but in the end they were blackmailed.

Green does not have any leverage at all or he will not get the licence,it's as simple as sign this LEGAL document that you will accept and with these conditions and not try to go to court to have them reversed.Take it up the bum Charlie without the lube and get a team out so we can point out and laugh.

What, compared to those off-suit flushes that are so common...

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I can't work out whether Green intends to give in at the last minute ("sorry, The Rangers' fans, we tried but, hey....") or whether he's still actively looking for a reason not to play football next season so that can back out gracefully.

(Edited cos I can't spell the guy's name.)

I don't believe he really thought they'd get a CVA agreed or that he thought he'd be able to sell on the oldco players or that he thought they'd be playing in the SPL ... so I don't believe he really wants SFA membership either.

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THE Football Association have told Southampton not to give the fee for Steven Davis straight to Rangers newco.

The agreed sum of around £750,000 has still to be paid and the FA have told the Barclays Premier League club that, for the time being, they should send it to the SFA.

That wont make any difference given most partners in a long term, loving relationship have a joint account.

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Despite all the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, mibbe, just mibbe, Regan has seen an opportunity to partially redeem himself in our eyes and decided to play hardball. He might be of the opinion that as TRFC are so far off getting in to the SPL (for the first time ;)) that they really don't matter and if they get too difficult, he'll just wave them off into the sunset, with a cheery "Good luck in the Juniors, if they'll let you in."

I admire your optimism but now that the "diddy fans" have been placated,

they will once more be relegated to the position of "don't matter'. :(

They, we, no longer have any power until season book time next year.

IMO, of course.

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Despite all the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, mibbe, just mibbe, Regan has seen an opportunity to partially redeem himself in our eyes and decided to play hardball. He might be of the opinion that as TRFC are so far off getting in to the SPL (for the first time ;)) that they really don't matter and if they get too difficult, he'll just wave them off into the sunset, with a cheery "Good luck in the Juniors, if they'll let you in."

I don't really see what the problem is here - unless the SPL want to place sanctions on Sevco in excess of potentially stripping them of titles/cups. Green won't care that much about the history - he'll be off in 2 years max anyway (either because he's sold up or because Sevco have gone mammaries upwards).

Although I suppose the Orcs would rather see the club die (again) than lose the 5th star....

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Did we not have some "same suit" wordplay going on, in relation to the apparent limits of Green's wardrobe?

Hey, stand up guy Whyte was no better

One suit and never any belt! Wee fat belly hinging over the troosers :unsure: !

With wealth "off the radar", tae :rolleyes:

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Despite all the shenanigans a couple of weeks ago, mibbe, just mibbe, Regan has seen an opportunity to partially redeem himself in our eyes and decided to play hardball. He might be of the opinion that as TRFC are so far off getting in to the SPL (for the first time ;)) that they really don't matter and if they get too difficult, he'll just wave them off into the sunset, with a cheery "Good luck in the Juniors, if they'll let you in."

If only. All parties (SFL/SPL/SFA) have agreed that they all must agree to the acceptance of Newco. It is the SPL that is preventing it at the moment and I would say that this has as much to do with trying to force the SFL's hand on media rights as it has to do with double contracts. FFS any punishment of Newco for double contracts is going to be pretty minor compared to the benefit that Oldco gained and the only thing it is causing is uncertainty.

How about, they give Newco the membership but state that they will still be investigating the double contracts and that if when they are found guilty, the club will be up on a bringing the game into disrepute charge with the SFA. They can then be punished by the SFA and if they do not accept it, then the SFA can then begin the process of eviction.

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If only. All parties (SFL/SPL/SFA) have agreed that they all must agree to the acceptance of Newco. It is the SPL that is preventing it at the moment and I would say that this has as much to do with trying to force the SFL's hand on media rights as it has to do with double contracts. FFS any punishment of Newco for double contracts is going to be pretty minor compared to the benefit that Oldco gained and the only thing it is causing is uncertainty.

How about, they give Newco the membership but state that they will still be investigating the double contracts and that if when they are found guilty, the club will be up on a bringing the game into disrepute charge with the SFA. They can then be punished by the SFA and if they do not accept it, then the SFA can then begin the process of eviction.

According to the BBC website (Chris McLaughlin!)

"....the main sticking point is Rangers' insistence that they are not prosecuted following a dual contracts investigation. "

I would have thought that the SFA, SPL and SFL would have realised by now that Green pleading for a 100 previous offences to be taken into consideration must not be part of the negotiation. Honesty is non negotiable.

If they do try to wave Green through I am really looking forward to the firestorm on the SFA in particular. The queue is endless. We can line up Rangers Tax Case, Paul McConville's blog, Mark Daly at the BBC, Alex Thomson, even some of the Herald and the Scotsman journos we can count on. :D

I would hope it is driven by ensuring we flush out and remove the Rangers/Sevco apologists in the SFA. And to do that we need to start at the top with Campbell Ogilvie.

Give Sevco a masonic nod lads, you know it will bring a proper revolution of the governance of Scottish football that much sooner.

If you spit in somebody's face, be ready to move quickly as you should expect a right hook pretty soon. So spit away SFA. :angry:

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And the main sticking point is Rangers' insistence that they are not prosecuted following a dual contracts investigation.

Now that has got to be a joke, hasn't it ?

There would be absolute mayhem if this was agreed.

Got to agree.

There is no way any football authority could give into this.

Newco appears to be doomed.

Green is either stupid or clever. I don't think he is stupid.

He is just playing the Orcs like fish.

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