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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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FFS.Where to start in this pile of pish. Ok. I'll give it a go.

Let's start in the past. Signing policy. Gone, not nice at the time but still GONE.

Guilty by association. Guilty of what? Singing songs you dont like. MOPE.

Filth around me? I presume you mean the rest of the Rangers support? Yea, all filth. BIGOT!!

My best mate. Think I'm making it up? Good answer, let's swap E- mails, the three of us, and debate how much I've swept it?

As for this pile of shite.That would be the team that has peddled a sectarian agenda since its creation, teams who had open policies of not signing Catholic/Protestant players.

Is it one team or two teams or back to one, cause I'm only aware of one team with sectarian signing policies, which would be Rangers up to the mid eighties, but if you know better........

Get over yourself, you self righteous p***k, look behind your own door/views before preaching to any one else.

Signing policy gone? Yet Rangers/Sevco are the only high profile clubs in Scotland not to have signed a player from the Republic of Ireland, that's awfully coincidental eh?

Wonder what the SFA will hammer Green with here? Surely he can't escape punishment?

Edited by Desert Nomad
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I can't see him having a problem raising the money. He isn't really putting that much in.

20 investors at 500k each. £10 million to see them through this current patch. Green also trying to shift season tickets by appealing to the orc masses with his "bigotry agenda/persecution complex" nonsense to add to this pot.

If the Tommy from Glasgow thing is to be believed a share issue in October to raise another £20 million. The orcs (and investers who read the MSM) may actually be daft enough to invest in the holding company. Sevco (or whatever they're calling themselves by then) still maintain controlling interest in the football club (again whatever they're calling themselves by then). Having said that, we all remember that they couldn't raise money when Murray tried it a few years back. And the RFF only raised a couple hundred grand when the club was actually dieing. Anyway, additional 20 million anticipated.

Lots of rumours Sevco have been promised top flight football next season. Again downside is that Green was made a lot of promises of the course of the summer which would have happened if not for the uproar from the other fans. Recurring them with my theory here is there would be alot of assumptions made by Green which may not actually come to fruition.

If things go back to the way they were next season (ie massive sweeping under the carpet) then Sevco could be a cash cow again. I think that's what Green and his investors see. 500k investment sees a potentially decent return. If it goes tits up then he sells everything to Tesco.

It really is a win/win investment for him.

But then why would glory hunters put money into a club owned by a billionaire who must pump endless millions into it because the fans demand it?

"We dinnae dae walkin' away! We dinnae dae payin' oor dole money into the club! But it's fûckin' oor club an' the money guy MUST pit in the pennies tae keep us happy or he's oot on his erse."

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Has fat sally been pulled up for his rant the other day too?

Regretfully not for the last pile o pish. From the Telegraph:

Manager Ally McCoist’s claim, in a statement on the club’s website at the weekend, that the SPL was pursuing an agenda “as hostile as possible” against Sevco will go unpunished, since it has been ruled to be an expression of opinion rather than direct criticism of individuals. However, he has been informed that an earlier outburst concerning the identity of the members of the SFA’s independent Judicial Panel will be dealt with.

McCoist is likely to be asked to accept a touchline ban by the SFA’s compliance officer, Vincent Lunny. Should he appeal against his punishment, the case will be heard… by an independent Judicial Panel.

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Sevco fans must be gutted that the SPL looks to have secured some financial stability with a Sky deal looking imminent especially after all the bollocks spouted out by Green and Co about financial meltdown in the SPL. :lol: :lol:

Lets see how much debt Sevco ramp up trying to pay guys £7000 plus a week on greatly reduced financial incomes for Sevco as they attempt to win promotion out of the Fizzy Pop Leagues.

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Can someone remind me, because i'm too lazy to hunt for it, when the EBT case is likely to take place? And what about the FTT tribunal?

No-one can remind you because no-one {outside of the tax office) knows.

Where is Doctor Heidi Poon? We should be told!

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In the bar last night with an Oldco fan, first chance for an indepth discussion;

Been punished enough - 10 Point deduction - Well no this means you finshed 2nd instead of 2nd.

Been punished enough - Were relegated twice - Well just what the f**k, not relegated at all, liquidated and not voted back to SPL and then elected to SFL.

Been punished enough - Banned from Europe - Well no just do not qualify for Europe as failed to tick the boxes in regard to filing acounts (my argument that I am banned from the Olympic 100m by the IOC rather than being unfit and not qualifying went done badly)

Green has a point it is bigotry against Rangers that means we are not in SPL - Well no, if you had paid your bills you would still be in SPL is the first fatal flaw in that argument.

Its all the b*****d Lawwell - No its all the failure of Murray /Whyte to run a business properly and the rest of the board letting them.

I gave him a denial rating of 8.5/10

May send an email to Fat Sally hoping he will support my desire to run in the 100m,

I want to do it, it is my right to want to do it, who are these faceless people denying me what I believe is my right to compete in any competition I want whether it is fit and proper that I am there. I have heard this is the tyoe of campaign he is willing to support.

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Thanks for that, Claymores.

Onto other matters, the following made me pwoud, vewy pwoud.

Mind you, i'm a County fan, travelling from Fife and I have to pay my own travel :(

Thats what you get for being a glory hunter :P

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In the bar last night with an Oldco fan, first chance for an indepth discussion;

Been punished enough - 10 Point deduction - Well no this means you finshed 2nd instead of 2nd.

Been punished enough - Were relegated twice - Well just what the f**k, not relegated at all, liquidated and not voted back to SPL and then elected to SFL.

Been punished enough - Banned from Europe - Well no just do not qualify for Europe as failed to tick the boxes in regard to filing acounts (my argument that I am banned from the Olympic 100m by the IOC rather than being unfit and not qualifying went done badly)

Green has a point it is bigotry against Rangers that means we are not in SPL - Well no, if you had paid your bills you would still be in SPL is the first fatal flaw in that argument.

Its all the b*****d Lawwell - No its all the failure of Murray /Whyte to run a business properly and the rest of the board letting them.

I gave him a denial rating of 8.5/10

May send an email to Fat Sally hoping he will support my desire to run in the 100m,

I want to do it, it is my right to want to do it, who are these faceless people denying me what I believe is my right to compete in any competition I want whether it is fit and proper that I am there. I have heard this is the tyoe of campaign he is willing to support.

I think you underscored him tbh.

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The Dutch? The rest I can understand the other rockets thats all recent or on going can you link me to the relevant sites 'cos in all my years of having dutch friends they never said, mind you there are not football followers to be honest. But really curious to read about it in a dutch context.

But they're all the billy boysbiggrin.gif I'll get my coat

Ajax are considered the "Jewish team" in the Netherlands, to the extent that they take Israeli flags to games (remind you of anyone?).

Opposing fans - most notably Feyenoord - have been known to wind up Ajax fans by making a hissing noise representing the gas chambers. They also have a song with the lyric "Long Live Zyklon B" - a reference to the type of gas which was used in the chambers.

In addition to that, they also have a lower league system (Hoofdklasse) which is split into Saturday and Sunday sections across religious lines.

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Lets see how much debt Sevco ramp up trying to pay guys £7000 plus a week on greatly reduced financial incomes for Sevco as they attempt to win promotion out of the Fizzy Pop Leagues.

Sevco's wage bill does not make sense on a number of levels !

Surely Sevco fans are concerned about this continued hemorrhaging of cash ? Has anyone asked questions about it ? Has anyone in our superb investigative press looked into it?

Mr Green is considerably more successful than I am so let's assume that they can actually afford it .... it still makes no sense ! They could 'buy' the leagues at an absolute fraction of the cost !?

Bonkers !

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It's good to talk..


Indeed it is! wink.gif

JOB DONE ... Doncaster left, and Lawwell are homing in on a £13m-a-season broadcast deal


Our TV deal's in the bag: http://www.thesun.co...in-the-bag.html

THE SPL was last night on the brink of clinching a new £13million-a-season broadcast deal.

But it won't be officially signed until just 24 hours before Saturday's big kick-off. Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell was in London yesterday with SPL counterpart Neil Doncaster putting the finishing touches to the contract with Sky and ESPN bosses.

Talks were ongoing last night about the length of deal, with suggestions it might be five or SEVEN.

It's understood Sky will show 30 matches per season and ESPN 35, with the new Rangers being shown live a minimum of 15 times in Division Three.

The SFL have negotiated a £1m deal for those rights, leaving around £12m to be shared among the Premier League clubs.

The proposal will now to be put in front of the SPL chairmen at a meeting on Friday, where they are expected to vote it through on the same day that Charles Green's new Gers are finally handed SFA membership.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Indeed it is! wink.gif

Our TV deal's in the bag: http://www.thesun.co...in-the-bag.html

THE SPL was last night on the brink of clinching a new £13million-a-season broadcast deal.

But it won't be officially signed until just 24 hours before Saturday's big kick-off. Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell was in London yesterday with SPL counterpart Neil Doncaster putting the finishing touches to the contract with Sky and ESPN bosses.

Talks were ongoing last night about the length of deal, with suggestions it might be five or SEVEN.

It's understood Sky will show 30 matches per season and ESPN 35, with the new Rangers being shown live a minimum of 15 times in Division Three.

The SFL have negotiated a £1m deal for those rights, leaving around £12m to be shared among the Premier League clubs.

The proposal will now to be put in front of the SPL chairmen at a meeting on Friday, where they are expected to vote it through on the same day that Charles Green's new Gers are finally handed SFA membership.

Is it Bart Simpson that carries out the SFL negotiations?

Are we to believe that new Rangers is worth 1/3rd of SPL games?

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The SFL have negotiated a £1m deal for those rights, leaving around £12m to be shared among the Premier League clubs

I guess its been discussed elsewhere but £1m seems a but cheap considering the deal hinged on SFL agreement - I'd like to know what price the haggling, if there was any, started at !?

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Is it Bart Simpson that carries out the SFL negotiations?

Are we to believe that new Rangers is worth 1/3rd of SPL games?

No, you are to believe that a total of 30 SFL clubs including The (new) Rangers are worth £1million per season for the minimum of 15 matches that will be televised LIVE from their leagues. wink.gif

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I think you underscored him tbh.

Score reduced from 10/10 as follows;

Paying Black £7K a week in SFL3 is stupid, this acknowledgement reduced score by 0.5 as paying Black £7K a week anywhere is nuts.

A further point deduction was given to the claim that they are being more realistic as the team bus was seen at the Macdonalds at Forfar after the game, changed days fom the Dunblane Hydro. :lol::lol:

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I guess its been discussed elsewhere but £1m seems a but cheap considering the deal hinged on SFL agreement - I'd like to know what price the haggling, if there was any, started at !?

I'd like to know if baubles were included in the negotiations, not heard much about the baubles since the SFL vote.

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