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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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THANK YOU.................... Someone who can seperate themselves from the utter shite thats currently doing the rounds on here and look at the potential for disaster for the game as a whole if the clubs follow through with cost cutting that starts with their youth set ups. Unfortunately clubs will use the current financial position as a reason for scrapping youth teams and youth development because in the main it`s an unseen overhead and it`s relatively easy to get rid off without anyone making too much of a fuss about it. If anyone on this or any other forum really do want to be seen as making a difference then you should all be lobbying/emailing your own clubs asking for detaisl and reassurances that the development of young players at your respective clubs will not be sacrificed.................

You sound concerned.

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If the SFA Board were worth their wages, one of the rules of Scottish football would be - A minimum of 6 players of the starting 11 players on the pitch in each and every senior league match must have attended school within a 30 mile radius of the home ground of the club - for all Scottish League matches with no exceptions (including the SPL).

Such a rule would force all Scottish Senior clubs to focus upon developing youths from areas around their clubs.

There needs to be a complete and utter rethink of how the youth game is set up and run. I'm not an expert in any way shape or form but my opinions of the youth game here are based on entirely on coaching at the youth level and my son's experiences as a youth player both abroad and here in Scotland.

One of the first things I would scrap is the non-competitive nature of the game until they hit U12. My son started playing at 6 years old and every game he played was in a competitive league until we returned to Scotland, then he had to go to a non-competitive league. And pro youth, wtf is the thinking behind the non-competitive nature of that?

Football is a competitive game. Teach kids that it's ok to lose when they're 6-11 years old and you've sowed the seeds of doubt at an early age.

Stop putting the facilities the kids have down. Scotland produced many good players who didn't have 3 or 4g astro pitches to play on, and funnily enough, in both Germany and Holland a lot of teams moved onto red ash around November wink.gif.

Spend the money that has been invested on the future of the game where it should be spent, on the kids, and get the fans of teams outwith the SFL to realise that they need to blood a lot of young players, put up with pish results and accept that the game will never change unless they do.

Rant over, please return to your normal P&B service.

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Orcs getting wound up with conspiracies again :D

Another of life's weird coincidences happened this morning, after months of scratching around to find a new NOMAD Merchant House (of cards) Group of Liberty Capital and Craig Whyte fame finally announce their new advisor and broker and surprise,surprise it's none other than Allenby Capital Limited which was founded by a certain Imran Ahmed director of The Rangers Football Club Limited.


Merchant House Group plc

("MHG" or the "Company")

Company Update, Annual Report, Total Voting Rights and

Change of Adviser and Broker

The Company is pleased to update shareholders on recent developments.

The directors are pleased to confirm the appointment of Allenby Capital Limited as the Company's Nominated Adviser and Broker with immediate effect.

Further to the announcement of 26 June, the audit of the annual accounts for the financial year ending 31 December 2011 continues although the late start due to the challenges in the business previously reported means that the annual report is now expected to be published in the second half of August. The directors anticipate that when the annual accounts have been published, the suspension of trading on AIM in the Company's ordinary shares will be lifted. Combined with the fundraising, appointing a new custodian and a strengthened board already announced, this will successfully conclude the short-term goals following a challenging six months. The whole team has worked hard in difficult circumstances to reach this point.

The Company is beginning to see the benefits of all this and the confidence shown by Beia Capital Limited ("Beia Capital") and Beia Investment Partners LLP ("Beia LLP") as we focus again on growing the businesses while controlling costs and seeking to build shareholder value. The directors can further announce that advanced discussions are taking place to secure subscriptions for the £1.35 million non-convertible loan notes announced on 26 June and that Beia Capital has agreed to subscribe for the balance not taken up in two tranches: up to £675,000 on 15 August 2012 and up to £675,000 on 28 September 2012. The secured five year loan notes will be transferrable and carry a coupon of 14% per annum payable semi-annually.

Further to the announcement on 26 June, the application for approval from the Financial Services Authority for Beia LLP's £400,000 equity investment is in progress and the directors are unable to anticipate when a decision will be forthcoming. In the meantime therefore, Beia LLP has provided a £400,000 unsecured, interest free loan facility in addition to the £250,000 convertible loan notes already subscribed for. The £400,000 loan facility constitutes a related party transaction under the AIM Rules for Companies due to James Keane and Stephen Drew being directors of MHG and members of Beia LLP. The independent directors, being James Holmes, Christopher Day and Martin Eberhardt, having consulted with the Company's nominated adviser, Allenby Capital Limited, consider that the terms of the loan facility are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company's shareholders are concerned.

As stated above, recent positive developments allow the directors to focus efforts on continuing the strategy to build a successful and diverse financial services business. Initiatives the directors anticipate completing in the near future are the launch of an important private equity fund, the launch of a corporate offering for Merchant House Financial Services taking it into a new and exciting sector and the further development of our structured products offering into new European markets. In connection with these initiatives, a number of additional appointments are expected to be made and shareholders will be updated in due course. The Company will also be able to update shareholders in more detail as part of the annual report expected to be published next month.

Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights

Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for the admission to trading on AIM of the 86,666,666 new ordinary shares in MHG due to Beia Capital as a corporate finance fee in relation to the fundraising (as detailed in the announcement on 26 June) and their admission is expected to take place on 3 August 2012.

Following the issue of these shares, the Company will have in issue 4,690,361,459 ordinary shares of 0.01p each with voting rights. The Company holds no shares in treasury. Therefore the total number of voting rights in the Company will be 4,690,361,459.

Director disclosure

The following information falls to be disclosed pursuant to rule 17 of the AIM Rules for Companies: James Holmes was a non-executive director of a non-trading investment holding company, LM Logisitics Group Limited, from 20 November 2009 to 11 March 2010, as an investor representative until it became an operating company and which went into administration in August 2010.

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...You could probably get a decent discussion going if you started a dedicated thread in the SPL board (don't start it off by having a go at people though) I bet you get a reasonably response. And what's with all the "<br>" shite ?

The SFL is full to the brim with yoofs, it's also full to the brim with solvent clubs (with one exception of course) And the club I support has produced a fair few of it's own players in recent years.

I'm going to hell now, I know it. I didn't mean to press the green button, honest. I didn't notice he was a F*lkirk supporter until I did. A big boy made me do it and ran away....

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So sad that a great institution in Scottish football finds itself in such a lowly position :(

Obviously referring to this mighty thread. Gone but not forgotten.

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I would, but then I've been watching the Albion too long to be anything but a realist.

And unfortunately, one of the main problems with teams like Celtic, Rangers, Hearts and Hibs etc. is as much to with the supporters as it is to do with how the clubs bring their youths on. Their supporters (like everyone who follows a football team) want success, and while they're willing to have maybe one or two young guys in the team who make the occasional mistake as they learn the ropes, they just won't tolerate their team getting humped every week.

Bah, for me, not getting humped every week is a success.

I understand that but i cringe when I hear some Killie fans

Moaning about not spending money and not investing in the team, it's a tiny minority now but there's still a few at every spl club who think someone should be throwing millions at the dressing room to appease their glory hunting desires.

For me 11 lads in a Killie strip earning a sum total of 3k a week playing a squad of Perth lads in st jays tops earning the same has the same appeal to me as last seasons squads playing each other. It's a day out, it's a bevy with mates , a sing song, some banter, some ups, some downs. Even if jim traynors Armageddon duly arrives and we ALL need to cut our cloth accordingly then we will still be around minus say 20% of the crowds

Imagine ( old firm excepted ) the spl would be like 1st div in terms of quality and crowds,

That's THE WORST that can happen.

If that happens I will still be there n accept no pish about slow lingering deaths of the game the only folk who will truly lose out are those who think it makes commercial sense to throw hundreds of thousands chasing the " dream " of a 3rd place spot in the spl

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<br>Thank you one and all for your level headed and balanced approach to your responses. You haven`t disappointed me with your levels of crass stupidity and ignorance. I see that you have all managed to grasp the stupid end of the stick again and took the easy option of spouting a lot of irrelevant shite. In answer to the only notable exception who asked what my solution to the "problem" would have been. I honestly don`t know what the right/best answer would have been.<br><br> As for the rest of you, I not that not one of you had any meaningful comment or view on the youth set ups at SPL clubs being the first area that clubs are looking at to trim overheads. Any of you care to comment on this??<br><br>And yes, as an ex-player I don`t get it and if you lot have got it then I`m glad I don`t get it!! Players in the main have a healthy level of contempt for the mainstream supporter and wether you like it or not thats the way it is. As for your mob rule,WATP, call yourselves what you will...the reality is that you have little or no say when it actually comes down to it. So you may all be Turnbull Hutton or whoever you choose to be today,the facts are that the clock is ticking on his and all the other Turnbull Huttons 15 minutes of fame...............<br><br>If clubs truly want to live within their means then let them do of their own volition and not because they are depending on a handout from a television deal to determine the level of their expenditure for the next 6/12 months. You wouldnt run any other type of business this way why should a football club be any different.........<br>

Because "Glesgaboy" We are discussing a sport. A game in which all teams should be on a level playing field. Sport first, Business second should be the whole ethos of every single team in all football leagues. Unfortunately the people who we've trusted to administer the game have destroyed the integrity, the honesty and the idea of sport within our game. We the fans paid YOUR wages and you expect us to just write off the last 20 odd years of Scottish footballs dishonesty and cheating by Rangers because in effect it was a business like every other business. Every time we buy a season ticket or subscribe to sky sports we are buying our share of Scottish football, so that in itself is our right to speak up and air our grievances when we see cheating and criminality when it happens in OUR game. Im not accusing you of being a rangers apologist etc, but I do accuse you of being very niaeve if you think that football is a business like other businesses and I question your sporting integrity if you feel it was just a job. Tell that to the Olympians in London right now and they'd shake their heads in disbelief. The rules have been broken by one of the largest teams in our leagues and continue to be by the looks of it with the help of the very bodies who should be stopping this happening. We are also sick to the back teeth of hearing on our tv and radio about how Rangers are too big to die, they've been punished enough etc etc. Justice hasnt been done because if it had Rangers in ANY form would simply no longer exist. All that has happened is Charlie Green has been given an open door to sign every mercenary money grabber and satisfy the glory hunting fans with wins for the next 3 seasons. What is happening at Sevco right now is as bad as Murray and his outspending everyone else to buy success - and look what happened there. Something has got to give.

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I posted the following last night, late on.

To mis-quote Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca - "Of all the Nominated Advisers in all the towns in all the world, you had to walk into mine!"

The article title is - "How Unfortunate – Merchant House Group now advised by Firm Formed by Rangers FC Director".

For those who do not know, Merchant House Group's largest shareholder is Liberty Capital, a company based in the British Virgin Islands and owned 100% by .... (drum roll) .... Craig Whyte!


I do see that this story has been mentioned above, at comment 80855, but I like to think my piece is more comprehensive!

Edited by Paulmcc12
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Wasn't Cockwomble meant to be making a statement this week about EBTs and dual contracts? Another missed deadline?...:rolleyes:

Yup, he definitely was. From the Joint Press Statement of last Friday:

Neil Doncaster, Chief Executive of the SPL: "We are pleased to have reached an agreement with the parties concerned. Discussions will now continue with our broadcast partners and we expect to be in a position to make a further announcement next week on broadcasting rights and the on-going EBT investigation."

Better not be a sign that dual contracts is on the back-burner :angry: I'm sure a decision on the way the investigation was to be progressed (Independant Panel) was meant to be made at the SPL meeting on 7 August. I wonder if an Agenda for that meeting has been issued and whether dual contracts is even on it.

Edited by Claymores
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Leggo's blog today is hilarous - Aberdeen, Dundee United and and Hibs fans - did you know your all bigots, the rest of us are just idiots.

I also liked how he said Jardine and McCoist's statements were measured, the only thing measured about anything either of these clowns since the whole scenario started is the drinks that they are obviously both consuming a hell of a lot off.

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Leggo's blog today is hilarous - Aberdeen, Dundee United and and Hibs fans - did you know your all bigots, the rest of us are just idiots.

I also liked how he said Jardine and McCoist's statements were measured, the only thing measured about anything either of these clowns since the whole scenario started is the drinks that they are obviously both consuming a hell of a lot off.

Some gems today:

"Stewart Regan missed his target just as badly as Charles Green missed his. Possible because this pair of Englishman often appear not to have even the sketchiest knowledge of The Queen’s English and of how to use it to accurately express an idea." An accusation no one could make of Leggo of course.

"Just as Stewart Regan was not sufficiently articulate to differentiate between the perfectly acceptable views expressed by Ibrox icon Sandy Jardine and Rangers manager Alistair McCoist, as opposed to the fanatical flame fanning outburst which spewed from Charles Green as he desperately tried to sell season tickets." Perfectly acceptable? Aye, very good.

Disappointing he focussed on Regan today though. Apparently his old pal Odious Creep has managed to secure a weekly column for the Herald's website - that little nugget should have kept him going for days.

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Leggo's blog today is hilarous - Aberdeen, Dundee United and and Hibs fans - did you know your all bigots, the rest of us are just idiots.

I also liked how he said Jardine and McCoist's statements were measured, the only thing measured about anything either of these clowns since the whole scenario started is the drinks that they are obviously both consuming a hell of a lot off.

I know the competition's fierce, but this could indeed be his greatest line to date:

"the measured and moderate statements from two great Rangers men, Sandy Jardine and manager Alistair McCoist".

Quite magnificent! Jardine couldn't measure a ruler.

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I`ve been watching this unravel since the start of February and I`ve passed a few comments on the manic utterings and diatribe thats been spouted across the forums. The usual responses lack any sort of coherent answer so I`m not holding out any hope this time either but I can`t help but get the feeling that all the armchair stockbrokers,IFA`s, accountants,bankers and lawyers are refusing to see the financial reality of what`s sitting in front of them. Stop spouting shite for 2 minutes and have a look at the actual net spend of each of the SPL clubs during this transfer window and compare against the last 5 years. I also posted previously that clubs would start to look for savings at youth level first which is always first under review and sure as fate at least 2 SPL clubs have started looking at cutting back on the amounts they spend on youth development etc with more to follow..... Can any of the clubs say with certainty or to paraphrase "confidently predict we`re gonna be fine!"

Not without kids you`re not. Oh and save me the Orc sympathiser,Sevco apologist, Jim Traynor,etc,etc pish. I was fortunate enough to have made a living from the game, thats where my interest lies and its the same for most players even today. Their first loyalty is to earning a wage to support their families and they are not remotely interested in the bollocks that gets thrown around on internet forums or radio phone ins....

So anyone care to answer my original question as to what their clubs actual net spend is within this transfer window compared to the last 5 years???

I was a ballboy tae. Might have came across you as our career paths crossed what years were you a ballboy?

Or are you Gordon Ramsay

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I have to mention the classic non-story from today's Daily Ranger (in "transfer talk" of all things) ---Bedoya to remain a Ger.

WTF, how in the name of the wee man is that a transfer, surely it's exactly the opposite, it's a non-transfer.

What a shower of shite, just to get another The Rangers story in the paper rag.

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