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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why does it follow that we must get more pleasure from OF defeats than our own teams winning?

The point was about Gers fans apparently enjoying Dundee United's difficult draw. Something which is kind of pathetic on their part.

Every Scots team that loses in Europe lessens other club's chances of European football. Those fans who enjoy seeing a loss for DU, Well, Saints, or Celtic this season should realise that those losses affect all of Scottish football. Countries like Scotland can lose automatic entry into Euro cups.

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I'm still waiting on an answer as to how they can facilitate staying in business when playing outrageous wages, stadium costs etc, with no obvious business plan in place.

A lot of us are waiting for the answer to that. The massive tax dodge and the stiffing of creditors associated with the dumping of the old and the creation of new Rangers looks criminal. Very little to be proud of if you've ever followed the club.

Who knows, the thing might fold by Christmas or the liquidators take some drastic action? After all, Green and Duff & Phelps look to have walked off with the valuables that could have been sold to pay outstanding debts.

Edited by Danish Pastry
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Like his constant reference to "charlie bhoy" totally unbiased view then? Tru keyboard warrior

If he was a Sevco lad and the photo wasn't a fake would you be worried about the implications?

'Yes' would be any currants answer if they were being truthful...............

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Like his constant reference to "charlie bhoy" totally unbiased view then? Tru keyboard warrior

Just because he maybe biased doesn't mean that what he is saying is inaccurate.

Many Sevco fans have the same attitude as yourself. "If you arent for us, you are against us."

If this was written by "TrueBlueUDFGSTQFTP1690" the Orcs would be taking more of an interest. But this attitude has a lot to do with what got rankers into this situation in the first place. Just because The Cardigan, sally, Bombscare, etc still would rather appeal to the knuckledraggers than tell the truth and face facts, it is detrimental to the club. For years people outwith the club have been asking how rankers could afford to continue on the course they had plotted, but the club and fans circled the wagons, put their fingers in their ears, and hoped by going "la la la" that the "indians" would eventually go away instead of scalping them.

I know orcs that would argue with the pope if he said the grass was green and the sky was blue. For no other reason than he "wisnae a proddy."

You can keep taking wee digs at people for not being "wan o' us", but if what they say is true then you are more fucked than your legends Watty, Sally, etc will admit. They are gambling that everything will sort itself out, meanwhile dodgy dealings are putting the final nail in the coffin.

You only have to look at the appointment of Sally as manager to see how blinkered rankers and their supporters are. He is officially one of the worst managers ever to take the helm, and if he was A.N. Other he would have been driven out of the club by the fans, but because he is a "legend" and ignores all the bigotry from the stands and gives a wee nod and wink to keep them happy, he'll be there until someone decides he has to go, and that someone will be a hate figure by people I wouldn't even let tie shoelaces.

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Celtic dictate to the Record - bad. Rangers dictate to the BBC - good.

Glad to see my boss (well, my boss's boss and probably another boss' in there somewhere) now has a Leggo nickname :)

The only reason I still look in on Leggo is to find out what Leggo's old Presbyterian granny thinks.

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Here we go...........

I'm trying to listen to Off the Ball on t'internet.

Normally I can do it but today there is a bad man with

a loud voice shouting at me, saying I can't.

I presume it's the same for everyone else outside UK.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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You only have to look at the appointment of Sally as manager to see how blinkered rankers and their supporters are. He is officially one of the worst managers ever to take the helm, and if he was A.N. Other he would have been driven out of the club by the fans, but because he is a "legend" and ignores all the bigotry from the stands and gives a wee nod and wink to keep them happy, he'll be there until someone decides he has to go, and that someone will be a hate figure by people I wouldn't even let tie shoelaces.

And this is a good thing! Long may he reign.

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Here we go...........

I'm trying to listen to Off the Ball on t'internet.

Normally I can do it but today there is a bad man with

a loud voice shouting at me, saying I can't.

I presume it's the same for everyone else outside UK.

This shouting all began as the Olympics started. Hopefully the BBC will stream again after.

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God Orcs are retarded......

The no 12 has been retired in honour of the Rangers support,do you think we should retire the no 9 jersey in honour of SUPER ALLY?

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Just having a quick couple of pints before the Rovers v Berwick Rangers (or Big Rangers ;) )

Picked up a copy of the Daily *** that was on the bar.

I'll cut it short, inside back page, Gordon Strachan & Walter Smith are both a bigger pair of out of touch, fuckwit c***s than I previously thought,

Thank god I don't buy this shit anymore!

Anyway all, enjoy your respective matches today,

My Stella fuelled rant is over...............

For now ;)

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This shouting all began as the Olympics started. Hopefully the BBC will stream again after.

You chaps need a VPN if you don't have one already.

If you do and it's still not working, listen via radioplayer.co.uk . That stream tends to work when the BBC one doesn't.

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This shouting all began as the Olympics started. Hopefully the BBC will stream again after.

Have to make do with iPlayer on Monday, if it works.

Had hoped to hear Traynor getting telt.

Doubt it though, his deflection shields will be up.

I.ll bet he says that he said "The Rangers will be in ' A '

top flight next season", not 'THE' top flight. Whatever that means.

Can't figure out the workings of Radio Scotland on freesat.

Usually it's the FM broadcast but today it was

the MW with the football commentary.

Can anyone enlighten me?

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No mate .. I am abroad (Goa) and listening to it live ... I went to PM you the instructions on how to access it.

However seeing as you have me blocked ... you can jog on and listen to silence !!


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