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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why don't you just say what you mean laugh.gif

Anyhoo - Keevin's article - I haven't got a clue what Smith actually said, Hugh hints at something to do with the League of Ireland and Scottish football being a mess but doesn't go into much detail - what I do know though is that after years of Walter taking absolute mince Walter should not be listened to, he should be ignored !

And I have nothing against Walter Smith, I actually quite like the guy but he doesn't half spout some misinformed pish from time to time - so I take umbridge at Keevin's declaring we should sit up and listen when he speaks !!

However - (yes I know what a mess of a post) he's right that Scottish football's a mess - it's just that folk have been shouting it from the rooftops for years whilst he was ignoring us !! and Scottish football will always be more League of Ireland than EPL ... it was folk like Smith striving for the latter that helped get us into this mess !

Was it not another of the succulent lamb brigade Spiers, who first put this scare mongering red herring into the public domain in OTB in which Cosgrove quite happily ripped it up as the ludicrous non story stating the 1st division is bigger than the league of Ireland.

Lets interview those with a vested interest in their club and pass their opinions off as measured impartiality, I that will work. The Recurd are doing a fine job of ensuring that public opinion will not be showing any sympathy when the taxman cometh or if the double contracts is proven.

Why don't they do their jobs and go after Ogilvie or Souness or any of the others.

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Hilarious stuff in the Herald this morning, about the fans' groups' response to the EBT inquiry. Quick excerpt from the supporters groups' statement that's already been posted...

Rangers fans' groups call for justice and fairness for all

..."As with other consequences of mismanagement of the club in recent years, if there has been wrongdoing then we would be victims, too... In discussing the stripping of titles, it appears the SPL has assumed guilt when nothing has yet been proved... There would appear to be a conflict of interest in the choice of law firm appointed by the SPL to carry out their investigation... There is concern that any tribunal appointed to rule on this matter will have been seriously prejudiced by the negative media coverage surrounding it... "

We believe this (biased inquiry) is being driven by influential members of the SPL board and recently formed "steering committee" with the most to gain. We would question why there appears to be no on-going investigation into the so-called "Juninho EBT" used by Celtic FC. Celtic acknowledged that this was not declared to the football authorities as part of their licence application. If this is the case, then why is a tribunal not being set up to look into this?"

"We want justice and fairness for all".

Translation and interpretation follows, for those who don't speak fluent Paranoid Idiot -

We would be victims, too - Deflection.

We would be victims, in the same way that Rose West was Fred's victim too.

Assumed guilt when nothing has yet been proved - Deflection

Translation - We do not understand taxation and are not interested in learning how to understand taxation. If the Big Tax Case finds us guilty, we will still be innocent because we are the real victims, just like Rose West was.

Conflict of interest - Euphemism.

Translation - If this law firm isn't part of the globe-strangling octupus of Catholic conspiracism to destroy Rangers FC, then why would they want to investigate us? QED.

Seriously prejudiced by the negative media coverage surrounding it

Translation - Everybody who has heard of this case knows full-well that we're as guilty as a shame-faced puppy sitting next to a puddle of pish. Thus, they are all biased.

Influential members - Euphemism.

Refers to - The Prince of Darkness, His Satanic Majesty Peter Lawell. Concealed within his fortress in the east, the lord of Parkhead sees all. His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth, and flesh.

Directly responsible for the countless misfortunes that have befallen the Buns, along with his craven, fond-of-Catholicism accomplices in the SPL, SFA, the Mhedia and the seven-foot-tall space lizards who seek to dominate the Scottish leagues using magical Timmy-Beams from their network of satellite space lazers.

Most to gain - Euphemism.

Translation - It's inappropriate for persons connected to clubs that Rangers stole from to pass judgement upon their theft and fraud. A truly independent commission should be set up, perhaps one featuring a High Court Judge and the chairmen of a First Division side and an East of Scotland league club.

Rangers fans certainly wouldn't view their opinion as tainted by bias and would never, ever publish their addresses online or threaten to burn down their stadiums.

Juninho EBT - Euphemism.

Translation - "They did it too". Microscopic fig leaf covering Rangers' shame and preserving some of their dignity, much like that mankini did for Borat's.

Why is a tribunal not being set up to look into this?

Deflection. "They did it too". This is very like if Rupert Murdoch demanded to know why nobody was investigating the misdeeds of the East Lothian Courier.

We want justice and fairness for all.

Translation - We do not want justice and fairness for all. If we had any interest in justice or fairness, we would be calling for New Rangers to be excluded from senior football in favour of a club that won't go bust by Christmas. We are actively seeking injustice and unfairness - after all, it's what we're used to.

Here are our demands - appoint Donald Findlay and Sandy Jardine to investigate, then find us innocent.

Or else.

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@STV_Andy: Sir David Murray expected to make a statement on Rangers EBTs later today

Either the statement will be it's all Billy Dodds and those greedy players fault, them and their devious agents tricked me more than that bloke Whyte did

or he will announce its all been a terrible mix-up and the tax money was wrongly filed, whilst removing his legs to reveal them stuff with bundles of rolled up £50s. Will this clear everything up.

I find option 2 slightly more believable

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@STV_Andy: Sir David Murray expected to make a statement on Rangers EBTs later today

Either the statement will be it's all Billy Dodds and those greedy players fault, them and their devious agents tricked me more than that bloke Whyte did

or he will announce its all been a terrible mix-up and the tax money was wrongly filed, whilst removing his legs to reveal them stuff with bundles of rolled up £50s. Will this clear everything up.

I find option 2 slightly more believable






Edited by Itwiznaeme
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