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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Noticed this on the BBC gossip column:

Former Rangers owner Craig Whyte is preparing to claim millions of pounds from the remains of the old club that collapsed earlier this year, saying the RFC Group he used to buy the Ibrox outfit held a valid security over the assets sold to Charles Green's Sevco consortium.

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Also to add was adviced to look at this page http://www.hmrc.gov....ual/ins1121.htm

This shows in newcos case HMRC will be on them in an instant when they realise that they are up the creek which seems to be sooner rather than later

Also with the hmrc website within the S423 Insolvency Act 1986. The new company can be held responsible for the old companies debt if any of the 6 following criteria is met:

1.Are the directors the same or is there evidence that the directors of the previous company are connected with those of the successor company, or involved in its management?

2.Is the successor company carrying on the same trade as the previous company?

3. Are the employees the same?

4.Is the trading or company name the same or similar?

5.Are the trading premises the same?

6. Did the successor company acquire assets from the previous company?

Hope this clears up the they can't come after us for oldco debt as we are a newco

1. As the tribunal which originally slapped the transfer embargo on them stated, this would include "shadow directors", i.e. employees who, while not on the BOD, nevertheless have the power to influence the company's operations in an executive manner. The example given was that of a person who was responsible for the recruitment, deployment and disposal of players in a football club. Step forward Sally McMoist. So, without opening the boardroom door, or investigating Charlie's simultaneous ownership of both companies, that's one tick.

2. I don't think there's an argument here. Two ticks.

3. Massive redundancies followed by an equally massive recruitment campaign? Can't remember that in the news. Three ticks.

4. Ah, they might be OK here - they've stuck "The" in front of their name. Only joking, four ticks.

5. Not quite - ibrox is still slowly crumbling from lack of maintenance, and Murray Park has been rename... Oh hang on. Five ticks.

6. Not only assets, but history, apparently. Six ticks.

Now, what the HMRC guidelines say is:

The new company can be held responsible for the old companies debt if any of the 6 following criteria is met.

So is Chuckie going to get the RFFFFFFFFFF to fund a QC to argue:

"You said we could be liable if ANY of the criteria were met - not if ALL of them were".

Then's there's the little matter of that banner across the Broomloan - where a more successful club would be able to sell advertising.

Tick, and indeed Tock.

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Contrary to what the Blue Vermin Boaby Sucking Media say,

Ramorra will see the first ever Glasgow Derby match between Newcunto F.C. and Queens Park.

So nae world record.

Cannae wait till the Blue Vermin are Newcunted.

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The cesspit of schit, the anti-catholic conference centre, the big hoose. who cares what it's called just keep playing them fiddles and watch yer sorry mess burn.

I quite liked the term Castle Greyskull when referring to that place. Never mind at least its a listed building so it will remain, regardless of its purpose in years to come. Football Stadium, Shopping centre or..........

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I quite liked the term Castle Greyskull when referring to that place. Never mind at least its a listed building so it will remain, regardless of its purpose in years to come. Football Stadium, Shopping centre or..........

Castle Greyskull is where the good guys hang out. :)

Parkhead is Snake Mountain of course. :D

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Castle Greyskull is where the good guys hang out. :)

Parkhead is Snake Mountain of course. :D

That always makes me laugh when they dims call Ibrox castle Greyskull.

Edited by bennett
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1. As the tribunal which originally slapped the transfer embargo on them stated, this would include "shadow directors", i.e. employees who, while not on the BOD, nevertheless have the power to influence the company's operations in an executive manner. The example given was that of a person who was responsible for the recruitment, deployment and disposal of players in a football club. Step forward Sally McMoist. So, without opening the boardroom door, or investigating Charlie's simultaneous ownership of both companies, that's one tick.

2. I don't think there's an argument here. Two ticks.

3. Massive redundancies followed by an equally massive recruitment campaign? Can't remember that in the news. Three ticks.

4. Ah, they might be OK here - they've stuck "The" in front of their name. Only joking, four ticks.

5. Not quite - ibrox is still slowly crumbling from lack of maintenance, and Murray Park has been rename... Oh hang on. Five ticks.

6. Not only assets, but history, apparently. Six ticks.

Now, what the HMRC guidelines say is:

The new company can be held responsible for the old companies debt if any of the 6 following criteria is met.

So is Chuckie going to get the RFFFFFFFFFF to fund a QC to argue:

"You said we could be liable if ANY of the criteria were met - not if ALL of them were".

Then's there's the little matter of that banner across the Broomloan - where a more successful club would be able to sell advertising.

Tick, and indeed Tock.

"Can". Important word there. In other words, it might happen. I seriously doubt it will though. 8)

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That always makes me laugh when they dims call Ibrox castle Greyskull.

It always puts me into fits of laughter when the Cevco claim it is only tics or sheep who detest you scumbags - 6.5 million laughs at the former Rangers don't lie! Happy to detest Orcs from Div 2

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Anyone got access to the article in the Times (london one) today about who has invested in Sevco/Rangers.

All I could find is this reference below, from another web site.

Abraaj chief emerges as leading Rangers shareholder

  • The Times
    Blue Pitch Holdings, a vehicle controlled by Abraaj Capital chief executive Arif Naqvi, is the largest shareholder of Rangers Football Club with a 15.68% stake, according to details of the Scottish franchise's top investors published following pressure from fans' groups.
    Other prominent investors include Margarita Funds Holding Trust, a fund believed by Rangers to be based in the Turks and Caicos Islands, which holds 10.19%, and finance company Zeus Capital. A consortium of almost 19 investors, led by Rangers chief executive and venture capitalist Charles Green, acquired the club out of liquidation in June for £5.5m.
    Read it in the paper version this morning. Interesting list of people that the Bennett Brothers will no doubt love dearly.
    Yes they will have wealth off the radar, but why invest in a Scottish Division 3 club that is years away from playing at any meaningful level. Unless they are in for a quick buck. huh.gif

P.S. Nearly forgot. Charley boy was referred to in the article as a venture capital specialist. Not as a saviour, good guy, or even a mason. sad.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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