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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just because people make points that highlight the wrong doing at what was Rangers does not necessarily mean that it is anti Rangers as you perceive it.

One of your biggest failings as a group is the lack of objectivity towards your club and its officials.

It is this sort of attitude that as escalated some of those to use tactics of threats of violence towards anyone who criticises the regime, The attitude which Murray cultivated was to disguise his own actions. It is this continued action by your own supporters that makes your club vulnerable to further damage by those who say they have the best interests of your new club.

Rather than continue to defend the likes of Green, Whyte and Murray you would have been better asking more questions than pathetic attempts to dismiss everyone else's criticisms.

Talk about being arrogant and opinionated. There was plenty of wrong doings done at Rangers, most Rangers fans have spoken out against them. Is there an anti Rangers agenda on here, yes - to deny it is insulting.

You have a point, i call it the club tie effect. Though hopefully this is in the past, most bears again are scpetical about Charlie and friends.

Threats of violence, if there has been genuine threats made than i'd expect the police to take action over it. The stuff from the Ch4 guy is laughable and i get the impression that he's desperate for some idiot to take his bait.

I haven't defended Whyte.

Murray deserves a lot of flak for running the club into the ground.

I've been critical of Charlie when he deserves it, i don't trust him but see no other choice right now than to keep an eye on him and be wary.

Now you post this stuff every so often, a Rangers fan answers it, then a short while later we're back to square one again. so for the love of god even if you don't agree with what i say, accept it as my views and move on.

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There appears to be little appetite from Bennett, Tedi, Bendarroch and others of that ilk to look at their own club in any way other than sloganeering. They also throw blame on the plastics, child abusers, lying journos and middleclass broadcasters with fake working class accents

On their behalf I thought it would be useful to understand what Rangers/Sevco supporters groups exist, their numbers and what they could do if they organised themselves properly.

From the Rangers Supporters Trust site I find

Supporters Groups

Rangers Supporters Association

Rangers Supporters Assembly

The Blue Order

Union Bears



plus The Rangers Supporters Trust.

What about Buy Rangers ?

Some of the links don't work, but that doesn't mean the organisation doesn't exist.

So anyone have any idea which ones are still active, the numbers of members they have and websites?

The NARSA site must have the worst large scale incorrect use apostrophes I have seen in a long time. Or at least in an English speaking country. Let's hope we can blame the American educational system. biggrin.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Talk about being arrogant and opinionated. There was plenty of wrong doings done at Rangers, most Rangers fans have spoken out against them. Is there an anti Rangers agenda on here, yes - to deny it is insulting.

You have a point, i call it the club tie effect. Though hopefully this is in the past, most bears again are scpetical about Charlie and friends.

Threats of violence, if there has been genuine threats made than i'd expect the police to take action over it. The stuff from the Ch4 guy is laughable and i get the impression that he's desperate for some idiot to take his bait.

I haven't defended Whyte.

Murray deserves a lot of flak for running the club into the ground.

I've been critical of Charlie when he deserves it, i don't trust him but see no other choice right now than to keep an eye on him and be wary.

Now you post this stuff every so often, a Rangers fan answers it, then a short while later we're back to square one again. so for the love of god even if you don't agree with what i say, accept it as my views and move on.



or even http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism except for belief in Rangers.

or the most likely http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum

All in an attempt to understand. unsure.gif

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You appear to be putting words in my mouth again, a nasty little habit you've got.

Just make sure Chucky Cheese doesn't ask you to invest £500 in shares which could end-up to be worth as much as £50 on the open market giving you a 1000% return on your investment then

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This kind of drivel is exactly what I'm talking about when I say Rangers supporters have been quite happy to sit back either greeting or laughing while this supposed "small minority" beshits the reputation of your club.

Conversely, the plastics have no objections to support for the IRA. The annual poppygate scandal about revisit your dear, dark place. Crazed supporters panning people windows in. I could go on.


As I've said endlessly - we'll be taking no morality lessons from the sporting wing.

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Conversely, the plastics have no objections to support for the IRA. The annual poppygate scandal about revisit your dear, dark place. Crazed supporters panning people windows in. I could go on.


As I've said endlessly - we'll be taking no morality lessons from the sporting wing.

You seem to be a) Entirely ignorant of what goes on at Parkhead; b) Entirely of ignorant of what goes on in Ireland; c) Convinced that saying "Whatabout they ones, eh? EH?" is a valid and effective argument and d) Completely mental.

List not necessarily in order of severity.

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You seem to be a) Entirely ignorant of what goes on at Parkhead; b) Entirely of ignorant of what goes on in Ireland; c) Convinced that saying "Whatabout they ones, eh? EH?" is a valid and effective argument and d) Completely mental.

List not necessarily in order of severity.

Whataboutery - a phrase coined to reject perfectly valid responses. And regularly employed by eejits who don't like arguments turned back on them.

Pathetic. Really.

PS: I'll never forget the plastics 'no bloostained poppy' goings on at the Darkhead shitpit.

PPS: Plastics 0 Ayrshire **** (© plastics) 2


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Whataboutery - a phrase coined to reject perfectly valid responses. And regularly employed by eejits who don't like arguments turned back on them.

Pathetic. Really.

PS: I'll never forget the plastics 'no bloostained poppy' goings on at the Darkhead shitpit.

PPS: Plastics 0 Ayrshire **** (© plastics) 2


A thing is either good or bad in its own right, and entirely external factors don't affect that assessment at all. The existence of the Moors Murderers doesn't make burglary okay, and complaining that Mr Hoopy has just farted won't cut much ice with other people sharing a lift with you, if you're currently curling out a big jobby in the corner.

Thus, "Whataboutery" - a phrase coined to reject utterly invalid and illogical responses, regularly employed by people who are more interested in working out what is and isn't true, against people who couldn't care less one way or the other.

PS: Bunch of fuds, said so at the time and will do whenever the topic comes up; plus, as pointed out, totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

PPS: Excellent result for Killie, very well done to them too. Sounds like they thoroughly deserved it, and I'll worry about it if we start bleeding points to everyone, and not before.

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Conversely, the plastics have no objections to support for the IRA. The annual poppygate scandal about revisit your dear, dark place. Crazed supporters panning people windows in. I could go on.


As I've said endlessly - we'll be taking no morality lessons from the sporting wing.



same as last year......

how did it go last year in Mordor btw? Craigy still lighting cigars with the notes?

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Guest Kincardine

Conversely, the plastics have no objections to support for the IRA. The annual poppygate scandal about revisit your dear, dark place. Crazed supporters panning people windows in. I could go on.

Bendarroch I often agree with what you post but I have to step back when it comes to 'poppygate'.

I hate the fact that the poppy has been hijacked to become an expression of Britishness. This is simply wrong and to use the poppy to beat Celtic fans with makes it worse.

To me the idea behind the poppy is to show the futility of warfare and to remember, 'The War to End All Wars'. (a description of WW1).

The Poppy should unite us all against sending people to fight in pointless wars rather than being a means of defining who is truly British.

Edited by Kincardine
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Bendarroch I often agree with what you post but I have to step back when it comes to 'poppygate'.

I hate the fact that the poppy has been hijacked to become an expression of Britishness. This is simply wrong and to use the poppy to beat Celtic fans with makes it worse.

To me the idea behind the poppy is to show the futility of warfare and to remember, 'The War to End All Wars'. (a description of WW1).

The Poppy should unite us all against sending people to fight in pointless wars rather than being a means of defining who is truly British.

Very good points and well-made.

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There appears to be little appetite from Bennett, Tedi, Bendarroch and others of that ilk to look at their own club in any way other than sloganeering. They also throw blame on the plastics, child abusers, lying journos and middleclass broadcasters with fake working class accents

On their behalf I thought it would be useful to understand what Rangers/Sevco supporters groups exist, their numbers and what they could do if they organised themselves properly.

From the Rangers Supporters Trust site I find

Supporters Groups

Rangers Supporters Association

Rangers Supporters Assembly

The Blue Order

Union Bears



plus The Rangers Supporters Trust.

What about Buy Rangers ?

Some of the links don't work, but that doesn't mean the organisation doesn't exist.

So anyone have any idea which ones are still active, the numbers of members they have and websites?

The NARSA site must have the worst large scale incorrect use apostrophes I have seen in a long time. Or at least in an English speaking country. Let's hope we can blame the American educational system. biggrin.gif

You've searched for this without having any real idea of the structure of these groups. The Assembly isn't a seperate support group from the Association or the Trust,it is a body of all groups and each group has a constituion of their own. The two most relevant groups being the Association and Trust. The Union Bears and Blue Order are groups with a very small membership,probably at most 150 each,if that. NARSA and ORSA are part of the Association,albeit abroad,North American Rangers Supporters Association and Oceanic Rangers Supporters Association,affiliated to the Association

The Trust at best has 4000 members,as for the Association i couldn't say but there are far more Rangers supporters not a member of either group than are a member. It has been mentioned many times to have one body but they are at this moment starting to get organised towards the one goal,support ownership,whilst at the same having a watchful eye on the situation within the club and the situation with Whyte. Both groups are organised for the benefit of the clubs future and are working side by side to achieve a solid platform for the club and the support,they may not agree on everything but overall they have the same aim.

So given the situation the club is now in what do you suggest the support should do,demonstrations,they mean nothing and achieve nothing,boycott ticket and club memorabilia,which would deprive the club income. Or should we look to see what will actually transpire with this share issue and perhaps actually invest in the club to hopefully build a future for the club and support. So there is the options,boycott ticket sales and withold investing,putting the club at risk or buy the tickets and invest in the club,after having a period of transparency from the current board as to the full information about the share issue. You're coming on here and saying what we could do without saying exactly what the support could do. In other words you're saying nothing whatsoever.

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Bendarroch I often agree with what you post but I have to step back when it comes to 'poppygate'.

I hate the fact that the poppy has been hijacked to become an expression of Britishness. This is simply wrong and to use the poppy to beat Celtic fans with makes it worse.

To me the idea behind the poppy is to show the futility of warfare and to remember, 'The War to End All Wars'. (a description of WW1).

The Poppy should unite us all against sending people to fight in pointless wars rather than being a means of defining who is truly British.

not logged in for yonks, but happy to do so yo give you a greenie.

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Bendarroch I often agree with what you post but I have to step back when it comes to 'poppygate'.

I hate the fact that the poppy has been hijacked to become an expression of Britishness. This is simply wrong and to use the poppy to beat Celtic fans with makes it worse.

To me the idea behind the poppy is to show the futility of warfare and to remember, 'The War to End All Wars'. (a description of WW1).

The Poppy should unite us all against sending people to fight in pointless wars rather than being a means of defining who is truly British.

Fully agree. Glad to see you've got over the whole hoose/house thing. wink.gif

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Guest Kincardine

Fully agree. Glad to see you've got over the whole hoose/house thing. wink.gif

Hey behave - I am perfectly happy to argue hoose vs house and know I was right ;)

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To benny, youngsy et al, who do you trust? It's clear to everyone outside ibrox looking in that newco are fucked, but to everyone on the otherwise of the looking glass it's a lot of shite. Green has never started liable or slander proceedings and never produced the documents as to who owns what. So who do you trust?

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Bendarroch I often agree with what you post but I have to step back when it comes to 'poppygate'.

I hate the fact that the poppy has been hijacked to become an expression of Britishness. This is simply wrong and to use the poppy to beat Celtic fans with makes it worse.

To me the idea behind the poppy is to show the futility of warfare and to remember, 'The War to End All Wars'. (a description of WW1).

The Poppy should unite us all against sending people to fight in pointless wars rather than being a means of defining who is truly British.

Given that the poppy is a worldwide phenomena, I'll have to disagree it's been hijacked as an expression of Britishness. Some view it as such, but, like many symbols, it represents different things to others.

The plastics surrender to a minority of their fans over this matter is a simple fact. I know people in the armed forces who support them - you can well imagine their discomfort over the shenanigans is at a far greater degree than mine.

My point, as ever, is I find it laughable that various plastics want to moralise over elements in our support whilst disregarding peers amongst their own.

I'll continue to respond in kind.

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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the prosecution contends that the defendant Bendarroch is an almighty fud. To support this charge, we now present Exhibit A...

Given that the poppy is a worldwide phenomena, I'll have to disagree it's been hijacked as an expression of Britishness. Some view it as such, but, like many symbols, it represents different things to others.

The plastics surrender to a minority of their fans over this matter is a simple fact. I know people in the armed forces who support them - you can well imagine their discomfort over the shenanigans is at a far greater degree than mine.

My point, as ever, is I find it laughable that various plastics want to moralise over elements in our support whilst disregarding peers amongst their own.

I'll continue to respond in kind.

The prosecution rests its case.

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