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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I like it that i get to you so easily ;) You see Normy, i originally did try to discuss things in a civilised manner with you but all i ver got for my troubles was - you're a bigot, your clubs died, Sevco, whit aboot the bigotry, countless lies about being victimised and hounded out of your home town by bigots etc. So yes i may have descended down to your level but the old adage of if you treat people with respect then you'll recieve respect back rings true here.

I also suggest you drop the Killie persona, no one buys it.

Typos added for Daves benefit.

And yet I continue to refer to you by your preferred name, or as Liar, which is a fair and accurate description, based solely on your acitivities on this forum.

You, on the other hand, throw abuse at anyone who dares criticise your beloved thieves, and accuse them of using aliases, multiple log-ons, and any chicanery you can think of to justify the idea that only a few posters on here despise your dead club and its even viler Tribute Act.

Fabrication and lies are your speciality.

"One of the best things about living down here is the lack of bigotry associated with football," becomes

" hounded out of your home town by bigots ". A very concise and illustrative example.

Now run along, Bennett, I see there's a post by Bendarroch that you haven't greenied yet. Can't remember what he said, but that doesn't matter, does it?rolleyes.gif

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And yet I continue to refer to you by your preferred name, or as Liar, which is a fair and accurate description, based solely on your acitivities on this forum.

You, on the other hand, throw abuse at anyone who dares criticise your beloved thieves, and accuse them of using aliases, multiple log-ons, and any chicanery you can think of to justify the idea that only a few posters on here despise your dead club and its even viler Tribute Act.

Fabrication and lies are your speciality.

"One of the best things about living down here is the lack of bigotry associated with football," becomes

" hounded out of your home town by bigots ". A very concise and illustrative example.

Now run along, Bennett, I see there's a post by Bendarroch that you haven't greenied yet. Can't remember what he said, but that doesn't matter, does it?rolleyes.gif

You know it would save you so much time if you simply typed "wibble" as a reply.

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So are you saying the subject of bigotry should never be mentioned on this thread which is about the oldco in liquidation (admin no longer relevant)?

If so I am happy to agree and will only comment on it in defense of my club should I deem it necessary

Not at all, it is after all part of the fabric and business strategy of your "institution" and their former business partners. It's also the cornerstone of Charlie's strategy at the moment - a very successful strategy it would seem, though disappointing when we think back to the "fresh start, new friends" mantra we heard in the summer.

What I object to - and both sides are as bad as each other - is the constant whataboutery of both sides, as if in some twisted way, two wrongs will someday make a right.

As I've said before, my upbringing led me to have an anti-rangers stance entrenched before I realised early on that celtic were as bad, leading to equal disdain for both sides.

Then this whole shitstorm started up, and with the thieving, threats, lack of contrition, sense of entitlement, and all round arrogance, I'm afraid there are no redeeming features for your old club/new club/oldco/newco.

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bennett and WhiteRoseKillie, what's going on here?

Bennett has posted many times he is gay, could it be possible that WRK is just playing extremely hard to get?tongue.gif

Yeah, I've often wondered why one's sexual orientation is relevant to a football forum. Meh, takes all sorts. Starngely enough, that openness is one of Bennett's more attractive traits.

Unless he's lying about that as well....wink.gif

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Yeah, I've often wondered why one's sexual orientation is relevant to a football forum. Meh, takes all sorts. Starngely enough, that openness is one of Bennett's more attractive traits.

Unless he's lying about that as well....wink.gif

I'm not hearing a no.....tongue.gif

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Official Statement from Ibrox

The Board of The Rangers Football Club has issued the following statement today:

It reads: "The Board wishes to express its dismay over articles in The Times newspaper today which implies the Club is "in fresh trouble" with HM Revenue and Customs in relation to an investor in the Club.

Richard Hughes did involved with Rangers shareholder.

Zeus Partners Richard Hughes

Ownership of RFC

A quote from wiki, Other investors included Imran Ahmad and Richard Hughes, from Zeus Capital, owning 9.8% each.

They are lying yet again. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Yeah, I've often wondered why one's sexual orientation is relevant to a football forum. Meh, takes all sorts. Starngely enough, that openness is one of Bennett's more attractive traits.

Unless he's lying about that as well....wink.gif

Not this shite again. I first posted on P&B about being gay on a thread about gay rights on the GN forum, it carried on here by those who i won't name (as i can't f**ked with it all again) who had an issue with it.

Let it sleep Norm.

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Don't want to shoot your point down before all the SevCo fans do, but...

Richard Hughes did involved with Rangers shareholder.

Zeus Partners Richard Hughes

Ownership of RFC

A quote from wiki, Other investors included Imran Ahmad and Richard Hughes, from Zeus Capital, owning 9.8% each.

They are lying yet again. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Richard Hughes did involved with Rangers shareholder.

Zeus Partners Richard Hughes

Ownership of RFC

A quote from wiki, Other investors included Imran Ahmad and Richard Hughes, from Zeus Capital, owning 9.8% each.

They are lying yet again. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Was it a long term relationship that they had? Seeing someone from work is always a bad idea Bhairn.

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Not at all, it is after all part of the fabric and business strategy of your "institution" and their former business partners. It's also the cornerstone of Charlie's strategy at the moment - a very successful strategy it would seem, though disappointing when we think back to the "fresh start, new friends" mantra we heard in the summer.

What I object to - and both sides are as bad as each other - is the constant whataboutery of both sides, as if in some twisted way, two wrongs will someday make a right.

As I've said before, my upbringing led me to have an anti-rangers stance entrenched before I realised early on that celtic were as bad, leading to equal disdain for both sides.

Then this whole shitstorm started up, and with the thieving, threats, lack of contrition, sense of entitlement, and all round arrogance, I'm afraid there are no redeeming features for your old club/new club/oldco/newco.

So you were brought up to hate others then?

Explains a lot, i was brought up better than that.

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Richard Hughes did involved with Rangers shareholder.

Zeus Partners Richard Hughes

Ownership of RFC

A quote from wiki, Other investors included Imran Ahmad and Richard Hughes, from Zeus Capital, owning 9.8% each.

They are lying yet again. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Funnily enough, rather than outright lying, they're using the oldco/newco switcheroo again. Except this time it's easily disproven. More water-muddying, more fees for m'learned friends, more Fritzl moments for the berrz.

It's not going to be the wage bill that fucks them, it's the season ticket to the CoS....

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The club say in their statement today that Hughes is an investor. His present shareholding is 6.8%.

And chuckles is with Imran Ahmed who is from Zeus Capital under Octopus branch. wink.gif

Well Brian Stockbridge and Imran Ahmed joined Zeus Cpatial while in June CW was looking for a buyer and they introduce Green to D+P and Octupus has got Ticketus on their branch which ties along with Greens Consortium Sevco, which is under Zeus Capital.

And that's why HMRC are after Green and Richard Hughes at Zeus Capital!

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Sorry, cant agree

I have no issue with supporters of other clubs (not Rangers and Not Celtic) posting here about bigotry, even if it is not connected as long as their posts do not imply that one side is worse than the other. Rangers have a bad history of this, even though it is not connected to this thread

The problem comes when a Celtic fan brings the subject up or agrees with your views, this raises the stakes and prompts the whataboutery, it is simple point scoring by both sides as it is unconnected to the subject matter

These Celtic fans are also rarely reprimanded for it either in fact many of them are given green dots

So it looks like the whataboutery is here to stay ;)

See, I don't imply that one side is worse than the other. Both of them have shamelessly encouraged "traditional" attitudes in order to maintain their customer base.

Where rangers steam ahead on the disdain-o-meter is their handling of their affairs in relation to basically being caught with their hands in the till. When I say "rangers", BTW, I include all those with a connection to the club who believe that their current status is anything other than the result of massive bending of the rules in order to retain a perceived "cash cow" in the Scottish game. That's not about bigotry, that's criminality, pure and simple.

What rangers have done is systematically cheat, and their actions have materially affected not only their fellow clubs in Scotland, but also European opponents. How can you possibly expect anyone to have any sympathy for them, especially with the reaction of "enemies", "bigotry", "drunk or incompetent" appearing with regularity from their representatives.

Oh, and not forgetting "we've been punished enough".

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Sorry, cant agree

I have no issue with supporters of other clubs (not Rangers and Not Celtic) posting here about bigotry, even if it is not connected as long as their posts do not imply that one side is worse than the other. Rangers have a bad history of this, even though it is not connected to this thread

The problem comes when a Celtic fan brings the subject up or agrees with your views, this raises the stakes and prompts the whataboutery, it is simple point scoring by both sides as it is unconnected to the subject matter

These Celtic fans are also rarely reprimanded for it either in fact many of them are given green dots

So it looks like the whataboutery is here to stay ;)

^^^^ Obsessed with Celtic. :D

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