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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is this continuation pish still getting flouted? :lol:

AYE ! they are continually being owned by tax dodgers,they are continually deflecting anything that says they are fucked again and they are continually being arseholes in general :lol:

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100% fail, I support Rangers son and dont you forget it, 54 and counting, WATP, no one like us we dont care and all the other cliches :P

oh and GIRUY :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's good you've kept your humour, seeing as how you haven't kept history, titles etc etc....

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So remind me again, that celtic fan who was the subject of a C&P job earlier - that had what exactly to do with rangers?

Bendarroch's continued references to the IRA - relevant to the goings-on at ibrox, in what way?

The same little moron's attempt to get "poppygate" raised again - affects rangers how?

Your proof for the "vast amount" of material coming from celtic blogs - you do realise that, if you include the Orcs on here, there's actually a very small minority of celtic posters on the thread, don't you?

You appear to be falling into the same trap as a few of your Orc mates - just because something says something detrimental to rangers, or posits a theory rangers fans don't agree with - Doesn't make it celtic-minded or anti-rangers. It might, just might, be the truth.

Maybe if it's copying from the celtic-minded you want, you should look to that blog copland.org or whatever its called.

What about this, what about that, he done this, he said that, it was when he said it, it wiznae me it wiz him. Enough of the whataboutery Norman, you're quick enough to have a go at others for it so show a little savvy.

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What does the fan rightly jailed in Inverness have to do with Rangers being liquidated?, there are have numerous posts about this since the story broke last week

Repeating the question isn't really how this "answering" malarkey goes, Tedi. I repeat, what ON EARTH does a celtic fan being found guilty in court have to do with rangers or the shitstorm they're in? Was it at a rangers match? Was it at ibrox? Had he been out drinking with the Gorams?

I mean he got a custodial, so it's not like his budget for shares has gone down.....

Sorry, lad, there just ISN'T a connection, except for the one that you're just dying for someone, anyone to accuse the rangers fans of, so we can get the usual response.

Well, sorry, Tedi, it ain't happenin'.

Just answer the question or let folk draw their own conclusions.

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What about this, what about that, he done this, he said that, it was when he said it, it wiznae me it wiz him. Enough of the whataboutery Norman, you're quick enough to have a go at others for it so show a little savvy.

Still not got your head sorted yet?


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So remind me again, that celtic fan who was the subject of a C&P job earlier - that had what exactly to do with rangers?

Bendarroch's continued references to the IRA - relevant to the goings-on at ibrox, in what way?

The same little moron's attempt to get "poppygate" raised again - affects rangers how?

Your proof for the "vast amount" of material coming from celtic blogs - you do realise that, if you include the Orcs on here, there's actually a very small minority of celtic posters on the thread, don't you?

You appear to be falling into the same trap as a few of your Orc mates - just because something says something detrimental to rangers, or posits a theory rangers fans don't agree with - Doesn't make it celtic-minded or anti-rangers. It might, just might, be the truth.

Maybe if it's copying from the celtic-minded you want, you should look to that blog copland.org or whatever its called.

What about this, what about that, he done this, he said that, it was when he said it, it wiznae me it wiz him. Enough of the whataboutery Norman, you're quick enough to have a go at others for it so show a little savvy.

Whataboutery (n. (abstract)) - the attempted deflection by a fan of either arse cheek: when presented with an example of their club's wrongdoing or malfeasance, the default reply is "Aye, but what about THEM?"

Maybe you would be so considerate as to give examples of Killie's long history of sectarian shame and bigotry to which you would like to refer?

And I will continue to lambast any Orc who carries on with the deflector shield bullshit and "small minority" bollox.

As I will treat any follower of the SPL cheek the same if they actually ever DO come on here praising terrorists and saying it's not as bad as your mob. . I say "if", because I can't actually remember an occurence of this on any thread I frequent.

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What does the fan rightly jailed in Inverness have to do with Rangers being liquidated?, there are have numerous posts about this since the story broke last week

Repeating the question isn't really how this "answering" malarkey goes, Tedi. I repeat, what ON EARTH does a celtic fan being found guilty in court have to do with rangers or the shitstorm they're in? Was it at a rangers match? Was it at ibrox? Had he been out drinking with the Gorams?

I mean he got a custodial, so it's not like his budget for shares has gone down.....

Sorry, lad, there just ISN'T a connection, except for the one that you're just dying for someone, anyone to accuse the rangers fans of, so we can get the usual response.

Well, sorry, Tedi, it ain't happenin'.

Just answer the question or let folk draw their own conclusions.

I did, you just dont like my answer

If something is off topic then it is off topic, sorry but it is not up to you to decide what is acceptable off topic and what is not

" there are have numerous posts about this since the story broke last week"

That's the best you can come up with? Piss poor. It's not that I don't like your answer, Tedi - it's just that it doesn't answer a perfectly simple question. See, I don't see me asking for a post count on the subject. Do you?

Let's try again, shall we? Really simple....

What does a celtic fan being convicted of a crime in Arbroath have to do with rangers?

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Sorry, cant agree

I have no issue with supporters of other clubs (not Rangers and Not Celtic) posting here about bigotry, even if it is not connected as long as their posts do not imply that one side is worse than the other. Rangers have a bad history of this, even though it is not connected to this thread

The problem comes when a Celtic fan brings the subject up or agrees with your views, this raises the stakes and prompts the whataboutery, it is simple point scoring by both sides as it is unconnected to the subject matter

These Celtic fans are also rarely reprimanded for it either in fact many of them are given green dots

So it looks like the whataboutery is here to stay ;)

it's naw us its the other cheek , heard it all before at the moment your mob are highlighting what we all hate about either. We as in those who don't follow either know no matter what you all say its under the surface.

Celtic supporters hide it better with a sense of humour that gives them a longer leash as in the zombie stuff , your mob don't have that as the hatred just boils over, but don't let you think that has any of us fooled.

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You've answered your own question there. Well done.

It never worked with players. Try the manager next!

Green gave away 5% new club to FPLG as a signing on sweetener, Adams must be worth the whole shares issue. Green will have plenty left over for him anyway.

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Is Norman still boasting about how popular he is :lol:

Nah, just using the only available measure to discredit you and the other Amigo's defamation. I ain't here to be popular, Bennett - hence not getting involved in some weird greenie exchange scheme.

I'm assuming platinum members get more greenies, but I don't know how many - since I paid a tenner to show appreciation for Div's efforts I've never run out.

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Tralalalala, we could do this all day

What does a rangers fan being convicted of a crime in Inverness have to do with Rangers going into liquidation?

Did you ask the numerous people who posted on this subject the same question you asked me?

By the way this is a question but it is also your answer, and your going into dhensebhoy mode with the bit in bold, its a tactic you use often but your totally shite at it

We could do this all day, or...... You could answer a simple question.

A rangers fan being convicted in Inverness?Are we talking about a football/sectarian offence here? Let's assume so, otherwise his affiliation would be irrelevant. Relevance? Well,

1. He's a rangers fan.

2. We were assured the "baggage" was going to be left behind or dealt with, along with the "minority" - "making new friends", remember? This was part of the justification your lot had when pleading for survival, back in June and Ju... Ah, I see the problem.

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Nah, just using the only available measure to discredit you and the other Amigo's defamation. I ain't here to be popular, Bennett - hence not getting involved in some weird greenie exchange scheme.

I'm assuming platinum members get more greenies, but I don't know how many - since I paid a tenner to show appreciation for Div's efforts I've never run out.

You gave Div more money? Div could have paid off the Rangers debt with the amount of clicks this thread had before the CVA was rejected!!

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