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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Saw this posted on another board, a lot of people were critcial of templeton for signing for Rangers but it seems like he may have been right. Iwonder McGowans regretting his decision now?

Scott Moodie ‏@SRMoodie7

cheap laugh at your expense fella, if that's where your happy to play each to their own! Just thought I'd throw it in


14 Oct David Templeton David Templeton ‏@dtempleton89

well better playing 3rd division than not at all which would happen come january at hearts.

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Aye, I've got a terrible sad life - you've no idea how bad it is.

On the other hand, I've not just spent hours (and pages) getting repeatedly and very publicly shown to be a liar and a disrespectful bigot - trying and failing miserably not to get myself a new one ripped by an Internet Bampot. And when I get up in the morning, I won't look back over this evening's activity and realise I have absolutely zero credibility in the one (virtual) place that matters to me. There's always that to console me.

And there's more to come: you still haven't defused the little time bomb left for you earlier - in fact, you've ensured that when it does go off you're going to look even more of a c**t. laugh.gif

Shame Tedi and the crew weren't around to back you up tonight, eh? Maybe too busy watching their big team getting a result in Europe....

whistling.gif"Don't go changin'"whistling.gif

Back me up? It's a forum Norman, i'm afraid you're taking this too seriously again and that is where you always fall down.

Care to show me any posts where i've made a bigoted comment, i've asked you this a few times now?

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Back me up? It's a forum Norman, i'm afraid you're taking this too seriously again and that is where you always fall down.

Care to show me any posts where i've made a bigoted comment, i've asked you this a few times now?

I am not going to trawl through your output, Bennett. As previously stated, your support of rangers, financially and emotionally, is support of a bigoted organisation. You therefore condemn yourself by your affiliation. Would you align yourself with an institution which had ever had a discriminatory policy? Well, Bennett the Defender of the Oppressed wouldn't, but you give money and allegiance to an institution which did exactly that, and continues to tacitly encourage a sectarian attitude to ensure its financial survival.

So, no posts, but a coherent argument. Would you care to respond in kind? You know, by refuting the statements I've made, offering examples where I'm wrong, perhaps even giving examples of how you perceive me to be, in fact, the bigot in this debate?

Or would you like to continue to TELL me what happened in my life?

Or just continue with the basic disrespect and deflection?

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You're not beating me very well with it then, why would round 4 rules trump round 2 rules, cos u say so?

And my newco? Is this the old firm paranoia rearing its head again, if u don't agree with us you must be one of them?

OH DEAR OH DEAR I've done a TEDI again :lol: sorry ribzanelli I thought i was replying to Tedi 5 stars I'm embarrassed to say so have a greeny as an apology :) I was in a hurry to feck off out to watch the game.

Seeded clubs always get the preferential placings in cup competitions and Rangers were seeded better than any other SFL side and would have entered at round 4 if they actually survived bypassing rounds 2 & 3.

Green's Rangers are a brand new entity of a club and why they entered in round 2 ! Green categorically stated when asked to appear at the SPL hearing "Rangers FC never was or has ever been a part of the SPL" and hence the entry in round 2.

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So you accuse someone of being a bigot with no proof whatsover to back it up Norman, yer full of shite son. Though you do have a habit of making unfounded claims, don't you?

I just saw young dhensboys grovelling post on your porfile (poor mouse control on my part), even he calls you Norman and then begs your forgiveness :lol: Stupid roaster that he is.

Now let this go and stop clogging up the boards with your drivel.

Edited by bennett
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More train crash from Ibrox!

Star Chamber Judgement – Prominent Scottish banker cleared of destroying Rangers – Post by Ecojon

In a grotesque throwback to the era of witchcraft trials a Rangers Blog has conducted what amounts to a Star Chamber Inquiry over the guilt or innocence of a Scottish Businessman.

And the crime the Scot stood accused of? ‘That he hounded David Murray into selling Rangers to Craig Whyte’.

But the actual charge cloaks the rampant bigotry involved centering purely on the highly respected businessman being a Celtic supporter with a Catholic-sounding name.

This retired banker has an MBA from the University of Strathclyde, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland and a member of the Association of Corporate Treasurers with extensive Board experience in the public, charitable and voluntary sectors.

After a lifetime involved in the banking sector he ended up Executive Director for Lloyds TSB Scotland – responsible for all corporate and commercial banking activities including business banking, asset finance and treasury.

I know it sounds like a farce and the panto season is nigh upon us but don’t laugh because a deadly serious war of intimidation is being played-out in Scotland whilst our national police force and Scottish Government choose to look the other way with politicians worrying about losing votes if they speak-out or take action.

What they fail to realise is that decent ordinary Bears, who just want to see their team play football and get on with their lives, are looking for leadership as well to help them reclaim their club and claw it back from the precipice of hate that it, and Scottish Football, now teeters on.


‘The Banker’ didn’t know he was signing his own arrest warrant back in 2000 when he joined the board of Celtic Trust (www.celtictrust.net).

He wrote, at the time, that he was born in London Road in the shadow of Parkhead and had two ‘Celtic mad’ kids and expressed hope his 30 years in banking would assist the trust to combine and increase Celtic fan shareholding to give supporters a say in running the club. He added that he was responsible for all his bank’s activity with Scottish businesses.

Little did this man, from a humble background who made a success of life and assisted voluntary causes, realise that those words would come back to haunt him and lead to him being smeared over various Rangers Blogs and reviled in hundreds of postings by Rangers fans as a crazed uber-Celtic supporter at the heart of a financial plot to destroy Rangers.

I have no intention in refuting the nonsense allegations lodged against ‘The Banker’ as they do not stand-up to one second of scrutiny but in common with the many other ‘targets’ on the receiving end of hatred and intimidation from Rangers fans I can only sympathise at the pressure, stress and fear that this whole dreadful experience has wrought on ‘The Banker’ and his family.

The Copland Road Organisation (CRO) was one of the Rangers Blogs that attacked ‘The Banker’ on a number of occasions and even carried photographs of him reminiscent of the disgraceful identity demands of Ally McCoist and subsequent intimidation this generated towards a top Scottish QC as revealed by Channel 4.

With the CRO continuing its totally unfounded allegations and announcing it was ‘throwing down the gauntlet’ the ‘The Banker’ was left with no alternative but to turn to a prominent Rangers-supporting friend who suggested that he should hand himself over for investigation by the CRO in a bid to establish his guilt or innocence. To quell his fear and trepidation the friend agreed to accompany ‘The Banker’ to plead for his life back.

What is extremely telling about this decision is that someone who could be regarded as a scion of the Scottish Business Community saw no effective legal redress either through civil action or reporting the matter to the police.

CRO blogger Bill McMurdo Jnr stated: ‘Fingers were pointed at (The Banker) by Rangers bloggers and forums. As a man who prides himself on his professionalism, he found the insinuations and accusations hurtful.

‘At CRO we joined in and highlighted (The Banker) as a person of interest to the Rangers support. I pointed out to (The Banker) that his profile as a prominent Celtic supporter gave legitimacy to suspicions among Rangers fans at a very sensitive time.

‘We believe at CRO that when we get it wrong we should own up. Well, we didn’t get it wrong; we got it right. Right in the sense that (The Banker) should be under the spotlight and should give an account of himself. He has done just that to our satisfaction’.

After the investigation, at which the Banker was accompanied by his Rangers supporting friend, the young McMurdo in passing judgement declared him innocent of the charge and concluded: ‘All our investigations point to this pressure on Rangers not being something undertaken by Lloyds TSB due to the footballing allegiances of any member of staff but due to cold business facts’.

‘During the meeting I was shown incontrovertible evidence from Lloyds TSB that (The Banker) had no direct involvement with the Rangers FC account in any way. He actually worked for a separate bank in the group.

‘In a nutshell, (The Banker) was NOT responsible for exerting any pressure on Rangers during the last days of the Murray regime because he had no dealings with the club.

‘The Banker is indeed a Celtic fan but has not actively followed the club for a while. Although he was a founding member of the Celtic Trust, he resigned from it some years back’.

Well that is extremely generous of you Mr McMurdo just a pity that you couldn’t actually accept that you got this totally wrong on the basis of not having one scrap of evidence and repeatedly attacked the good name of a totally innocent person and I see no remorse for the actions that yourself and some other Rangers supporters have subjected ‘The Banker’ and his family to.

For goodness sake man don’t you see that your actions are on a par with the worst of dictatorships which pluck citizens of the street on a whim or because they have received a false anonymous whisper about them?

If you look back at the original source of all this then the false conclusions made then, blinded by obsession, should have alerted you to carefully check not only the source but also what had changed career-wise in the intervening decade.

However, I will say that I can but admire the limited stance you have taken as you know full well that some of your support find it much easier to accept a Catholic Conspiracy, or even the Bankers, destroyed Rangers rather than the enemy within the gates of Ibrox in the shape of David Murray and his reckless overspending.

So there is some hope for you in the future and that can only be for the long-term good of Rangers and Scottish Football and hopefully to strengthen the resolve of decent Bears who love their football and just want to follow their club. That is what the majority of decent football supporters from every club want to do.

But those who blog and comment on the internet have added and serious responsibilities to check facts and not make totally groundless accusations that can blight the life of innocent people who haven’t a single blemish against their character or professionalism.

‘The Banker’ is left with all the hurtful and totally false accusations left forever floating in cyberland, waiting to horribly invade his personal life yet again, just a Google click away.




I have removed the name of the falsely accused and replaced it with ‘The Banker’ as I have no wish to add to the stress already suffered. I just wonder what would happen to any Celtic-minded individual who doesn’t have a decent Rangers-supporting pal for support when facing this new Star Chamber?

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Saw this posted on another board, a lot of people were critcial of templeton for signing for Rangers but it seems like he may have been right. Iwonder McGowans regretting his decision now?

McGowan will have a choice to make like Templeton and Ian Black choose the third division get the shit kicked out of them and blub to the press about it every week or like Steven Naismith choose a league in which he can flourish. I think Naismith must be regretting his decision by now?

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I just wonder what would happen to any Celtic-minded individual who doesn't have a decent Rangers-supporting pal for support when facing this new Star Chamber?

No need to be concerned with silly things such as that. Most Celtic and 'Rangers' fans today including myself (Celtic obviously) have friends/relatives who are fans of the other side and friends/relatives not football clubs come first on our list of priorities. The only people who really should be afraid of silly things such as 'this new Star Chamber' should be those associated with it. wink.gifsmile.gif

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So you accuse someone of being a bigot with no proof whatsover to back it up Norman, yer full of shite son. Though you do have a habit of making unfounded claims, don't you?

I just saw young dhensboys grovelling post on your porfile (poor mouse control on my part), even he calls you Norman and then begs your forgiveness :lol: Stupid roaster that he is.

Now let this go and stop clogging up the boards with your drivel.

Aaaannnd, another rewrite of history from Bennett. Anybody is welcome to have a look at my profile (don't deny your creepy obsessions), and that's not really an accurate description, is it now?

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See, Bennett, None of the above is strictly true, is it? I'm beginning to think you must come from a long line of seamen. You know, the kind of guy who sees this:


Then tells his mates he's seen this:


I'm sure you can see what I'm saying here. I've used pictures to make it easier for you.

That top one. HUBBA HUBBA.

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Talking of deluded spankers ...

Their club was killed off chasing the achievements of Celtic in Europe ... :lol: :lol:

(It's still talked about in Bar67 down at Ibrox ... Eh Bennett ? ) ;)

Yes and thank god .... your history is history and what a shambles it is. Is their history something to be proud of ????

Come on DB don't be debasing yourself arguing with the flat earth society. We know 140 year old Rangers are not in existence killed off by their own fans obsession with being on top.

Liquidation, ended them what we have now is a money making exercise to fill the void. I have no interest in your celebrations but the diving cheating b*****ds insistence on a 140 year celebration is typical ugly sisters mentality, cheap gimmicks and whereaboutery to hide the mess they have ended up.

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Now 10am. When most people at work (or at home) will be settling down for a cup of tea or coffee. And a time to catch up on here with hopefully the latest sensation from HMRC, BDO, or Strathclyde Police.

But hang on, someone is missing. At home? At work? Nope, more likely to still be in his scratcher. huh.gif

The man who floods the thread with totally irrelevant nonsense. Distracting, obscuring, anything that tries to talk about anything but Rangers administration and now liquidation.

Craig, also known as Tedi, Bennett, Bender something, and his latest being Devlin is nowhere to be seen.

Will he arrive on his own, or will his friends all appear at the same time?

Tell us Craig, who are you going to be today? Today Norman I am going to be............biggrin.gif. (Who cares though, they all spout the same nonsensemad.gif)

Edited by thelegendthatis
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To help decipher this post, try what I did.

Copy/Paste it into a translator to convert it to another language (doesn't matter what language, just pick one at random).

Then use copy/paste again to translate the result back to English.

This result will make a bit more sense than the original.

Pat yourself on the back.

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See, there's where you and Bennett really do fulfil the stupid Orc stereotype. Bennett claims he just shortens posters' names - WRK = 3 keystrokes. And it's an abbreviation. Yet Bennett labours on, imagining he's a wit, and you start to use the epithet while not having the slightest idea why. Meanwhile, Tedi scatters greenies around like confetti for every Sevconian brainfart he can find.

Dear God Almighty, you lot must have some unresolved issues.

It gets to you, clearly. There's why i call you Norman.

That's really stupid eh? :blink:

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