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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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By your own admission you acknowledge you don't understand Rangers fans.

If it helps you to reinforce stereotypes by assuming we are suddenly fine with the actions of Murray, Whyte and others then fill your boots.

The blogging cowards who invented a narrative that you and yours clung to like shite to a blanket deserve all they get. Only you'll know why it seems they are alone as targets for our ire.

Is it because you were so roundly lied to and mislead by the bloggers you placed so much faith in? Is that why - almost the instant they are revealed as liars - there's a frantic search for a new pied piper?

And, my oh my, how speedily, how fawningly, how blindly the queue forms to line up behind the new emperors at Nogun, Shogun and Foegun and their new, shiny morsels for the masses.

Let them eat cake.

My you really have fallen into line rather well haven't you? You'd have made a good North korean - Rangers are getting away with this, at the moment, by the skin of their teeth. I love the way what you so robustly attack is precisely what you have been falling for. You, my friend, are seriously deluded and are scarily receptive to mind-control.

My favourite bit is 'invented a narrative'. Presumably Dr Poon fell for that 'invention' too.

I despair for this country sometimes.

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Were we ?

I'd get off the cocky high horse that you lot are on at the moment until an appeal is heard (or HMRC decide not to appeal), because, from what i've been reading there is a lot more to come from this.

Nah, leave them up there. I want to see how high the fuckers bounce when it all comes crashing down again.....

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From what I've read the bloggers are half right, or perhaps only a third right. Weren't there 30+ cases of EBTs where tax liability was admitted by Rangers/MIH?

The 'bloggers' were 100% correct - they reported what was going on! From the initial point that Rangers were denying the HMRC were pursuing them over EBTs, Craig Whyte's background, the £9.5million tax case, going into administration, Dave King etc etc.

Who knows what was going on in the 90s, when Rangers were signing players like Laudrup and Gazza. The whole thing stinks from start to finish.

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By your own admission you acknowledge you don't understand Rangers fans.

If it helps you to reinforce stereotypes by assuming we are suddenly fine with the actions of Murray, Whyte and others then fill your boots.

The blogging cowards who invented a narrative that you and yours clung to like shite to a blanket deserve all they get. Only you'll know why it seems they are alone as targets for our ire.

Is it because you were so roundly lied to and mislead by the bloggers you placed so much faith in? Is that why - almost the instant they are revealed as liars - there's a frantic search for a new pied piper?

And, my oh my, how speedily, how fawningly, how blindly the queue forms to line up behind the new emperors at Nogun, Shogun and Foegun and their new, shiny morsels for the masses.

Let them eat cake.

Well, the charge was that you're considerably *more* angry about some bloggers talking shit than you are about the men who killed your club.

Your response makes only passing reference to David Murray, the Grand High Ayatollah of Rangers destruction, and then tears off at length about the evils of the awful bloggers.

I'd say that I'm spot on, and that you lack the basic savvy to recognise that you're confirming my point far more conclusively than I ever could.

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I think folk should remember that the EBT scheme was introduced for the purposes of tax avoidance. You can argue about the semantics of loans vs wages but if they hadn't tried so strenuously to avoid paying tax on earnings they would never have been of interest to HMRC.


To put it simply (again)....No-one is to blame for rangers downfall other than the people who were in charge at rangers.

Fuckin thick orcs cant understand that one though. :lol:

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To put it simply (again)....No-one is to blame for rangers downfall other than the people who were in charge at rangers.

Fuckin thick orcs cant understand that one though. :lol:

Precisely. All this flailing about for lawsuits against some guy with a website, or Hector, or the Papal conspiracy that run the SPL is about one thing only - making themselves victims of some external force, however tenuous.

David Murray killed Rangers, in the boardroom, with the fountain pen. If their fans had a lick of sense between them, they'd have been laying seige to Murray Towers and demanding criminal prosecutions of everyone involved.

Instead, they're all ganging together to demand justice be done upon... Some guy with a website.

Tells you everything you need to know about Rangers fans as a group, IMO. And this Bendarroch nutter has the cheek to blab on about false narratives!

You have to laugh, because it's that hilarious.

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Precisely. All this flailing about for lawsuits against some guy with a website, or Hector, or the Papal conspiracy that run the SPL is about one thing only - making themselves victims of some external force, however tenuous.

David Murray killed Rangers, in the boardroom, with the fountain pen. If their fans had a lick of sense between them, they'd have been laying seige to Murray Towers and demanding criminal prosecutions of everyone involved.

Instead, they're all ganging together to demand justice be done upon... Some guy with a website.

Tells you everything you need to know about Rangers fans as a group, IMO. And this Bendarroch nutter has the cheek to blab on about false narratives!

You have to laugh, because it's that hilarious.

The most delicious thing about the Orcish revisionism is the howls and screams for recourse to the Law. These fucking halfwits actually think anyone from Murray to Green, via Whyte, H&D, the various directors, the ex-players and staff, would have the slightest intention of going anywhere NEAR a courtroom unless dragged there physically.

That's not to say a few of them won't be laying hands on the Good Book, mind....

Still, let's allow the knuckledraggers their fantasies for the moment. If they want to see prosecutions over Internet activity, might I suggest:

This highly respected and honourable forum, or

This bastion of truth, respectability and tolerance


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The result is in. Rangers win their appeal against HMRC's fanciful bills.

Diddies and plastics said: "Didnae happen - and here's why, the IRA writer, disgraced lawyer, lying journalists and more are spot on and obviously the establishment is behind the outcome of the FTT. I can't believe the result. In fact I wont believe the result."

When asked about the liars they had hung their hopes on the said: "They were right. I think it's a disgrace that anyone might suggest they were at it and would an outrage if they faced legal consequences. Especially now that the establishment is showing its hand."

And what now? Diddies and plastics said: "It's cool man, we've got new guys without names to replace the old ones without names (or many names) and they are even righterer than the old guys. One of them has already proved two bent judges were in on the Rangers appeal by saying he agreed with them."

What about the legal cases to follow targetting the bloggers, leakers and others accused of lying - will you really round to support them? Diddies and plastics said: "Like f**k we will man. If they had been as even righter as Nogun, Shogun and Woegun then mibbes, but they urny so f**k them."

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Cosgrove on the radio, ahhh pure niva cawed Rangers cheats :lol:

Not so smarmy now, are you Stuart?

He just apologised for being completely wrong.

It sounded as sincere as the day that sweet Mhairi told me she would only sleep with me if I loved her.

I immediately told her I loved her. She left me with a memory I can never forget. A Doctors prescription ensured only the memory lingers.


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The result is in. Rangers win their appeal against HMRC's fanciful bills.

Diddies and plastics said: "Didnae happen - and here's why, the IRA writer, disgraced lawyer, lying journalists and more are spot on and obviously the establishment is behind the outcome of the FTT. I can't believe the result. In fact I wont believe the result."

When asked about the liars they had hung their hopes on the said: "They were right. I think it's a disgrace that anyone might suggest they were at it and would an outrage if they faced legal consequences. Especially now that the establishment is showing its hand."

And what now? Diddies and plastics said: "It's cool man, we've got new guys without names to replace the old ones without names (or many names) and they are even righterer than the old guys. One of them has already proved two bent judges were in on the Rangers appeal by saying he agreed with them."

What about the legal cases to follow targetting the bloggers, leakers and others accused of lying - will you really round to support them? Diddies and plastics said: "Like f**k we will man. If they had been as even righter as Nogun, Shogun and Woegun then mibbes, but they urny so f**k them."

David Murray killed your club. Whatever the outstanding issues are, that much is a fact - who killed Rangers? David Murray did, by burying the club under a mountain of toxic debt.

And what are you angry about? Bloggers, diddies, plastics, journalists etc and so on.

I think you're just going to have to accept that one of the major reasons why your club is dead is because so many of its fans are like you.

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