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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Charles Green "I was brought to the transaction by Imran Ahmad following Duff and Phelps contacting Zeus Capital in February, due to their experience in the football sector."

Conflict of interest anyone?


Remember the buyers in May want to buyout Rangers (in administration) and out of nowhere Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers and made a new club.

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I think you're just going to have to accept that one of the major reasons why your club is dead is because so many of its fans are like you.

Our club is absolutely fine - despite the very best efforts of diddies and plastics alike. And we know that's what really, really stings you and yours.


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Remember the buyers in May want to buyout Rangers (in administration) and out of nowhere Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers and made a new club.

Aldi sell straws in packs of 25 for a quid mate. Buy ten packs. You're flush - turns out Rangers didn't cost you £20.


Edited by Bendarroch
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The result is in. Rangers win their appeal against HMRC's fanciful bills.

Diddies and plastics said: "Didnae happen - and here's why, the IRA writer, disgraced lawyer, lying journalists and more are spot on and obviously the establishment is behind the outcome of the FTT. I can't believe the result. In fact I wont believe the result."

When asked about the liars they had hung their hopes on the said: "They were right. I think it's a disgrace that anyone might suggest they were at it and would an outrage if they faced legal consequences. Especially now that the establishment is showing its hand."

And what now? Diddies and plastics said: "It's cool man, we've got new guys without names to replace the old ones without names (or many names) and they are even righterer than the old guys. One of them has already proved two bent judges were in on the Rangers appeal by saying he agreed with them."

What about the legal cases to follow targetting the bloggers, leakers and others accused of lying - will you really round to support them? Diddies and plastics said: "Like f**k we will man. If they had been as even righter as Nogun, Shogun and Woegun then mibbes, but they urny so f**k them."

Our club is absolutely fine - despite the very best efforts of diddies and plastics alike. And we know that's what really, really stings you and yours.



Carry on son....carry on !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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David Murray killed your club. Whatever the outstanding issues are, that much is a fact - who killed Rangers? David Murray did, by burying the club under a mountain of toxic debt.

And what are you angry about? Bloggers, diddies, plastics, journalists etc and so on.

I think you're just going to have to accept that one of the major reasons why your club is dead is because so many of its fans are like you.

That's spot on. It's the same reason why there's a chance that they might die again.

It's because the Rangers fans are so uncritical of anything that happens at Ibrox, that the vacuum's been filled by "diddies and plastics". Had there been coherently critical voices from a Rangers perspective, they'd have had the floor. None have ever appeared.

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He also confuses Rangers and Murray Group in his argument. Rangers were part of the Murray Group. It was the Murray Group that was the defendant. The Murray Group was profitable even if Rangers were not.

Is this the same profitable Murray group that in at the end of June 2009 had debts of £942m? The same Murray group that has needed the bank to bail them out with two debt to equity deals that removed £267m of that debt? The same Murray group that dispite selling off a number of companys still have debts of £636m end of june2011?

Edited by Umbungo1874
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Make that - gif of two ostriches required.

(Side note - when David Murray's near-total culpability is drawn to his attention, responds by complaining about "diddies and plastics". Again).

We don't need to turn to plastics or diddies to inform us about Murray, Whyte and more.

And certainly not from the liars you revered and lauded to such an embarrassing extent.

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Ostriches don't bury their head in the sand. It's a myth. We understand your absolute faith in them.


We don't need to turn to plastics or diddies to inform us about Murray, Whyte and more.

And certainly not from the liars you revered and lauded to such an embarrassing extent.


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We don't need to turn to plastics or diddies to inform us about Murray, Whyte and more.

And certainly not from the liars you revered and lauded to such an embarrassing extent.

David Murray's culpability brought to his attention again; responds by complaining about "diddies", "plastics" and some blokes with websites. Again.

They're being serious when they reason like this, by the way. It's not an act for our benefit.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Aye...we're all obsessed.

You got an issue with that ?

Would you like us all to go away & stop pointing out facts ?


Not at all I like facts. It's a pity that the near 4000 pages of bull in this thread dwarf the facts when people post them :D

I do however find it funny that in a weekend where rangers aren't even playing. Our very own thread and section is probably as busy on here as the spl forum lol

Edited by 53_and_counting
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Not at all I like facts. It's a pity that the near 4000 pages of bull in this thread dwarf the facts when people post them :D

I do however find it funny that in a weekend where rangers aren't even playing. Our very own thread and section is probably as busy on here as the spl forum lol

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Started by a rangers fan, for rangers fans was it ?

Fuckin muppet. :lol:

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Hilarious listening to Off the Ball now - it seems most Rangers fans want to re-write history, and equate everything that was said in the lead-up to their demise with the recent Tribunal judgement.

Even on this thread there seems a distinct lack of acknowledgement that there was a tax claim as was predicted, a tax liability has been established, and of course Rangers were liquidated over unpaid PAYE and NIC.

What we're seeing is emotional outpouring from Rangers fans who want to lash out, but don't quite recall the true course of events that lead to the death of their club.

It's like watching a David Attenborough documentary.

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