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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why is that rewriting history? Who's initial actions forced the PLC into liquidation? That was Whyte,without his actions the liquidation of the PLC would more than likely not have happened and the EBT result enforces that view. Of course Whyte wanted to appoint his choice of administrators,the appointment was challenged by HMRC but the appointment was upheld.

As for the creditors,which company were they creditors of,The Rangers Football Club PLC that's who,not The Rangers Football Club Limited. Harsh as it seems that's the way finance is in business. Do you honestly think that a company is going to pay off another compamies debt after purchasing the liquidated companies assets,of course their not,be it footbal or any other business.

It's unfortunate for creditors but it's the way company law works. Creditors also lose out when CVAs are agreed (and some clubs have been involved in CVAs more than once, just to put things in perspective). Anyone who genuinely doesn't like how company law works - as opposed to just wanting to have a go at Rangers - should complain to the government.

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It's unfortunate for creditors but it's the way company law works. Creditors also lose out when CVAs are agreed (and some clubs have been involved in CVAs more than once, just to put things in perspective). Anyone who genuinely doesn't like how company law works - as opposed to just wanting to have a go at Rangers - should complain to the government.

Poor wee creditors, but tough I take it is the message.

The issue is not with company law, but how Rangers tried to ride a coach and horses through it. Murray and his dodgy directors, Bain, King laugh.gif, running a business in such a manner that only Craig Whyte was the only potential buyer.

Hence Strathclyde Fraud Squad, BDO as liquidators, and of course HMRC tramping all over the record of who did what and when. We will just have to wait for the outcomes.

So rather than anyone moaning about company law, just get on the case through your MPs and MSPs and the police to ensure that where dodgy practises happened, people will be hauled up into court and judged by their peers.

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This has already been discussed and discredited

Round 2 rules supercede round 3 rules and the rules for round 2 clearly state that all clubs currently playing in SFL3 must enter the cup in round 2, but yer typical tic blog will omit this fact of course

Discredited by an impartial panel I assume?

This is another example of SFA rules being flexible. One must be broken to suit the other.

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No he doesn't as it's well documented that the new company could not produce three years audited account in order to obtain a licence to play in European competitons.

100% correct.

The dead club had dodged accounts and would not be eligible. The new club has not had an owner that has avoided a name change for 3 months nevermind 3 years of accounts ;)

Question.....if the remains of Rangers had been bought by a company that was say 5 years old and had perfect accounts would they be eligble? Nope. New club....

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I believe their is an email kicking about that clearly shows explains the UEFA position

Part of rule does also apply to brand new clubs, yes. It also covers alteration to legal form of existing clubs.

So an existing club could be excluded on a change of legal form and the newco was considered a change to legal form by UEFA hence the 3 year exclusion

So the club you grew up supporting is no longer the same in a legal sense? Ta :).......... club died.

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Discredited by the omission of round 2 rules

No rules being broken

Round 2 rules would clearly supersede round 3 rules, I am astonished you can not see this simple fact.

Does it state anywhere in these rules that round 2 rules supersede round 3 rules?

Or do the rules stand alone and independent of each other without stated exceptions?

Show me where it states this, it's usually worded, "in the case of etc...." or the get out clause of, "in exceptional circumstances etc...." It may be there, I've not checked.

If it does, I'll concede the argument.

If it doesn't, it looks like rules which have been written without the scenario which took place in the summer being considered, which would be wholly understandable, for they were exceptional, have not been followed to the letter which is the sole purpose of my interjection.

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I believe their is an email kicking about that clearly shows explains the UEFA position

Part of rule does also apply to brand new clubs, yes. It also covers alteration to legal form of existing clubs.

So an existing club could be excluded on a change of legal form and the newco was considered a change to legal form by UEFA hence the 3 year exclusion

Is there a press release from UEFA stating why the 3 year exclusion was implemented? Or statement etc.,,,

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Excuse me? I was quoting milk bottles sloppy grammar there.

\O/ waves at Chris.......................... gonna see Bomber about those meetings Chris, you would be welcome :)

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Elvis is dead.

Would you pay money to watch a guy that looked like Elvis, sang his songs and had a gig in Memphis :lol:..........(open goal Bennett ffs, sober up)......

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