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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How can you play with someone who is incapable of grasping that 'personal statement' and 'behalf of everyone' simply cannot be included in the same context and also that you would never give a personal statement and include you job title when signing it?

Again i ask you. Is this then a statement of policy and if so why are the SFL not applying this policy.

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You never asked for a statement of policy, you are adding bits on.

This is what you asked.

The only credible source they could provide is the statement from any of the governing bodies (SPL SFA SFL UEFA FIFA) agreeing that they are the same club. Not one of these bodies nor any legal source has made any such statement.

This is a statement from David Longmuir written in his capacity of Chief Executive of the SFL, which clearly states on behalf of the SFL clearly showing and describing that Rangers are 140 years old, it is clearly not personal and was delivered on the 8th of December 2012.

So its not an official statement of SFL Policy. Good . Glad you agree.

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You were given what you asked for, pedantry will not change this fact.

Provide an SFL Policy document that names Rangers and states 'we consider the Rangers currently playing in SFL3 to be a different club than the one founded in 1872'

In those exact words?

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Karl-Heinz Rumminige recognises the continuity on behalf of the ECA. Now unless Rumminege is a Rangers fan i would say that he's quite a high profile figure in European football who is well outside the Rangers community,wouldn't you? Amongst others of the ECA of course who give their recommendations to UEFA

So ECA are the same kind of orginisation as FARE that give recommendations to UEFA? So if we are to go along with what ECA say about Rangers you will accept that FARE are correct with their assesments of Rangers bigoted fans shaming the country?

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What isn't legal about the ECA?

They are a body similar to a Trade Union set up to protect members interests. Not really any 'legality' about them, just self preservation.

The dead club whined about appealing to them last April/May if I mind right. Didn't stop the Liquidation process 8)

More than 'pleasing'................

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So ECA are the same kind of orginisation as FARE that give recommendations to UEFA? So if we are to go along with what ECA say about Rangers you will accept that FARE are correct with their assesments of Rangers bigoted fans shaming the country?

If FAREs' assessment is proven to be correct then yes. However you don't just accept an assessment as being correct without investigating all avenues,a bit different from determining a club continuity i would think.

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Well, I enjoyed the detailed discussion with you.

Is it really necessary for every Rangers fan to insist that nothing, but nothing has changed at all and that Rangers is exactly the same in every way, shape and form; while the Diddy/Plastic brigade must believe that Green's Rangers is something completely and utterly new that we've never had before?

Can the truth not actually be something a bit more nuanced than either of these positions?

I know the tone of the thread is adversarial and it's also fun to fight a corner. I'm just a bit bored with the circularity of it all.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Meanwhile, back in the real world...

Marian Maclean, deputy director of the Football Coordination Unit for Scotland - known as FoCUS - with Strathclyde Police said: "As far as my team are concerned singing of 'The Billy Boys' without lyrics involving sectarian or other offensive language would not result in us looking to arrest those involved."

Hello! Hello!


Edited by Bendarroch
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Also this is FIFA's take on the matter...

Rangers go under

14 June

Rangers’ perilous financial position had been an open secret but there was still shock when, after 140 years of history and a world record 54 league titles, the club was consigned to liquidation in mid-June. The Glasgow giants were subsequently reformed as a new company and granted entry to the Third Division, Scotland’s fourth tier, which they currently lead by nine points with a game in hand.

My link

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Also this is FIFA's take on the matter...

Rangers go under

14 June

Rangers' perilous financial position had been an open secret but there was still shock when, after 140 years of history and a world record 54 league titles, the club was consigned to liquidation in mid-June. The Glasgow giants were subsequently reformed as a new company and granted entry to the Third Division, Scotland's fourth tier, which they currently lead by nine points with a game in hand.

My link

From a blog-type article.

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From a blog-type article.

Indeed, just so you know I wasn't taking any side I'm merely trying to provide evidence to try and end this discussion, therefore ending this thread so it can be closed, culled slightly and moved into the Gold Forum

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