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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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140 days old. Congratulations Sevconians :)

that's nice for them.

I am impressed by the way this new club has quietly went about their business in a modest and business like fashion, with a remarkable willingness to rub along easily with every other club in the Scottish set-up, and a positive determination not to rock the boat on any issues which could deemed as debatable. This attitude obviously has generated vast amounts of goodwill towards their brand new club.

I wonder if they would consider adopting a slogan ' Living The Dream' would probably be available from Brooks Mileson's estate. Fingers crossed, of course, that their project turns out better than Gretna's.

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The debate last night on Radio Scotland between Coscrove and Chic was comical.

Cosgrove was being critical of Green basically stirring up trouble with the SFA and SPL in order to pander to the Rangers support and that is all about money with Green :blink:

Doh, football chairman is tuned into what the clubs fans think and winds up certain fans and bodies of Scottish football in order to put bums on seats and maximise income for the club, what is wrong with that? he is a business man, this is not some sort of Scotland wide popularity contest as long as he is popular with the only people that will spend money at his club then this is all that matters, f**k what everyone else thinks.

A few years ago Cosgrove was praising Lawwell and Celtic for using McBride to give the SFA a bloody nose, while keeping their fans onside. The man makes it up as he goes along.

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The debate last night on Radio Scotland between Coscrove and Chic was comical.

Cosgrove was being critical of Green basically stirring up trouble with the SFA and SPL in order to pander to the Rangers support and that is all about money with Green :blink:

Doh, football chairman is tuned into what the clubs fans think and winds up certain fans and bodies of Scottish football in order to put bums on seats and maximise income for the club, what is wrong with that? he is a business man, this is not some sort of Scotland wide popularity contest, as long as he is popular with the only people that will spend money at his club then this is all that matters, f**k what everyone else thinks.

most sane folk on here have long stopped giving a f**k what you think.

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Which season was this and what was the reason?

Wouldn't mind hearing this or if its down in print reading it, if you can get hold of it. :D

During the whole concurrent/consecutive Neil Lennon shenanigans, it was on the radio.

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Dumb and Dumber.

100% deflection

0% rebuttal

Usual Orc standard pish replies .... :lol::lol::lol:

Tedi 'I'm ignoring you' Fivestars commenting on posts that have not been quoted again .. hilarious Tedi you are obsessed.

One post quoting the regulations is entirely my own words .. I can even spell correctly, maybe that is what throws you off.

The other article is in quotes and I have provided the link to the article .. clearly I am not passing it off as my own it's for reference purposes.

So how did the SFA transfer the licence form one entity to the other with infringing their own rules. Please do explain in your own words with the requisite proof (that means quote the rules that apply).

We are dying for another laugh ..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

In your own words :lol: :lol: Thats rich coming from you :rolleyes:

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How many names does one man need?

Phil White

Mick Derrig

Phil Gillivan

Phil MacGillivan

Phil Mac Giolla Bhain

The mans a born liar and fantasist, no wonder the P&Bers hang on his every word.

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Nice insult coming from a complete imbecile.

Let's deal with the membership then Tedi ...

SPL membership was revoked in June.

Again according to the SFA's Articles of Association. Here is the link


The SPL terminated your membership

Upon such termination your SFA membership terminates automatically (no if's no buts, no mibbes) .. there was no membership to transfer.

Now you dumb gullible stupid halfwit ,,,

Is there anything else?

Oh dear, the expert in company law, finances and football rules is getting angry now.

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No idea why you got a red dot for that. You just reported facts. Maybe the guy who did it can come on and give an explanation. I suspect, though, he won't show his cowardly moustache.

How dare you malign the robust and gallant moustache smile.gif.

In all honesty the bear gave me a reddie for offering salient and I think timely advice on the behaviour of your fans in another thread and i just saw this and i heard it read aloud in the whiny voice of a 5 year old girl. And it annoyed me.

"In fact what happened was the company that used to run the club wasn't liquidated till around the beginning of November. You can check that at Companies House if you want. So Nuuhhhh."

Petty perhaps, but I stand ready to rescind said reddie as soon as yon BWM explains why I received one on the other thread when I suggested (very reasonably) that singing about bathing in each others blood wasn't great for your image going forward.

Or perhaps demanding an explanation for every red dot is akin to the actions of a whiny 5 year old girl.

After cheating and not paying your dues you had a choice: Pay up or start again. You chose start again. That's it. No mystery. No debate required. No keep the nice bits but ditch the bad. No it was all a conspiracy against us, haven't we been wronged.

No-one is saying rangers (Mk1) will be expunged forever from the annals of time (although I think it would be nice). It's just as a consequence of starting again, your score is 0. Your age is 0. Pretty reasonable if you ask me and if we are all honest getting the opportunity to start again is far, far more than you deserved. You should be fucking grateful.

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How dare you malign the robust and gallant moustache smile.gif.

In all honesty the bear gave me a reddie for offering salient and I think timely advice on the behaviour of your fans in another thread and i just saw this and i heard it read aloud in the whiny voice of a 5 year old girl. And it annoyed me.

"In fact what happened was the company that used to run the club wasn't liquidated till around the beginning of November. You can check that at Companies House if you want. So Nuuhhhh."

Petty perhaps, but I stand ready to rescind said reddie as soon as yon BWM explains why I received one on the other thread when I suggested (very reasonably) that singing about bathing in each others blood wasn't great for your image going forward.

Or perhaps demanding an explanation for every red dot is akin to the actions of a whiny 5 year old girl.

After cheating and not paying your dues you had a choice: Pay up or start again. You chose start again. That's it. No mystery. No debate required. No keep the nice bits but ditch the bad. No it was all a conspiracy against us, haven't we been wronged.

No-one is saying rangers (Mk1) will be expunged forever from the annals of time (although I think it would be nice). It's just as a consequence of starting again, your score is 0. Your age is 0. Pretty reasonable if you ask me and if we are all honest getting the opportunity to start again is far, far more than you deserved. You should be fucking grateful.

You may well have a point there.

Giving folk reasonable advice is fine. However, when you say they're guilty of "lying, stealing, cheating and glorifying in racial and sectarian hatred" you shouldn't be surprised if they dislike it. (I'll take it as read that you or others will say it's just the truth).

As for "No mystery. No debate required, etc", I wish you had favoured everyone with that penetrating insight at the start of all this. ;)

Edited by Bearwithme
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Nice insult coming from a complete imbecile.

Let's deal with the membership then Tedi ...

SPL membership was revoked in June.

Again according to the SFA's Articles of Association. Here is the link


The SPL terminated your membership

Upon such termination your SFA membership terminates automatically (no if's no buts, no mibbes) .. there was no membership to transfer.

Now you dumb gullible stupid halfwit ,,,

The licence cannot be transferred.

Membership terminates automatically.

Is there anything else maybe a link to your old club's history and those 5 stars?

HTH ... moron


P.S - Maybe you should copy and paste because clearly by attempting to use your own words you only end up making a complete chunt of yourself.


If there was no membership to transfer then can you explain what this event was that took place on 3.08/2012.My link

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He is trying to suggest the SFA broke their own rules when they transferred that memberships by claiming the SFA membership was terminated automatically when the SPL membership was terminated (I do not know if this even was the case and it is irrelevant anyway).

The SFA membership was never terminated, there was no requirement to do so, it was however TRANSFERRED on the 3/8/2012 as your link clearly shows.

Tedi,i would leave this now as it doesn't matter what sources is put forward re;continuity,some people will never accept it. All we need is the relevant football authorities to recognise and record the historical timeline from 1872 going forward which has been done and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The Annals of Scottish Football will show the continuity however loud they shout.

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Seething he is, he is even trying to use the SFA rules in reverse, trouble is they do not work like that.

Sure if the SFA membership had been terminated then all associate memberships would have also been terminated, but that does not work in reverse, even if a clubs SPL membership is terminated then the SFA membership remains intact, the SPL cannot impose rules on SFA club memberships.

Every man and his dug knows that memebership was transfered but young Dhensboy insists on c&ping stuff from various Celticminded blogs and websites which he doesn't understand. It's clear when he attempts to put it into his own words that he hasn't a f**king scooby - but if he wants to pretend to be an expert in football rules and company laws then lets just continue to laugh at him.

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Milton Keynes Dons were created on 21 June 2004, nine months after Wimbledon F.C.'s relocation to Milton Keynes in September 2003 and its subsequent administration and renaming. Being in law the same business, MK Dons initially claimed the history of Wimbledon F.C. as its own, but stopped doing so in 2007, in part to ensure the recognition of its supporters groups by the Football Supporters Federation, which had previously boycotted the team. Since 2007, the board of MK Dons has maintained that the club is a new one, founded in 2004.

I imagine that the board of The Rangers International FC will do the same in the near future :whistle

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Their effing heads will explode with rage when they realise that their new club will still be playing in the lowest league next season against mostly the same teams. laugh.gif ... stupid tax dodging, creditor dodging, cheating raging fannies. GIRFUY all of you P&B's orcs ... sideways.




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Every man and his dug knows that memebership was transfered but young Dhensboy insists on c&ping stuff from various Celticminded blogs and websites which he doesn't understand. It's clear when he attempts to put it into his own words that he hasn't a f**king scooby - but if he wants to pretend to be an expert in football rules and company laws then lets just continue to laugh at him.

Aye its like youngsy says, nothing they can do, will ever change whats has already happened and the acceptence that continuation is a reality, what they had hoped for was another Darlington where the FA actually said, in fact they made a point of saying "this is a new club", its clear that just is not going to happen here, they can recite every tic conspiracy in the book, things are what they are.

Guys, you have to admit that if true that does prove the SFA pulled a fast one. You lot were the first to accuse the SFA of being corrupt, it seems you were correct.

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