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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just read the past couple of days posts.

Rangers have but one enemy they should really be afraid of ! THEMSELVES.

Did not Murray stress that Rangers would only be sold to a reputable person or persons so guaranteed the fans a decent new owner ? so why blame the SFA when Murray himself sold the club to Whyte and if Murray actually did check on Whytes finances he'd have surely known Whyte was an arsehole.Murray is to blame here for Whyte and not the SFA.

Rangers fans have been fucked over by two previous egotistic owners and now another is at the helm and everyone like the two previous owners are saying "your in soapy" but the fans are too reluctant to reply with GIFUY we are are winning the 3rd division trophy and debt free.It would appear that losing a lot of games badly is the only known method the Rangers fans wake up and ask questions of the management and that only goes as far as protesting for countless millions to be spunked into the team.

When the accounts are shown for the new Rangers then the fans will see how the club stands.It will either be financial armaggedon or a profitable club.And guess where my money is on ? :) .Also Green is going to ramp up the cost of everything for matchdays to maximise profits because Ibrox has huge running costs and a badly depleted income in the lower leagues.No TV revenue in the millions,no European footy,pumped out early in domestic cups,lower sponsorship revenue and lower income from ST's,not even the wage bill cut will cover the revenue that was lost from when Ibrox was in the SPL.Green has already projected a loss FACT.

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Green has been asked pertinent questions by various groups of fans (to be fair to him, at least he puts himself out there). Over on the FF poll, hundreds of fans vote that they don't trust Green. But still we get the same old knee-jerk twaddle about Rangers fans being unquestioning. :D

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Just realised Charlie is born in the year of the snake and it became the year of the snake only a few days ago. Here's what it says...

SNAKE: Rich in wisdom and charm, you are romantic and deep thinking and your intuition guides you strongly. Avoid procrastination and your stingy attitude towards money. Keep your sense of humor about life. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Has Charlie Green still not renamed Murray Park?

He has, but Traynor can't be (fat) arsed getting his pompous press release out about it.

You will have seen

"Juventus Football Club's Catholic Deacon Cesare Nosiglia today gave blessing and thanks on training ground of the Rangers , Murray Park , before Juventus trained at the Scotland complex. (Gazzetta dello Sport)"

Unfortunately some parts have been lost in translation.

The bold deacon (the Sevco intelligentsia guessed that was a Masonic title :o ) was actually renaming Murray Park to Benedict Park.

Celebrating the life and works of the right wing ex Nazi youth member. Having seen Joseph Aloisius being infallible for a few years as Pope, Green recognised a kindred spirit.

(Hopefully this has offended the majority of posters on here :thumsup2 )

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Green has been asked pertinent questions by various groups of fans (to be fair to him, at least he puts himself out there). Over on the FF poll, hundreds of fans vote that they don't trust Green. But still we get the same old knee-jerk twaddle about Rangers fans being unquestioning. :D

So you are saying - Questioning. Yes. Therefore toothless and spineless, Yes.

Questions are only worth asking if you know what the right answer is.

What is the answer? What do actually want from your "questioning"?

Agreeing that amongst yourselves would put the Israeli Palestinian squabbles to shame. :whistle

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Timing has always been important to those who wish maximum damage on Rangers.

During our annus horribilus in 2012, it became apparent that sticking the knife in for some was one hundred times more important than any notion of Sporting Integrity.

Those with long memories will remember through the fog of events in the summer of last year that SFA and SPL announcements were deliberately timed to cause maximum damage as Rangers sought a buyer, and each “deadline” for bids from Duff and Phelps passed with Rangers on the front pages for decisions taken by both organisations

So, as the anniversary of Rangers former Corporate holding company going in to Administration approaches, my belief is that the SPL will mark that anniversary with a guilty verdict for Rangers in their kangaroo court proceedings against the club for the administrative errors made by the David Murray regime.

There is a belief across the city that Celtic will defeat Juventus, and that today’s news should be about build up, and Wednesday’s news should be about the game, leaving Thursday open to stick the boot in to Rangers by stripping out titles.

While there are still some fans out there who have confidence that the ruling by Lord Nimmo Smith will find us not guilty, on the reasonable assumption that the only EBT payments under scrutiny were actually declared by Rangers to the SPL, I do not share that confidence. I have a nagging doubt that the SPL, and Nimmo Smith, will once again prove that they believe they are a law unto themselves, with the evidence of Celtic’s lawyer Rod McKenzie used as justification.

Of course, Rangers fans will be angry, and frustration may well ensure that supporters take to the streets like the protesters in Belfast.

I sincerely hope that the SPL and Nimmo Smith do not send Scottish Football down a road of no return.

While “sensible” voices inside Ibrox talk of bridges being built and of the Dundee Utd match being the end of hostilities in Scotland, there is also a propaganda campaign being carried out in Scotland’s media calling for Rangers fans to forgive and forget our treatment over the last 12 months. What they should all be aware of is that the decision to build bridges and apologise for the sins of the past do not rest with Rangers fans, but with agenda led officials in the SPL and the SFA to halt their activity against the club. It is they who should apologise for a campaign borne of jealousy, hatred and bigotry.

The reality is that if the decision goes against Rangers, even the most mild mannered of Rangers supporters who have funded Scottish Football for decades will strengthen their resolve to punish Rangers’ enemies, by staying away from grounds in their thousands permanently.

This will kill clubs.

Even Celtic, who are enjoying a lucrative Champions League campaign will suffer.

Let’s be clear. The sponsorships of Scottish Football depend on the presence of Rangers and their support, including Sky TV.

Without us, every club will have to address their finances and downgrade their footballing operations, ie reduce the quality of their team.

The whole of Scottish football will reduce its quality, and every football fan in Scotland will suffer.

This is what WILL happen if Rangers are unjustly punished

Will the decision taken be to sacrifice Scottish Football, and punish Rangers?

Will it be timed in such a fashion to case the maximum outroar from the Rangers support?

Sadly I believe it will. I sincerely hope not.



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Timing has always been important to those who wish maximum damage on Rangers.

During our annus horribilus in 2012, it became apparent that sticking the knife in for some was one hundred times more important than any notion of Sporting Integrity.

Those with long memories will remember through the fog of events in the summer of last year that SFA and SPL announcements were deliberately timed to cause maximum damage as Rangers sought a buyer, and each “deadline” for bids from Duff and Phelps passed with Rangers on the front pages for decisions taken by both organisations

So, as the anniversary of Rangers former Corporate holding company going in to Administration approaches, my belief is that the SPL will mark that anniversary with a guilty verdict for Rangers in their kangaroo court proceedings against the club for the administrative errors made by the David Murray regime.

There is a belief across the city that Celtic will defeat Juventus, and that today’s news should be about build up, and Wednesday’s news should be about the game, leaving Thursday open to stick the boot in to Rangers by stripping out titles.

While there are still some fans out there who have confidence that the ruling by Lord Nimmo Smith will find us not guilty, on the reasonable assumption that the only EBT payments under scrutiny were actually declared by Rangers to the SPL, I do not share that confidence. I have a nagging doubt that the SPL, and Nimmo Smith, will once again prove that they believe they are a law unto themselves, with the evidence of Celtic’s lawyer Rod McKenzie used as justification.

Of course, Rangers fans will be angry, and frustration may well ensure that supporters take to the streets like the protesters in Belfast.

I sincerely hope that the SPL and Nimmo Smith do not send Scottish Football down a road of no return.

While “sensible” voices inside Ibrox talk of bridges being built and of the Dundee Utd match being the end of hostilities in Scotland, there is also a propaganda campaign being carried out in Scotland’s media calling for Rangers fans to forgive and forget our treatment over the last 12 months. What they should all be aware of is that the decision to build bridges and apologise for the sins of the past do not rest with Rangers fans, but with agenda led officials in the SPL and the SFA to halt their activity against the club. It is they who should apologise for a campaign borne of jealousy, hatred and bigotry.

The reality is that if the decision goes against Rangers, even the most mild mannered of Rangers supporters who have funded Scottish Football for decades will strengthen their resolve to punish Rangers’ enemies, by staying away from grounds in their thousands permanently.

This will kill clubs.

Even Celtic, who are enjoying a lucrative Champions League campaign will suffer.

Let’s be clear. The sponsorships of Scottish Football depend on the presence of Rangers and their support, including Sky TV.

Without us, every club will have to address their finances and downgrade their footballing operations, ie reduce the quality of their team.

The whole of Scottish football will reduce its quality, and every football fan in Scotland will suffer.

This is what WILL happen if Rangers are unjustly punished

Will the decision taken be to sacrifice Scottish Football, and punish Rangers?

Will it be timed in such a fashion to case the maximum outroar from the Rangers support?

Sadly I believe it will. I sincerely hope not.



Rangers former Corporate holding company

Oh, they really are kicking the arse out of this one, aren't they? :lol:

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So, as the anniversary of Rangers former Corporate holding company going in to Administration approaches.

^^^^ Fucking embarrassing. :lol:

They have no shame.

Still blaming everyone else, and under the false impression the SPL & SFA are out to get them despite bending over backwards to let them stay in senior football.

I also love how they assume they will be found guilty, not on any evidence. just another ploy to get them,

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Those with long memories will remember through the fog of events in the summer of last year that SFA and SPL announcements were deliberately timed to cause maximum damage as Rangers sought a buyer, and each “deadline” for bids from Duff and Phelps passed with Rangers on the front pages for decisions taken by both organisations

Of course, Rangers fans will be angry, and frustration may well ensure that supporters take to the streets like the protesters in Belfast.

a propaganda campaign being carried out in Scotland's media calling for Rangers fans to forgive and forget our treatment over the last 12 months. What they should all be aware of is that the decision to build bridges and apologise for the sins of the past do not rest with Rangers fans, but with agenda led officials in the SPL and the SFA to halt their activity against the club. It is they who should apologise for a campaign borne of jealousy, hatred and bigotry.

Paranoid pish and veiled threats. Same old same old, like a broken record. Yawn.

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Rangers - The Rising

DON’T miss a fantastic new analysis of the most turbulent year in Rangers' history on RangersTV this week.

The Rising: Rangers One Year On From Administration covers the extraordinary events from last spring to the present day.

With exclusive contributions from Charles Green, Ally McCoist, Lee

McCulloch, Neil Alexander, Ian Durrant, leading journalists and fans the

programme gets to the very heart of the matter.

The Rising chronicles the dark days from administration, through the

purchase by Charles Green, the rows with the authorities to the

incredible backing of the Rangers support and the hugely successful

share issue.

Watch it on RangersTV on Thursday, February 14 at 7pm on Rangers.

Subscribe now from just £5 per month – or watch this programme for just 99p.


Cmon P & Pers what`s 99p on valentines`s day for the love of your life :wub:

I don't think Jim Traynor counts as a jurno these days :P

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Timing has always been important to those who wish maximum damage on Rangers.

During our annus horribilus in 2012, it became apparent that sticking the knife in for some was one hundred times more important than any notion of Sporting Integrity.

Those with long memories will remember through the fog of events in the summer of last year that SFA and SPL announcements were deliberately timed to cause maximum damage as Rangers sought a buyer, and each “deadline” for bids from Duff and Phelps passed with Rangers on the front pages for decisions taken by both organisations

So, as the anniversary of Rangers former Corporate holding company going in to Administration approaches, my belief is that the SPL will mark that anniversary with a guilty verdict for Rangers in their kangaroo court proceedings against the club for the administrative errors made by the David Murray regime.

There is a belief across the city that Celtic will defeat Juventus, and that today’s news should be about build up, and Wednesday’s news should be about the game, leaving Thursday open to stick the boot in to Rangers by stripping out titles.

While there are still some fans out there who have confidence that the ruling by Lord Nimmo Smith will find us not guilty, on the reasonable assumption that the only EBT payments under scrutiny were actually declared by Rangers to the SPL, I do not share that confidence. I have a nagging doubt that the SPL, and Nimmo Smith, will once again prove that they believe they are a law unto themselves, with the evidence of Celtic’s lawyer Rod McKenzie used as justification.

Of course, Rangers fans will be angry, and frustration may well ensure that supporters take to the streets like the protesters in Belfast.

I sincerely hope that the SPL and Nimmo Smith do not send Scottish Football down a road of no return.

While “sensible” voices inside Ibrox talk of bridges being built and of the Dundee Utd match being the end of hostilities in Scotland, there is also a propaganda campaign being carried out in Scotland’s media calling for Rangers fans to forgive and forget our treatment over the last 12 months. What they should all be aware of is that the decision to build bridges and apologise for the sins of the past do not rest with Rangers fans, but with agenda led officials in the SPL and the SFA to halt their activity against the club. It is they who should apologise for a campaign borne of jealousy, hatred and bigotry.

The reality is that if the decision goes against Rangers, even the most mild mannered of Rangers supporters who have funded Scottish Football for decades will strengthen their resolve to punish Rangers’ enemies, by staying away from grounds in their thousands permanently.

This will kill clubs.

Even Celtic, who are enjoying a lucrative Champions League campaign will suffer.

Let’s be clear. The sponsorships of Scottish Football depend on the presence of Rangers and their support, including Sky TV.

Without us, every club will have to address their finances and downgrade their footballing operations, ie reduce the quality of their team.

The whole of Scottish football will reduce its quality, and every football fan in Scotland will suffer.

This is what WILL happen if Rangers are unjustly punished

Will the decision taken be to sacrifice Scottish Football, and punish Rangers?

Will it be timed in such a fashion to case the maximum outroar from the Rangers support?

Sadly I believe it will. I sincerely hope not.



Typical orc scum

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