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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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But the SPL`s party line was that we fielded ineligible players, it was why the SPL that commissioned the tribunal, if LNS is following the party line why did he find us not guilty of fielding ineligible players?

He only follows some party lines? :unsure2:

It was a complete sham orchestrated to look as if they were doing something but did the some of feck all at the end of the day but rob the PLC's debtors pot.

Youngsy earlier also agreed that the PLC club had a case to answer and why this sham had to go through the process of nothing.So the SPL had to do something didn't they numbnut.

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We sold 38k last season at full price, why would we not shift 38k again?

FFS I nearly choked on my tea there Tedi :lol: another five star post from Tedi :lol: they slashed them by a third and by half for the youth and halved for concessions.

Call yourself a supporter and had bought a ST at Ibrox this season but didn't know the ST's were reduced :1eye

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Even better it's season 2014/2015 with the state of their finances :) the SPL & SFA are colluding to get The Clone Rangers into the SPL at the end of next season or they are definitely fucked :lol:

But I was told it was us that were facing certain doom without Rangers in the SPL, it seems its the other way around, ....................they lied.


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But I was told it was us that were facing certain doom without Rangers in the SPL, it seems its the other way around, ....................they lied.


:lol: the SPL & SFA are soooooo fucking desperate to get The Clone Rangers into the SPL ASAP.

It's soooo bad that the diddy revolt that stopped The Clone Rangers from entering straight into the SPL that it backfired on them,and even worse than that even stopped them from entering the SFL 1st division that all them amended rules & regulations they concocted back in 2011 won't help keep the new Rangers alive.

Worse still was placing them into the 3rd division must have the SPL & SFA in tears that the prospect of Rangers dying long before it could reach the SPL on it's own steam they are now fucking things up so bad that they will probably give them a bump up regardless of integrity.

Plan "A" at the SFA & SPL get The Clone Rangers into the SPL where the money is to keep the new club afloat just about till they find their feet.

Plan "B" there was none and why they tried to plump them into the 1st division and even that could have backfired.

Chucky before he bought the assets must have been told by the SFA & SPL there was a plan to shoe horn the newco into the SPL immediately and was a dead cert and the diddy clubs fucked that right up :lol: .

The Clone Rangers SPL by 2014/2015 or bust :) .

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So it was a conspiracy to spend 500K and give it to Celtic`s lawyers then?

:lol: that is all Tedi and how much was your season ticket ? did you pay full price when everyone else paid a third less at minimum :lol: are you going to pay over £300 quid for the same pish against the same teams next year if reconstruction goes ahead as planned ?.

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No this was another stuupid as f**k moment from you.

I said last season.....not this season.

We did not slash our ST`s by a third last season, you just made that up / got it spectacularly wrong.


If you want to compare fuckups Tedi then you are going to win by a country mile :)

Yes Chucky did slash the ST's by a third this season you twat and this will show you up :)


Who's the fud now ?

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We sold 38k last season at full price, why would we not shift 38k again?

Link please tedi.....

Wasn't it £6m in the interim statement?

Gotta be half the crowd on concessions ffs....

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Another that fails to understand the difference between this season and last season.

Must be something in the water.

So you are equating the dead club in the spl to the new club in division 2? Division 3 sales would be a better marker, and I await a link showing 38,000 at full price for the spl season.

I think I'll be waiting a while......

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Surprising you want to hang onto all those trophies they brought into ibrox, then.... ;)

Seriously, Youngsy. At the time of their tenure, in legal terms, these people were rangers. Just as you cannot separate club and company, while laying claim to history when you feel like it, you cannot divorce these men and their actions from rangers' actions and performance during their tenure. We have all heard the directors in Whyte's time saying they had misgivings and suspicions, but not one of them spoke out at the time - which they should have done as part of a director's legal duties.

Why would i not want the trophies won under Murrays' tenure,it's already been established that,again i'll repeat it,there was no sporting advantage gained. What that means is that every trophy won was won without any underhand method on the field of play, no doubt though you'll ignore that finding.

As for laying claim to the history "when i feel like it" as you put, if there had been any title stripping i would have accepted that finding as part of our history, or maybe you can't understand that the history of the club encompassess everything that has happenend to the club since 1872,the good and the bad.

That includes the tenure of Whyte, Murray, Marlborough, Lawrence and every other era of the club.

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Do I think bile and hatred from the likes of you motivates Rangers fans to continue support their team and buy ST`s in huge numbers, absolutely yes, I believe the sheer amount of yahoos lining up to kick our club whilst it was down was one of the biggest inspirations to many Rangers fans last summer.

Och Ted, stop the nonsense.

Apart from the obvious contradiction in spending weeks telling WRK how pointless and irrelevant he is; before suggesting he's significantly boosted Ibrox ST sales, you're making a daft point.

I'm sure there was defiance behind the big ST sales last year, fuelled by the attitude of yahoos. Had said yahoos kept quiet however, we all know that the Newco would have swept back into the SPL without any resistance. They really would have been allowed to carry on as if nothing had happened at all.

If the antics of WRK saw Rangers shift lots of STs, but for a club destined to drop at least 22 points in the 3rd while bailing out of the Challenge Cup in the quarters, I really must thank him.

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WRK is major factor in generating money for Charles Green Retirement fund shockerooni!!

is this a cosy Yorkshire thing then?

f**k, rumbled. Me and Mrs WRK were lined up for the gamekeeper/housekeeper double act at Dunswizzlin. Probably get binned now, like that scout, and Sandaza, and Sally oops, that one's not supposed to get out yet. :lol:

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So the sackings continue........stadium announcer this time...

First them came for Murray and tedi + Bennett said nothing. Then they came for Sandaza, and again tedi+ Bennett were silent.... then....... ad infinitum...

Still waiting for that 38,000 full price link tedster.....

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I accept that the PLC were guilty of wrongdoing in non-disclosure over the period,no problem with that. As for atoning over what the previous regime did,Whyte i'm speaking of,why should the present regime have to be answerable for that period of time, as well as that why should they be answerable to the regime under Murrays' tenure?

Speaking solely for myself here as a supporter who put a lot of money into Rangers over many years as a shareholder,bondholder,season ticket holder i'm appalled at the financial negligence David Murray performed under the clubs name over his tenure and tbh i'm appalled at the non-disclosure that his regime was involved in,add to that it disgusts me that Murray was wanting out of the club so much that he did not follow due diligence over Whyte after being warned by some fellow directors about him. As for the part played by Whyte it sickens me that he was allowed to have the control over the PLC the way he had which has cost many,many people so much. But again that should not reflect on the present regime. They will be judged on their on merits,good or bad.

Nothing in there to disagree with mate - nothing at all.

Do you not see what I'm getting at though?

The running of the club under Murray, yielding many trophies as it did, was sufficiently reckless to kill it. You really are wanting to retain the fruits of that, while paying none of the price.

I totally respect the fact that you're engaging in this discussion, and you're actually making plenty of sense. Please however acknowledge that there's something inconsistent and unfair about boasting of a glittering history without debt.

Green and his discredited press officer are rubbing our noses in it. Now I can see why as a football fan, that has a certain satisfaction attached to it. It's not right though, is it?

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So the sackings continue........stadium announcer this time... First them came for Murray and tedi + Bennett said nothing. Then they came for Sandaza, and again tedi+ Bennett were silent.... then....... ad infinitum... Still waiting for that 38,000 full price link tedster.....

The Axeman strikes.........when will it end?

When will the interference in team affairs start?. ;)

Green has previous in this department. :thumsup2

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Not at all, are you denying that someone that obviously hates your club telling you over and over that nobody will buy any ST`s is not going to inspire you to prove him wrong?

Fans who are genuinly only interested in sporting integrity were quite entitled to those views, in fact they were 100% correct, it was the yahoos that wanted extinction along with padlocks on the gates of Ibrox that I have issue with.

You do get this right?

Course I get it Tedi. I'm challenging the logic of what you're saying though.

If putting Rangers in their rightful place fostered a siege mentality sufficient to provide an amoral old git from Yorkshire with a very comfortable retirement, I'll live with it.

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Och Ted, stop the nonsense.

Apart from the obvious contradiction in spending weeks telling WRK how pointless and irrelevant he is; before suggesting he's significantly boosted Ibrox ST sales, you're making a daft point.

I'm sure there was defiance behind the big ST sales last year, fuelled by the attitude of yahoos. Had said yahoos kept quiet however, we all know that the Newco would have swept back into the SPL without any resistance. They really would have been allowed to carry on as if nothing had happened at all.

If the antics of WRK saw Rangers shift lots of STs, but for a club destined to drop at least 22 points in the 3rd while bailing out of the Challenge Cup in the quarters, I really must thank him.

AAAwwww! :wub:

Don't forget the humping at Tanadeechi and the Northern Jags taking 3 off them in their own shitehole. If there's credit going, I'm grabbing what I can. Which D1 side do you want fucking over next season? I'll get onto it right away. :lol: (please make it Falkirk ;))

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Not at all, are you denying that someone that obviously hates your club telling you over and over that nobody will buy any ST`s is not going to inspire you to prove him wrong?

Fans who are genuinly only interested in sporting integrity were quite entitled to those views, in fact they were 100% correct, it was the yahoos that wanted extinction along with padlocks on the gates of Ibrox that I have issue with.

You do get this right?

Let's be honest, Tedi. "Over and over"? Not true, is it? And do you really believe there were thousands of rangers fans reading P&B who were inspired to buy STs - even at bargain prices - because some "yahoo" said they didn't like rangers? I thought it was because they wanted the journey, the opportunity to meet new people and urinate in their gardens?

Now you're saying it's all because I said they were cheating, lying, bigoted, thieving scum?*

f**k me, I'm beginning to think I have powers I never suspected. It's like Clark Kent when he realised he could lift a car! :lol::lol::lol:

*Which they were, BTW. Congratulations on a fresh new start. ;)

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