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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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26 League titles

20 Portuguese Cups

19 Portuguese Super Cups

2 European Cups/Champions League

2 Intercontinental Cups

2 UEFA, Europa League Cups

1 European Super Cup

Well done, Sir. But, and this is the big question:

How can they call themselves a big club if they've never won the Glasgow Merchants' Charity Cup TITLE?

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ETA: I've just had a look back, and guess what? The post he's using as his signature HASN'T been altered! f**k me this is embarrassing - have I gone and reported him for something I said in a drunken haze, off my face on Buckie and Temazapam? How will I ever show my face on P&B ever again?

Oh, hang on - it hasn't been altered because it never fucking existed*. Pelucia, the saddest, most pathetic loser it's ever been my pleasure to show up as a complete fucking idiot. The shite I've thrown at his club and their fans, and he has to MAKE SHIT UP!

*Not deleted - never fucking existed. Easy proof - the T-word gets swear-filtered, does it not? Check with the mods if you require more proof.

Oh f**k it, you're so stupid, the above speaks for itself. I was taken to parkhead because I was a diehard tim from birth, then reneged. Many tic fans.....Jesus, you really can't debate with these half-brain fucktards.

Am I missing something here :unsure2:

(all you have to do to see the original post is to click the speech bubbles :blink: )

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Am I missing something here :unsure2:

(all you have to do to see the original post is to click the speech bubbles :blink: )

Indeed you are, Ned. Look at the time in Tedi's quote. Now look at the time in the original post. Then look at the rest of the original post - Pelucia does love his cherry-picking, you know. Then take a look at that entire evening's output and ask yourself if the post in question was, or was not, a sarcastic, exasperated response to continued accusations from our beloved Tedi. Put my post an hour earlier - why? Even I couldn't find it before you pointed it out. I've posted some outrageous shite on here, and in context, I'll take the comeback. Altering the post time seems, I dunno, a bit weaselly. If he'd changed it by a straight hour, he could claim a GMT/BST fuckup, but an hour and a minute? Nah.

So: Cherry-picking a quote - f**k me, if he wants to play that game...

Altering the time of a quote - It's like he thinks nobody will notice...

Looking back at that particular conversation, the bits that stand out are :

1. The ludicrous idea that one could pick ones team before the midwife smacked their arse (I really should know my fucking audience on here), and

2. celtic fans acknowledging that, criminal behaviour aside, I detest their team as much as rangers.

Oh, the one thing that is unsarcastic in that conversation, and quite a fucking few since - if I had BEEN TAKEN anywhere at such a young age, there wouldn't have bee a lot of choice on my behalf.

Fucking hell, I can't believe I'm still having to justify being a Killie fan. Haven't we been punished enough? (by ex-players, at that).

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Oh dear.

How indeed will you ever show your face again, this has to go down as the best gaff ever. :lol:

Especially as in the same post you say 'in the knowledge that I am their intellectual and moral superior.'

f**k me that is beautiful, thanks WKR this has made my year :thumsup2

Look at the time on the original post.

Now look at the time on your quote.

Your year is far from complete, Pelucia.

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He's had his chance. Abuse I'll take all day long. Lies piss me off. Him and his fuckwit mate do their team and fellow fans no favours, IMHO. Add f**k all to the forum, other than the occasional meltdown.

At least I can rest easy (in the company of most other posters, both diddy and Twisted Sister supporters) in the knowledge that I am their intellectual and moral superior.

ETA: I've just had a look back, and guess what? The post he's using as his signature HASN'T been altered! f**k me this is embarrassing - have I gone and reported him for something I said in a drunken haze, off my face on Buckie and Temazapam? How will I ever show my face on P&B ever again?

Oh, hang on - it hasn't been altered because it never fucking existed*. Pelucia, the saddest, most pathetic loser it's ever been my pleasure to show up as a complete fucking idiot. The shite I've thrown at his club and their fans, and he has to MAKE SHIT UP!

*Not deleted - never fucking existed. Easy proof - the T-word gets swear-filtered, does it not? Check with the mods if you require more proof.

Right - the quote is from me. However, it is not a verbatim quote of one of my posts. Fair Play. The time is wrong, the quote is incomplete, and the original quote was part of a sarcastic reply to yet another attack on myself. As Pelucia has seen fit to change material parts of my post, and also to ignore the rest, I leave it to the rest of you to decide.

If Pelucia wants me to highlight the allegations of incest and paedophilia he levelled at me in the last couple of weeks, I'm happy to do so.

Back on topic - how many titles did you say rangers* won before they died?

*The most successful team in the world, apparently?

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I have not altered any post time`s ya loon, as far as I am aware it is impossible as the time stamps are coded.

keep digging though, this truly is breathtaking.

it says 00:25 on your post, ned`s and your own :D

Getting carried away, a bit like when you and the rest fucked off at the QOS game, thinking "job done". Follow Ned's guidance (thanks, Ned, btw) and look at the time on the original post. One hour. One minute. You won't find a post of mine at 00.25. So I looked, and found this:

Explain to me how I had my arse handed to me


Because to me it looked like your reply was exactly what i wanted to provoke from you, but I will give you anther go

WKR the supposed Killie Fan has been going to his beloved Parkhead since he was 6, Many Tic fans including the WKR often pretend to support other teams so they can gain the diddy club fans support, I advised the poster he was replying to, that he should leave the WKR to his half beliefs and that reality would be all the more painful for him to accept when it finally hits home

This was an honest opinion from a real killie fan

This was the WKR handing me my arse biggrin.gif

My reply was:

Oh f**k it, you're so stupid, the above speaks for itself. I was taken to parkhead because I was a diehard tim from birth, then reneged. Many tic fans.....Jesus, you really can't debate with these half-brain fucktards.

Clearly the exasperated response to a prolonged bout of abuse. It's all on page 3456-7, fact fans. Makes for an interesting, if unedifying, read - especially the opinion of the celtic poster. The second sentence, for anyone of a comprehension level above gibbon, is an expression of the belief of the accuser. Well played by Pelucia to find it, and I'm sure Bennett will be impressed at his weaselocity. It's up there with the "all blacks are lazy" example I gave months ago, but that's what we're up against, as higher mammals. Low animal cunning.

My post, Ned's, and mine? What about the post I made? What about the post made by me?

Oh, and there's the false accusation about going to parkhead SINCE I was 6. Comprehension skills again, Pelucia.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Right - the quote is from me. However, it is not a verbatim quote of one of my posts. Fair Play. The time is wrong, the quote is incomplete, and the original quote was part of a sarcastic reply to yet another attack on myself. As Pelucia has seen fit to change material parts of my post, and also to ignore the rest, I leave it to the rest of you to decide.

If Pelucia wants me to highlight the allegations of incest and paedophilia he levelled at me in the last couple of weeks, I'm happy to do so.

Back on topic - how many titles did you say rangers* won before they died?

*The most successful team in the world, apparently?

For the avoidance of all doubt - I was wrong on this one. That's the headline. My initial point still stands. To take a sarcastic retort and present it as my opinion is underhand, and quite frankly out of order. I don't think the gloryhunters from either cheek will ever understand the offensive nature of the "who's yer big team" question.

As we will never understand how they are somehow superior to us because their team has bought more success.

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So, does tfplg 's post match rant mean he doesn't believe the history transferred?

"I got 14 titles, how many does Mr green have? "

Well, he said he bought 54 plus he bought the division 3 one, so he "should " have 41 more than you Ally, UNLESS you don't believe he could buy them....

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I had a weird dream last night that Lisbon and Oporto amalgamated to become a single city and Benfica and Porto each won their league title twice a year, playing in a 250,000 seater stadium packed out with non-glory hunting fans of no religious bias.

Maybe it was the past its expiry lump of cheese, but more likely it due to the stale pie and bovril.

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I see the diddies are still living in the land of make believe.

This thread should never be closed...EVER!!

I like your sig.

The Badge on the front of the Jerseys

Is more important than the names on the back

of course, wee diddy teams in the Irn Bru leagues don't have names on the back
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For a club with 1/2 billion supporters. The prospectus for the RFC share offer states:

"The Rangers Group and the RFCL Group are financially dependent on the Club’s supporters, who
are concentrated in Scotland"
Global brand and supporter base my arse.
Edited to fix my crap Monday morning spelling
Edited by strichener
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I see the diddies are still living in the land of make believe.

This thread should never be closed...EVER!!

You think this thread should be closed?

Like Rangers FC are? :lol:

Make believe?

The administration led to Rangers FC going into liquidation. A brand new club pretending to be Rangers has started out in the Third Division?

That is beyond any of our wildest dreams... and its REALITY! :lol:

You're not Rangers anymore! :lol:

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We all know Chuck's a shyster (although he has the merit of admitting he's only in it for the money). We all knew Whyte was a shyster. We all see the pattern. It is obvious to anyone and the constant repitition of this is only done by diddies who think they have superior inteligence and insight to we Bears. You don't. We know we're being taken for a ride but hate admitting it. OK?

There are 2 problems. 1. Scottish football is a shite investment. No sane person would put money in to Rangers for the long term and hope to get a return. 2. Rangers fans are among the most crabbit fans on earth (apart from me). There is just no hope of a Rangers' fans cooperative ever taking off.

Ergo, we are stuck with whichever shyster is currently in control of our assests and can't do a thing about it.

Also, Chuckles trumpeting the phrase, "My Paki Friend" made me ashamed to support Rangers today.

Liquidate your assets and GTF, please Charles.


If only you'd have listened to us diddies months ago.

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Had a look over at Rangers Media to see the reaction to Green's latest outburst.

As expected, anyone over on those forums is still being attacked if they dare to question old Charlie boy.

I did have a giggle at this post however:


Charles Green - "Hello all thank you for all attending the press conference, I apologise for being late I had to feed my dogs Anne & Frank,......Everybody comfortable and ready to begin?....What about the spastics and cripples at the front?.....Good!,.....Wow a black reporter....What paper you work for son?,.....Daily Mail? Really? I thought they had more sense than that,......we'll have Ching-chongs in here next, ha!........Right first question from the blonde in the middle with the big tits,.....sorry luv I didn't hear the question but I'll give you my number after the conference...........ok next question from the guy in the floral shirt,.........are you gay?.....well you're mother must be very disappointed,......that'll be your first and your last question this is a family club, we'll have no kiddie-fiddlers here pal!"

I would assume there are a few displeased institutional shareholders on the phone to Ibrox this morning telling Green to shut up and stay away from the media. God knows what the non-execs at Rangers actually do; they really need to get a grip on Green.

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What about your post?

I simply quoted it, I did not make it up as you earlier accused me of doing, nor did I change the timestamp, I would not have a clue how to do this, believe it or not but it is the truth.

Look WRK, I had no idea this would upset you so much, please accept my apology for my over zealous banter, if there is anything we can do to put this little tit for tat behind us then please feel free to PM me.

You didn't "simply quote it", Tedi, you part-quoted it in order to twist the meaning. And you did it very well, to be fair.

In all honesty, it's already behind me - I've admitted where I got things wrong, as well as making you aware of where (and how) you did. The timestamp malarkey is a glitch, and is consistently out by 61 minutes, no matter what post you go and look at. So. apologies for that.

Your inability (in common with a lot of rangers/celtic fans) to understand how offensive fans see the assumption of "not one of us..." is will, IMHO, never change.

Given the abhorrence most of us feel for both clubs and what they stand for and condone, to suggest affiliation with either is right up there with allegations of racism, homophobia or sexual deviancy.

I realise that a lot of fans of these two are wired to think this way - but trust me, nothing could be further from the truth. If your lot and the green mob stopped accusing the rest of us of imagined fondness for their rivals, we might not think that both sets of fans weren't a set of ignorant, paranoid knobends. You'll notice I said "might", but it would be a start.

Just for the record, do the 116 titles in your new signature include the Third Division title? Seriously?

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