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:lol: He's quite clearly lying through his back teeth in the interview. He's shafting them from the inside yet they're so determined to prove the rest of Scottish football wrong they're unwilling to notice it

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:lol: He's quite clearly lying through his back teeth in the interview. He's shafting them from the inside yet they're so determined to prove the rest of Scottish football wrong they're unwilling to notice it

"Unwilling" would imply some form of recognition of his crass ineptitude. I would suggest they are "unABLE" to notice it. Those that do just sit back and hope everything works out....

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"Unwilling" would imply some form of recognition of his crass ineptitude. I would suggest they are "unABLE" to notice it. Those that do just sit back and hope everything works out....

Aye that sounds more like it. Surely they'll start taking notice now though?

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"Unwilling" would imply some form of recognition of his crass ineptitude. I would suggest they are "unABLE" to notice it. Those that do just sit back and hope everything works out....

When Pete Townsend wrote 'Won't Get Fooled Again' he forget to add, 'except all thick h uns' :blink:

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Aye that sounds more like it. Surely they'll start taking notice now though?

Noticing is one thing, doing something about it is another.

Watching these two business shysters ripping each others hair out like two tarts fighting over a drunken boyfriend is quite comical for the outside crowd, but their mates (fans) don't really want to split it up or get involved because they don't want to be seen to side with whoever loses.

In the end - they're ALL losers.

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I think the Yorkshire ripper seen an opportunity to rip off Whyte mibees,but didn't even think Whyte recorded everything to come back and bite him on the bum.

Thats no way to talk about WKR, now is it?

As his mother said, he's such a shy boy.

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I did see that thread, my name was never mentioned, however the general consenus on FF was that P & B was a horrible place full of hate consumed wankers with a few bears holding up against a tide of bile, the bears mentioned were Youngsy, devlin, mason and Dorlomin I think.

Maybe i am one of the wankers then :huh:

TBF, WKR is about the only person who shows blind hatred for all things Sevco. While the rest are generally just pointing and laughing.

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Remember way back when Charlie Green was sniffing around Rangers back during the blue knights and Bill Miller days of trying to take over, a lot of Rangers fans didn't trust Charlie.

Looks like they are being proven right, all it is from him is lies lies and more lies

How is he explaining the Sevco 5088 & Sevco Scotland farce?

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him if I was a Rangers fan

Luckily I'm not, so I hope he kills you again :P

Remember, without a CVA the club would be dead ;)

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Remember way back when Charlie Green was sniffing around Rangers back during the blue knights and Bill Miller days of trying to take over, a lot of Rangers fans didn't trust Charlie.

Looks like they are being proven right, all it is from him is lies lies and more lies

How is he explaining the Sevco 5088 & Sevco Scotland farce?

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him if I was a Rangers fan

Luckily I'm not, so I hope he kills you again :P

Remember, without a CVA the club would be dead ;)

Your memory differs from mine, Green came in out of nowhere after Paul Murray and Bill Miller were more or less told to do one by D&P.

Grier - Whyte

Whyte - D&P

D&P - Green

Whyte & Green

Most bears i'd say might have laughed at his comments but theres always been mistrust. I can see why a lot of fans did buy season tickets and other stuff - it was for the club, not Green.

A right parcel of rogues.

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Just watched the STV interview. I can't understand what Green is playing at.

Every time he gives an interview or releases a statement he becomes more discredited. Why doesn't he just shut the f**k up? Doesn't his legal team have any control over him?

Craig Whyte must be laughing his tits off.

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Well Tedi the Rangers fans better start asking Charlie some serious questions about what is going on.

IF it turns out that Whyte is telling the truth and he was conned by Green, wouldn't this raise big doubt about the sale?

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It's one thing after the other. I haven't seen the STV thing but I seen that people were saying Charles was uncomfortable with the questions which is a bit strange as he's usually good with the talking patter. The Whyte thing is a lot of complete bollocks to be fair I'd never listen to a word the rat b*****d says.

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It's one thing after the other. I haven't seen the STV thing but I seen that people were saying Charles was uncomfortable with the questions which is a bit strange as he's usually good with the talking patter. The Whyte thing is a lot of complete bollocks to be fair I'd never listen to a word the rat b*****d says.

Another change of sig. Is that JT in a Chelsea Ultra kit. :lol:

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It's one thing after the other. I haven't seen the STV thing but I seen that people were saying Charles was uncomfortable with the questions which is a bit strange as he's usually good with the talking patter. The Whyte thing is a lot of complete bollocks to be fair I'd never listen to a word the rat b*****d says.

Brilliant. You don't check on what Green says, and you won't listen to what Whyte says.

Mind you, there's clearly no reason for you to actually follow what's going on at your club, as Charles Green is "usually good with the talking patter".

Un - fucking - believable.

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