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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fitba progress? I'm sick of it all to be honest. I can't even find the energy to have a serious dig at anyone else's team these days.

Me - I find out this tuesday if it's just a bypass or a transplant heading my way. Fingers crossed.

Good uck with your surgery. Hopefully it will be the least worst option.


the best.

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I've just heard that Ross Cty chairman has said on tonights sportsound, that he expects reconstruction to go ahead for next season, due to compromises that have now been made to the original proposal.

Did he say which proposal would go ahead?

Thought we'd seen the back of 12-12-18

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8.39 is not 2.11 HTH

It was the little rodent`s shambles with King I just corrected him, followed by you.

and the Bayern thing was obviously a joke, the Peterhead fan never did have much of a sense of humor but even he got it.

Really you need to try harder.

Sorry Tedi, I must have missed some of your posts.

Which shambles are these, then?

Edit: If it's the shambles where I noted that a court said that "(David) King has no respect for the truth and does not hesitate to lie ... if he thinks it will be to his advantage... He is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by objective evidence... In our assessment he is a glib and shameless liar."

Well, that's still true. He may have won his case, yet the court's opinion on his evidence still stands, until the court retracts it.

Until the judges apologise and retract, Dave King is still a "glib and shameless liar", by law.

So what were you on about?

Edited by flyingrodent
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From Today's Scotsman. (Glenn Gibbons)

Point 1.

On the day the press ran the story of Green’s latest headline grabber, for instance, his temporary successor, Craig Mather, was afforded a wide spread of column inches to offer rhetoric which was, presumably, an attempt at calming fevered brows among understandably anxious fans.

Mather revealed that he and Walter Smith would smooth the troubled waters between Rangers and the Scottish FA and the Scottish Premier League, as if the very mention of the former manager’s name – he is now, of course, a non-executive director – would be enough to effect instant rapprochement.

It is an admirable ambition, but it takes no account of an alarming – and, with the allegations made against Green, now very real – possibility: should the national association find that Rangers’ associate membership – that is to say, their licence to play football – was obtained under false pretences last year, they could decide that it should be revoked, rendering Mather’s and Smith’s good intentions meaningless.

Point 2

When the club chairman, Malcolm Murray, finally made an entry into the public debating of the issues affecting his business, his supposed quashing of rumours of financial uncertainty at Rangers was a pathetically feeble apologia. It had been widely gossiped, for example, that Murray had yet to see the bank statement showing the £20 million that Green insisted had accrued from the share issue four months ago.

“The speculation that we’re not in great financial health… we raised £22.5 million in December and I can assure you it has not all been spent,” he said. “We are in pretty good financial shape. Cash is king and there are very few football clubs that have cash on the balance sheet.”

Supporters would surely have been more gratified to learn that the cash was not simply on the balance sheet, but in the club’s bank account. Or even that Rangers were actually one of the ‘very few’. This is nowhere made clear. Nor did Murray even address, far less disprove the claim that he has yet to see evidence of the funds.

Scary! Can you trust ANYONE who has been or is currently involved with Rangers?

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From Today's Scotsman. (Glenn Gibbons)

Point 1.

On the day the press ran the story of Green’s latest headline grabber, for instance, his temporary successor, Craig Mather, was afforded a wide spread of column inches to offer rhetoric which was, presumably, an attempt at calming fevered brows among understandably anxious fans.

Mather revealed that he and Walter Smith would smooth the troubled waters between Rangers and the Scottish FA and the Scottish Premier League, as if the very mention of the former manager’s name – he is now, of course, a non-executive director – would be enough to effect instant rapprochement.

It is an admirable ambition, but it takes no account of an alarming – and, with the allegations made against Green, now very real – possibility: should the national association find that Rangers’ associate membership – that is to say, their licence to play football – was obtained under false pretences last year, they could decide that it should be revoked, rendering Mather’s and Smith’s good intentions meaningless.

Point 2

When the club chairman, Malcolm Murray, finally made an entry into the public debating of the issues affecting his business, his supposed quashing of rumours of financial uncertainty at Rangers was a pathetically feeble apologia. It had been widely gossiped, for example, that Murray had yet to see the bank statement showing the £20 million that Green insisted had accrued from the share issue four months ago.

“The speculation that we’re not in great financial health… we raised £22.5 million in December and I can assure you it has not all been spent,” he said. “We are in pretty good financial shape. Cash is king and there are very few football clubs that have cash on the balance sheet.”

Supporters would surely have been more gratified to learn that the cash was not simply on the balance sheet, but in the club’s bank account. Or even that Rangers were actually one of the ‘very few’. This is nowhere made clear. Nor did Murray even address, far less disprove the claim that he has yet to see evidence of the funds.

Scary! Can you trust ANYONE who has been or is currently involved with Rangers?

Point 1. Could it be that Mather and smith's "smoothing of the waters" is exactly because of what you pointed out about the licence to play football?

Point 2: The faithful will come back with their own spin on the semantics of Murray's comments. They stay blinkered and do not want to face up to the reality of the possible situation of a total collapse again.

Maybe the faithful should demand that the books be opened for public scrutiny. The RFFFFFFF could fund an independent accountant to peruse the said accounts and make the findings public.

But, I suppose the retorts will say "Why should we?" "Everything is rosy in the garden" "Timmy blogs" "Tic conspiracy" "P&Ds are fuds" "Whatabout" all the normal crap. Very sad really.

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Ok, a funny thing just happened to me just there an thought i'd share it here.

I play a bit of WOW (world of warcraft) an like a bit of PVP (player verses player) anyways I was in a battleground, our team were losing, some idiot started shouting an swearing in the raid chat I told the player to "calm doon hen".

Now Wow is played on on a European server, Swedish, Dutch ect etc.. So i didn't expect the rager to understand the context of the jibe, but no sure enough a tirade of Scottish insults come flying back "suck mah baws pal", "bet yer fae ek" (East Kilbride im guessing) then on to " ah bet yer brothers are awe buftys that av smashed".

Now as I said this is played on a European server i told him he was "an embarrassment to Scotland", more nerdrage followed.. "away an touch a tit yah virgin" "poshnob"

Something came over me an typed the hallowed word "Newco"

He did not reply back..

An almost perfect slice-of-life distillation on the tragedy of the online gamer.


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You would think Glenn would have at least tried to get his facts right, as usual more shoddy journalism.

Which "facts" has he got wrong exactly?

He's claiming that if the truth wasn't told when Rangers were granted a license, then that license could be revoked. Seems a reasonable assumption.

He's also questioned where the money from the share issue is. Again, not unreasonable following all the recent shenanigans at Ibrox.

If anything, the article is articulating frustration at the lack of clarity coming out of Ibrox. In fact it mirrors many of the questions being asked on forums like this, without much of the seething and whataboutery.

Looks like a perfectly reasonable article, asking the questions that have been asked time and time again, without any clarification being provided.

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The SFA is a members club,If one of the members with something to gain (Peterhead,Queens park or Berwick for instance), raises an objection to Rangers membership citing the lies about Whytes affilation with the club.,

Then I would imagine the elected governers would have to act, within the constitution of the members rules.

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Ok, a funny thing just happened to me just there an thought i'd share it here.

I play a bit of WOW (world of warcraft) an like a bit of PVP (player verses player) anyways I was in a battleground, our team were losing, some idiot started shouting an swearing in the raid chat I told the player to "calm doon hen".

Now Wow is played on on a European server, Swedish, Dutch ect etc.. So i didn't expect the rager to understand the context of the jibe, but no sure enough a tirade of Scottish insults come flying back "suck mah baws pal", "bet yer fae ek" (East Kilbride im guessing) then on to " ah bet yer brothers are awe buftys that av smashed".

Now as I said this is played on a European server i told him he was "an embarrassment to Scotland", more nerdrage followed.. "away an touch a tit yah virgin" "poshnob"

Something came over me an typed the hallowed word "Newco"

He did not reply back..

world of Warcraft? :-D bet you get all the girls.
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Sorry Tedi, I must have missed some of your posts.

Which shambles are these, then?

Edit: If it's the shambles where I noted that a court said that "(David) King has no respect for the truth and does not hesitate to lie ... if he thinks it will be to his advantage... He is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by objective evidence... In our assessment he is a glib and shameless liar."

Well, that's still true. He may have won his case, yet the court's opinion on his evidence still stands, until the court retracts it.

Until the judges apologise and retract, Dave King is still a "glib and shameless liar", by law.

So what were you on about?

There is no such law you moron :lol::lol:

The legal beagle does it again ;) .

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You read that billshit from CQN a few pages back and you were jumping for joy, sorry to disappoint you but it was just a work of fiction from rabid plastic, the Peterhead board issued 2 statements denying it within a few hours.

The SFL clubs along with the SFA have bent over backwards to help Rangers from day 1, that is a fact, may annoy the fcuk out of the fans but that was never going to be much of a surprise, every fan hates Rangers, this thread is testament to this. No the member clubs in Scotland had their chance to get rid of Rangers they voted overwhelmingly in the opposite direction, nothing has changed, if anything the clubs you just mentioned spend even more effort than before in kissing RFC arse, the SFA just want the whole mess to calm down and go away, revoking a licence with 50k + paying customers would (1) be a disaster financially (2) guarantee the debate will have nothing to do with football for the next 10 years.

Dream on.

Agreed...They're no better than the shysters at ibrox at the moment, all they're interested in was fleecing the blue bigots for every penny.

They should all hang their heads in shame.

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The SFL clubs along with the SFA have bent over backwards to help Rangers from day 1, that is a fact, may annoy the fcuk out of the fans but that was never going to be much of a surprise, every fan hates Rangers, this thread is testament to this. No the member clubs in Scotland had their chance to get rid of Rangers they voted overwhelmingly in the opposite direction, nothing has changed, if anything the clubs you just mentioned spend even more effort than before in kissing RFC arse, the SFA just want the whole mess to calm down and go away, revoking a licence with 50k + paying customers would (1) be a disaster financially (2) guarantee the debate will have nothing to do with football for the next 10 years.

Dream on.


So, all you have to do now is square that statement with "unfair advantage" and we can all close our laptops and go back to watching our own teams play (not compete) in a show geared to the success, at ANY cost, of only two participants.

SFA, SPL, SFL, RFC, CFC...... ALL of Scottish Football wrapped up in five corrupt bodies.

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If only half of their anger was saved for leeches like Chuckles and Sally then they might not be heading down the Swanny within a year of being reborn.

Where are the Sevco fans demanding the Warchest stays closed? Spending a £10 million budget in SFL2 is financial suicide, Queens have just romped that league with a budget probably 20 times less than that. New Rangers, same old suicidal habits.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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If only half of their anger was saved for leeches like Chuckles and Sally then they might not be heading down the Swanny within a year of being reborn.

Where are the Sevco fans demanding the Warchest stays closed? Spending a £10 million budget in SFL2 is financial suicide, Queens have just romped that league with a budget probably 20 times less than that. New Rangers, same old suicidal habits.

most Rangers fans have previously said that we don't need to spend millions in the SFL.

Do we need to post this shite every f**king day?

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If we are to believe our little friends figures on staff wages then it's no surprise that Sevco are hurtling out of control without any sign of a driver stepping in.

If we take the average ST price that the club ​ holding company receives, including all concessions and minus VAT(no sniggering at the back), to be around £200.

That would mean just to pay FPLG his eye watering salary Sevco would need to make 3750 ST's! That's 10% of total sales on an utterly inept manager. :blink:

Add in TUPE'ers like Elbows, Alexander and Wallace(all circa 15k a week according to IamRangers), and we have around 40% of the ST money going on these 4. Madness.

Then we have Templeton, Black, Cribari, Sheils, Durrant, KMcD, and Little on all around £7-10k a week, we can see where most of the fans hard earned cash is going.

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