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Have you any idea how much storage would be required to have a copy of 'everything ever' sent via the interwebs?


Don't know the answer to that one, but attached is quite interesting on Google's capacity.


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Check out the Hero :lol::wub:

When asked if charlotte was Craig Whyte this was her/his response

"I'm not Craig Whyte, these are tough."http://t.co/Mmrzyqc3J4http://t.co/W1h5JRXbtRhttp://t.co/Kc5EeVeF4xhttp://t.co/TgrnYb8civ

Tough indeed, at least to look at. How does he do it? Got to be the 'off the radar' wealth.

ETA just getting it in before Benny/ AWRA/Pet.

Edited by Bullyforyou
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Have you any idea how much storage would be required to have a copy of 'everything ever' sent via the interwebs?


:1eye have a look here and if you think they will expunge the data after a year then you are surely stupid :1eye .The government have been actively trying to legislate to keep the data on permanent record and probably have still kept the data for sneaky purposes only and are legislating to use the internet data anyway they see fit and that intrudes on anyone using the net breaching their privacy rights as a human being.They currently have law to spy on anyone for an unlimited amount of time if said person is breaking the law over the internet and if you keep searching the net for how to make a fertilizer bomb then get prepared to answer the door to some government agent who wants to search your arse for information :P .Everything you type into the internet that has dodgy connections will send a flag to the government and if you keep searching for dodgy material you will raise more flags and will get monitored for national security reasons you understand so lube your arse for a visit Bendarroch :lol: .


Their storage devices only need the source data and it is then attached to future data to compress the total data stored and the room they use to store their servers are over 200 metres long and 5 metres high and is 50 metres wide and full of hard disks.Ask Div what was the total amount of storage P&B used before he switched to SAN because my own PC has more storage room than his old server gave him :P .

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Have you any idea how much storage would be required to have a copy of 'everything ever' sent via the interwebs?


I think it was Orange that were caught trying to sell texts and phone records to the police last week. But all the companies do... thread on digital spy about it.

It is all possible .

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Banned for liking Chelsea?

Aye that makes sense.

Fair enough Bennett - that would indeed be senseless.

Of course I put it badly. AWRA wasn't banned for liking Chelsea. He was banned (apparently, I've not read the stuff myself) for behaving like a dick on a Chelsea related thread.

My post was just meant to highlight the irony that AWRA claimed to reject 'modern football', while actively embracing its very worst elements.

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Do you honestly believe 'The Bears' are at all interested in our club? The only people to actually do any digging and ask any questions are the Ps&Ds


Edited by Burma
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Just followed that link to rangers media ( off to cleanse mobile) really do think some of them are far too wrong in the head.

As it was anti rangers ( dunno, seems to be informing them that there's wool over their eyes) it's instantly denounced as 'paedo pish' .

It's a very troubled mindset that. Can't move on from the torbett stuff.

It's not as if people still bang on about the boat trip and you barely ever see references to the disaster. So why bring it up? It's only football at the end of the day.

Everton and Liverpool are shining examples over the recent jf96 campaign.

Edit; wee predictive / typo correction

Edited by weirdcal
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Just followed that link to rangers media ( off to cleanse mobile) really do think some of them are far too wrong in the head.

As it was anti rangers ( dunno, seems to be informing them that there's wool over their eyes) it's instantly denounced as 'paedo pish' .

It's a very troubled mindset that. Can't move on from the torbett stuff.

It's not as if people still bang on about the boat trip and you barely ever see references to the disaster. So why bring it up? It's only football at the end of the day.

Everton and Liverpool are shining examples over the recent jf96 campaign.

Edit; wee predictive / typo correction

These guys are seriously warped. Its one of the reasons they go into meltdown so easily.

For them this isnt about football. Its some kind of crusade or holy war. They genuinely view fans of other clubs as enemy combatants now who are out to "kill" them. Hence the threats of violence to anyone who makes a comment which doesnt suit their view. Then they apply the unionist/tory/pro british political agenda. Then the religious stuff. Its all very very bizarre.

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Just followed that link to rangers media ( off to cleanse mobile) really do think some of them are far too wrong in the head.

As it was anti rangers ( dunno, seems to be informing them that there's wool over their eyes) it's instantly denounced as 'paedo pish' .

It's a very troubled mindset that. Can't move on from the torbett stuff.

It's not as if people still bang on about the boat trip and you barely ever see references to the disaster. So why bring it up? It's only football at the end of the day.

Everton and Liverpool are shining examples over the recent jf96 campaign.

Edit; wee predictive / typo correction

These guys are seriously warped. Its one of the reasons they go into meltdown so easily.

For them this isnt about football. Its some kind of crusade or holy war. They genuinely view fans of other clubs as enemy combatants now who are out to "kill" them. Hence the threats of violence to anyone who makes a comment which doesnt suit their view. Then they apply the unionist/tory/pro british political agenda. Then the religious stuff. Its all very very bizarre.

Stupidly started reading another thread about Jon daly. Wow. Just wow.


That's some mentality that. I had a wee bit of hope on the post that said 'this is 2013 ffs' only to find out it was more about it being traceable and linked to te club than it being outdated and embarrassing that people even think like that any more.

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Tax authorities do they ever get it right?

TWO years ago, prosecutions boss Menzi Simelane told me that he didn’t care if the state spent R1bn sending Dave King to jail for breaking the tax laws — it would be money well spent.

It was a curious statement, first because it implied Simelane was a man of high principle while at the same time suggesting the Scottish-born King was something of a fiendish Al Capone character, on whom all the might of the state should be expended.

The truth, on both counts, is very different. Simelane, as we know, was booted from his position by the Constitutional Court last October, essentially for not being a fit and proper person.

But his high-handed statement had come months after the NPA vetoed a “settlement” in 2009 that would have seen King pay R636m to close the book on a tax dispute dating back to 2002.

No, Simelane said, we’ll put that fiendish King in jail before we do any dirty backroom deal.

So, news this week that King has, in fact, reached some settlement over certain assets in the long-running soap opera that has become his tax dispute was a welcome sign. Let’s hope this thaw in the relationship is a precursor to a larger settlement of the entire sorry mess.

Because, let’s face it, government’s ham-fisted pursuit of King hasn’t reflected well on its ability to nail those who it believes have wronged it.

In particular, the National Prosecuting Authority has been embarrassed by King in a way that ought to provide a fillip to anyone plotting any halfway well-constructed white-collar con.

Last August — more than a decade after the event — the NPA finally took King to court over 37 counts of fraud for supposedly defrauding companies like Old Mutual and lying to the JSE when he made R1bn by selling shares in a company called Specialised Outsourcing in 1999.

It would have been one of the country’s most important corporate fraud cases. Ignore the fact that Specialised Outsourcing does not exist any more, ignore the fact that witnesses would be hard-pressed to remember what happened 12 years before.

No matter, the cocky NPA assured us: it had spent the last decade firming up a cast-iron case, it had impeccable witnesses, nothing could go wrong.

So, it was a surprise to these witnesses when the NPA simply closed its case last September after calling only five of its 71 expert witnesses.

Judge Margaret Victor acquitted King, slamming the NPA for failing to put up a case.

One witness called the NPA’s bungling “astounding” and “incomprehensible”.

The bottom line remains: if a guy is really guilty of what you say he is, and you can’t prove it in a decade, you really have no business being in the law-enforcement game.

For King, this only suggested his claims of being victimised and hounded by the NPA in order to settle his tax case were justified.

Now, there are some good, solid professionals at the NPA, who do know what they’re doing. Not all of them have been suspended, like Glynnis Breytenbach.

But there are others — usually in management — for whom a weekly fitting of red noses and oversized shoes wouldn’t be an entirely inappropriate use of money.

Partly thanks to their blundering, King almost has government over a barrel.

In recent weeks, King has -rightly -used the judgment to travel overseas to “unfreeze” cash that had been seized in Jersey and Guernsey.

By all accounts, the overseas courts weren’t amused that all this cash had been frozen more than a decade earlier, yet King hadn’t pleaded to the numerous criminal charges he faced.

Simelane’s sentiment was that a conviction would send a message of “no tolerance” to South Africa’s businessmen. So this is why government has thrown vast sums of money -estimated at more than R400m — on this principle. Along the way, it turned down R636m from King.

Altogether, that’s hundreds of millions at which the government has turned up its nose.

Disregarding the merits of the actual charges against King, the really worrying thing is the message that this decade-long circus act will send to the real Al Capones of South Africa’s corporate sector.

Do your worst, it says, and if you’re really, really unlucky, you’ll face a trial in about a decade or so.

The best thing for the state agencies would be to settle this sorry mess, bank a settlement from King, and sit in a dark room until the red cheeks fade.

* This article was first published in Sunday Times: Business Times


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Fair enough Bennett - that would indeed be senseless.

Of course I put it badly. AWRA wasn't banned for liking Chelsea. He was banned (apparently, I've not read the stuff myself) for behaving like a dick on a Chelsea related thread.

My post was just meant to highlight the irony that AWRA claimed to reject 'modern football', while actively embracing its very worst elements.

I'm a bit of a dick myself, as are many others on here. If you banned most of us then there'd be hardly anyone left on P&B.

He's young, think back to your own youth...

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Have you any idea how much storage would be required to have a copy of 'everything ever' sent via the interwebs?


Hellboys a f**king pelican :lol:

What it makes it even funnier is that he's being serious.

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That's some mentality that. I had a wee bit of hope on the post that said 'this is 2013 ffs' only to find out it was more about it being traceable and linked to te club than it being outdated and embarrassing that people even think like that any more.

It's always amazing and disturbing to read that stuff, even when the content isn't unexpected.

That's why a lot of us really can't stand Rangers. It would be entirely wrong to say all, or even most, Rangers fans see the world in such a skewed way. However, the point is that people who do, invariably support Rangers. Rangers is seen by such types as the club for them, as a vehicle for their brand of medieval hatred.

That's why most normal people hate Rangers.

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It's always amazing and disturbing to read that stuff, even when the content isn't unexpected.

That's why a lot of us really can't stand Rangers. It would be entirely wrong to say all, or even most, Rangers fans see the world in such a skewed way. However, the point is that people who do, invariably support Rangers. Rangers is seen by such types as the club for them, as a vehicle for their brand of medieval hatred.

That's why most normal people hate Rangers.

I hate people who take special pleasure in winning games through refereeing mistakes(feeling generous this morning) but i don't hate every fan of that team.

When are people going to get it into their heads that no Rangers fan takes Rangers Media seriously...Take the Rangers posters who post on this thread on a regular basis as an example...How many post there? Now look at the Ps &Ds and ask how many post there? FFS Claymores is one of the 'Regulars'.

Rangers Media is not representative of the Rangers support in anyway so to base your hate on that is a little unfair on the Rangers support as a whole

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It's always amazing and disturbing to read that stuff, even when the content isn't unexpected.


That's why a lot of us really can't stand Rangers.  It would be entirely wrong to say all, or even most, Rangers fans see the world in such a skewed way.  However, the point is that people who do, invariably support Rangers.  Rangers is seen by such types as the club for them, as a vehicle for their brand of medieval hatred.


That's why most normal people hate Rangers.

I hate people who take special pleasure in winning games through refereeing mistakes(feeling generous this morning) but i don't hate every fan of that team.


When are people going to get it into their heads that no Rangers fan takes Rangers Media seriously...Take the Rangers posters who post on this thread on a regular basis as an example...How many post there? Now look at the Ps &Ds and ask how many post there? FFS Claymores is one of the 'Regulars'.


Rangers Media is not representative of the Rangers support in anyway so to base your hate on that is a little unfair on the Rangers support as a whole


If you select the most extreme view from any group of people and try to pass it off as the norm, then it is a very poor critique.

However, to allow such an extremist element to prosper amongst the more sensible majority, by silent or resigned acceptance, is why the confusion between the two exists in the first place.

The conundrum facing both Glasgow clubs is that these muppets are numerous and therefore a potential source of heightened revenue. To silence them or cast them out would be a financial disaster.

The majority need to be a louder, more vociferous and proactive voice to drown out the carping of the baboons amongst them.

This is their true failing.

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