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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's always amazing and disturbing to read that stuff, even when the content isn't unexpected.

That's why a lot of us really can't stand Rangers. It would be entirely wrong to say all, or even most, Rangers fans see the world in such a skewed way. However, the point is that people who do, invariably support Rangers. Rangers is seen by such types as the club for them, as a vehicle for their brand of medieval hatred.

That's why most normal people hate Rangers.

I hate people who take special pleasure in winning games through refereeing mistakes(feeling generous this morning) but i don't hate every fan of that team.

When are people going to get it into their heads that no Rangers fan takes Rangers Media seriously...Take the Rangers posters who post on this thread on a regular basis as an example...How many post there? Now look at the Ps &Ds and ask how many post there? FFS Claymores is one of the 'Regulars'.

Rangers Media is not representative of the Rangers support in anyway so to base your hate on that is a little unfair on the Rangers support as a whole

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It's always amazing and disturbing to read that stuff, even when the content isn't unexpected.


That's why a lot of us really can't stand Rangers.  It would be entirely wrong to say all, or even most, Rangers fans see the world in such a skewed way.  However, the point is that people who do, invariably support Rangers.  Rangers is seen by such types as the club for them, as a vehicle for their brand of medieval hatred.


That's why most normal people hate Rangers.

I hate people who take special pleasure in winning games through refereeing mistakes(feeling generous this morning) but i don't hate every fan of that team.


When are people going to get it into their heads that no Rangers fan takes Rangers Media seriously...Take the Rangers posters who post on this thread on a regular basis as an example...How many post there? Now look at the Ps &Ds and ask how many post there? FFS Claymores is one of the 'Regulars'.


Rangers Media is not representative of the Rangers support in anyway so to base your hate on that is a little unfair on the Rangers support as a whole


If you select the most extreme view from any group of people and try to pass it off as the norm, then it is a very poor critique.

However, to allow such an extremist element to prosper amongst the more sensible majority, by silent or resigned acceptance, is why the confusion between the two exists in the first place.

The conundrum facing both Glasgow clubs is that these muppets are numerous and therefore a potential source of heightened revenue. To silence them or cast them out would be a financial disaster.

The majority need to be a louder, more vociferous and proactive voice to drown out the carping of the baboons amongst them.

This is their true failing.

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I'm a bit of a dick myself, as are many others on here. If you banned most of us then there'd be hardly anyone left on P&B.

He's young, think back to your own youth...

Ahhhhhhh.... Glorious whataboutery.

People make mistakes when they're young, and they get corrected, and they grow older and they learn. That's how it works. That said, most people didn't act like AWRA when they were young:

AWRA is the guy who said sectarian songs were fine if it was a friendly and the game wasn't on TV. I don't care if you're 6 or 66, you can't say things like that and not expect the red card for persistent fouling.

Besides we can hardly have the mods check everyone's age before warning them.

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If you select the most extreme view from any group of people and try to pass it off as the norm, then it is a very poor critique.

However, to allow such an extremist element to prosper amongst the more sensible majority, by silent or resigned acceptance, is why the confusion between the two exists in the first place.

The conundrum facing both Glasgow clubs is that these muppets are numerous and therefore a potential source of heightened revenue. To silence them or cast them out would be a financial disaster.

The majority need to be a louder, more vociferous and proactive voice to drown out the carping of the baboons amongst them.

This is their true failing.

Rangers are very pro - active in combating the minority. We have handed out something like 800ish life bans to supporters. I would reckon the vast majority of that number would have been season ticket holders.

One problem we have is keeping banned supporters from attending away games.For example the last away game at Berwick a supporter i know to be banned from Ibrox was standing just along from me. We take our own Stewards to away games...at our own expense..and in all honesty they are usually the only ones interested in taking action.

I have got into a few arguments over the years with the 90 minute bigot brigade. I don't mind anybody singing their songs in pubs and clubs but i do mind them singing them at our games. Most are beginning to understand the problem with it but we have a growing problem among the younger supporters who basically have this 'We are Rangers We'll do what we want' attitude. Every week we see more and more ejected from the ground...sorry but that is not good enough...they need to be identified and banned..If that upsets some Rangers posters then tough. They have been warned and warned and warned again...Hopefully one day they will get the message...Their Religious and Political songs are simply not welcome at Ibrox.

Apart from anything else can they not see the damage they do to the club? Can they not see how unattractive we make the club brand to sponsors? The club were guilty in the past at turning a blind eye and yes i suppose i have to concede it was actively encouraged by some who ran the club. I cant change that...The support cant change that...What we can do is start self policing our own support...starting with bus convenors and all the way down to every supporter as an individual. The National teams support is a good example of what can be done by self policing...As long as it doesn't lead us to singing Doe a fucking Deer i will be happy. ;)

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Ahhhhhhh.... Glorious whataboutery.

People make mistakes when they're young, and they get corrected, and they grow older and they learn. That's how it works. That said, most people didn't act like AWRA when they were young:

AWRA is the guy who said sectarian songs were fine if it was a friendly and the game wasn't on TV. I don't care if you're 6 or 66, you can't say things like that and not expect the red card for persistent fouling.

Besides we can hardly have the mods check everyone's age before warning them.

He's entitles like everyone else to an opinion, i'm not that fussed about the songs tbh - singing them harms the club so don't sing them.

Magee did warn me that you're a bit of an auld wifie so not really that fussed by your moans.

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If you select the most extreme view from any group of people and try to pass it off as the norm, then it is a very poor critique.

However, to allow such an extremist element to prosper amongst the more sensible majority, by silent or resigned acceptance, is why the confusion between the two exists in the first place.

The conundrum facing both Glasgow clubs is that these muppets are numerous and therefore a potential source of heightened revenue. To silence them or cast them out would be a financial disaster.

The majority need to be a louder, more vociferous and proactive voice to drown out the carping of the baboons amongst them.

This is their true failing.

Rangers are very pro - active in combating the minority. We have handed out something like 800ish life bans to supporters. I would reckon the vast majority of that number would have been season ticket holders.


One problem we have is keeping banned supporters from attending away games.For example the last away game at Berwick a supporter i know to be banned from Ibrox was standing just along from me. We take our own Stewards to away games...at our own expense..and in all honesty they are usually the only ones interested in taking action. 


I have got into a few arguments over the years with the 90 minute bigot brigade. I don't mind anybody singing their songs in pubs and clubs but i do mind them singing them at our games. Most are beginning to understand the problem with it but we have a growing problem among the younger supporters who basically have this 'We are Rangers We'll do what we want' attitude. Every week we see more and more ejected from the ground...sorry but that is not good enough...they need to be identified and banned..If that upsets some Rangers posters then tough. They have been warned and warned and warned again...Hopefully one day they will get the message...Their Religious and Political songs are simply not welcome at Ibrox. 


Apart from anything else can they not see the damage they do to the club? Can they not see how unattractive we make the club brand to sponsors? The club were guilty in the past at turning a blind eye and yes i suppose i have to concede it was actively encouraged by some who ran the club. I cant change that...The support cant change that...What we can do is start self policing our own support...starting with bus convenors and all the way down to every supporter as an individual. The National teams support is a good example of what can be done by self policing...As long as it doesn't lead us to singing Doe a fucking Deer i will be happy. ;)

I knew this thread could mature, given time.

Great post 8.

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Or i could just tick the pay in instalments box.

You would know this if you ever actually supported your team of course.

My understanding of the difference between 'pay as you go' and st by installments:-

With 'pay as you go', you can chose to stop at any time -no penalty.

With ST by installments, if you stop payment, you are still liable for balance. It's like buying on HP. N'est pas?

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Rangers are very pro - active in combating the minority. We have handed out something like 800ish life bans to supporters. I would reckon the vast majority of that number would have been season ticket holders.

One problem we have is keeping banned supporters from attending away games.For example the last away game at Berwick a supporter i know to be banned from Ibrox was standing just along from me. We take our own Stewards to away games...at our own expense..and in all honesty they are usually the only ones interested in taking action.

I have got into a few arguments over the years with the 90 minute bigot brigade. I don't mind anybody singing their songs in pubs and clubs but i do mind them singing them at our games. Most are beginning to understand the problem with it but we have a growing problem among the younger supporters who basically have this 'We are Rangers We'll do what we want' attitude. Every week we see more and more ejected from the ground...sorry but that is not good enough...they need to be identified and banned..If that upsets some Rangers posters then tough. They have been warned and warned and warned again...Hopefully one day they will get the message...Their Religious and Political songs are simply not welcome at Ibrox.

Apart from anything else can they not see the damage they do to the club? Can they not see how unattractive we make the club brand to sponsors? The club were guilty in the past at turning a blind eye and yes i suppose i have to concede it was actively encouraged by some who ran the club. I cant change that...The support cant change that...What we can do is start self policing our own support...starting with bus convenors and all the way down to every supporter as an individual. The National teams support is a good example of what can be done by self policing...As long as it doesn't lead us to singing Doe a fucking Deer i will be happy. ;)

I remember most of this post, from one you made just after the infamous Berwick away day. I was tempted to give you a green dot on this occasion, unfortunately, the sentence I've highlighted prevented me from doing so. If this problem is ever to be eradicated, then it must never be deemed ok, to sing the songs in pubs, clubs or their own fkg bathtub for that matter. You made the '800 odd lifetime bans' point previously also and my answer then is the same now - 800 odd lifetime bans and there is still a significant problem, kinda pishes on the 'tiny minority argument'.- ''They're only silly young lads'' also featured in the 'Berwick argument'. Unless these SYLs all have Dorian Gray type portraits in their attics and are actually very old men, we must assume the songs and the mindset, are being passed down, generation to generation - father to son in fact -. You are of course right about the need for the proper fans, to self police at the games but just how many of the 'silent majority', standing with arms folded, are actually fathers beaming with pride, thinking ''that's my boy''?

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Rangers are very pro - active in combating the minority. We have handed out something like 800ish life bans to supporters. I would reckon the vast majority of that number would have been season ticket holders.

One problem we have is keeping banned supporters from attending away games.For example the last away game at Berwick a supporter i know to be banned from Ibrox was standing just along from me. We take our own Stewards to away games...at our own expense..and in all honesty they are usually the only ones interested in taking action.

I have got into a few arguments over the years with the 90 minute bigot brigade. I don't mind anybody singing their songs in pubs and clubs but i do mind them singing them at our games. Most are beginning to understand the problem with it but we have a growing problem among the younger supporters who basically have this 'We are Rangers We'll do what we want' attitude. Every week we see more and more ejected from the ground...sorry but that is not good enough...they need to be identified and banned..If that upsets some Rangers posters then tough. They have been warned and warned and warned again...Hopefully one day they will get the message...Their Religious and Political songs are simply not welcome at Ibrox.

Apart from anything else can they not see the damage they do to the club? Can they not see how unattractive we make the club brand to sponsors? The club were guilty in the past at turning a blind eye and yes i suppose i have to concede it was actively encouraged by some who ran the club. I cant change that...The support cant change that...What we can do is start self policing our own support...starting with bus convenors and all the way down to every supporter as an individual. The National teams support is a good example of what can be done by self policing...As long as it doesn't lead us to singing Doe a fucking Deer i will be happy. ;)

Good post and worth a double greenie for the Doe a fucking Deer comment.

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I hate people who take special pleasure in winning games through refereeing mistakes(feeling generous this morning) but i don't hate every fan of that team.

When are people going to get it into their heads that no Rangers fan takes Rangers Media seriously...Take the Rangers posters who post on this thread on a regular basis as an example...How many post there? Now look at the Ps &Ds and ask how many post there? FFS Claymores is one of the 'Regulars'.

Rangers Media is not representative of the Rangers support in anyway so to base your hate on that is a little unfair on the Rangers support as a whole

I make a very clear and specific point of saying that these people are not representative of the entire support, so I'm not sure why you imply otherwise.

Ugly, bigoted sentiment is not confined to RM - it was simply the evidence of it posted here. My point stands that the morons who feel that way support Rangers, not in an incidental way, but because they regard that club as the vehicle for expressing how they feel.

The fact that you and Tedi don't share their outlook changes none of that.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I'd like to address the Rangers fans' season ticket quandry.

I can understand both sides of the debate but, as we have learned, the club lives on despite the normal laws and regulations regarding the company.

Your club will live on if you take Bennett's advice, you just wont have the success you desire as quick as you want it.

I can see and respect Bennett's argument better than those who wish to feed the shysters. My view of those people wanting to give Rangers the season ticket money asap for the good of the club is that you are doing so with the best of intentions but are being fleeced again.

I have learned that the phrase "too big to fail" is true. You will get back to a high level, how high is yet to be seen, but you wont get there any quicker by throwing your money into the hat faster. It will only be syphoned off faster and your club will progress at the same rate as if you teach them that it belongs to the fans. It will also cost you less personally and mentally in the long run.

My views could be seen as a selfish attempt to slow down your progress but I view your actions as a selfish attempt at regaining success quickly and sending a GIRUY to all us "haters". I see you as determined to kill your club through the desire to spite us.

Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey.

Sent from my iPhone 5 Black Diamond using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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So really what you are saying is that you hate Rangers because a bunch of fake Rangers fans post shite on RM.

You are truly enlightened.

What gets me is that you believe the Rangers fans are the guilable ones :lol:

Nope, I'm saying I hate Rangers because that's the club which Catholic-hating bigots identify with, as evidenced in this instance by some posts on RM.

There is other evidence, such as the the attire worn by the unpleasant fools who like to tag along with Orange Walks.

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My understanding of the difference between 'pay as you go' and st by installments:-

With 'pay as you go', you can chose to stop at any time -no penalty.

With ST by installments, if you stop payment, you are still liable for balance. It's like buying on HP. N'est pas?

I am guessing here but I suspect the paying by installments is just like financing a car. You have an agreement for the season ticket with some finance company. the club then gets the full amount once you have signed up. If you don't keep up the payments the finance company comes after you.

As far as cash landing in the hands of the current board of Rangers, there is no difference between paying by installments or paying the full amount yourself for your season ticket.

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