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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It means you're God's chosen people, thus, The People.

I'm a convinced atheist, so I find all of this shit hilarious. Nonetheless, it's true - Protestantism has a big stick up its arse about being the successors of the Covenant between God and the Jews.

I'm doing some serious violence to the theology here, but this should help simplify matters.... You've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? The Ark is the vessel of the pact between God and the Jewish people, containing the proof of their Chosen status. Chosen of God, privileged People. In Christian dogma, the Jews betrayed God by denying Jesus. And so, Christians are now the Chosen People - when the Reformation happened, it was the Protestants who got the big stick up the arse about inheriting the Jewish people's chosen status. This is why the Americans felt they had a "manifest destiny" to conquer the entirety of what is now the USA, amongst other weird side-effects.

Skip two thousand years of ludicrous religious war and genocide, and you've got fifty thousand fuds shouting "We Are The People". I doubt they're aware of the theological background, since they're 95% bawbags and morons.

Nonetheless, they're declaring that they "are the people" because the rest of us are not "The People". Let's note that there are a large bunch of people who just happen to live in close relation who really, really are not "The People". Those folk tend to be Catholic, in an amazingly unlucky coincidence that just happens to coincide with three hundred years of joyful triumphalism.

It's an expression of dingbat religious supremacy. If you have a reason to doubt this that goes beyond "All you Celtic supporters are offended by everything" or some similar cant, knock yourselves out, or post one of those "You Seem Upset" Gifs.

Thats f**king excellent mate, a dreary sunday morning and the perfect pick me up :lol::lol: :lol:

I love how we can make the most innocent of words sectarian and bigoted just because we're Rangers fans, we truly are the people :lol:

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Maybe you should start your own thread for those who can't cope with a bit of back-and-forward discussion.

Maybe you should start your own thread for those who cant stay on topic without talking about your old firm pals and comparing everything you do with how much more sinister they do it.

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Thats f**king excellent mate, a dreary sunday morning and the perfect pick me up :lol::lol: :lol:

I love how we can make the most innocent of words sectarian and bigoted just because we're Rangers fans, we truly are the people :lol:

I love how you think bigotry is to be defended.

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Burma's like a 5 year old screaming for attention these days.

P.S i'm talking about you, not to you.

Bennett (banned poster) is becoming obsessed with me more and more these days.

And still defending bigotry. Strange little man.

PS. Dont bother replying. Your a bit creepy

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Maybe you should start your own thread for those who cant stay on topic without talking about your old firm pals and comparing everything you do with how much more sinister they do it.

Maybe you should start your own thread where folk can spout hackneyed irrelevancies.

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Maybe you should start your own thread where folk can spout hackneyed irrelevancies.

Maybe you should start your own thread where you can make the same irelevant post over and over and over in an attempt to appear relevant.

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Maybe you should start your own thread where you can make the same irelevant post over and over and over in an attempt to appear relevant.

Credit where credits due. He does do Irony like no other :thumsup2

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Inuit, Innuit [ˈɪnjuːɪt]

n pl -it, -its
(Social Science / Peoples) an Eskimo of N America or Greenland, as distinguished from one from Asia or the Aleutian Islands: the general name for an Eskimo in Canada Compare Yupik
[from Eskimo inuit the people, pl of inuk a man]

Will "The Eskimos" win promotion next season? Weather conditions may favour them.

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He has to be doing this on purpose :thumsup2

Comedy gold. Three days running youve made me chuckle.

somehow "whoosh" just doesnt cover it.

At least your not on to talk about how great youngsy is.

But seriously. Dont let me distract you from doing what you do best. Im glad i got to keep you after all. Even though you "walked away".

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Me and my big, optimistic, mouth....

"....knew this thread would mature given time."

Wtf was I thinking?

Carry on children....keep the noise down.

To be fair you have to be careful what you say. I came in late last night and posted a reply to the St Johnstone supporters question...re read it and decided it was best deleted and simply PMed the guy instead. Surely you know this more than the next man.

It will all become very clear over the next few weeks. I am sure you wont be disappointed ;)

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It means you're God's chosen people, thus, The People.

post one of those "You Seem Upset" Gifs.


Yer a pish-talking fruitcake. I know that's been largely true for some time now, but, of late, there has been a notable rise in the loony content of your wibblings.

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Turning a blind eye to bigotry is the Rangers way, why people should still be surprised by this is beyond me.

Its not so much the turning of a blind eye thats the biggest problem within the new clubs support . The biggest problem is the defending of such bigotry as per bennett and his ilk that causes so much disgust.

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