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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He, or they, will use you, exactly the same as the last lot. Tedi in one chunk, you on a PATG basis.

Are you lot really that naive that you'll swallow the "rangers man" bollox and loosen your purse strings that were being welded shut until you got these gangsters "hunted"?

I love how the contents of my posts don't matter to Norm, he just see's what he wants to see and then rambles..

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The Non-Executive Chairman for today’s private company has a set of

skills significantly different from the past – generally with the following


 Broad operating experience across many industries.

 Deep management experience –both high and low level.

 Operating experience across business – sales, finance, operations.

 Entrepreneurial experience – preferably starting several companies.

 A strong understanding of legal, accounting and financial issues.

 Specific industry experience only where the industry requires

 detailed regulatory, finance or other management expertise.

 Demonstrated high integrity.

 Experience coaching or advising CEO’s and senior management.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Non-Executive Chairman for today’s private company has a set of
skills significantly different from the past – generally with the following
 Broad operating experience across many industries.
 Deep management experience –both high and low level.
 Operating experience across business – sales, finance, operations.
 Entrepreneurial experience – preferably starting several companies.
 A strong understanding of legal, accounting and financial issues.
 Specific industry experience only where the industry requires
 detailed regulatory, finance or other management expertise.
 Demonstrated high integrity.
 Experience coaching or advising CEO’s and senior management.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Funny to see laughing at your own jokes.

Have you actually anything sensible to say?

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Funny to see laughing at your own jokes.

Have you actually anything sensible to say?

I would love to take credit T_K, but I'm afraid I'm not responsible for the joke of this man being appointed NEC.

I'm on record as saying that the Bears would be well pressed to ask questions to why a wholly unqualified individual has been presented as their new Chairman.

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I love how the contents of my posts don't matter to Norm, he just see's what he wants to see and then rambles..

I've noticed that :lol:

He also likes to write an essay of utter irrelevant Rangers centred pretentious pish then trail off on a friendless mans ramble about bigotry. Changes his opinions dependant on who he is speaking to, never speaks about Killie and is one of the shitest posters i've ever encountered on a forum and i've been on FF and RM.

Edited by Bad Day
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I'm on record as saying that the Bears would be well pressed to ask questions to why a wholly unqualified individual has been presented as their new Chairman.

Which record is this and where will we find it? Care to show a link?

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I've noticed that :lol:

He also likes to write an essay of utter irrelevant Rangers centred pretentious pish then trail off on a friendless mans ramble about bigotry. Changes his opinions dependant on who he is speaking to, never speaks about Killie and is one of the shitest posters i've ever encountered on a forum and i've been on FF and RM.

Didn't take you long to suss out WRK. He actually attended the grand total of Zero Killie games last season and this is after claiming he was considering buying season tickets for his entire family or some such utter pish if Rangers were kicked out the SPL. Needless to say he never parted with a single penny to help out his 'beloved' Killie

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So Walter the cardigan is the new NEC of The Clone Rangers and according to the orcs everything will turn out rosy so we will buy ST's now ? :lol:

This is the manager who lead Rangers with PLG's squad after he got the boot to a UEFA final.

Also used EBT's at Rangers which effectively killed them off and I may add he actually increased their usage during the cardigans reign to lure in players.

The manager who managed a squad who's overall wage budget if it was by the books legally would see them top Celtic's wage budget by at least £10 million but the orcs insist they did it on a lower budget.

The manager who seen the Tsunami coming years ahead and decided to step down the season before Rangers went bust.

I could list more but this guy is only in it for the money and because he won titles and trophies for Rangers on hugely inflated budgets the support feel he is a legend even when this man used EBT's to the extent it killed the club in the first place ?.

Walter Smith will let the fans down big time when he fucks off again if he sees another financial Tsumani heading for Ibrox.Rangers need a financial bandage with splinters to stabilise the the blood cash flow and what did they get ? a plaster that everyone likes the look of ! :lol: .

You got to hand it to the Clone Rangers boardroom :) they know the orc mentality and how to get the daft b@stards to buy into the dream :lol: .

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Hellboy, you seem desperate for Rangers fans not to buy season tickets, why is that? Is it because we might show your mob up when your fans stay away next season?

Nothing to do with that BP,it's more the it's OK Walter is the new NEC.

Walter is complicit in killing the old club and ran away before it died pocketing how much from the club ?,plus he won titles and trophies with a squad that I could have won trophies with because they spent so much on wages.

Walter is not he is cracked up to be by the support and if anything he is a shark lining his own pockets from the blind loyalty of your support.

Plus he was fucking shite as a manager at Everton and got the sack :lol: he couldn't even make a club that was run properly financially be successful if he was so good a manager.

Walter has been bought by Green and now used by the Rangers board to pamper to the support and that is it in a nutshell.Smith will walk away when shit hits the fan saying there is or was feck all he could do about it but will help the Ver 3 Rangers get to where they belong at a cost of course :lol: .

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Why does a company with a multimillion worldwide fan base, get away with a non executive chairman?

I know he doesn't have the experience for the full time version, but he doesn't have the experience for the non exec either.

MM was a non exec as well.

Not a very important role it would seem.....

What is difference between executive chairman and non-executive chairman?

An executive chairman is full time office holder who typically leads the board and also takes a hands-on role in the company's day-to-day management. Because of the dual role, some say there is a significant agency cost to having someone be the head of both the board of directors and executive officers. An imbalance of the "checks and balances" of corporate governance is thus created.

A non executive chairman is a part time office holder who sits on and chairs the main board of a company, and also usually provides support and advice to a chief executive officer. This position usually entails fulfilling a similar function on a number of ancillary board committee, as well as being a political figurehead of the company.

Executive chairman / Non-Executive chairman

Full time/ Part time

Day-to-day,hands-on /Hands-off

Employed /Self Employed

Contract of employment /Letter of appointment

Not Independent /Independent

Line responsibility/No line responsibility

Portfolio responsibility /Without portfolio

Executive responsibility /No executive responsibility

Executing company strategy /Consider & review company strategy

Micro or internal knowledge /Macro or external knowledge

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The Non-Executive Chairman for today’s private company has a set of
skills significantly different from the past – generally with the following
 Broad operating experience across many industries.
 Deep management experience –both high and low level.
 Operating experience across business – sales, finance, operations.
 Entrepreneurial experience – preferably starting several companies.
 A strong understanding of legal, accounting and financial issues.
 Specific industry experience only where the industry requires
 detailed regulatory, finance or other management expertise.
 Demonstrated high integrity.
 Experience coaching or advising CEO’s and senior management.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But he is a 'football man'. ibid. Sandy Jardine 2012

Just like John Greig, trustee of the Rangers charity and ex director of Rangers.

Obviously Walter is being exploited by Ahmad in the same way as Greig was by D Murray. Using their personal credibility and reputation with the fans to convince them their club is in safe hands. :rolleyes:

The only difference is that Walter will screw them for more money. Anyone know yet what his fee will be to be a part time, half baked sort of chairman?

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Does the appointment of Smith really matter that much to non-Rangers fans? It's probably a fairly sensible move I'd have thought. Smith is a figurehead who people trust, he won't be setting budgets and carving out marketing strategies.

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Does the appointment of Smith really matter that much to non-Rangers fans? It's probably a fairly sensible move I'd have thought. Smith is a figurehead who people trust, he won't be setting budgets and carving out marketing strategies.

Club mascot in my opinion. Astute move to settle to mongrel hordes, sell season books and make it look like all is rosey. No actual financial power or influence, strings well pulled from elsewhere on the board.

Broxi bear will be getting his p45 before the season begins.

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Does the appointment of Smith really matter that much to non-Rangers fans? It's probably a fairly sensible move I'd have thought. Smith is a figurehead who people trust, he won't be setting budgets and carving out marketing strategies.


It's an obvious move by the board to keep the cash flow going. ( smart ploy)

The Board (Stockridge) can continue on their strategy of recouping the Ticketus/Octopus debt.

CG still gets to offload his shares to The Mob after his lock in expires.

You're correct Bino..... Absolutely f**k all has changed. :)


Edited by GreenockRover
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The utter insanity that is Leggo, goes off the Churchillian scale today.

Utter bonkers.

Friday, 31 May 2013


THE momentous words which were broadcast by the BBC on the morning of June 6th 1944 were simple and straight to the point... D Day Has Come!

Well, it also came on May 29th 2013 for those who have the heart and soul of Rangers in their heart and soul.

And just as they did in 1944, so on this football D Day, the forces of the righteous have prevailed. Sir Walter, as he always does when he needs to, has won.

Of course this war will go on, but just as outcome of the Second World war was never in any doubt after the forces of good established their beachhead on the first D Day, despite the Battle of the Bulge and the V1s and V2s which followed, so this war is as good as won too.

Sure, there will be the equivalent of the Battle of the Bulge and those crude by todays standards, but nevertheless terrifying flying bombs. The lowlifes who are Imran Ahmad and Craig Whyte will fight their rearguard action, occasionally letting lose the odd sneak attack, plus attempting to infiltrate fifth columnists into the ranks of the righteous. But good will prevail and unconditional surrender will loom.

The enemies of Rangers will now all be routed and put to flight. Of that I am confident. And about that I am jubilant.

Since the start of this nonsense, when I was tipped off in January 2012 that Craig Whyte was going to be exposed as a conman, as a shyster, as a thief, I have been in battle after battle and the side I have chosen has suffered defeat after defeat.

It has been a long struggle to find the truth and continue the fight on the side of the righteous. But it has not been a lonely one thanks to the many good, honest, sound, truthful and dedicated Rangers men and women who mustered to the cause and who, despite some differences of opinion, always remained loyal and true and of good cheer. They know who they are.

As do the others. Those who have more in common with those scum cybernats who so disgracefully attacked Sir Chris Hoy this week in such a cowardly way, than they do with The People. More of them later.

However, as I remarked to some of those true and trusted allies last week, the final battle loomed. And that was the only one which mattered. The battle, which like D Day, would lead to the broad sunlit uplands and victory if that battle was won.

Now, with Walter Smith sitting in the chair as Rangers very own Field Marshall Monty, Rangers supporters can look forward to probity, to honesty and to someone steeped, like them, in the lore of their club. They can also look forward to strong and decisive leadership. Those who think Walter Smith will be no more than a figurehead really do not know the man.

Trust in Walter has been the motto of real Rangers supporters throughout this long, bitter battle. And that trust now reposes with him in a position to change the culture of the lies, the cheating and the lack of dignity which has been like a plague inside the Blue Room since the good guys were shown the door two years ago.

It was also heartening to hear from one of those good guys, Alastair Johnston, who has wholeheartedly backed Smith as the new chairman and also made it clear that he believes Smith will be a strong and decisive chairman. AJ is another who the vast and overwhelming majority of Rangers supporters trust and if David Murray had listened to his dire warnings about selling out to Craig Whyte none of what has occurred in the past 18 months would have happened.

Of course, not all Rangers supporters have welcomed the glad tidings. There are the usual suspects who exist deep in the darkness of cyberspace, who inhabit the edge of lunacy, who speak in a bellow of bullying, but who speak for only a few, a very few. Plus their tea boys who attempt to make it appear the number of dissenters is greater than it actually is.

In truth, they and anyone inside Ibrox who may secretly support them, are now no more than nuisance value. And not much of a nuisance at that.

For it was heartening to see the Rangers Supporters Trust and the Rangers Supporters Association under its new leader, Drew Roberton, issue a joint statement on the eve of Walter Smiths accession to the chair. Good, too, to see the Union Bears, the young team, add their support.

For, frankly, nobody else really matters. Certainly not the shambles which is the Assembly, which has not met for a year and a half, or its president Andy Kerr, who speaks for nobody. And most certainly, no wee splinter group of extremists either.

Scare mongering by some deluded nutters that Smith aims to bring back Martin Bain and that David Murray will now make a return too, is just that. The last desperate throw of the dice from desperate people who seem to have had everything as their aim, apart from what is best for Rangers.

While crazy talk, indulged in by some other deluded duds that this is just some sort of a mad move to keep Alastair McCoist and his assistant, Kenny McDowell originally a Smith appointment when he returned in January 2007 is just as wild and just as pointless.

For the vast majority, the overwhelming big battalions of Rangers supporters The People if you like are delighted and relieved to have Walter Smith back in a position of power, for they know he will work for the good of Rangers.

Something which I know he has been doing, as he and others he trusts have put in a succession of gruelling seventeen hour days over the last two months. What happened in London on the evening of May 29th was the culmination and just reward for all of that hard work. It did not happen by magic. It was worked for.

Rangers supporters have faith in Walter Smith. Their faith is not, as was suggested elsewhere just over a week ago, misplaced. And those supporters, as was also suggested elsewhere, do not have unrealistic expectations of Smith. They all know he is not infallible. But they also know he is what Rabbie called the noblest work of Gods. An honest man. And more. An honest Rangers man.

But as well as those living out their fantasy lives out the in the darkness of cyberspace on the edge of lunacy, there are others who have been dashing hither and thither since it was announced that Walter Smith is the new chairman of The Rangers.

And making a right royal a**e of themselves too. Take, Philmacgiollabhain, for instance. Talk about someone on the very edge of lunacy.

According to Philmacgiollabhain on Twitter, Smith accepting the chairmanship was something which surprised many who know Smith.


So who is it that Philmacgiollabhain, a man who lives his life inside his own confused head, thinks he knows, who knows Walter Smith?


Unless, of course it is his pal, the Heralds £50,000-a-year part time prattler, Odious Creep. For it was none other than Odious Creep who popped up on Philmacgiollabhains Twitter account claiming that hes known the day when Rangers supporters would have been savaging Walter Smith, but that now he is being treated as a Messiah.

The enemies of Rangers as shown by Philmacgiollabhian and his pal, the Heralds Odious Creep - are now in a pickle and I look forward to seeing how those two arch McCoist baiters, John Greechan and Stephen McGowan of the Scottish Daily Mail react in their columns on Saturday and Monday.

What a hoot.

It will be interesting to see too what the reaction in some quarters inside Ibrox will be to Smith being the man they all have to defer too. For them it will be, as the man himselfs pal, Sir Alex once said...squeaky bum time.

It is only a few days short of a year since, on hearing the news that Walter Smith was fronting a consortium led by billionaire Jim McColl in a bid to buy Rangers from Imran Ahmads group, the group which Ahmad paid Charles Green to front, that I used the words Churchill uttered when he heard about events at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, about going to bed and sleeping the sleep of the saved.

McColl, however, quite disgracefully let Smith down and many sleepless nights followed. But Walter Smith will not let Rangers down.

D Day has come! The final victory may be delayed, but it is inevitable.

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