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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Tedi they only had 1.7% at ATST.

Tedi they only had 1.7% at ATST.

And todays record shows what they are at...creating 100 companies in the atst thing..

Kingsnorth is now fighting to oust the chief executive of massive Dundee-based investment company Alliance Trust. Again, he is working with a small shareholding this time less than five per cent.But he has created more clout for himself by creating 100 subsidiary companies so he can take advantage of the 100 shareholders rule a legal clause which allows 100 minority investors to band together to force a vote on changes to the way a company are run. Kingsnorth hopes to force Alliance to line the pockets of their shareholders by paying out investment profits as dividends.The chief executive he hopes to remove, Katherine Garrett-Cox, ridiculed that idea, saying it makes Greek finances look prudent.


A finance shark with a history of boardroom wars is buying more than 700,000 Rangers shares from former chief Charles Green. Millionaire hedge fund manager Colin Kingsnorth, 49, is an activist investor who buys small stakes in firms, then lobbies aggressively for changes which will make money for shareholders including himself.When the Green deal goes through, Kingsnorths firm, Isle of Man-based Laxey Partners, will own 714,285 shares, about one per cent of Rangers.

At current prices, Green would make about £350,000 from the sale.The Yorkshireman struck the Laxey deal on October 19 last year, before he had even bought into Rangers himself. He bought more than five million Ibrox shares for 1p each on October 31.Fans groups are already concerned about the impact Kingsnorth, who once owned a chunk of adult comic Viz, could have at Ibrox.

Mark Dingwall of the Rangers Supporters Trust said: Laxeys small shareholding should not be a problem in itself but their pattern of behaviour in other companies is worrying.Rangers have not paid a dividend to shareholders in the last 30 years.We think that should continue, with profits reinvested in the team and infrastructure.Greens deal with Laxey was revealed by Rangers in a statement to the stock exchange.Laxey operate by looking for undervalued companies, buying into them, then trying to make sure they deliver shareholder value.

And Kingsnorth is not afraid of taking on firms bosses to get his way. In 2002, despite owning only three per cent of property company British Land, he forced the departure of chief executive John Ritblat.Its believed he went on to persuade the board to release more profits to shareholders.

Kingsnorth admitted he borrowed 90 per cent of the shares he used as leverage to force Ritblat out.

He told the British Land board there was no set time limit for the arrangement, but it was market etiquette to hold the borrowed stock for at least a week.

The following year, Kingsnorth bought a 17.6 per cent stake in the troubled publishers of Viz. The firm, run by former Loaded editor James Brown, also owned a new title called Jack, but their value had dropped to just 5p a share with a market capitalisation of £3.5million. Kingsnorth hoped Jack would succeed and make him fat profits But a few months after the company were sold to Dennis Publishing for £8million, Jack folded after selling only 40,000 copies.

Kingsnorth is now fighting to oust the chief executive of massive Dundee-based investment company Alliance Trust. Again, he is working with a small shareholding this time less than five per cent.But he has created more clout for himself by creating 100 subsidiary companies so he can take advantage of the 100 shareholders rule a legal clause which allows 100 minority investors to band together to force a vote on changes to the way a company are run. Kingsnorth hopes to force Alliance to line the pockets of their shareholders by paying out investment profits as dividends.The chief executive he hopes to remove, Katherine Garrett-Cox, ridiculed that idea, saying it makes Greek finances look prudent.

Kingsnorth went to exclusive Haileybury private school in Hertfordshire, where fees run as high as £9400 per term and former pupils include comics Dom Joly and Stephen Mangan and Beirut hostage John McCarthy.

He founded Laxey Partners in 1999 with business partner Andrew Pegge. The company are named after the village on the Isle of Man where the two men used to live as tax exiles.

Kingsnorth now lives with his wife in Blackheath, London, and is a UK taxpayer. He was unavailable for comment on his Rangers investment.

Greens deal with Laxey involves about 14 per cent of his 7.7 per cent stake in Rangers. He drew a £360,000 salary as Ibrox chief executive, but quit in April over claims he colluded with disgraced former owner Craig Whyte to buy the club.

It emerged last week that an independent inquiry ordered by the Rangers board had found no evidence of collusion between Green and Whyte. Green said he had been vindicated.

The Rangers board yesterday rejected demands by bus tycoons James and Sandy Easdale, and the mysterious Blue Pitch Holdings group, to remove former chairman Malcolm Murray and Phil Cartmell as directors.Cartmell is a non-executive director allied to Murray and new chairman Walter Smith.

Blue Pitch, who own just over six per cent of Rangers, and the Easdales now have until tomorrow to withdraw their demands or force an extraordinary general meeting.

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Egm delayed...


Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", the "Company" or "Club")

Update re Requisition of General Meeting

On 16 May 2013, the Company announced that it had received a notice requisitioning a General Meeting of shareholders. The Company is engaged in discussions with a representative of the requisitioning shareholder and the timetable for posting a notice to shareholders has been extended with the agreement of the requisitioning shareholder.

Further announcements will be made as appropriate.

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Tom English: Cringing at Charles Green tribute act


Anyone who speaks about a football team having 'enemies' is a complete tosser.

I wonder if Mather knows anyone at the Dallas Cowboys?

Has No8 petitioned the new Chief Exec on the all-inportant issue of Orange jerseys yet?

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http://www.thecoplandroad.org/2013/0...s-exposed.html Rangers: EXPOSED

by Andy McGowan | Contributor

I dont consider myself a brave man, nor am I a seeker or justice or truth like so many of my counterparts on other side of the Old Firm. But I can no longer stand by and watch the club I love be ruined by hate and bigotry.

As a responsible law abiding Rangers fan who supports his club through thick and thin I feel it is my duty to expose the secret truths of Rangers Football Club in a bid to cleanse it forever of its toxic elements. Although this may be hard and shocking for some of you to read, I am going to lay bare the truth behind some of the songs, statements and style of Rangers.

Lets start with one you will all be familiar with but may be unaware of its secret meaning: We Are the People. It sounds harmless right? Wrong.

We are the people of course refers to Unionist leader and first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, James Craig, who in 1921 declared that NI would be "a Protestant State for a Protestant People." He made this declaration after a conversation with Bill Struth, who of course had taken over as Rangers manager the previous year.

A little known fact is that James Craig was a keen footballer before entering politics and almost became Bill Struths assistant at Ibrox. When the two friends met up in secret they often discussed their proud Catholic hating Protestant roots and had regular meetings of a secret club known as We Are the Protestants (WATP) preceded by many a secret handshake. Struth decided this was too contentious a name and We are the People was born and exists as an anti-Catholic masonic organisation run from within the corridors of Ibrox to this day.

The Club logo fills us all with pride. The colours, the words, the lion they all hold a special meaning to Rangers fans worldwide. But it also holds more sinister secrets you might not be aware of.

It should also come as no surprise that the WATP Organisation were behind a plot named the Ready to Destroy Ireland movement of 1973, or simply, Ready, which is why it now appears on the club crest.

Rangers new boy Nicky Clark this week declared I'm ready for round two. This was a sickening secret anti-Irish comment from Clark who was inducted into the WATP Organisation just six days earlier. Not only that, but the lion which stands so proudly on the badge that is printed on your childs shirts and t-shirts every year, covering their now vile and twisted bigoted little hearts, is a nod to the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169, and more specifically Henry II, who in 1171 took Dublin and accepted the fealty of the Irish kings and bishops and was known simply as The Red Lion in Ireland from then on.

Some of our unacceptables you may be more aware of is found in the song book. Our love of the song Penny Arcade is again sadly attributed to religious hatred and due to the death of a Catholic man in Belfast in 1986 in an amusement arcade. I cant confirm this but my source tells me Gazza may have been the main culprit.

As many of you are aware the Beach boys hit Sloop John B has been taken on by Rangers fans as Carl Wilson and cousin Mike Love were fierce bigots and good Rangers men. The "Blue Sea of Ibrox" as we all know is about drowning Catholics in the Irish Sea, not at any specific time or anything; we just pure love doing that.

Our traditional red and black socks are perhaps the most secret and disgusting vile act of Sevco-***-bigotry in the Clubs history. First worn in 1904, they were the work of Moses McNeil, who wanted a way to express his feelings toward the people he hated the most: Blacks and ******s, thus the black sock with the red trim. The black symbolised that there were too many African Americans in the USA (McNeil of course was a founding member of the second Ku Klux Klan in 1915) and the red to show that we were up to our knees in Fen ian blood, which to this day is where we and our socks remain.

Now that the light has been shined on just a few of the many, many shameful practises at Rangers Football Club I hope you will join me in our progress, and that us good law abiding fans can move forward in peace.

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http://www.thecoplandroad.org/2013/0...s-exposed.html Rangers: EXPOSED

by Andy McGowan | Contributor

I dont consider myself a brave man, nor am I a seeker or justice or truth like so many of my counterparts on other side of the Old Firm. But I can no longer stand by and watch the club I love be ruined by hate and bigotry.

As a responsible law abiding Rangers fan who supports his club through thick and thin I feel it is my duty to expose the secret truths of Rangers Football Club in a bid to cleanse it forever of its toxic elements. Although this may be hard and shocking for some of you to read, I am going to lay bare the truth behind some of the songs, statements and style of Rangers.

Lets start with one you will all be familiar with but may be unaware of its secret meaning: We Are the People. It sounds harmless right? Wrong.

We are the people of course refers to Unionist leader and first Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, James Craig, who in 1921 declared that NI would be "a Protestant State for a Protestant People." He made this declaration after a conversation with Bill Struth, who of course had taken over as Rangers manager the previous year.

A little known fact is that James Craig was a keen footballer before entering politics and almost became Bill Struths assistant at Ibrox. When the two friends met up in secret they often discussed their proud Catholic hating Protestant roots and had regular meetings of a secret club known as We Are the Protestants (WATP) preceded by many a secret handshake. Struth decided this was too contentious a name and We are the People was born and exists as an anti-Catholic masonic organisation run from within the corridors of Ibrox to this day.

The Club logo fills us all with pride. The colours, the words, the lion they all hold a special meaning to Rangers fans worldwide. But it also holds more sinister secrets you might not be aware of.

It should also come as no surprise that the WATP Organisation were behind a plot named the Ready to Destroy Ireland movement of 1973, or simply, Ready, which is why it now appears on the club crest.

Rangers new boy Nicky Clark this week declared I'm ready for round two. This was a sickening secret anti-Irish comment from Clark who was inducted into the WATP Organisation just six days earlier. Not only that, but the lion which stands so proudly on the badge that is printed on your childs shirts and t-shirts every year, covering their now vile and twisted bigoted little hearts, is a nod to the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1169, and more specifically Henry II, who in 1171 took Dublin and accepted the fealty of the Irish kings and bishops and was known simply as The Red Lion in Ireland from then on.

Some of our unacceptables you may be more aware of is found in the song book. Our love of the song Penny Arcade is again sadly attributed to religious hatred and due to the death of a Catholic man in Belfast in 1986 in an amusement arcade. I cant confirm this but my source tells me Gazza may have been the main culprit.

As many of you are aware the Beach boys hit Sloop John B has been taken on by Rangers fans as Carl Wilson and cousin Mike Love were fierce bigots and good Rangers men. The "Blue Sea of Ibrox" as we all know is about drowning Catholics in the Irish Sea, not at any specific time or anything; we just pure love doing that.

Our traditional red and black socks are perhaps the most secret and disgusting vile act of Sevco-***-bigotry in the Clubs history. First worn in 1904, they were the work of Moses McNeil, who wanted a way to express his feelings toward the people he hated the most: Blacks and ******s, thus the black sock with the red trim. The black symbolised that there were too many African Americans in the USA (McNeil of course was a founding member of the second Ku Klux Klan in 1915) and the red to show that we were up to our knees in Fen ian blood, which to this day is where we and our socks remain.

Now that the light has been shined on just a few of the many, many shameful practises at Rangers Football Club I hope you will join me in our progress, and that us good law abiding fans can move forward in peace.

Tis all true i'm afraid, we've been rumbled on so many levels.

But fear not, new plans are unfolding - our bigotry will prevail.

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I wonder if Mather knows anyone at the Dallas Cowboys?

Has No8 petitioned the new Chief Exec on the all-inportant issue of Orange jerseys yet?

Claymores outside of America, no normal people like American football, it's boring and for weirdo's.

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At least he did not reveal the secret of the Bouncy

I'm surprised that we've gotten away with the bouncy for so long.....

It'll only be a matter of time till they figure it out.

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At least he did not reveal the secret of the Bouncy

I'm surprised that we've gotten away with the bouncy for so long.....

It'll only be a matter of time till they figure it out.

I was quaking with fear that the darkness at the heart of The Bouncy was about to be revealed. We get to live another day with our little secret.

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Tom English: Cringing at Charles Green tribute act


Craig Mather: Rallying call. Picture: SNS


Published on 06/06/2013 00:00

Craig Mather’s spiel about the enemies of Rangers and the vengeance that will be visited upon them won no marks for originality.

It was a depressingly familiar and grimly predictable routine as practised by Charles Green last summer, a cynical play for the affections of the support by telling them what they want to hear.

It was as if Mather, the interim chief executive, went rummaging in the drawers of his predecessor and found a gameplan on how to prise season ticket money from the fans. Mather’s words at a Rangers supporters’ soiree in North America last weekend were cringe-making.

“You [the supporters] might believe we don’t feel hurt to the same extent as you, but we do,” said Mather. Frankly, Craig, I very much doubt that you do, but anyway. . . “Sometimes you have to wait,” he continued, when referring to the action that would be taken against these Rangers haters. “We’ve chosen, and we will continually choose, the right moment to strike. Please, never believe that I or any other directors don’t know the names of the people who have tried to damage this club. We know them all. We know what each one’s tried to do and I can assure you we will never, ever forget about that.”

If this was coming from John Greig or Walter Smith or Ally McCoist you might still find it melodramatic and completely daft, but at least you’d know that it was heartfelt from people who have Rangers in their blood, people who are emotionally involved. Coming from Mather, who couldn’t find his way to Ibrox until relatively recently, it is utterly pre- posterous.

It’s hard to know how best to describe Mather’s rallying call. In this instance he comes across as a kind of Phil Neal figure, if you remember that documentary about Graham Taylor when he was manager of England. Neal was Taylor’s assistant and also Taylor’s parrot. Green may have left his position at Ibrox but he appears to have an acolyte in Mather in the business of galvanising season ticket sales. That’s something the new chairman might want to address. The Odditorium at Ibrox has seen enough nonsense for one lifetime without Mather adding to it with his Green tribute act.


Anyone who speaks about a football team having 'enemies' is a complete tosser.

What's the point in this article?

How much do you think this Tom English gets paid to write this nonsense? Unbelievable.

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I was quaking with fear that the darkness at the heart of The Bouncy was about to be revealed. We get to live another day with our little secret.

Should you even be bouncing, in your condition? ;) Or during your recuperation, I should say. You need to look after yourself, Bendarroch - hope you're getting back to full fitness.

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First rule of the Bouncy.We don't talk about the bouncy ;-)

Just wait till they discover the truth behind the bluebells are blue.

Whats buried beneath those bluebells....

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