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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't think the exact amount of debt is relevant especially when the club itself was heading into insolvency from SDM's tenure and it was only a matter of time before the club went into administration.

So before CW bought the club it was already a matter of time before it would die and why the associations colluded in a vain attempt back in 2011 to somehow save the club by handing over a dead clubs licences to a new club to somehow give the illusion the club was saved but only the SFA one eventually got amended and handed over.

So who is to blame for Rangers demise ? everyone connected to the club including the fans demanding more be spent to thwart Celtic when the club should have years ago went through a lean spell for many a year until the debts were cleared,but that would ultimately have killed the club as the fans would walk away at watching a Celtic team win the SPL every year and no trophies.

Rangers were doomed by SDM and the fans by the damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario,blaming just SDM & CW is placing the blame elsewhere when the fans would have killed the club by walking away if the club had stopped EBT's as far back as in 2004 when the HMRC first started to investigate the club.

So what would the Rangers fans do if the club stopped EBT's earlier and started to clear the bills by fielding inferior cheaper players ? they would have strangled the club by starving it of revenues by abstaining from attending Ibrox to possibly watch the likes of a Dundee side turn them over at Ibrox and finishing mid table.

In the end Rangers killed Rangers by creating the superior winning mentality Rangers and it's fans expected season in and season out and anything less would have crippled the club,but the club could have been saved earlier if the people who ran the club did it all by the book by not implementing that damned EBT scheme in order to ensure Rangers fans superior winning mentality was fed.

Edit for typooo

Edited by hellbhoy
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I don't think the exact amount of debt is relevant especially when the club itself was heading into insolvency from SDM's tenure and it was only a matter of time before the club went into administration.

So before CW bought the club it was already a matter of time before it would die and why the associations colluded in a vain attempt back in 2011 to somehow save the club by handing over a dead clubs licences to a new club to somehow give the illusion the club was saved but only the SFA one eventually got amended and handed over.

So who is to blame for Rangers demise ? everyone connected to the club including the fans demanding more be spent to thwart Celtic when the club should have years ago went through a lean spell for many a year until the debts were cleared,but that would ultimately have killed the club as the fans would walk away at watching a Celtic team win the SPL every year and no trophies.

Rangers were doomed by SDM and the fans by the damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario,blaming just SDM & CW is placing the blame elsewhere when the fans would have killed the club by walking away if the club had stopped EBT's as far back as in 2004 when the HMRC first started to investigate the club.

So what would the Rangers fans do if the club stopped EBT's earlier and started to clear the bills by fielding inferior cheaper players ? they would have strangled the club by starving it of revenues by abstaining from attending Ibrox to possibly watch the likes of a Dundee side turn them over at Ibrox and finishing mid table.

In the end Rangers killed Rangers by creating the superior winning mentality Rangers and it's fans expected season in and season out and anything less would have crippled the club,but the club could have been saved earlier if the people who ran the club did it all by the book by not implementing that damned EBT scheme in order to ensure Rangers fans superior winning mentality was fed.

Edit for typooo

This rant does actually contain some truth.

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Newsflash on latest signing......

Leggo to vanguard buns......

Fee : 4 pints of meths.

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away a football club named Rangers were shaken from their peaceful existence when troublesome, jealous neighbours finally snapped at how loved and successful Rangers were.

Some of the evil Barons who owned other football clubs were called together in secret meetings by an ogre called Lord Lawwell of Slit Eyes. "Anything ye wish, ye shall have" declared evil Baron Milne to Lord Lawwell. Baron Milne was a rogue so vain that his crown sat to one side on his head because he wore the pelt of a dead animal to disguise his baldness. "Your every wish is my command." spake evil Baron Petrie, desperate to cling to some form of power as his own lands were almost ruined and his football team were barely clinging to life.

"'Tis my wish that we be rid of this curse on our lands." roared the evil Lord Lawwell. "My football team has tried for many years to better these Rangers, but we are not strong enough nor good enough. They must be destroyed that we would be the World's Most Successful Club and I will stop at nothing to make my dream come true. You will help me in my plan or I will wreak vengeance on you that no football club should suffer."

The Barons sat in silence. Truly, they did fear the evil Lord Lawwell. Trembling with anticipation, they listened as a foul plot was unveiled.

"I have positioned my own men in the Council of SFA and SPL and had removed those who would stand against me. I have secretly made false accusations to the Queen's tax collectors. How these innocent Rangers shall suffer as my puppets do falsely accuse then convict them. They shall be banished from the land of SPL."

"But Lord Lawwell," whispered one brave soul, the Baron Johnston of Killie, "I will have nothing to do with plots and skullduggery. And, as the oldest among the SPL clubs, I counsel you to think wisely before turning on one of our own."

"Dare you interfere with my plans?" roared Lord Lawwell. "Lhen-non! Lhen-non!" he shouted.

In answer to the cries, from nowhere there appeared a misshapen, deformed monstrosity. "Look upon my face and hear my words" rasped the ugly form, through yellow, bent teeth, his breath foul and reeking of the ale to which he was addicted."

Baron Johnston tried to turn his head away. He knew the fate of those who looked into the eyes of Lord Lawwell's necromancer. Yet, his eyes were locked with the hideous, snake-like eyes of the Lhen-non. The eyes, yellow with red veins where normal men had white. But the Lhen-non was no normal man.

"I curse ye." came the words from the horrible lips, bloated and cracked. "Ye shall suffer a fate of my choosing. Ye shall be granted a little success in months to come, led by your manager, Shiels The Truthsayer. Then shall ye banish him, the man who dares speak the truth of me."

Knowing the will of the evil spell-caster must be obeyed, the old Baron Johnston sat back in his chair, his head in his hands. Any chance of any rebellion against the plotting of Lord Lawwell was crushed.

And so, brave Rangers, who could not stand up to the sham trials and accusations, fell from grace. In vain, they sought appeals to courts and lawyers through the known lands. In every case, the accusations proved false but the damage was done. Rangers tumbled and were banished to the smallest contests in the land, the Division 3. Indeed, they were welcomed by the little towns and villages where they visited. These club managers knew the truth, although they were not powerful enough to proclaim it. Rangers, in turn, embraced the welcomes and responded by travelling with the thousands of supporters to partake of the sport on offer and drink the ale and eat the pies from stalls and shoppes.

Meanwhile, in the land of SPL, the Barons met again with Lord Lawwell. Without Rangers, the SPL had not gone the way that he had promised. The bank managers had now the real power; because the Barons had fallen into massive debt and those debts looked to be called in.

Other clubs, who wished to be with the SPL were also in debt and this would cause their ruin. Yorkston of Dunfermline sold his treasures in a bid to save his beloved football club but the tax man demanded more and even to this day, the club may be no more unless a miracle can be found.

Heart of Midlothian, who had been bought by a Baron from foreign lands, also fought to save themselves from dying. For almost ten years they had been controlled by the Romanov of Lithuania. His madness increased day by day until he no longer cared for his SPL investment. Castle builders as well as flats builders hovered as vultures.

Meanwhile, Lord Lawwell sat in his dark room. Even a bottle of warm sake and a meal of his favourite sushi failed to ease him. His promises of more fans attending all the other clubs did not come to pass. Indeed, his evil plan back-fired, as fans all over the SPL deserted the clubs and chose instead to tend to their vegetables and crops, play bowls and golf and, in extreme cases, even take their spouses to the shoppes.

How to save the day? How to save face? The others were but fools. He, alone, must save the SPL.

Hastily, a new plot was hatched, new promises made. It must be seen that the plan did not come from him, though. The puppet master used the telephone, an instrument of witchcraft he felt sure. His puppets, Regan and Doncaster did declare that a new, improved structure for football would save all clubs and their carefully thought out plan was the only way to salvation.

The other Barons were not convinced, the last year had taught them that Regan, Doncaster and even Lord Lawwell did speak lies. Bravely they did forsake the plan, mostly because no one actually told them what it was.

A furious Lord Lawwell was not to be beaten. He knew, above every other, that if something was not done, his own club and every other would face ruin. Only something truly imaginative would be the answer. Suddenly, a thought came to him. But, could he? Dare he?

He came to realise his true plan of banishing Rangers until his own team won more titles must now be abandoned. His fury was great yet he knew he had but one course.

Regan and Doncaster were contacted. The defeated "only salvation" plan was hastily forgotten. A new "the real only way to salvation" plan was announced. With cries of joy, the SPL and SFL clubs, now with very little hope of keeping alive, asked Lord Lawwell "What is the plan?" "Concern ye not with details. 'Tis truly a masterplan.", he replied.

The Barons of the SPL clubs fell into line quickly. Their cause was aided by some Barons of SFL 1 flocking to join the cause. Whatever the cause was. Not one dared ask the questions that had to be asked. "Who will fund us? Who will sponsor us? Will the witchcraft that is television give us money? Will our fans come back? Why in the name of all that is Holy should we believe you this time?"

Only Lord Lawwell knew the truth. Since the banishment of Rangers had caused the instant downfall and near collapse of all the other clubs; then that banishmant must end.

Rumours flooded the lands. The Rangers fans, who did not do walking away, cried as one; "Rangers, go ye not back to assist the SPL. Let the evil creature SPL die. With joy, we have waited on the day we would have our revenge."

But, within the magnificent building that was Ibrox, did the cries of the fans fall on deaf ears? Many changes had taken place to save the Rangers. Sir David of Murray, who had started his reign so well but had then taken to appeasement had departed, others had tried to run the club but they did not have the will, the money or the love of the club they promised. These false Lords and Barons will forever be remembered and despised for what they are.

Now run by Sir Walter of Helensburgh, the questions asked in gatherings large and small were these. Had the evil Lord Lawwell made approaches and promised false riches and a return to the SPL by a speedy method? Would Rangers abandon the fans who had rallied in their thousands and accept the poison chalice?

To this day, the fairy tale has no ending. The club will do what it will do. The fans must wait in trepidation. Will Rangers be brave enough to remember what these evil Barons did? Will Rangers have the courage to reject the advances of Lord Lawwell and come to realise he truly doth despise us?

Will we all live happily ever after?

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Oh FFS. The man increased the debt, first of all by taking out £27 million from Ticketus, that's an increase on the debt of £9 million or did you think Ticketus were just disregarding that £9 million, that's a liability to Ticketus of £27 million. He also withheld payments to HMRC, those payments become debt, that's irrefutable. It doesn't matter what he used the money for, the debt increased.

Of course it matters what he spent it on, especially if he spent it clearing debt, and since the accounts show the total liability reducing from 65 to 56 million it would appear at least some of it was used for that very purpose.

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You're wrong, rangers were in great shape that's why minty sold them to a asset stripper for a pound.

Murray had been wanting out for some time, the possible tax tribunal debt was looming and there's also the question of the bank putting pressure on him as they wanted their debt paid in case a huge tribunal bill emerged.

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So we have Craig Whyte going to court because he's not involved in Rangers and the SFA are going to investigate Rangers over Whytes involvment in the club and then hammer the club severly.

Another bright spark from Regan.

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You must be reading a different set of the accounts than the one you posted then.

Ted i'd just ignore him, he's clearly at it. No matter how many times you explain it to him, he'll just keep on posting the same reply. No doubt laughing at how smart he thinks he's being.

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So we have Craig Whyte going to court because he's not involved in Rangers and the SFA are going to investigate Rangers over Whytes involvment in the club and then hammer the club severly.

Another bright spark from Regan.

So....rangers fans are back to, Dont investigate anything please SFA?

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So....rangers fans are back to, Dont investigate anything please SFA?

"Please accept that Craig Whyte is solely to blame for Rangers' demise, pin all the blame on him and totally exonerate everyone else", more like.

It'd take an evil genius of Machiavellian proportions, for one man to have masterminded a decade-long, howling clusterfvck like this, but "Craigy is an evil genius" is now the most convenient story left to sell to the suckers, so evil genius Craigy it is.

Of course, anyone who read about CW's court cases would realise that he's not even an evil bright spark. He's a petty conman rather than a super villain. His defences were about as convincing as a six year old claiming that the cat was sick on his homework, then the dog ate the sicky homework, and then a big dragon called Kevin ate the dog.

Never mind, though - if it later becomes convenient to blame it all on Charlie Green or Sir Dave or the SPL or a big dragon called Kevin, then they'll do that instead, for as long as it takes, until the story needs to be revised all over again.

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They can investigate whatever they like, in this case it seems pretty stupid even for them.


After the collusion over the euro license, and Regan under pressure since a pay rise, there is only one outcome.

Not proven.

It. Stinks.

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Of course it matters what he spent it on, especially if he spent it clearing debt, and since the accounts show the total liability reducing from 65 to 56 million it would appear at least some of it was used for that very purpose.

How can you clear debt by increasing the overall debt of a company? That is what he did. The net debt of the PLC at 30/06/2010 was £27,074,000 a decrease of £4.044,000 from 30/06/2009. He increased the debt, bringing in at least an extra £9 million of debt from Ticketus and approx £21 million due to H.M.R.C. T

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Oh deary deary me...

Charlotte Fakeovers @CharlotteFakes


Duff and Phelps 6 June 2012 Part 6/12


5:04 A very nervous laugh "at least he's not a catholic"

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Tape 7 folks :D

Sally, ortiz, naismith etc slagged to Hell, the cardigan was sucking the teet for £30k a week and the arsenal boy got the clap fae a weegie slapper which hampered his future appearances.

Absolute gold.

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So we have Craig Whyte going to court because he's not involved in Rangers and the SFA are going to investigate Rangers over Whytes involvment in the club and then hammer the club severly.

Another bright spark from Regan.

Not even tonight's biggest revelation. Apparently the P&D feeding frenzy is over some footballer shagging a burd and getting an STD.

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