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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I actually agree with this one, I don't know why people would want to be on their phones when they go to the football. If anything it will make the atmosphere worse at games.

We agree!

I'm of a vintage where a mobile is a nuisance, or at best, a tool for emergencies. It's not an excuse to miss A game.

Also, I'm sure they all have radio on them, so why not listen to Clyde or BBC at half time?

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We agree!

I'm of a vintage where a mobile is a nuisance, or at best, a tool for emergencies. It's not an excuse to miss A game.

Also, I'm sure they all have radio on them, so why not listen to Clyde or BBC at half time?

I'm different I use my phone quite a lot but I still wouldn't nor would I want to use it at the football. A games only for 90 minutes I'm sure people can do without it for that length of time. What's going to happen is people will basically waste their money to sit in a seat whilst playing on their phone. It's stupid, the atmospheres now days isn't good as what it was it's going to make it even worse IMO.

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I'd imagine that dream is one of the very few things that validates dolly's existence these days. But, to be clear, Abhergreen aren't enemies of Rangers as they represent no danger to our club's ambitions. Their support were amongst the most vocal of the, ahem, integrity warriors.

Who could forget their rush to sponsor mascots from all over Scotland, for example. Or sponsoring the Anna player when their own team had players up for sponsorship on the club website. Integrity was their cry, too, wasn't it?


But, as you can see above from the likes of Kincardine - not all of the Rangers support feel as I do. I can tell you from speaking to many fellow supporters, however, a considerable number share my view.

All of this just after I've finished reading an article in the Herald featuring the views from a Mr Birch - herz admin - who insists the SPFL and SFA must see sense and punish the individuals who harmed herz and not the club itself - and god forbid they do anything as damaging as fine the club already in such a parlous financial state.

I imagine the integrity warriors are ready - torches lit and pitchforks sharpened - to pounce at any minute if the Scottish fitba powers don't absolutely leather herz for fucking Dundee over.

Of this, sadly, I have no doubt. :thumbsdown

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If this really is the stuff of wet-dreams for diddies and plastics - fill your boots and join the rest of tragically sad community - lifetime membership is free.

Perhaps in time, you too, could sponsor a furry mascot like dolly or maybe even close a stand or watch your own club do a herz or fife losers shuffle.

Rangers having difficulties - more important to the diddies than their own clubs I know - I just hadn't realised how important we were to you. Not that I don't understand the fascination - my own love for Rangers has lasted a life-time to date and hopefully for decades to come.

You're important to us, because you shouldn't be here. If ever there was a case for ethnic cleansing. :yucky

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yep I would agree with that.

All the noise is about Whyte wrecking Rangers, Sir David Murray of Many Bank Accounts was the who started off this whole sorry mess. He glad handed his way through the banking institutions. Securing nice loans from Bank Chairmen who in turn enjoyed being involved with a successful Football team. It was not just the Rangers Chairmen up to this, other Football clubs cuddled up to the banks. The loans however were not enough so what does Murray do next? Well indulge in some financial jiggery-pokery with player contracts, debatable if this was illegal or not; it certainly danced a near the line as being fair and honest. All this allowed him to boast they could outspend their Twin across the city, and thats all that mattered to the fans and the various obsequies acolytes in the media. Murray had an ego and this ego that would get them trouble. He thought this would go on forever. He had lock on the bank, friends in the media peddling what he fed them. He was going to hand his empire over to his sons and it go on and on. Then the banks went pearshaped and the men who would usually sign the cheques and look the other way were not replaced by people who opened the loan book and went "What the F-" The game was up.

Right to the end Murray was claiming that everything was ok....I think he knew that even if he had not signed everything over to Whyte Rangers were going to run out of money. Thats why he got out. Save his reputation nothing else. Murray stuck a bomb under Rangers and Whyte helped set it off.

IMO it was Whyte who was duped. :P

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Don't care :) had a couple of kickings at ibrox circa 85, but worst ie best would be in order,.....




Sorry, your mob were classless thugs, not casuals

As opposed to these other thugs being refined law abiding individuals i take it. Btw have you paid your debt yet?

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As opposed to these other thugs being refined law abiding individuals i take it. Btw have you paid your debt yet?

Personally speaking, I've always been a dapperly attired lover, not a fighter :wub:

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Yes we already established that wifi is costing us 50k, we have a resident expert from Peterhead knows all about it.

I quoted a seven figure number. Now in typical Tedi deflection mode:

Proof that I was wrong?


etc. etc.

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Guess who is back....:) , worried they are going broke afore he gets his wedge.


CHARLES Green has sensationally waded back into the Rangers boardroom battle to demand a major shake-up.

The ousted chief executive still the biggest shareholder at Ibrox is calling for urgent changes amid fears of a looming cash crisis at the club.

Green has lodged a legal letter saying ex-chairman Malcolm Murray described by insiders as his nemesis must be axed as a director.

He also wants Murrays ally Phil Cartmell ditched and for bus tycoon James Easdale to finally join the board after months of wrangling.

Sources close to Green claim hes even considering returning to run the club in a day-to-day role if changes arent made.

His demands came in a formal request for an emergency general meeting of shareholders, which the club was examining yesterday.

An insider said: Charles and other investors are unhappy with how the club is being run especially the influence Malcolm has.

There are worries that cash raised in the stock market float last year is being rapidly eaten into. Costs must be cut and revenues raised or Rangers are in trouble.

But all we see is players being signed and season ticket prices being frozen.

The move comes weeks after a separate group of investors loyal to Green made similar demands for a crisis meeting.

Green, 60, fronted the consortium which took over Rangers last year but quit as chief exec in April amid claims of links to shamed ex-owner Craig Whyte.

Rangers would not comment last night. Green could not be reached.

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not a single quote.

A source close to :)

CG not available for comment.

A man who was losing a million a month is worried about how the company is being run. :wacko:

Kindly f**k off Charles.

Sun. He never went away, and as largest shareholder he can force things through.

What is this ???? Irony ?

Nah, its the charity bet that youngsy welshed on...so not irony, more like "expected".

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Don't care :) had a couple of kickings at ibrox circa 85, but worst ie best would be in order,.....




Sorry, your mob were classless thugs, not casuals


Ask Motherwell about the last day of the 85-86 season.

Ahhhh the good old days.

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Totally agree. Why go to a football match, pay a fair bit of money to watch the match, and play with a fucking phone or a tablet for about 2 hours?

FFS, I thought the purpose of going to football was to WATCH football!!!

Utter madness.

Watching a clueless manager's clueless ream humping long balls up the park gets a bit tedious after ten minutes: one needs a distraction.

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Soccer Casuals are so 1980`s, some people on this thread are really starting to show their age.

Why aren't the Dons' fans talking about them then?

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Sun. He never went away, and as largest shareholder he can force things through.

Nah, its the charity bet that youngsy welshed on...so not irony, more like "expected".

Ahem, would you like to explain who exactly has, at the moment, welshed on this charity bet, wunf? As i said a small donation to the Teddy bear Foundation will suffice.

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Ahem, would you like to explain who exactly has, at the moment, welshed on this charity bet, wunf? As i said a small donation to the Teddy bear Foundation will suffice.


As far as I am aware, youngsy has still not made good on the wee wager we had.

^^^ hope that helps :)

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Tell you what Youngsy, re charity bet offer.

If I am right I donate a ton to the charity of your choice, if you are right, vice versa.

The Rangers must die before the start of next season and no 3rd Zombification allowed.

*subclause 1 of 1 , as long as your charity isn't Cancer Research or RSPCA.

Historically, on here, is this type of bet ever honoured? Just asking. I hope you both licked your thumbs.biggrin.gif Bet ye, bet ye.


Not really, if they go tits up I win a shed load of cash so can easily afford the ton, if they last until the start of next season The RNLI get some tainted money.

Best result for me (financialy) would be they finish 2nd and don't go out of business smile.gif

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I think this calls for another reminder of his promise youngsy.

He's well aware of the terms of the charity bet, Tedi. "Rangers would or would not be in adminIstration by 30/06/2013". As i've said previously a small donation to the Teddybear Foundation will suffice, it's all down to him whether he pays out or not.

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Looks clear cut to me, he has lost, when will he let the bralt know that he has honoured the bet? or will he (surely not) welch?

"if I am right, I will donate" .......clear cut indeed.

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21,000 at Ibrox, 5th in the League Ahhhhh the good old days

21,000?....Must have been a big game then. I have been inside Ibrox with a crowd a third of that size but still we were on a par with the Yahoos despite their larger capacity and far superior team.

Last competitive celtic game of the old Jungle...12,000. Don't worry though we gave it a good send off by winning the treble there and having a great wee sing song. :thumsup2

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