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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I have no friends in the likes of the EDL, SDL and BNP at all - and I never will or could have for very obvious reasons. Declaring involvement with (or support for) political groups such as these would indicate the person is of the c**t variety.

I'm convinced my thinking is bang on the money.


To be honest I have no idea if I have friends who are in the EDL, or SFPL. I have no interest in whether they are or not. I don't do interviews before associating with people and it just doesn't come up in conversation. Who knows as far as I'm concerned I have a variety of friends with different outlooks on life. All of which makes for a very interesting evening down the pub.

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To be honest I have no idea if I have friends who are in the EDL, or SFPL. I have no interest in whether they are or not. I don't do interviews before associating with people and it just doesn't come up in conversation. Who knows as far as I'm concerned I have a variety of friends with different outlooks on life. All of which makes for a very interesting evening down the pub.

Spot on. Owe you a greenie but just ran out - ironically giving my last one to Tedi ffs - way too generous. :lol:

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Get it clarified by CAB and Trading Standards. 

I'll rephrase to make things more pallatable for you, since you can't spot the blindingly obvious.

Why does apache don refer to a nightclub by it's old name which it built up a history and reputation with but will not afford a football club the same consideration?

I guess folks are correct your rhetoric and patter are well out dated. Keep rehashing the party line.

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I'll rephrase to make things more pallatable for you, since you can't spot the blindingly obvious.

Why does apache don refer to a nightclub by it's old name which it built up a history and reputation with but will not afford a football club the same consideration?

I guess folks are correct your rhetoric and patter are well out dated. Keep rehashing the party line.

Calm yourself down son. I personally have no intention of interacting as to the previous name and current name of any night club. Ever heard the phrase tongue in cheek.

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Obvious Celtic fan trying to make Rangers fans out to be even stupider than they really are. You're gilding a lily dude.

:lol: WOW - what a subplot you've come up with! There are too many people on here who think that this is a John Le Carre novel. Maybe I'm actually with the Russians, in an attempt to destabilise the UK energy market to counteract the rise in US fracking techniques...

Possibly. I suspect however that he's just a juvenile wee idiot, too stupid to recognise how hopelessly out of his depth he is on here.

And this!! :lol: "Hopelessly out of his depth"...what do you even mean by this?

Two foil helmets required IMO...

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And this!! :lol: "Hopelessly out of his depth"...what do you even mean by this?

Well it was a response to the fact that you made some sort of daft post about WRK's marriage. It didn't relate to anything being discussed, it didn't make any neat reference to anything else previously posted and it didn't contain even a trace of wit.

When I pointed this out, you launched into similar speculation about my marriage.

It led me to the conclusion that you don't really understand what passes for discussion or even banter, not just on here, but between people generally.

That's what was meant by the suggestion that you were out of your depth.

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Or do you just think I'm special :)

Too obvious.

If you don't see why your initial post (which prompted a few 'wtf?' type responses incidentally) was particularly pointless and stupid, then you're merely supporting my case about being out of your depth.

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I talk to them in the taxi but i don't associate with them..Maybe i should say socialize with them. Nothing weird about that...I am Rangers through and through and a Loyalist. I have never hidden that on here.


Bigot ©Apache Don

Now doesn't No8's post above yours make you look so fucking stupid and doesn't it prove you have the memory of a goldfish Tedi goldfish.gif and by your own admission it's Bigot © No8

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FFS How pedantic can anyone be. I didn't say 'is' or infer so. So it has had a name change, I don't live in Glasgow and rarely visit and - not being gay - haven't really kept up with current Glagow Gay Club Scene. You quite obviously knew what I meant - ''Bennetts is actually AXM'' so just deflective trivia then. Anyway, as it happens, I was wrong. Bennetts was never the name of Scotland's best known Gay Club (which is what I said). It was in fact Bennets - one 'T' only - :P

Why not deflect about the name of Glasgow's premier gay night club? It detracts from the usual deflection that their evil 'institution' is dead. It's dead! No matter your sexuality, the company number changed. Get over it. Bunchazombiefeckers!!

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making thousands of nonsensical posts on this thread in particular is symptomatic of a healthy marriage.

I certainly wouldn't see it as symptomatic of a troubled one, if that's the leap you're attempting to pull off.

In terms of nonsensical posts, I only see one winner anyway.

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The sfm site back up after being "attacked"...... good stuff though....

According to the poster Sam over on sfmonitor.org the Rangers finance chief Brian Stockbridge has been a bit shy about boasting of his place in the London Stock Exchange history books.

Back in 2009 the Stock Exchange issued an extremely rare Disciplinary Notice to the Nominated Advisers Astaire (formerly known as Blue Oar, who had previously been called Corporate Synergy) over their actions - or lack of them - regarding the entry to the AIM market of a company called Worthington Nicholls (nothing to do with the Worthington Group linked to Craig Whyte, incidentally). They became one of only two firms in London Stock Exchange history to be both censured and fined, in this case £225,000.

As is laid out in detail in this Telegraph report, the firm's admission to the AIM market was accompanied by a long series of what could charitably be called "misleading" statements. The result was a financial disaster that cost investors millions.

So who was one of the two Corporate Synergy brokers named on the Admission document for Worthington Nicholls?

None other than Brian Stockbridge, the man holding the Spivco purse strings.

Thanks. Wunfelaff! I believe that is what this thread is about. The clusterfuck that is sevco etc...

By the way: I'm trisexual! ie: I'll try anything sexu:::: I'll get my coat!

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"McKerron Hay retained on a reduced basis to carry out “media intelligence” and to place stories

which we might not want as official Rangers policy. Also it becomes important for negative stories to be placed about opposing teams and we would want some distance from Rangers FC"

You can almost taste the dignity.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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"McKerron Hay retained on a reduced basis to carry out “media intelligence” and to place stories
which we might not want as official Rangers policy. Also it becomes important for negative stories to be placed about opposing teams and we would want some distance from Rangers FC"
You can almost taste the dignity.
"McKerron Hay retained on a reduced basis to carry out “media intelligence” and to place stories
which we might not want as official Rangers policy. Also it becomes important for negative stories to be placed about opposing teams and we would want some distance from Rangers FC"
You can almost taste the dignity.

Greenie owed for your valiant attempt to get this once great thread back on track.

P and D's: don't let them ever forget that their proud institution died and that all the scum of international business tried to revive the corpse!

Ps. Did Charles Green take his trophies and history with him to the south of France, or has he lent them to the tribute act?

Go on amigos! Why do you never respond to my rare posts with anything other than personal abuse?

I am asking serious, thread related questions. Oh never mind. It's like showing a dog a card trick.

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Source:- http://www.scribd.com/doc/154113465/Media-House

Jack Irvine
Date: 12 May 2011 15:43
To: Craig Whyte <craigwhyte@merchanthousegroup.com>
This might help give some shape to our meeting in Glasgow tomorrow. Proposals for the future at the end. I would very much like to get a personal grip of the Rangers account because this will ensure I can protect you not only in the Rangers arena but in your much wider global business interests.
Yours aye
Rangers, Craig Whyte AND Media House
PR proposals
Media House has handled PR for Rangers for over five years. The account was handled by MH director Ramsay Smith and Senior Consultant Lois Boyle. The MH team reported in to CEO Martin Bain and Irene Munro in the Press Office
In the five years Jack Irvine was never involved, never visited the ground and never had a meeting with the management. Apparently Sir David Murray and Martin Bain wanted the “clout” of Media House but were fearful of Jack Irvine or what he might tell them!
The original fee was £10,000 pm but as the financial noose tightened on the club it fell to £9,000 then £5000 pm at the end of 2008. This is unrealistic considering the volume, intensity and importance of the work however we felt we couldn’t walk away from the club bearing in mind their massive financial problems.
Issues handled by Media House were:-
· Strategic advice to David Murray, Alastair Johnston, Martin Bain, Senior execs, security team on many issues over last 5 years, particularly around problem matches, sectarian singing, government initiatives, etc
· Sectarianism/UEFA . MH work on joint legal/PR approach and encourage media to take sideswith Rangers. The last result was proof that this approach works.
· Launch of Follow with Pride – club’s own anti-sectarian initiative
· MANCHESTER! Lots of positive publicity in the lead up to the UEFA Cup Final and then handling the aftermath!· 40th Anniversary of Ibrox Disaster
· Lobbying politicians at all levels re club issues· Casino / G51 (Ramsay has done all that – redevelopment of Ibrox and surrounding area)
· Licensing issues
· Charity Foundation
· Community Initiatives
· Fanzones re European games
· AGMs
· Liaison with supporters groups (This is fraught with danger and the fans have to be handled very delicately. They are not reasonable men!)
If you listen to the fans and the mad bloggers they will say it was poor, however what they don’t understand is that under Sir David Murray there was a constant erosion of the CEO’s authority and that of the manager and the information flow from the club.
Consistently management, marketing and PR strategies were undermined by Sir David jumping the gun with his chum in the media, Bruce Waddell, editor of The Daily Record. (trained by Jack Irvine at The Sun!)
Crucially, on the sectarian issues the fans wanted the club to tell UEFA to get stuffed. That of course would have resulted in punitive measures against the club such as outright European bans which would have had a major impact on the bottom line. Because the PR line was not seen to be aggressive and combative the fans dismissed it. What they didn’t realise that behind the scenes both lawyers and PR advisers were working tirelessly to mitigate the punishments.
Whilst the sectarian issues are desperately worrying and time consuming , an equally important service supplied by Ramsay Smith has been his behind-the-scenes negotiations with City of Glasgow Council regarding the redevelopment of Ibrox and surrounding areas. As long as Sir David murray retained control of the club it was doubtful that Glasgow Councillors would meet the club’s aspirations but a lot of goodwill has been built up by Ramsay and the change of ownership at Ibrox may break the logjam with considerable financial benefits.
In November 2010, Media House found itself with a conflict of interests and had to step aside from its usual management of Craig Whyte’s PR affairs. (MH were actively working for and contracted to Rangers. MH had not been currently working for Craig.)
Jack Irvine suggested to Craig that two ex journalists, Ian McKerron and Gordon Hay were drafted into handle his affairs during the takeover bid. This arrangement has worked well but a state of normality now needs to be encouraged. Rangers (and Craig Whyte) cannot keep responding to the media on every trivial issue. We need media management, not a free for all.
Here’s what we propose:-
1. Jack Irvine to handle all inquiries concerning Craig Whyte and that of future Chairman plus mainboard directors.
2. Media House team to manage day to day issues as outlined above but under the direct supervision of Jack Irvine.
3. Jack Irvine to carry out audit of in-house PR capabilities
4. McKerron Hay retained on a reduced basis to carry out “media intelligence” and to place stories which we might not want as official Rangers policy. Also it becomes important for negative stories to be placed about opposing teams and we would want some distance from Rangers FC.
Thursday, 12 May, 2011
Jack Irvine
Executive Chairman
Media House International Ltd
London: 020 7710 0020
Edinburgh: 0131 247 7520
Glasgow: 0141 220 6040
Edited by Saor Alba
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You're doing it again Bendarroch - ridiculing someone for their support for a smaller team.

You're urgently in need of new material.

And your selective blindness is operative again. Returning the love in kind.

You're in urgent need of someone else to pester - why not try the WKR (© Dhensebhore)?

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Sorry, I've distanced myself from all things Scottish football over the summer. Have Sevco paid all their creditors yet? You know, the debt they took over with all their honours?

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