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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes, I know that, but I was attempting to answer your question about why Airdire United didn't face immediate sanctions such as registration embargoes and the requirement to settle footballing debts.

It was you who asked it.

Anyway, behave yourself in Sheffield. ;)

I think this is the crux.

Airdrie Onions went bust just like Rangers did and tried to re-apply but were declined in preference to Gretna. Clydebank were then bought and rebranded as Airdrie United. This club never went bust, merely changed it's name therefore there was no "license transfer" "transfer embargo" or "requirement to pay oldcos fines". The history of Airdrie United is the one and same as the old Clydebank because it is the old Clydebank.

I suppose for the transferance of the Airdrie Onions history, that must have gone to Gretna, now to Annan..... that is how it works isn't it?

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I pretty much did, he ignored it, you ignored it, Quelle surprise.

Fair enough Ted - you'd offered an answer at the top of the page - my mistake. Hands up, apologies etc. (It really doesn't hurt to admit a mistake, I've found).

To not ignore it - hope Bennett doesn't need to remove that greenie now - at the end you say this:

"IMO there was nothing to stop any other club applying.

The SFL rules 7 and 9 were followed and applied, every club in the SFL had the power to say to no to the newco, they did not, in fact only 1 club voted against.

This all happened long before liquidation."

I think the top part's a point that's unclear. "Nothing to stop" other clubs applying doesn't necessarily mean that the opportunity existed. As I said before, in such circumstances, it would be hard to argue against Rangers still getting the nod, but a transparent process inviting clubs to apply for the vacancy would have been better IMO.

Your bit about this happening before liquidation, I genuinely don't understand. The official liquidation may have come later - indeed, I'm not certain it's fully happened yet - but surely we were talking about the Newco here, which only came into existence because Oldco couldn't operate.

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Clydebank pretty much ceased to exist as soon as Airdrie took them over, Airdrie Utd was much more about the spirit of Airdrieonians than it was about anything Clydebank, this was obvious given the name change years later.

To me all the talk of licenses, rule books, fines, embargo's, point deductions, yada yada means not very much, these are just reasons used to keep the yer deid, no we're no debate alive.

I actually agree with the thrust of what you're saying, but the second paragraph is simplistic.

There is a degree to which the former Airdrie ceased to be and there's also a - possibly lesser, because they were favoured - degree to which Rangers faced the same fate. I know that 'death' is an absolute term and I know that there's a preference for seeing this in absolute terms too, from either side.

I think the reality is however more subtle.

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Fair enough Ted - you'd offered an answer at the top of the page - my mistake. Hands up, apologies etc. (It really doesn't hurt to admit a mistake, I've found).

To not ignore it - hope Bennett doesn't need to remove that greenie now - at the end you say this:

"IMO there was nothing to stop any other club applying.

The SFL rules 7 and 9 were followed and applied, every club in the SFL had the power to say to no to the newco, they did not, in fact only 1 club voted against.

This all happened long before liquidation."

I think the top part's a point that's unclear. "Nothing to stop" other clubs applying doesn't necessarily mean that the opportunity existed. As I said before, in such circumstances, it would be hard to argue against Rangers still getting the nod, but a transparent process inviting clubs to apply for the vacancy would have been better IMO.

Your bit about this happening before liquidation, I genuinely don't understand. The official liquidation may have come later - indeed, I'm not certain it's fully happened yet - but surely we were talking about the Newco here, which only came into existence because Oldco couldn't operate.

There's also the time factor MT.

If you recall, the timing of Green/Ahmed/Stockbridge/Ticketus/Octopus asset purchase came pretty late in the day and there was a potentiality that the Reincarnation FC might miss the start of the season thus making continuation even harder to believe than it is now.

By discouraging an application process on the "nod and a wink" (who knows, maybe even a peculiar handshake or two?) to would be applicants, it effectively rolled out the red carpet to one of its two favorite money spinners for fear of it's own belief in the much laughed at "Armageddon" scenario.

Back bending of the calibre only seen at World Limbo Dancing competitions ;)

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There's also the time factor MT.

If you recall, the timing of Green/Ahmed/Stockbridge/Ticketus/Octopus asset purchase came pretty late in the day and there was a potentiality that the Reincarnation FC might miss the start of the season thus making continuation even harder to believe than it is now.

By discouraging an application process on the "nod and a wink" (who knows, maybe even a peculiar handshake or two?) to would be applicants, it effectively rolled out the red carpet to one of its two favorite money spinners for fear of it's own belief in the much laughed at "Armageddon" scenario.

Back bending of the calibre only seen at World Limbo Dancing competitions ;)

I'm sure you're right - time was a factor with that Brechin tie beckoning.

We certainly didn't get the transparency that guys like McCoist are so fond of though.

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There was no vote this time as team/s that would be top of that list ... Spartans..made it publicly known they would be wasting their time and more importantly their money in a bid they would have no chance of winning. Why does this question keep coming up when the answer is as simple as that.. Why do Ps & Ds want non league clubs to throw away their money on this pointless argument. If another club such as Cove Rangers made it known they were going to mount a rival bid there is every chance there would have been a vote that Rangers would have won out of the park.


I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that all the talk was focused on how Rangers would be inserted into the league rather than "well here's a new club, let's see what other clubs are interested and then take a vote."

I realise that then we'll come to a disagreement about the new club/old club argument, but back when this happened it seemed to be the general consensus that a newco = a new club (as per statements from Charles Green ("we need a CVA to preserve that history") and most of the commentary at the time). It seemed to be after the CVA failed that the continuation of history argument developed.

Also, there was talk about having to have 3 years accounts and so forth which Sevco/Rangers didn't have. It seemed a total fudge at the time and I think that's why there was so much talk of other clubs

That was my recollection anyway, although my memory is somewhat dodgy these days. Perhaps someone more reliable can correct me!

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I hate your old club, you were vile, bigoted, self-obsessed, mutually wanking, glory-hunting, pathetic, my-life-is-crap-but-I-am-ra-peepul-so-I-can-drink-buckie-beat-people-up-smell-like-pish-an-12th-of-july-so-that's-ok, only wear a suit when I go to court, and demen people who genuinely support a team not a *cough* ideal.

Top ranting fella.

Lacking a certain balance at times perhaps, but most enjoyable and containing much to agree with.

Aye, diddy hate is so much classier than the hate they endlessly claim to reject. It's that chip on the shoulder, the bitterness, the outright envy of the serial loser that creates and sustains it for the hate-filled diddy. P&B is awash with them.

Bless :)

MT - you're turning into a substandard WKR before our eyes. :lol:

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Aye, diddy hate is so much classier than the hate they endlessly claim to reject. It's that chip on the shoulder, the bitterness, the outright envy of the serial loser that creates and sustains it for the hate-filled diddy. P&B is awash with them.

Bless :)

MT - you're turning into a substandard WKR before our eyes. :lol:

Now come on Bendarroch - we've already addressed this "outright envy" angle.

If I envied Rangers fans, I'd become one. That I've not, proves I'm not in the least envious.

My response to the rant was amused but actually measured. I worry that you couldn't detect that.

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Aye, diddy hate is so much classier than the hate they endlessly claim to reject. It's that chip on the shoulder, the bitterness, the outright envy of the serial loser that creates and sustains it for the hate-filled diddy. P&B is awash with them.


Bless  :)


MT - you're turning into a substandard WKR before our eyes.  :lol:

I'm actually inclined to agree with Bendy here, because if there's one poster on P&B who knows everything there is to know about chip on the shoulder bitterness, it's him.

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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I reckon that atleast 3/4's of your posts are about me in some form or other :wub:

Feel the love xxx

No, There's a lot for Vicky the Viking as well........ ah, of course- that's you as well.

I have a regrettable habit of responding to pish posted on forums - and as you post tanker loads of pish etc etc

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Now come on Bendarroch - we've already addressed this "outright envy" angle.

If I envied Rangers fans, I'd become one. That I've not, proves I'm not in the least envious.

My response to the rant was amused but actually measured. I worry that you couldn't detect that.

Your response was measured to let the diddy who spilled his bile know that you were fine with it. And your diddy peers - it happens so regularly on P&B that it's become a feature of how the diddies both cling to, and excuse their bile and hate.

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Your response was measured to let the diddy who spilled his bile know that you were fine with it. And your diddy peers - it happens so regularly on P&B that it's become a feature of how the diddies both cling to, and excuse their bile and hate.

Oh, I was more than fine with it. I thought it was funny and contained some truth. Obviously though, it relied on a sweeping generalisation.

My response made that clear.

What about this envy idea? Care to tackle that?

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Oh, I was more than fine with it. I thought it was funny and contained some truth. Obviously though, it relied on a sweeping generalisation.

My response made that clear.

What about this envy idea? Care to tackle that?

You're going to find that I have next to zero time for your endless line of pish - for that's what it is. Take it to someone who might offer you a welcome. Any chance of you spending time (and let's go wild here) on, say, a diddy club forum for QotS?


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You're going to find that I have next to zero time for your endless line of pish - for that's what it is. Take it to someone who might offer you a welcome. Any chance of you spending time (and let's go wild here) on, say, a diddy club forum for QotS?


That's poor. You had time to argue with me before, but now when even you recognise that you're on very shaky ground, you pretend that such discussion is beneath you. I'm guessing that's pretty transparently weak.

Nothing much doing on the Queens threads I'm afraid - a bit of debate about our new 'keeper and a guy who appeared as a trialist on Saturday there. I think you'll find however that on the main Queens thread on here, I'm about the 3rd most prolific poster or something.

By all means accuse me of wasting an unhealthy amount of time on P&B. The charge that I take no interest in Queens however, won't stick.

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That's poor. You had time to argue with me before, but now when even you recognise that you're on very shaky ground, you pretend that such discussion is beneath you. I'm guessing that's pretty transparently weak.

Nothing much doing on the Queens threads I'm afraid - a bit of debate about our new 'keeper and a guy who appeared as a trialist on Saturday there. I think you'll find however that on the main Queens thread on here, I'm about the 3rd most prolific poster or something.

By all means accuse me of wasting an unhealthy amount of time on P&B. The charge that I take no interest in Queens however, won't stick.

You have only yourself to blame for that i'm afraid, hell even a few token posts about QoS would stop some of the accusations but you only have room in your life for hating Rangers.

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You have only yourself to blame for that i'm afraid, hell even a few token posts about QoS would stop some of the accusations but you only have room in your life for hating Rangers.

Did you actually read the post Bennett? Only two Queens fans have posted more than me on the devoted Queen of the South thread on here.

Why would I make a few additional token ones?

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Fair enough on the spell checker, but your post was in some part about club names, so I think getting this correct would have shown you were at least serious and it would have also showed your initial line stating that you were not on some sort of fishing trip would have at least rung true.

Your subsequent failure to address any point and head straight for the old Rangers International thing exposes the fact you lied about your original intentions and are indeed another moron wanting to have a "its just not fair, yer deid" style rant.

Probably best you make another alias and try again.

He didn't though did he? He only went on the attack in retaliation to your ridiculous spelling check pish. :shutup

The guy's been a member since 2004 and you're calling him an alias :lol:

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