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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Those South of the Border can only see Rangers (as was) and Celtic. No-one else matters. A tragic fact that is unfortunate. Aberdeen managed to maintain some press there for most of the 80s, but other than that the Bigot Brothers are all that matters.

If/ when they go tits up again (at least £20m to win Div 3!!), it will make all of Scottish football look really, really silly. Those in charge (SPFL, SFA, SPL upto last season), ran around like headless chickens trying to shoehorn the new club/company into the SPL then Div 1 then finally Division 3.

Compare that with the Coventry City situation. Coventry informed the FL about their impending collapse, and the authorities responded appropriately according to their rules. They did not run around making rules up as they went along (temporary licence?), it has been handled with a bit more class.

Now if they go tits up again, how does this make Scottish football look? (It may be that I confuse Scottish Football with those idiots that 'run' our game). The one bright spark for all those who are outside our border is that Celtic seen to be doing very well, in the Champions League qualifers and their win over Liverpool.

But then again maybe the situation with them possibly going into admin #2 makes us all look competent.

Very very few Scots have any real interest in, or grasp of, the minutae of the Rangers story as played out over the last couple of years.

The fact that we know that our authorities behaved less than creditably, doesn't mean that people elsewhere do. As you say, most English, and I'd imagine foreign observers, struggle to see past the OF. If they learn that Rangers managed to re-form, get massive gates and still get into almost immediate trouble again, that simply reflects on Rangers.

Our reputation was more damaged by having the two of them in good health in my opinion.

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By Jim Traynor


"As usual, there were the offensive sounds decent people have come to abhor. Unfortunately there was no evidence to suggest these chants are belted out by only a handful as some Rangers people would have you believe."

"Fortunately for Scotland, they won't be back in Europe."


Edited by Taxi for Ben
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Very very few Scots have any real interest in, or grasp of, the minutae of the Rangers story as played out over the last couple of years.

The fact that we know that our authorities behaved less than creditably, doesn't mean that people elsewhere do. As you say, most English, and I'd imagine foreign observers, struggle to see past the OF. If they learn that Rangers managed to re-form, get massive gates and still get into almost immediate trouble again, that simply reflects on Rangers.

Our reputation was more damaged by having the two of them in good health in my opinion.

I quite agree MT.

As was said earlier 'those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.'

Prophetic words it seems.

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It's funny - I used to quite like Traynor.

I distinctly remember him referring to Celtic and Rangers "and the morons who follow these clubs" on the radio around a decade ago. Needless to say, he soared in my estimation. He was also decent at offering analysis and when part of a phone-in panel, worth listening to.

He went downhill though. He'd obviously switched to tabloid writing well before, but I felt his radio style started nose-diving in this direction too. His Saturday phone-in when he was solo got really stupid and Radio Clyde-esque. And of course, that was before last year's events. His output on the Rangers question became ever more bizarre. He sounded last year as if he'd almost given up thinking about the issues. He asserted that Rangers would be in the top flight within a season at one point after they'd re-emerged in the 3rd. When invited by Richard Gordon to explain his logic, he didn't even try. He limped on a little longer of course, before leaving the BBC and cropping up at Rangers.

He's attempted to wriggle out of his statement that liquidation = death in that interview with McCoist. He'll not find it as easy to wriggle out of articles like the quoted one though. The irony is of course that he was right.

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So it seems McColl and Murray did indeed offer more money than Green only to be told by D & P they would be legally exposed had they accepted a higher price than Green`s.


So much for acting in the best interest of the creditors then.


Yet Haudit & Daudit still get the all clear from the courts and their own association?

Like many things in this story, unbelievable to the man in the street.

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I'm not attempting to brand all - or even most - Rangers fans as something they're not. I think it's fair to guess however that Scots who have extremist right wing views, are likely to gravitate towards Rangers. Among people like the Vanguard Bears, they're likely to find a comfortable berth.

Breathtakingly arrogant generalisations and ridiculously inaccurate guesswork. More proof (even where none is required) that you know f**k all about the Rangers support at large. Although you are far from alone in that.

That's laughable - 'fair to guess'? :lol:

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Breathtakingly arrogant generalisations and ridiculously inaccurate guesswork. More proof (even where none is required) that you know f**k all about the Rangers support at large. Although you are far from alone in that.


That's laughable - 'fair to guess'?  :lol:

The Rangers support are angels to a man.

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Breathtakingly arrogant generalisations and ridiculously inaccurate guesswork. More proof (even where none is required) that you know f**k all about the Rangers support at large. Although you are far from alone in that.

That's laughable - 'fair to guess'? :lol:

it's fair to say that the 'it's fair to guess' statement is pretty accurate.

In My Opinion.

From My Experience of NF-esque numbskulls who seemed 'comfortable' amongst the intimidating Loyalist numbskulls in the environs of Ibrox on match days.

The Bendarroch Opinion and Experience could well be different. Its a free country after all.

Anyway nothing to do with BRALT and OldCo going tits up and NewCo's mammaries also defying gravity,eh?

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Breathtakingly arrogant generalisations and ridiculously inaccurate guesswork. More proof (even where none is required) that you know f**k all about the Rangers support at large. Although you are far from alone in that.

That's laughable - 'fair to guess'? :lol:

Why is it laughable?

Are you denying that an element of your support is hostile to Catholics and that that sentiment sometimes finds expression through their support for Rangers in song and symbols?

Are you suggesting that there is no connection between anti-Irish, anti-Catholic sentiment and the type of prejudice displayed by BNP members?

I'm at pains to avoid making generalisations "about the Ranger support at large". I think that such types are a minority. That they tend to gravitate towards Rangers strikes me as pretty logical and straightforward though.

If you wish to tell me why I'm wrong, rather than just that I'm wrong; please go ahead.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Why is it laughable?

Are you denying that an element of your support is hostile to Catholics and that that sentiment sometimes finds expression through their support for Rangers in song and symbols?

Are you suggesting that there is no connection between anti-Irish, anti-Catholic sentiment and the type of prejudice displayed by BNP members?

I'm at pains to avoid making generalisations. I think that such types are a minority. That they tend to gravitate towards Rangers strikes me as pretty logical and straightforward though.

If you wish to tell me why I'm wrong, rather than just that I'm wrong; please go ahead.

Oh, this should be good. Mr. Inclusive shares his world view with us all.

MT, I do hope you're doing the right thing here - his poor wee head might just go pop with the effort.

Should be a worthwhile read, mind - the day could do with brightening up. ;)

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My entry card for Bendarroch Bingo when he replies:

back where we belong in no time

fly your double standards high


Sporting wing

Beating your mob in no time as if nothing ever happened

returning the love in kind

I'm going for:



IRA Lawyer

What's left of Scottish Football



Oh, and "back" ;)

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Did you actually read the article? The guy fronting it is a hamiilton accies fan. Nowhere in that article are Rangers fans mentioned.

For the record he posts on here so take it up with him!

He is not a Hamilton Accies fan. He works for the Hamilton Accies Stadium Company which I am sure you aware has nothing to do with the football club.

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Didn't expect that reaction, first off all my comment never tarred all Rangers fans with that same brush nor was there any slight on Nacho Novo.

But I stand by that comment.

You only have to Google Rangers BNP or Rangers SDL to see the amount of articles linking the BNP or the SDL with Rangers Supporters groups. Its not a revelation either and I can clearly see as most people can (even Rangers fans) as to why these people are drawn towards Rangers, with the embedded prejudice among certain supporters, the songs sung both in present and past (Billy Boys is one) and they don't have to be sung in the stadiums where individuals can be singled out, sheer numbers which mean power and a large potential recruitment, the union flag and the Britishness associated, etc etc.

But its not just Rangers that attract that attention, I have witnessed BNP presence at Tynecastle in the past, funnily enough at a match v Rangers (Black Balloon day if anyone can recall that) clip boards and handing out leaflets. So obviously these people seem to be under the impression that both Rangers and Hearts supporters could potentially sympathise with their politics.

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