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Laxey Partners, which is led by investment bankers Andrew Pegge and Colin Kingsworth, states on its website that it "conducts investments in companies which it feels are undervalued".

It has been described as an "activist shareholder" in various companies, where it has purchased a small stake and used its position to call for the removal of board members over poor performance of companies.

Hired Vultures 8)

Kingsworth has scampered merrily from one corpse to the next across his career:


One amusing item in his portfolio is the following property company (specialising in office developments on brownfield sites):


(edit to fix links)

Edited by Macshimmy
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According to McMadeupname Longmuir is being secretly investigated by the SPFL for taking corrupt bonus payments.

And according to Charlotte;

Comedy timing - he's about to be appointed Commercial Director at RIFC, Why have the SFPL raised concerns about this?

He'll fit right in. :lol:

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Heres a bit on Laxey in the Evening Standard:

"Another outfit that stirs up trouble in the hope of making a profit is Laxey Partners. Headed by Colin Kingsnorth, Laxey has a succession of victims on its belt, including British Land, where it tried to unseat the property giant's then head, Sir John Ritblat. Laxey's ownership can be traced to the Isle of Man but the firm works out of a small office in Jermyn Street. The object of its latest assault is Hirco, the AIM-listed Indian property developer. Hirco is run by the wealthy Hiranandani family.

Laxey holds 10.05% of Hirco and QVT, a fund with which it is closely linked, also has 4.95%. Kingsnorth has called for an emergency shareholders' meeting to change the seven-strong board. He is demanding that Niranjan Hiranandani, the chairman and father of Priya Hiranandani, the chief executive, resigns and that four "independent" directors are appointed.

It's not clear what his game plan is but it would come as no surprise if Kingsnorth was pressing for the quick sale of Hirco properties.

He's argued against what he perceives as the lack of transparency and governance within Hirco. However, of the four new "independents", one is Andrew Pegge, his Laxey co-founder, another is Michael Haxby, a Laxey executive. A third, Aled Rhys-Jones, runs Celtic Asset Management. Celtic's chief financial officer, Christopher Bruce, was Laxey's CFO between 2001 and 2007.

In Switzerland, Laxey is embroiled in a row about secret stakebuilding in Implenia, the country's biggest building services group. Between late 2006 and 2007, Laxey used different banks to "warehouse" contracts for difference in Implenia. Under Swiss law, holdings in derivatives are subject to the same rules of disclosure as normal shares. Laxey, which denies any transgression, could face criminal prosecution. Hirco does not need lectures from Laxey. And if we're serious about the City learning lessons and moving forward, we should take a long, hard look at Laxey and its fellow activists."


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Completely lost track of the goings on in Govan quite a few months ago.

Seems like shit's getting interesting/hilarious but I don't even recognise half the names involved.

Any chance of someone giving us a round-up?

I concur. A 'Dramatis Personae' would be helpful. Something like this :-

ALONSO, king of Naples.

SEBASTIAN, his brother.

PROSPERO, the right duke of Milan.

ANTONIO, his brother, the usurping duke of Milan.

FERDINAND, son to the king of Naples.

GONZALO, an honest old Counsellor.


CALIBAN, a savage and deformed Slave.

TRINCULO, a Jester.

STEPHANO, a drunken Butler.

Master of a Ship.



MIRANDA, daughter to Prospero.

ARIEL, an airy Spirit.

IRIS, CERES, JUNO, Nymphs, Reapers:




Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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I never said it did, I think you may be a little confused.

Anyway he tweets that I as a Rangers fan am part of the Klan and lets not kid ourselves that his use of this word is accidental and of course its completely wrong, or are you suggesting that he is correct? anybody that did I would also tag as a raging bigot, I rarely wish harm on people but if this excuse for a human contracted some nasty disease then it would be a cause for humanity to celebrate.


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I never said it did, I think you may be a little confused.

Anyway he tweets that I as a Rangers fan am part of the Klan and lets not kid ourselves that his use of this word is accidental and of course its completely wrong, or are you suggesting that he is correct? anybody that did I would also tag as a raging bigot, I rarely wish harm on people but if this excuse for a human contracted some nasty disease then it would be a cause for humanity to celebrate.

Sorry I mised the tweet about the Klan being posted if you could give it a wee bump I will condem it.

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He's now pretending to ignore me ... what a laugh I had the last time he did that :lol:

The guy's a complete tool

If your going to ignore someone then just ignore them, he obviously read your last post, didn't like it, then decided to advertise that fact that he wants to ignore you.

But he'll still read your posts. :lol:

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Real facts and figures from accounts that no one outside the club has seen yet?


That just confirmed you have no clue do you ?,and P&B is just for you to log onto and piss people off with never ending insulting or silly posts and green dotting your fellow bears just because some of the P&D's get annoyed about it.

I did in fact tell you that if you read the Records article then you would have known where my figures came from :1eye Ahmad said he had helped raise £67 million and he helped raise the IPO money as well,so it be a sure dead fucking cert he has included the IPO money in that £67 million ! GET IT NOW ???.

And no fucking mention of the accounts there either stupid.

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Phil really is a horrible human being, a raging bigot of the lowest order.

He may be to an extent, but unlike Leggo there is substance behind his wider viewpoints.

I never said it did, I think you may be a little confused.

Anyway he tweets that I as a Rangers fan am part of the Klan and lets not kid ourselves that his use of this word is accidental and of course its completely wrong, or are you suggesting that he is correct? anybody that did I would also tag as a raging bigot, I rarely wish harm on people but if this excuse for a human contracted some nasty disease then it would be a cause for humanity to celebrate.

Bill McMurdo said I was an enemy of Rangers, Did I take offence to that that? No, but I think that analogy was ridiculous.

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