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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Actually sorry to hear that...we might not agree on much but hate to hear people have been banned

Cheers 8, I actually signed up to kds after the start of this thread , and due to moderation told them to ban me after a week. P+b ain't that bad .

Missed some laughs here though.

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"your references to people as Irish when not necessary, your mocking of the construction of Gaelic names"

Yes you have...

Using your own pedantic, slimy logic against you, I haven't. I even made it clear this very evening - before you decided to chime in - that I was using that terminology to make it easier for the hard of thinking, i.e. you and yours.

"Didn't you previously call me a bigot for calling him "Irish Phil""

That's a very specific accusation, and one which, yet again, is demonstrably false. Demonstrated, in actual fact, by you yourself presenting as evidence a quote which does not bear out your accusation. Saves me the trouble - thanks for that.

You really are a special kind of stupid. No wonder Tedi and Bendarroch love you.

Big fish, really fucking small barrel. :lol:

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He's got a fair point, actually, Bendarroch. Dishing what out, but failing to take it back?

On a related point, would you like to comment on Tedi's wishes for Irish Phil's demise?

NB: "Irish Phil" because I'm buggered if I can reliably spell his name. As it's a favourite of the Horde, I'm sure you understand who I mean.

I have no idea what Tedi wished for whoever it is you are talking about.

And as for your doppelganger? Why don't you spare him the trouble and tell him.

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Indeed. That people can still think like that in the 21st Century beggars belief tbh.

Think like what?

It beggars belief that idiots like you can twist.the most obvious post into something its not and then feign outrage.

Grow up ffs

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You'll have a long wait, Enrico. I asked earlier today if anybody knew where the two lumps of 30k shares were going from/to, and response was there none.

Personally, I am surprised at the rangers fans - yes, even now. They seem willing to discuss the far end of a fart when taking mock offence at something a poster may have said which could conceivably cause offence*, but honestly, for at least a couple of weeks now they don't seem to give a flying f**k about their club. Maybe when they've seen how easy it was to pretend the club survived last time, they just think they'll carry on no matter what.

*Although I can't remember the Amigos having a go at No. 8's terrorist association, or Bennett's suggestion that I self-harm, or... well, anything the get-along gang think is acceptable. That faux-Irish twat McWhatshisface may well be a complete tool, but IMHO Tedi's little diatribe yesterday was well out of order. Not one rangers supporter pulled him up for it. (that I saw, anyway, apologies if one of you showed a scrap of decency for a change).

ETA: I assume you meant "irrelevant"?

No! He meant irreverant. Think about it WRK.

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Dhense pretending he does not know his bigoted post was deleted, quelle surprise.

This is a new one on me, Tedi. Care to elaborate, or is this just a Bennettesque attempt to deflect from your vile posts about a man you don't know and your preferred circumstances for his death?

Because I'll be honest - It had better be some serious "All Prods eat babies" shit to get you back on even a level moral footing.

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I have no idea what Tedi wished for whoever it is you are talking about.

And as for your doppelganger? Why don't you spare him the trouble and tell him.

Tedi wished that the writer and blogger known, among other things, as "Irish Phil", and by Amazon as Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, should suffer a slow, painful, horrible death. Care to comment.

I swear, for all the clever "ignore" snipes from you lot, it's each other's shite you don't read. :rolleyes:

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"Have I been asked to take a pay cut? No. Would I be prepared to do so? Yes," McCoist said. "Brian said the club is all right in the respect it's not losing money every month. Some months it is making money.

"I would be very hopeful we are not haemorrhaging money and going down the same road as we did before. It would concern me greatly if there was a chance [administration] could happen."

:lol: :lol: :lol: Fat Sally

"Some months it is making money"

"Other months we don't have a share issue or ST sales". :lol:

It's not what they say....

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That was possibly my fault...if i remember correctly...it was quite a while ago...i called him Declan Connelly and the QP fans were in uproar about it. After that reaction i carried on calling him declan just to wind them up.

Pretty sure Tedi was quite outspoken in condemning the Rangers support for singing the billy boys in that thread.

You're a racist fecker.

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Tedi wished that the writer and blogger known, among other things, as "Irish Phil", and by Amazon as Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, should suffer a slow, painful, horrible death. Care to comment.

I swear, for all the clever "ignore" snipes from you lot, it's each other's shite you don't read. :rolleyes:

Ah, the IRA writer.

Show me Tedi's post and I'll most certainly comment.

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