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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The clue is in the name Charlotte Fakes plus the proper media won't touch it unless they can be certain that no illegal means were used to get the information.

Bullshit. How did the Guardian get the information from Snowden? They were certain in this case that the information had been obtained illegally and still published it. The reason that no media has picked up on this is that there really isn't any value in the mainstream for this. The celtic fans aren't really interested in the details, only in the comedy value and the majority of Rangers fans have no interest in anything that paints their club in a poor light.

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The reason the mainstream media won't write anything about it is because they are scared of losing readers. Rangers fans are now adept at taking offence at absolutely anything and calling for boycotts as a result. Even allegations about the authenticity/intentions of those currently in charge of the club are dismissed as being anti-Rangers, despite serving as warnings as to what the club and it's fans can expect.

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It's a shame tedi has gone as this is right up his street...

Law and Daly both played their forth game as trialists , in breach of rule 88 (the Hooper rule ? ) as far as I read it.

3 in league and 1 in cup.

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It's a shame tedi has gone as this is right up his street...

Law and Daly both played their forth game as trialists , in breach of rule 88 (the Hooper rule ? ) as far as I read it.

3 in league and 1 in cup.

This is raised in the match thread.

It seems that the Ramsden's Cup games have been somehow made exempt from the ruling, even though said ruling only refers to "official matches".

The mere suggestion of an issue was enough to send BP into incoherent, sweary, ranting mode.

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What is the trialist rule for? I thought that it was for teams to give players 3 games to decide whether they wanted to sign them for the club or not.

In this case as Daly et al have already signed for The Rangers, how can they be played as trialists?

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Yeah, I see your point, more of a case of me not checking rather than any rewriting history. Nothing more sinister than that.

On the subject of rewriting or revisionism The Guardian's Roy Greenslade is good reading -

Nearly missed that - Airdire. :)Very good, like Ragers.

Glad to see that unlike some on here you can see the error in your posts. Although it sums up the problems a lot of us have with the Rangers supporting element, on here and in real life, making statements without having any factual knowledge of a subject. Now take that characteristic and apply it to someone in a public position like McCoist for example and you have a very dangerous situation. A man who clearly knows nothing about the subject he shouts about and yet each sentence is treated like the Gospel by (large) elements of the Rangers support.

You all need to start being more factually aware, these weren't things that should need checked, a Scottish football club, Airdrie in this case, going out of business and applying then being denied entry to the league as a newco was one of the biggest things that happened in football (off the field) for decades. It was front page news on The Herald, The Daily Record, The Sun at the time when we were liquidated and yet the details of what happened passed you by. Fans of most of the diddy clubs on here could have just as easily recited what I did as they generally pay an interest in what is going on around them. And also it's disturbing that the fans of Rangers aren't more aware of what has or is happening with the other Scottish clubs given that is the league you play in. It's things like that which make fans of Rangers and Celtic the most despised creatures in the footballing community. That and the bigotry.

And "Airdire" is one of the more common typos you'll see. The fact that it could be some subliminal thought is neither here nor there.

The clue is in the name Charlotte Fakes plus the proper media won't touch it unless they can be certain that no illegal means were used to get the information.

Bollocks. Even last week a story was generated in the media regarding the "Yes" campaign which they claim could only have been sourced from a hacked e-mail and which the police are investigating. The real reasons are that the media are reluctant to print more negativity regards Rangers for fear of the boycotts and associated trouble which the Rangers camp can stir up. See above comment regards the idiot McCoist.

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What is the trialist rule for? I thought that it was for teams to give players 3 games to decide whether they wanted to sign them for the club or not.

In this case as Daly et al have already signed for The Rangers, how can they be played as trialists?

It's been cleared up by the positive debate put forward by the Rangers fans on the match thread.

"We are a massive club, we wouldn't make a mistake like that"

and again by Grant Russell of STV who more eloquently posted on twitter to clear up the obvious problem with the rules


Lots asking about SPFL trialist rules. Amended on Aug 12 to make clear a trialist can play three times in league and once in Challenge Cup.


SPFL say trialist rules are "competition specific". Ambiguity in rules raised and amended at board meeting on Aug 12.

These are points which were not in the original regulations as available from the SPFL website and helped clear it up beyond the sensible debate from the Rangers legions.

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The clue is in the name Charlotte Fakes plus the proper media won't touch it unless they can be certain that no illegal means were used to get the information.

So have the press never reported any wikileaks emails then? Edited by THE KING
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Put simply, the press aren't reporting the CF stuff because none of it can be independently verified.

Not sure why they see this as such a problem, mind. In the past, many tabloids in particular have been quite happy to run stories along the lines of "This website says... Could not be verified... Troubling claims" etc and so on.

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