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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aww diddums,did I upset you by highlighting your hypocrisy ?

Not hypocritical at all to think you are a p***k and to not want journalists and their families to face public abuse. :1eye

So regarding your complaint about Spence not contacting the Police, which are you, a liar or a fool? Or both?

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Did Wisbit and Burma report you?

Might be time to play these kunts at their own game now.

You're so lucky to have AWRA in your gang.

I wish I could gang up against everyone with a towering intellect like AWRA.

But it would seem I#m the only EK Jags fan on the forum.

I'll have to go it alone.

You're a sad bästard Bennet.

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You also seem a decent poster Youngsy willing to debate and quick to jibe.. but the the truth is you probably have all sorts of fking ridiculous tattoos claiming Rangers are the people. Maybe bought a top every other season and never actually been in ibrox. I would split a spleen if i knew you had invested not only once but twice in the rollercoaster ride of the The Ranger,

Defend until you know your losing, Tedi has learned so should you.

I would say the same as New club Old club debate..

Rangers fans- Everyone else..

Oh the odds...

:lol::lol: Oh FFS, Tattoos!! I haven't got a tattoo on my body and as for football tops, I leave that sort of thing to my grandsons, I did buy them Liverpool tops recently, is that ok. Ibrox, never been. :o

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Liverpool are just as shite in the grand scheme of things i guess.


You must have tattoos, there is no other rational reason why you would defend such a cheating institution as you do.

Tell you what, just to please you, i'll get a tattoo next time i'm home, Want to recommend a tattooist.

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Not hypocritical at all to think you are a p***k and to not want journalists and their families to face public abuse. :1eye

So regarding your complaint about Spence not contacting the Police, which are you, a liar or a fool? Or both?

Ok, I get you.Its okay to play the Internet Hardman and call me a p***k but not okay to do it with Jum.Good point. Well made. :-)
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If he was casting false and inflammatory aspersions and maliciously labeling a victim an 'attention seeker', then yes.

But he hasn't being doing those things, you have. Hence I think you're behaving like a p***k.

By a huge stroke of luck I don't really care too much about what you think and your internet hardman stuff doesn't really scare me......

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It doesn't take much to see the true colours of the so-called "reasonable" Sevco fans.

Anyone who can be fucked looking will see No8's pathetic attempts at contrition earlier in this thread when things were going badly last year, interspersed with bouts of slavering triumphalism when they had a minor victory. Youngsy refers to Celtic as the "protectors of child abusers" in the following thread, thereby lowering himself to the same desperately pathetic pointscoring levels of his cohorts.


Scratch the surface, they're all the fucking same.

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Ok, I get you.Its okay to play the Internet Hardman and call me a p***k but not okay to do it with Jum.Good point. Well made. :-)

So, liar or a fool which is it?

The middle of the street is not a football forum. You really are quite slow. No wonder you tend to keep your contributions to faux offence at WRK.

Shame your first thought in cases like this is to blame the victim. Says it all really. :(

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It doesn't take much to see the true colours of the so-called "reasonable" Sevco fans.

Anyone who can be fucked looking will see No8's pathetic attempts at contrition earlier in this thread when things were going badly last year, interspersed with bouts of slavering triumphalism when they had a minor victory. Youngsy refers to Celtic as the "protectors of child abusers" in the following thread, thereby lowering himself to the same desperately pathetic pointscoring levels of his cohorts.


Scratch the surface, they're all the fucking same.


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A guy and was attacked as he tried to defend two thugs from laying into his dog because he had it in a doggie Celtic top.

Afterwards vanguard bears tracked him down published his picture and encouraged fellow bears to say hello hello to him if they ever see him. Basically encouraging other scum to attack him again.

Absolutely scummy behaviour. These vermin really should be prosecuted to the full extent that the law allows.

Mind you, the guy with dog is also a bit of a zoomer, a dug in a fitba top!!!! FFS

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Absolutely scummy behaviour. These vermin really should be prosecuted to the full extent that the law allows.

Mind you, the guy with dog is also a bit of a zoomer, a dug in a fitba top!!!! FFS

Aberdeen Dud will be along directly to declare "We are all that guys dug "
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So, liar or a fool which is it?

The middle of the street is not a football forum. You really are quite slow. No wonder you tend to keep your contributions to faux offence at WRK.

Shame your first thought in cases like this is to blame the victim. Says it all really. :(

So abusing people online is acceptable ? A simple yes or no will suffice....
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