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Do you really think the Milan game was of such importance to Rangers fans.

No, having functioning grey matter he thinks it's important to tic fans. Since Rangers fans don't care about what goes on at their club, and Celtic fans would be busy with European football only us diddies would notice the accounts. While not a fullproof burial method it still had potential.

Edited by aofjays
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Show us the proof weaselly one ....

"However, it is true that this statue commemorates those who died in the Ibrox Park disaster. Some have interpreted this as disrespectful to their memory. I was aware of the significance of the statue"


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At least we know how low the bar is set with regard to what's allowed on here.

Hellish placed said bar in the gutter.

Thankfully the plastics and diddies have much more important issues to worry about - such as the aesthetic appeal of Haggerty.

Aye, let's get back to the important things - any luck with justifying your "heavy duty IRA supporters" post the other day?

And while I'm not 100% certain that you've joined in with the child-abuse rants on here over the months, I'm 110% certain that you've never pulled any of your fellow-bigots up for same.

Hypocritical, bigoted, faux-offended, bitter little man.

Here's the facts, Hellish - and I should tell you beforehand that Henrik's Tongue defended you by stating he didn't think you are 'the type'.

Can you guess who was the first person to raise the subject of child abuse after you posted the image of Greig?

Or do you already know and have decided to try and pretend it was 'a Rangers supporter' so as to deflect attention away from the c**t in question? Here's the first clue as to who introduced the subject - it wasn't any of the Rangers supporter. And neither was it the first time of late.

This is your big chance to prove HT right and show us you aren't just a complete fucking liar.

Here's the final clue. The following quote is the first time the subject is raised after you posted the Grieg image: "And while I'm not 100% certain that you've joined in with the child-abuse rants on here over the months, I'm 110% certain that you've never pulled any of your fellow-bigots up for same."

Not the type was it? Aye...

So, there's the actual timeline and the complete quotes from the occasion you claim that I "brought up the subject of child abuse".

Someone with a decent level of comprehension would argue that, while I did indeed mention child abuse, the subject I raised was your (yes, Bendarroch - you singular) failure to condemn the ranting about child abuse, not child abuse per se. Don't let that stop you trying to re-write history, you sad little man.

If you want to carry on with your facile twisting of others' posts, maybe you could reply to the one unambiguous question in my post?

I mean, if there are "heavy duty IRA supporters" on the loose, surely you should be naming them so we know who to watch out for? Public spirit, and all that.

Or are you just a sad, bitter little bigot?

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You misunderstand. If they were released on Wednesday the news would have been overshadowed by the build up to the Milan game; thus, slipping under the radar.

Are you follow following?

The build up to the Milan game would in no way have overshadowed any release of the club accounts, after all it's what many have been waiting for, for a significant time I must say, especially on this forum. And I've been follow following since the late fifties, that won't change.

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However the full quote makes it clear

like other reasonable minded individuals he doesn't consider that the image is designed to make that connection ... only to those with 'faux-outrage' .

You asked for proof that he knew about the memorial statue and i gave you it from his own blog. Personally i don't buy his excuse but thats my opinion.

In his own words "a cruel link between those that lost their lives and the recent Rangers story".

Now let this drop.

Edited by bennett
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The build up to the Milan game would in no way have overshadowed any release of the club accounts, after all it's what many have been waiting for, for a significant time I must say, especially on this forum. And I've been follow following since the late fifties, that won't change.

Milan V Celtic < diddy 2nd division club's finances? You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy big man.

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You asked for proof that he knew about the memorial statue and i gave you it from his own blog. Personally i don't buy his excuse but thats my opinion.

In his own words "a cruel link between those that lost their lives and the recent Rangers story".

Now let this drop.

I'm not sure what is more disgusting - bennet using '71 for point scoring or his fellow newco fans ignoring bennet using '71 for point scoring. Utter scum.

Oh and if the scummy vulture really wants it dropped then they should probably refrain from lies in their posts as these tend to cause people to reply and call it out on it's shite.

Edited by aofjays
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Simply painting the clear picture that Alex as others know about the statue but do not consider it to be linked to the gif in the manner YOU SUGGEST. You attempt to infer and paint a different picture by weaselly editing. Happy to drop it.

So much for letting it drop.

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So are you publicly apologising for using it in a childish outburst?

Apologise for what? Stating what has been public knowledge in the City of Glasgow since the late 60s and which was supported in open court by the former president of the boys club, Mr. Hugh Birt. I may have said it in an outburst, which was I suppose was wrong of me, but the fact remains about your club. Maybe you should take that in and show some criticism about the behaviour of certain officials of your club at this time. A very shameful episode for your club at that time.

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Any way, none of this shite changes the fact that Hellbhoy had no ulterior motive other than posting a funny GIF in my opinion. Everyone was posting so called pictorial "highlights" from BRALT at the time. Trying to make it out as if he was disrespecting the deceased is wrong and just a bit nasty.

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Milan V Celtic < diddy 2nd division club's finances? You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy big man.

Take it from me, the Milan V Celtic game was of no interest to me or many more Rangers fans, as such I didn't even comment about it on the appropriate thread, something that we can't say about you as regards Rangers.

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May? and suppose? .. showing your true colours now Youngsy and if memory serves; No8 said meltdown not outburst.

That's about par for an apology from you lot .. may and suppose ..,. :lol::lol::lol:

Never use it .. is what you claim and portray until pulled up .. shove your moral stance up yir arse,

you edited that post and added a sentence, ya weasel.

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Take it from me, the Milan V Celtic game was of no interest to me or many more Rangers fans, as such I didn't even comment about it on the appropriate thread, something that we can't say about you as regards Rangers.

I didn't say it was :lol:

Are you doing the old *** trick of being deliberately obtuse to bore people to tears or do you genuinely not understand what I'm saying?

I don't doubt you weren't interested in the game. My point was that Celtic fans and the media were.

Edited by Belfast_Tim
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This should lay to rest any doubt as to the reverence that the newco fans hold the statue in:




Im sure all monies raised are used appropriately.

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"However, it is true that this statue commemorates those who died in the Ibrox Park disaster. Some have interpreted this as disrespectful to their memory. I was aware of the significance of the statue"


A fuller non-cherry picked copy of Thommo's quote... in his apology to Rangers. Seems sincere enough to me.

However, it is true that this statue commemorates those who died in the Ibrox Park disaster. Some have interpreted this as disrespectful to their memory. I was aware of the significance of the statue, but did not interpret that this image was designed to make a cruel link between those that lost their lives and the recent Rangers story.

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